8,062 research outputs found

    An integrated model for computer assisted diagnosis, treatment and design of insoles for the diabetic foot

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    The incidence of diabetes has increased significantly in recent decades. In Germany, there is an estimate of three million diabetics and this number is growing at a rate of about 2 percent per year. In the U.S.A., the American Diabetes Association estimates that thirteen million people suffer from this condition, representing 5.2 percent of the entire population and every year, some 35 thousand patients have a lower limb amputated. In Latin America, it has been reported that the prevalence of diabetes is of the order of 14 to 20 percent, according to a research conducted by the WHO's Ad Hoc Diabetes Reporting Group. In Colombia, a study by Ashner et al concludes that the prevalence is 7 percent in both sexes

    Planetoid String Solutions in 3 + 1 Axisymmetric Spacetimes

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    The string propagation equations in axisymmetric spacetimes are exactly solved by quadratures for a planetoid Ansatz. This is a straight non-oscillating string, radially disposed, which rotates uniformly around the symmetry axis of the spacetime. In Schwarzschild black holes, the string stays outside the horizon pointing towards the origin. In de Sitter spacetime the planetoid rotates around its center. We quantize semiclassically these solutions and analyze the spin/(mass2^2) (Regge) relation for the planetoids, which turns out to be non-linear.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, two figures in .ps files available from the author

    Semi-Classical Quantization of Circular Strings in De Sitter and Anti De Sitter Spacetimes

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    We compute the {\it exact} equation of state of circular strings in the (2+1) dimensional de Sitter (dS) and anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, and analyze its properties for the different (oscillating, contracting and expanding) strings. The string equation of state has the perfect fluid form P=(γ1)E,P=(\gamma-1)E, with the pressure and energy expressed closely and completely in terms of elliptic functions, the instantaneous coefficient γ\gamma depending on the elliptic modulus. We semi-classically quantize the oscillating circular strings. The string mass is m=C/(πHα),  Cm=\sqrt{C}/(\pi H\alpha'),\;C being the Casimir operator, C=LμνLμν,C=-L_{\mu\nu}L^{\mu\nu}, of the O(3,1)O(3,1)-dS [O(2,2)O(2,2)-AdS] group, and HH is the Hubble constant. We find \alpha'm^2_{\mbox{dS}}\approx 5.9n,\;(n\in N_0), and a {\it finite} number of states N_{\mbox{dS}}\approx 0.17/(H^2\alpha') in de Sitter spacetime; m^2_{\mbox{AdS}}\approx 4H^2n^2 (large nN0n\in N_0) and N_{\mbox{AdS}}=\infty in anti de Sitter spacetime. The level spacing grows with nn in AdS spacetime, while is approximately constant (although larger than in Minkowski spacetime) in dS spacetime. The massive states in dS spacetime decay through tunnel effect and the semi-classical decay probability is computed. The semi-classical quantization of {\it exact} (circular) strings and the canonical quantization of generic string perturbations around the string center of mass strongly agree.Comment: Latex, 26 pages + 2 tables and 5 figures that can be obtained from the authors on request. DEMIRM-Obs de Paris-9404

    String dynamics in cosmological and black hole backgrounds: The null string expansion

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    We study the classical dynamics of a bosonic string in the DD--dimensional flat Friedmann--Robertson--Walker and Schwarzschild backgrounds. We make a perturbative development in the string coordinates around a {\it null} string configuration; the background geometry is taken into account exactly. In the cosmological case we uncouple and solve the first order fluctuations; the string time evolution with the conformal gauge world-sheet τ\tau--coordinate is given by X0(σ,τ)=q(σ)τ11+2β+c2B0(σ,τ)+X^0(\sigma, \tau)=q(\sigma)\tau^{1\over1+2\beta}+c^2B^0(\sigma, \tau)+\cdots, B0(σ,τ)=kbk(σ)τkB^0(\sigma,\tau)=\sum_k b_k(\sigma)\tau^k where bk(σ)b_k(\sigma) are given by Eqs.\ (3.15), and β\beta is the exponent of the conformal factor in the Friedmann--Robertson--Walker metric, i.e. RηβR\sim\eta^\beta. The string proper size, at first order in the fluctuations, grows like the conformal factor R(η)R(\eta) and the string energy--momentum tensor corresponds to that of a null fluid. For a string in the black hole background, we study the planar case, but keep the dimensionality of the spacetime DD generic. In the null string expansion, the radial, azimuthal, and time coordinates (r,ϕ,t)(r,\phi,t) are r=nAn1(σ)(τ)2n/(D+1) ,r=\sum_n A^1_{n}(\sigma)(-\tau)^{2n/(D+1)}~, ϕ=nAn3(σ)(τ)(D5+2n)/(D+1) ,\phi=\sum_n A^3_{n}(\sigma)(-\tau)^{(D-5+2n)/(D+1)}~, and t=nAn0(σ)(τ)1+2n(D3)/(D+1) .t=\sum_n A^0_{n} (\sigma)(-\tau)^{1+2n(D-3)/(D+1)}~. The first terms of the series represent a {\it generic} approach to the Schwarzschild singularity at r=0r=0. First and higher order string perturbations contribute with higher powers of τ\tau. The integrated string energy-momentum tensor corresponds to that of a null fluid in D1D-1 dimensions. As the string approaches the r=0r=0 singularity its proper size grows indefinitely like (τ)(D3)/(D+1)\sim(-\tau)^{-(D-3)/(D+1)}. We end the paper giving three particular exact string solutions inside the black hole.Comment: 17 pages, REVTEX, no figure

