9 research outputs found


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    Osteoarthritis, a form of arthritis is characterised by chronic degeneration of various hard and soft tissues around the joint. It can also affect the Temperomandibular joint and called as TMJ osteoarthritis. The non dental causes of oral pain closely related to Temperomandibular disorder. It affects both sexes with higher prevalance in women. Hanubasti a form of Bahya Sneha and Sveda, designed on the principle of Shirobasti. Here the word innovative is used because the SOP (standard operating procedure) of Hanubasti is unique and new. We have standardized the procedure and want to conduct large trial of the same. In this article, an attempt is made to describe the methods, indications and precautions of Hanubasti procedure based on the clinical experience and evidence based medicine (EBM).   &nbsp


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    Background: Dandruff is an irritative disease of the scalp in which shedding of dead tissue from the scalp with itching sensation is the cardinal feature. It can be correlated to Darunaka. The cardinal symptoms of the disease Darunaka are Kandu (Itching), Keshachyuti (falling of hair), Swapa (abnormalities of touch sensation), Rookshata (roughness or dryness of the skin) and Twaksphutana (breaking or cracking of the skin). Yogaratnakara has mentioned the application of Gunjataila (i.e., Gunja, Bhringaraj, Tilataila) in the treatment of Darunaka. In the current dermatological practice there is no effective modern remedy for dandruff. Hence the present study is undertaken to find effective and safe alternative to conventional topical anti-dandruff agents. Objectives: To compare the effects of Shiroabhyanga with Gunjataila and Tila Taila in the management Darunaka. Materials and methods: This study was Randomized, open labelled, non-controlled, comparative clinical study. In Group A, Gujataila shiroabhyanga and in Group-B Tilataila Shiroabhyanga was done for thirty days, daily once in the morning, after the completion of treatment, all the patients were advised to attend the O.P.D for two months at regular interval of fifteen days for the follow up study to assess the post effects of treatment. Results: Group A showed complete remission in 30%, marked improvement in 30%, moderate 30% and 10% mild relief. In patients of Group B only 30% moderate relief and 10% mild relief from the Darunaka is noticed and 60% of the patients found no relief. Conclusion: Gunjataila shiroabhyanga has higher significant effect in pacifying the symptoms of Darunaka and marked reduction in clinical symptoms was well appreciated within one month duration. There was no topical and systemic adverse drug effects noted at the end of the study.


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    Ayurved is treasure of medicine for various diseases & disorders. Exploring this treasure to the world in scientific manner is times need. Shunthyadi Taila in the form of Nasya has been highlighted as drug of choice for the management of Kshavathu (Sneezing). As Kshavathu is the Pradhana Lakshana of Vataja Pratishyaya. Shunthyadi Taila contains Shunthi (Zingiber officinale Rosc) Rhizome, Kushta (Saussurea lapa C.B. Clarke) Root, Pippali (Piper longum Linn) Fruit, Bilva (Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Correa ex Roxb) Root, Draksha (Vitis vinifera Linn.) Fruit and Tila (Sesamum orientale Linn) Seed oil. Shunthyadi Taila was prepared as per Standard operative procedures of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India for oil preparation. As there is no analytical standards available for Shunthyadi Taila in Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India to check its quality. In this study, effort has been made to see results of qualitative & quantitative physcico-chemical parameters (organoleptic characters, acid value, saponification value, Iodine value, loss on drying, specific gravity and refractive index) generally applied for oil preparation as per Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. The results obtained will be the reference standards and can also be used for future studies on Shunthyadi Taila standardization


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    Acharya Sushruta stated 28 Nasagata rogas. Out of these 28 Nasagata rogas some features of Pootinashya, Dushtha Pratishyaya and Apeenasa are similar to the clinical features of Atrophic Rhinitis (AR). Apeenasa is a Nasagata Roga characterized by nasal obstruction, running nose, Dryness of nose, anosmia, and loss of taste. This condition can be co-related with Atrophic Rhinitis. Though there are many modalities described in modern ENT, still it is not possible to cease the Permanent Impairment. In Ayurved many modalities are being described for Urdhwajatrugata Rogas and for Nasagata Vikara. Among them Nasya (administered of drugs in to nasal cavity) is best. As it is a Kapha Pradhana Vikara, Katu Dhoomapana can also be added to this procedure. The Nashya procedure is explained by Brihatrayees. The complete procedure of Nashya includes Poorva Karma (Snehana and Swedana), mobilizes the Doshas to the site of elimination and causes vasodilatation which helps in elimination of Doshas and provides better channel for absorption of the Oushadhi. Pradhana Karma (Nashya) eliminates the Doshas. Kavala as Paschat Karma eliminates the remaining Doshas and causes better absorption of the Oushadhi which ultimately eliminates the symptoms of the disease. A clinical observation has shown effective result in the treatment of AR with Shadbindu Taila Nasya and Trikatu Dhoomapana. And here we are revalidating the statement of our Acharyas. A case report of a female, aged 38 years with complain of nasal obstruction, foul smell from nose, anosmia, headache, nasal discharge, sneezing and general weakness has been presented here


