939 research outputs found

    Cambios estructurales en la producción de bienes finales y de bienes intermedios en la economía ecuatoriana, 1970-2016

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    The present investigation analyzes the structural changes that have occurred in the Ecuadorian economy, in the period from 1970 to 2016, in the production of final goods and intermediate goods. In the case of final goods, the indicator that is used, as is common in this type of studies, is the percentage participation of the corresponding concepts in the Gross Domestic Product over the aforementioned years.La presente investigación analiza los cambios estructurales que se han dado en la economía ecuatoriana, en el período que va desde 1970 hasta 2016, en la producción de bienes finales y de bienes intermedios. En el caso de los bienes finales el indicador que se utiliza, como es común en este tipo de estudios, es la participación porcentual de los conceptos correspondientes en el Producto Interno Bruto a lo largo de los años mencionados..

    A yeast three-hybrid system that reconstitutes mammalian hypoxia inducible factor regulatory machinery

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    Background: Several human pathologies, including neoplasia and ischemic cardiovascular diseases, course with an unbalance between oxygen supply and demand ( hypoxia). Cells within hypoxic regions respond with the induction of a specific genetic program, under the control of the Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF), that mediates their adaptation to the lack of oxygen. The activity of HIF is mainly regulated by the EGL-nine homolog (EGLN) enzymes that hydroxylate the alpha subunit of this transcription factor in an oxygen-dependent reaction. Hydroxylated HIF is then recognized and ubiquitinilated by the product of the tumor suppressor gene, pVHL, leading to its proteosomal degradation. Under hypoxia, the hydroxylation of HIF by the EGLNs is compromised due to the lack of oxygen, which is a reaction cosubstrate. Thus, HIF escapes degradation and drives the transcription of its target genes. Since the progression of the aforementioned pathologies might be influenced by activation of HIF-target genes, development of small molecules with the ability to interfere with the HIF-regulatory machinery is of great interest.Results: Herein we describe a yeast three-hybrid system that reconstitutes mammalian HIF regulation by the EGLNs and VHL. In this system, yeast growth, under specific nutrient restrictions, is driven by the interaction between the beta domain of VHL and a hydroxyproline-containing HIF alpha peptide. In turn, this interaction is strictly dependent on EGLN activity that hydroxylates the HIFa peptide. Importantly, this system accurately preserves the specificity of the hydroxylation reaction toward specific substrates. We propose that this system, in combination with a matched control, can be used as a simple and inexpensive assay to identify molecules that specifically modulate EGLN activity. As a proof of principle we show that two known EGLN inhibitors, dimethyloxaloylglycine (DMOG) and 6-chlor-3-hydroxychinolin-2-carbonic acid-N-carboxymethylamide (S956711), have a profound and specific effect on the yeast HIF/EGLN/VHL system.Conclusion: The system described in this work accurately reconstitutes HIF regulation while preserving EGLN substrate specificity. Thus, it is a valuable tool to study HIF regulation, and particularly EGLN biochemistry, in a cellular context. In addition, we demonstrate that this system can be used to identify specific inhibitors of the EGLN enzymes


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    Tesina sobre la inseminación artificial en cerdosEl presente documento se orientará a ser una recapitulación de información sobre la colecta, dilución e inseminación artificial en la especie porcina, para tener una versión actualizada de los procesos técnicos a seguir para una efectiva inseminación porcina, tanto para estudiantes, técnicos y especialistas en el área porcícola

    Migración, Clubes de Migrantes y Usos de las Remesas: El Caso del Estado de México

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo central presentar un panorama general sobre la migración internacional en el Estado de México, sobre el uso o usos que se da en este estado a las remesas (colectivas o familiares) que los migrantes internacionales envían a sus comunidades de origen. La funcionalidad, éxito y/o alcances del trabajo de las organizaciones de migrantes mexicanos han sido cuestionados y a la vez justificados, especialmente sobre las bases de la cantidad y calidad de participación de sus miembros. Mientras que los estudios a nivel agregado muestran un panorama general de las características de los hogares y de la dinámica tanto de la migración como de las remesas, un estudio a nivel estatal permite conocer a profundidad las particularidades de los hogare

    Hábitos de estudio y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes I. E. Horacio Zevallos Gámez, Frayle Rumi.