    Computer simulations of an impurity in a granular gas under planar Couette flow

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    We present in this work results from numerical solutions, obtained by means of the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, of the Boltzmann and Boltzmann--Lorentz equations for an impurity immersed in a granular gas under planar Couette flow. The DSMC results are compared with the exact solution of a recent kinetic model for the same problem. The results confirm that, in steady states and over a wide range of parameter values, the state of the impurity is enslaved to that of the host gas: it follows the same flow velocity profile, its concentration (relative to that of the granular gas) is constant in the bulk region, and the impurity/gas temperature ratio is also constant. We determine also the rheological properties and nonlinear hydrodynamic transport coefficients for the impurity, finding a good semi-quantitative agreement between the DSMC results and the theoretical predictions.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures; v2: minor change

    Parts of Quantum States

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    It is shown that generic N-party pure quantum states (with equidimensional subsystems) are uniquely determined by their reduced states of just over half the parties; in other words, all the information in almost all N-party pure states is in the set of reduced states of just over half the parties. For N even, the reduced states in fewer than N/2 parties are shown to be an insufficient description of almost all states (similar results hold when N is odd). It is noted that Real Algebraic Geometry is a natural framework for any analysis of parts of quantum states: two simple polynomials, a quadratic and a cubic, contain all of their structure. Algorithmic techniques are described which can provide conditions for sets of reduced states to belong to pure or mixed states.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Mass Spectrum of Strings in Anti de Sitter Spacetime

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    We perform string quantization in anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. The string motion is stable, oscillatory in time with real frequencies ωn=n2+m2α2H2\omega_n= \sqrt{n^2+m^2\alpha'^2H^2} and the string size and energy are bounded. The string fluctuations around the center of mass are well behaved. We find the mass formula which is also well behaved in all regimes. There is an {\it infinite} number of states with arbitrarily high mass in AdS (in de Sitter (dS) there is a {\it finite} number of states only). The critical dimension at which the graviton appears is D=25,D=25, as in de Sitter space. A cosmological constant Λ0\Lambda\neq 0 (whatever its sign) introduces a {\it fine structure} effect (splitting of levels) in the mass spectrum at all states beyond the graviton. The high mass spectrum changes drastically with respect to flat Minkowski spacetime. For ΛΛN2,\Lambda\sim \mid\Lambda\mid N^2, {\it independent} of α,\alpha', and the level spacing {\it grows} with the eigenvalue of the number operator, N.N. The density of states ρ(m)\rho(m) grows like \mbox{Exp}[(m/\sqrt{\mid\Lambda\mid}\;)^{1/2}] (instead of \rho(m)\sim\mbox{Exp}[m\sqrt{\alpha'}] as in Minkowski space), thus {\it discarding} the existence of a critical string temperature. For the sake of completeness, we also study the quantum strings in the black string background, where strings behave, in many respects, as in the ordinary black hole backgrounds. The mass spectrum is equal to the mass spectrum in flat Minkowski space.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, DEMIRM-Paris-9404

    A Hardy-type inequality and some spectral characterizations for the Dirac-Coulomb operator

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    We prove a sharp Hardy-type inequality for the Dirac operator. We exploit this inequality to obtain spectral properties of the Dirac operator perturbed with Hermitian matrix-valued potentials V of Coulomb type: we characterise its eigenvalues in terms of the Birman–Schwinger principle and we bound its discrete spectrum from below, showing that the ground-state energy is reached if and only if V verifies some rigidity conditions. In the particular case of an electrostatic potential, these imply that V is the Coulomb potential

    Strings Propagating in the 2+1 Dimensional Black Hole Anti de Sitter Spacetime

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    We study the string propagation in the 2+1 black hole anti de Sitter background (2+1 BH-ADS). We find the first and second order fluctuations around the string center of mass and obtain the expression for the string mass. The string motion is stable, all fluctuations oscillate with real frequencies and are bounded, even at r=0.r=0. We compare with the string motion in the ordinary black hole anti de Sitter spacetime, and in the black string background, where string instabilities develop and the fluctuations blow up at r=0.r=0. We find the exact general solution for the circular string motion in all these backgrounds, it is given closely and completely in terms of elliptic functions. For the non-rotating black hole backgrounds the circular strings have a maximal bounded size rm,r_m, they contract and collapse into r=0.r=0. No indefinitely growing strings, neither multi-string solutions are present in these backgrounds. In rotating spacetimes, both the 2+1 BH-ADS and the ordinary Kerr-ADS, the presence of angular momentum prevents the string from collapsing into r=0.r=0. The circular string motion is also completely solved in the black hole de Sitter spacetime and in the black string background (dual of the 2+1 BH-ADS spacetime), in which expanding unbounded strings and multi-string solutions appear.Comment: Latex, 54 pages + 2 tables and 4 figures (not included). PARIS-DEMIRM 94/01

    On the Relationship between the One-Corner Problem and the MM-Corner Problem for the Vortex Filament Equation

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    In this paper, we give evidence that the evolution of the vortex filament equation (VFE) for a regular M-corner polygon as initial datum can be explained at infinitesimal times as the superposition of M one-corner initial data. This fact is mainly sustained with the calculation of the speed of the center of mass; in particular, we show that several conjectures made at the numerical level are in agreement with the theoretical expectations. Moreover, due to the spatial periodicity, the evolution of VFE at later times can be understood as the nonlinear interaction of infinitely many filaments, one for each corner; and this interaction turns out to be some kind of nonlinear Talbot effect. We also give very strong numerical evidence of the transfer of energy and linear momentum for the M-corner case; and the numerical experiments carried out provide new arguments that support the multifractal character of the trajectory defined by one of the corners of the initial polygon