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    Chaksyu is the Pradhana-anga that is affected in Diabetic retinopathy. So the Netra Rakshana is highly essential for the human being in Diabetic retinopathy. Now-a-Days Diabetic retinopathy is a major vision threatening factor. The prevalence rates are; Diabetic retinopathy (34.6%), Proliferative Diabetic retinopathy (7%), diabetic macular oedema (6.8%) and Vision threatening Diabetic retinopathy (10.2%). To treat the disease we need to know the level of impairment, the signs and its etiopathology. In Ayurved it is very important to know the Samprapti before treating the disease. Now-a-days Pratyaksha gyana plays a vital role to trace out the disease. Complain of the patient, sign and symptom of the disease along with the pathogenesis is necessary to diagnose and to treat the disease. The features occurs in the fundus in Diabetic retinopathy cannot visualize by Pratyaksha, explained in classical literatures. Many ophthalmic investigations, procedures have been developed so far like fundoscopy, OCT, B’scan, fluorescent test etc. to detect the pathology occurred in the fundus of Diabetic retinopathy eyes. So it is very important for all Shalaki is to correlate the disease, to derive a conclusion according to the Ayurvedic Samprapti/ pathogenesis and terminology described in classical literatures. By analyzing the Samprapti of the disease we can conclude that, the pathology occurred in fundus are most probably due to the Dhatu-kshaya janya, Urdhwaga-raktapittaja, Mandagni janya and Avarana janya. Diabetic retinopathy can be correlated with Pramehaja Timira and its treatment is the treatment of Prameha explained in classics having Chakshushya property

    An Open Labelled Comparative Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effect of Go-Ghrita Tarpana and Triphala-Ghrita Tarpana on Antero-Posterior Diameter in Axial-Myopia

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    Background and Objective: Axial-myopia is characterized by blurriness of vision for distance caused by increased in A-P diameter. Usual treatment for myopia is optical correction by optical glass and contact lens. To restore distance vision, surgical intervention like, LASIK is adopted, which has complications like dry eye syndrome and astigmatism. The Ayurvedic approach of the disease mainly concentrates on treating the disease and preventing the progression of the disease. There are many hypothetical theories regarding mode of action of Tarpana on Myopia and Timira. In this study, an attempt is made to observe the effect of Tarpana on A-P diameter of eyeball and to know the difference between Tarpana by plain Go-Ghrita and Triphala Ghrita. Materials and Methods: 20 patients of Group A, were treated with Go-Ghrita Tarpana (two sittings of 7 days each, with the gap of 14 days) and in Group B, 20 patients were treated with Triphala-Ghrita Tarpana (two sittings of 7 days each, with the gap of 14 days). Results: The data of both the groups were collected according to the objective and subjective parameters and analyzed using the most appropriate statistical test (repeated measures of ANOVA, Bonferroni Test and Mann- Whitney U Test). The efficacy is statistically significant within the group at P <0.001and statistically insignificant between the groups at P >0.05 among all the parameters. Interpretation and Conclusion: On comparison of Go-Ghrita Tarpana with Triphala-Ghrita Tarpana, both have an equal effectiveness on distant vision, Optical correction and A-P diameter

    Ayurvedic management of Corneal Ectasia - A Conceptual Study

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    Corneal ectasia is a disorder that results in thinning of the central, paracentral, or peripheral cornea that leads to progressive myopia and irregular astigmatism. Keratoconus, Pellucid marginal corneal degeneration (PMCD), Terrien's marginal degeneration (TMD), Keratoglobus, Posterior keratoconus are the conditions/types of corneal ectatia. In Ayurveda there is no direct reference of corneal ectasia, based on signs and symptoms it can be correlated with Vataja Timira. Timira is the Drustigata Roga which further leads to Linganasha if not treated initially. Based on symptoms and Dosha-Dushya involvement Brhumhana and Vatahara line of treatment should be followed in the form of Virechana, Nasya, Tarpana, Putapaka and Pindi. These treatment modalities are more beneficial in corneal ectasia

    Development of a Nasya fitness form for clinical practice

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    Introduction: Nasya karma is prime treatment modality for ūrdhvajatrugata vikāra. Though classics clearly mention yogya (arha), ayogya (anarha) criteria for Nasya karma some complications were noticed while practicing. In KLEUS Shri BMK Ayurveda Hospital Belgaum, out of 2867 patients 58 (0.58%) cases reported various complications during and after Nasya karma in the year of 2011 even after taking utmost care in selection of patients as well as drugs. This gave rise to need to develop quick screening criteria to minimize errors. Objective: To develop Nasya fitness form for clinical practice to further minimize unusual complications and thus obtain the maximum result. Materials and Methods: Literature pertaining to Nasya karma, Nāsa śarīra with anatomy of nose, vasculature, innervation, examination of the nose and various anatomical pathologies were considered to develop the fitness form. Results: On the basis of examination of external nose, nasal cavity, concha, nasopharynx and paranasal sinus by anterior and posterior rhinoscopic examination fitness form was developed. Conclusion: Present fitness format will not only help to assess the nasal pathologies, which are obstacles for drug delivery, but also will help to attain optimum results and avoid unusual complications

    Ayurvedic Management of Puyalasa (Chronic Dacryocystitis)

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    Puyalasa is one of the Sandhigata Vyadhi described by Acharya Sushruta and Vagbhata. It is presented with symptoms of discharge of Puya (pus), Pakwa shopha (swelling), Vrana (wound), Vedana (pain) with Tridosha dushti. Puyaalasa can be co-related with chronic dacryocystitis. It is an infection of the lacrimal sac, secondary to obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct at the junction of lacrimal sac, followed by stasis in the lacrimal sac, causing pain, redness, and swelling over the inner aspect of the lower eyelid and epiphora. In this case study 62-year-old female complaining of pus discharge, watering of eyes associated with swelling over the lacrimal sac in left eye for 3 weeks was treated with application of Jaloukavacharana, along with internally Gandhaka rasayana, Nimbadi guggulu, for 45 days. The results proved to be significant, on the basis of clinical assessment that Ayurvedic management with Jaloukavacharana, and internal medication on the lacrimal sac area offers effective result in the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis