12 research outputs found

    Anxiety and depression after breast cancer: The predictive role of monoamine levels

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    The authors would like to thank the women involved in the present study for their participation.Despite the fact that the prevalence of anxiety and depression in breast cancer survivors is higher than in general female population, the psychobiological substrate of this phenomenon has yet to be elucidated. We aimed to examine the predictive role of peripheral dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA), serotonin (5-HT) and kynurenine (KYN) in anxiety and depression among breast cancer survivors. We evaluated 107 women using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and monoamine levels were analyzed via high-performance liquid chromatography. High KYN levels predicted both disorders, while low NA and DA predicted anxiety and depressive symptoms, respectively. A negative conditional effect of 5-HT was found for anxiety and depression among younger women only, while being both middle-aged and younger influenced the negative conditional effect of DA on depression. Monoamine variations may render breast cancer survivors more vulnerable to anxiety and depression, with young women being especially vulnerable to the detrimental effect of low DA and 5-HT. Assessing subclinical psychobiological markers allows mental health nurses to identify vulnerable survivors prior to the onset of anxiety and depression, and to adjust nursing interventions accordingly.This study was supported by the Basque Government Project: IT757-13 and by the University of Basque Country Projects: GIU18/103

    The Moderating Role of Surgency, Behavioral Inhibition, Negative Emotionality and Effortful Control in the Relationship between Parenting Style and Children’s Reactive and Proactive Aggression

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    The principal aim of this study is to explore the moderating role of temperament in the relationship between parenting style and the reactive and proactive aggressive behavior of 8-year-old children. The participants are 279 children (154 boys and 125 girls). To measure reactive and proactive aggression, children completed the reactive and proactive questionnaire (RPQ). Child temperament and parenting styles were evaluated by both parents using the temperament in middle childhood questionnaire (TMCQ) and the parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire (PSDQ). The results revealed that boys with high surgency levels and authoritarian fathers displayed more reactive aggression, whereas behaviorally inhibited boys with mothers who scored low for authoritarian parenting displayed less reactive aggression. Finally, girls with high levels of effortful control and mothers who scored low for authoritative parenting displayed more proactive aggression. The results highlight the value of studying the moderating role of temperament in the relationship between children’s aggressive behavior and both mothers’ and fathers’ parenting styles, and underscores the importance of doing so separately for boys and girls.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [PSI2016-75462-P], the UPV/EHU GIU18/103 Project Grants and the Basque Country Government, grant number [PRE_2018_1_0111]

    Fundamentos de neurociencia conductual

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    142 p.Los apuntes que se presentan a continuación pretenden ofrecer al estudiante una guía para abordar la asignatura de Fundamentos de Neurociencia Conductual. Esta asignatura tiene como objetivo conocer las bases neurofisiológicas que subyacen a la conducta. Es, así, una materia básica para poder abordar el estudio del resto de las asignaturas que configuran el bloque o módulo formativo “Bases Biológicas de la Conducta” en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU). Este módulo pretende que los estudiantes comprendan la relación comportamiento-sistema nervioso a través de las aportaciones que la neurociencia ofrece a la comprensión de la conducta humana, para poder así integrar esta perspectiva en la explicación del comportamiento y de los procesos mentales

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Hepatits C Virus Coinfection in Spain: Elimination Is Feasible, but the Burden of Residual Cirrhosis Will Be Significant

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    Background: We assessed the prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis C virus (HCV-Abs) and active HCV infection in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Spain in 2016 and compared the results with those of similar studies performed in 2002, 2009, and 2015. Methods: The study was performed in 43 centers during October-November 2016. The sample was estimated for an accuracy of 2% and selected by proportional allocation and simple random sampling. During 2016, criteria for therapy based on direct-acting antiviral agents (DAA) were at least significant liver fibrosis, severe extrahepatic manifestations of HCV, and high risk of HCV transmissibility. Results: The reference population and the sample size were 38904 and 1588 patients, respectively. The prevalence of HCV-Abs in 2002, 2009, 2015, and 2016 was 60.8%, 50.2%, 37.7%, and 34.6%, respectively (P trend <.001, from 2002 to 2015). The prevalence of active HCV in 2002, 2009, 2015, and 2016 was 54.0%, 34.0%, 22.1%, and 11.7%, respectively (P trend <.001). The anti-HCV treatment uptake in 2002, 2009, 2015, and 2016 was 23.0%, 48.0%, 59.3%, and 74.7%, respectively (P trend <.001). In 2016, HCV-related cirrhosis was present in 7.6% of all HIV-infected individuals, 15.0% of patients with active HCV, and 31.5% of patients who cleared HCV after anti-HCV therapy. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that with universal access to DAA-based therapy and continued efforts in prevention and screening, it will be possible to eliminate active HCV among HIV-infected individuals in Spain in the short term. However, the burden of HCV-related cirrhosis will continue to be significant among HIV-infected individuals.This work was funded by grant Ref. no. GLD14-00279 from the GILEAD Fellowship Programme (Spain) and by the Spanish AIDS Research Network (RD16/0025/0017, RD16/0025/0018) that is included in the Spanish I+D+I Plan and is co-financed by ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluacion and European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER).S

