10 research outputs found

    Multi-omics insights into host-viral response and pathogenesis in Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses for novel therapeutic target.

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    The pathogenesis and host-viral interactions of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever orthonairovirus (CCHFV) are convoluted and not well evaluated. Application of the multi-omics system biology approaches, including biological network analysis in elucidating the complex host-viral response, interrogates the viral pathogenesis. The present study aimed to fingerprint the system-level alterations during acute CCHFV-infection and the cellular immune responses during productive CCHFV-replication in vitro. We used system-wide network-based system biology analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from a longitudinal cohort of CCHF patients during the acute phase of infection and after one year of recovery (convalescent phase) followed by untargeted quantitative proteomics analysis of the most permissive CCHFV-infected Huh7 and SW13 cells. In the RNAseq analysis of the PBMCs, comparing the acute and convalescent-phase, we observed system-level host's metabolic reprogramming towards central carbon and energy metabolism (CCEM) with distinct upregulation of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) during CCHFV-infection. Upon application of network-based system biology methods, negative coordination of the biological signaling systems like FOXO/Notch axis and Akt/mTOR/HIF-1 signaling with metabolic pathways during CCHFV-infection were observed. The temporal quantitative proteomics in Huh7 showed a dynamic change in the CCEM over time and concordant with the cross-sectional proteomics in SW13 cells. By blocking the two key CCEM pathways, glycolysis and glutaminolysis, viral replication was inhibited in vitro. Activation of key interferon stimulating genes during infection suggested the role of type I and II interferon-mediated antiviral mechanisms both at the system level and during progressive replication

    Proteomic workflows for deep phenotypic profiling of 3D organotypic liver models

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    Organotypic human tissue models constitute promising systems to facilitate drug discovery and development. They allow to maintain native cellular phenotypes and functions, which enables long-term pharmacokinetic and toxicity studies, as well as phenotypic screening. To trace relevant phenotypic changes back to specific targets or signaling pathways, comprehensive proteomic profiling is the gold-standard. A multitude of proteomic workflows have been applied on 3D tissue models to quantify their molecular phenotypes; however, their impact on analytical results and biological conclusions in this context has not been evaluated. The performance of twelve mass spectrometry-based global proteomic workflows that differed in the amount of cellular input, lysis protocols and quantification methods was compared for the analysis of primary human liver spheroids. Results differed majorly between protocols in the total number and subcellular compartment bias of identified proteins, which is particularly relevant for the reliable quantification of transporters and drug metabolizing enzymes. Using a model of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease, we furthermore show that critical disease pathways are robustly identified using a standardized high throughput-compatible workflow based on thermal lysis, even using only individual spheroids (1500 cells) as input. The results increase the applicability of proteomic profiling to phenotypic screens in organotypic microtissues and provide a scalable platform for deep phenotyping from limited biological material

    Correlation Queries for Mass Spectrometry Imaging

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    <p>Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) generates large volumetric data sets consisting of mass to charge ratio (m/z), ion current, and x,y coordinate location. These data sets usually serve limited purposes centered on measuring the distribution of a small set of ions with known m/z. Such earmarked queries consider only a fraction of the full mass spectrum captured, and there are few tools to assist the exploration of the remaining volume of unknown data in terms of demonstrating similarity or discordance in tissue compartment distribution patterns. Here we present a novel, interactive approach to extract information from MSI data that relies on precalculated data structures to perform queries of large data sets with a typical laptop. We have devised methods to query the full volume to find new m/z values of potential interest based on similarity to biological structures or to the spatial distribution of known ions. We describe these query methods in detail and provide examples demonstrating the power of the methods to "discover" m/z values of ions that have such potentially interesting correlations. The "discovered" ions may be further correlated with either positional locations or the coincident distribution of other ions using successive queries. Finally, we show it is possible to gain insight to the fragmentation pattern of the parent molecule from such correlations. The ability to discover new ions of interest in the unknown bulk of an MSI data set offers the potential to further our understanding of biological and physiological processes related to health and disease.</p>

    Distribution, cellular localization, and colocalization of several peptide neurotransmitters in the central nervous system of Aplysia