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    El trabajo con los estudiantes nos permite observar que una buena organización para el desarrollo de las tareas y preparación para los exámenes favorece el rendimiento académico, por ello el presente trabajo, tuvo como propósito determinar la relación entre los hábitos de estudio y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de educación secundaria de I. E. "Horacio Zevallos Gámez", Frayle Rumí, 2018 - San Buenaventura - Marañón Huánuco, el tipo de investigación fue el correlacional con diseño de investigación no experimental - transversal, la muestra investigada fue de 42 escolares de la Institución Educativa "Horacio Zevallos Gámez", Fraile Rumi, se declina la hipótesis alterna, determinando que hay un vínculo de significatividad baja entre las variables de estudio en la I. E. "Horacio Zevallos Gámez", Frayle Rumi, 2018.Trabajo de Investigació

    Propuesta técnica para el análisis y diseño de presas de gravedad pequeñas ubicadas en zonas sísmicas del Perú

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    El documento digital no refiere un asesorElabora una propuesta técnica para el análisis y diseño de presas de gravedad pequeñas mediante el criterio técnico P.E.T (Presa Elemental Triangular), esta metodología es empleada generalmente en países desarrollados, en el diseño de presas de gravedad de gran envergadura (mayores a 15m de altura), sin embargo el presente trabajo de investigación propone una metodología que permite aplicar esta técnica en el diseño de presas pequeñas, considerándose pequeñas a aquellas presas con alturas menores a 15m, y que son las que con mayor frecuencia se requieren en el país.Tesi

    College Algebra (College of Coastal Georgia)

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    This Grants Collection for College Algebra was created under a Round Two ALG Textbook Transformation Grant. Affordable Learning Georgia Grants Collections are intended to provide faculty with the frameworks to quickly implement or revise the same materials as a Textbook Transformation Grants team, along with the aims and lessons learned from project teams during the implementation process. Documents are in .pdf format, with a separate .docx (Word) version available for download. Each collection contains the following materials: Linked Syllabus Initial Proposal Final Reporthttps://oer.galileo.usg.edu/mathematics-collections/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Precalculus (College of Coastal Georgia)

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    This Grants Collection for Precalculus was created under a Round Two ALG Textbook Transformation Grant. Affordable Learning Georgia Grants Collections are intended to provide faculty with the frameworks to quickly implement or revise the same materials as a Textbook Transformation Grants team, along with the aims and lessons learned from project teams during the implementation process. Documents are in .pdf format, with a separate .docx (Word) version available for download. Each collection contains the following materials: Linked Syllabus Initial Proposal Final Reporthttps://oer.galileo.usg.edu/mathematics-collections/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Introduction to Statistics

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    This Grants Collection for Introduction to Statistics was created under a Round Two ALG Textbook Transformation Grant. Affordable Learning Georgia Grants Collections are intended to provide faculty with the frameworks to quickly implement or revise the same materials as a Textbook Transformation Grants team, along with the aims and lessons learned from project teams during the implementation process. Documents are in .pdf format, with a separate .docx (Word) version available for download. Each collection contains the following materials: Linked Syllabus Initial Proposal Final Reporthttps://oer.galileo.usg.edu/mathematics-collections/1005/thumbnail.jp


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    This Grants Collection for Trigonometry was created under a Round Two ALG Textbook Transformation Grant. Affordable Learning Georgia Grants Collections are intended to provide faculty with the frameworks to quickly implement or revise the same materials as a Textbook Transformation Grants team, along with the aims and lessons learned from project teams during the implementation process. Documents are in .pdf format, with a separate .docx (Word) version available for download. Each collection contains the following materials: Linked Syllabus Initial Proposal Final Reporthttps://oer.galileo.usg.edu/mathematics-collections/1007/thumbnail.jp