    Refinement in the European Union: A Systematic Review

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    Refining experiments and housing conditions so as to cause the minimum possible pain and distress is one of the three principles (3Rs) on which Directive 2010/63/EU is based. In this systematic review, we aimed to identify and summarize published advances in the refinement protocols made by European Union-based research groups from 2011 to 2021, and to determine whether or not said research was supported by European or national grants. We included 48 articles, the majority of which were related to improvements in experimental procedures (37/77.1%) for mice (26/54.2%) and were written by research groups belonging to universities (36/57.1%) and from the United Kingdom (21/33.9%). More than two thirds (35/72.9%) of the studies received financial support, 26 (mostly British) at a national level and 8 at a European level. Our results indicated a clear willingness among the scientific community to improve the welfare of laboratory animals, as although funding was not always available or was not specifically granted for this purpose, studies were published nonetheless. However, in addition to institutional support based on legislation, more financial support is needed. We believe that more progress would have been made in refinement during these years if there had been more specific financial support available at both the national and European Union levels since our data suggest that countries investing in refinement have the greatest productivity in successfully publishing refinements

    Professional quality of life among Spanish veterinarians

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    BackgroundIn: Spain, the perceived professional quality of life among veterinarians has not been explored. Methods: Veterinarians were invited to complete an online questionnaire in which they answered the Professional Quality of Life scale, the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey and the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale. Participants were asked whether they were receiving psychological therapy or were taking anxiolytics, hypnotics or antidepressant medication. Alcohol consumption was measured using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and nicotine dependence was assessed using the Fagerstrom test; participants were asked whether they took illegal drugs. ResultsThe study sample comprised a total of 602 veterinarians, most of whom reported average levels of compassion satisfaction, secondary stress trauma and burnout. Emotional support and mental wellbeing influenced participants' professional quality of life. The percentage of veterinarians in psychological therapy and/or taking anxiolytics was higher than in the general population. Conclusions: A considerable number of clinical veterinarians in Spain may be suffering from work-related stress. Our study identifies salary, emotional support and mental wellbeing as important factors that affect the professional quality of life. Interventions to improve veterinary clinicians' professional quality of life should therefore focus on these factors.Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Grant/Award Numbers: GIU18/103, Psicobiologia PPGI19/14

    Environmental Noise Exposure and Sleep Habits among Children in a Cohort from Northern Spain

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    Environmental noise is considered the second most serious environmental risk factor in Europe. However, little evidence exists regarding its impact on health and sleep in children, and the results are inconclusive. In this study, we aim to analyse the effect of environmental noise exposure on 11-year-old children’s sleep habits. Data were collected from 377 participants in the INMA-Gipuzkoa (INfancia y Medio Ambiente) cohort project using both parent-reported and actigraphic sleep measures. The results revealed that 60% of children have a day-evening-night environmental noise exposure (Lden) of above 55 dB, which is defined as a “high noise level”. No differences in noise exposure were observed between different socioeconomic groups. However, no effect of environmental noise was found on sleep variables. The paper highlights the importance of studying how environmental noise may affect children’s sleep.This study was funded by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS-PI06/0867, FIS-PI09/00090, FIS-PI13/02187, FIS-PI17/01340, FIS-PI18/01142, FIS-PI18/01237 incl FEDER funds), the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (EST-2016 RF-21), CIBERESP, the Basque Government Department of Health (2005111093, 2009111069, 2013111089, 2015111065 and 2018111086), the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council (DFG06/002, DFG08/001, DFG15/221 and DFG 89/17) and annual agreements with the municipalities of the study area (Zumarraga, Urretxu, Legazpi, Azkoitia, Azpeitia and Beasain)