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    Neuropeptides are widely used as neurotransmitters in vertebrates and invertebrates. In vertebrates, a detailed understanding of their functions as transmitters has been hampered by the complexity of the nervous system. The marine mollusk Aplysia, with a simpler nervous system and many large, identified neurons, presents several advantages for addressing this question and has been used to examine the roles of tens of peptides in behavior. To screen for other peptides that might also play roles in behavior, we observed immunoreactivity in individual neurons in the central nervous system of adult Aplysia with antisera raised against the Aplysia peptide FMRFamide and two mammalian peptides that are also found in Aplysia, cholecystokinin (CCK) and neuropeptide Y (NPY), as well as serotonin (5HT). In addition, we observed staining of individual neurons with antisera raised against mammalian somatostatin (SOM) and peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI). However, genomic analysis has shown that these two peptides are not expressed in the Aplysia nervous system, and we have therefore labeled the unknown peptides stained by these two antibodies as X-SOM and X-PHI. There was an area at the anterior end of the cerebral ganglion that had staining by antisera raised against many different transmitters, suggesting that this may be a modulatory region of the nervous system. There was also staining for X-SOM and, in some cases, FMRFamide in the bag cell cluster of the abdominal ganglion. In addition, these and other studies have revealed a fairly high degree of colocalization of different neuropeptides in individual neurons, suggesting that the peptides do not just act independently but can also interact in different combinations to produce complex functions. The simple nervous system of Aplysia is advantageous for further testing these ideas.Funding Agencies|National Institutes of Health [MH26212, NS113903]; Kavli Institute for Brain Sciences; Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Swedish Research Council [02887, 02753, 2020-01688]</p

    Plasma proteomic profiling in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) reveals new disease pathways

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    Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a cardiovascular autonomic disorder characterized by excessive heart rate increase on standing, leading to debilitating symptoms with limited therapeutic possibilities. Proteomics is a large-scale study of proteins that enables a systematic unbiased view on disease and health, allowing stratification of patients based on their protein background. The aim of the present study was to determine plasma protein biomarkers of POTS and to reveal proteomic pathways differentially regulated in POTS. We performed an age- and sex-matched, case–control study in 130 individuals (case–control ratio 1:1) including POTS and healthy controls. Mean age in POTS was 30 ± 9.8 years (84.6% women) versus controls 31 ± 9.8 years (80.0% women). We analyzed plasma proteins using data-independent acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry. Pathway analysis of significantly differently expressed proteins was executed using a cutoff log2 fold change set to 1.2 and false discovery rate (p-value) of < 0.05. A total of 393 differential plasma proteins were identified. Label-free quantification of DIA-data identified 30 differentially expressed proteins in POTS compared with healthy controls. Pathway analysis identified the strongest network interactions particularly for proteins involved in thrombogenicity and enhanced platelet activity, but also inflammation, cardiac contractility and hypertrophy, and increased adrenergic activity. Our observations generated by the first use a label-free unbiased quantification reveal the proteomic footprint of POTS in terms of a hypercoagulable state, proinflammatory state, enhanced cardiac contractility and hypertrophy, skeletal muscle expression, and adrenergic activity. These findings support the hypothesis that POTS may be an autoimmune, inflammatory and hyperadrenergic disorder

    3D microperfusion of mesoscale human microphysiological liver models improves functionality and recapitulates hepatic zonation

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    Hepatic in vitro models that accurately replicate phenotypes and functionality of the human liver are needed for applications in toxicology, pharmacology and biomedicine. Notably, it has become clear that liver function can only be sustained in 3D culture systems at physiologically relevant cell densities. Additionally, drug metabolism and drug-induced cellular toxicity often follow distinct spatial micropatterns of the metabolic zones in the liver acinus, calling for models that capture this zonation. We demonstrate the manufacture of accurate liver microphysiological systems (MPS) via engineering of 3D stereolithography printed hydrogel chips with arrays of diffusion open synthetic vasculature channels at spacings approaching in vivo capillary distances. Chip designs are compatible with seeding of cell suspensions or preformed liver cell spheroids. Importantly, primary human hepatocytes (PHH) and hiPSC-derived hepatocyte-like cells remain viable, exhibit improved molecular phenotypes compared to isogenic monolayer and static spheroid cultures and form interconnected tissue structures over the course of multiple weeks in perfused culture. 3D optical oxygen mapping of embedded sensor beads shows that the liver MPS recapitulates oxygen gradients found in the acini, which translates into zone-specific acet-ami-no-phen toxicity patterns. Zonation, here naturally generated by high cell densities and associated oxygen and nutrient utilization along the flow path, is also documented by spatial proteomics showing increased concentration of periportal- versus perivenous-associated proteins at the inlet region and vice versa at the outlet region. The presented microperfused liver MPS provides a promising platform for the mesoscale culture of human liver cells at phenotypically relevant densities and oxygen exposures. Statement of significance: A full 3D tissue culture platform is presented, enabled by massively parallel arrays of high-resolution 3D printed microperfusion hydrogel channels that functionally mimics tissue vasculature. The platform supports long-term culture of liver models with dimensions of several millimeters at physiologically relevant cell densities, which is difficult to achieve with other methods. Human liver models are generated from seeded primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) cultured for two weeks, and from seeded spheroids of hiPSC-derived human liver-like cells cultured for two months. Both model types show improved functionality over state-of-the-art 3D spheroid suspensions cultured in parallel. The platform can generate physiologically relevant oxygen gradients driven by consumption rather than supply, which was validated by visualization of embedded oxygen-sensitive microbeads, which is exploited to demonstrate zonation-specific toxicity in PHH liver models.</p

    Cell-type-resolved quantitative proteomics map of interferon response against SARS-CoV-2

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    The commonly used laboratory cell lines are the first line of experimental models to study the pathogenicity and performing antiviral assays for emerging viruses. Here, we assessed the tropism and cytopathogenicity of the first Swedish isolate of SARS-CoV-2 in six different human cell lines, compared their growth characteristics, and performed quantitative proteomics for the susceptible cell lines. Overall, Calu-3, Caco2, Huh7, and 293FT cell lines showed a high-to-moderate level of susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2. In Caco2 cells, the virus can achieve high titers in the absence of any prominent cytopathic effect. The protein abundance profile during SARS-CoV-2 infection revealed cell-type-specific regulation of cellular pathways. Type-I interferon signaling was identified as the common dysregulated cellular response in Caco2, Calu-3, and Huh7 cells. Together, our data show cell-type specific variability for cytopathogenicity, susceptibility, and cellular response to SARS-CoV-2 and provide important clues to guide future studies

    S100A6 is a critical regulator of hematopoietic stem cells.

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    The fate options of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) include self-renewal, differentiation, migration, and apoptosis. HSCs self-renewal divisions in stem cells are required for rapid regeneration during tissue damage and stress, but how precisely intracellular calcium signals are regulated to maintain fate options in normal hematopoiesis is unclear. S100A6 knockout (KO) HSCs have reduced total cell numbers in the HSC compartment, decreased myeloid output, and increased apoptotic HSC numbers in steady state. S100A6KO HSCs had impaired self-renewal and regenerative capacity, not responding to 5-Fluorouracil. Our transcriptomic and proteomic profiling suggested that S100A6 is a critical HSC regulator. Intriguingly, S100A6KO HSCs showed decreased levels of phosphorylated Akt (p-Akt) and Hsp90, with an impairment of mitochondrial respiratory capacity and a reduction of mitochondrial calcium levels. We showed that S100A6 regulates intracellular and mitochondria calcium buffering of HSC upon cytokine stimulation and have demonstrated that Akt activator SC79 reverts the levels of intracellular and mitochondrial calcium in HSC. Hematopoietic colony-forming activity and the Hsp90 activity of S100A6KO are restored through activation of the Akt pathway. We show that p-Akt is the prime downstream mechanism of S100A6 in the regulation of HSC self-renewal by specifically governing mitochondrial metabolic function and Hsp90 protein quality

    Analysis of local extracellular matrix identifies different aetiologies behind bicuspid and tricuspid aortic valve degeneration and suggests therapies

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    Aortic valve degeneration (AVD) is a life-threatening condition that has no medical treatment and lacks individual therapies. Although extensively studied with standard approaches, aetiologies behind AVD are unclear. We compared abundances of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins from excised valve tissues of 88 patients with isolated AVD of normal tricuspid (TAV) and congenital bicuspid aortic valves (BAV), quantified more than 1400 proteins per ECM sample by mass spectrometry, and demonstrated that local ECM preserves molecular cues of the pathophysiological processes. The BAV ECM showed enrichment with fibrosis markers, namely Tenascin C, Osteoprotegerin, and Thrombospondin-2. The abnormal physical stress on BAV may cause a mechanical injury leading to a continuous Tenascin C-driven presence of myofibroblasts and persistent fibrosis. The TAV ECM exhibited enrichment with Annexin A3 (p = 1.1 x 10(-16) and the fold change 6.5) and a significant deficit in proteins involved in high-density lipid metabolism. These results were validated by orthogonal methods. The difference in the ECM landscape suggests distinct aetiologies between AVD of BAV and TAV; warrants different treatments of the patients with BAV and TAV; elucidates the molecular basis of AVD; and implies possible new therapeutic approaches. Our publicly available database (human_avd_ecm.surgsci. uu.se) is a rich source for medical doctors and researchers who are interested in AVD or heart ECM in general. Systematic proteomic analysis of local ECM using the methods described here may facilitate future studies of various tissues and organs in development and disease