107 research outputs found

    A Study on Stock Co-Movement’s Analysis of Select Bank and IT Company Stocks

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    The risk of a portfolio depends on the co- movement between the security returns forming the portfolio. The coefficient of correlation is an important measure for studying co movement between securities. Banking and IT company’s shares represent sizable share of market portfolio of common investors. In this perspective the present study has been undertaken to help small retail investors who commonly invest in these two major sectors to understand the co movement of returns among Banking and IT industry stocks. This study covers correlation co movement calculation between selected four Banking shares and four IT companies’ shares for a period from 16th June 2014 to 15th June 2015. The correlation between banking shares are more positive compared to correlation between IT company shares. This implies that the banking stocks return more or less move in the same direction. The correlation between Banking and IT Company stocks are either zero or negative which implies that these two sectors shares are not related or move in the opposite direction in terms of return. This implies that banking and IT industry shares are good combinations for portfolio construction which substantially reduces the risk of that particular portfolio

    Oksidacijski stres i antioksidacijski sustav u plodovima voća Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. tijekom sazrijevanja

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    The present investigations were undertaken to ascertain the extent of lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress and antioxidative system during ripening of two varieties of ber fruits (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.) differing in their shelf lives, viz. Umran (8–9 days) and Kaithali (4–5 days). Based on visual observations, fruits were categorized as immature green (IG), mature green (MG), turning colour (TC), ripe (R) and overripe (OR). Lipoxygenase (LOX) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) value and H2O2 content increased significantly during ripening in both varieties, obtaining 3-, 3- and 2.5-fold increase in Umran and 4-, 3.5- and 3-fold increase in Kaithali, respectively. Kaithali being short-lived variety, exhibited higher values of these parameters at almost all the stages of fruit ripening. Activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GR) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) increased during initial stages but thereafter decreased, whereas that of peroxidase (POX) decreased continuously during ripening. On the other hand, catalase (CAT) activity increased continuously as ripening progressed. In general, antioxidative enzymes exhibited comparatively higher activity in Umran. Total ascorbic acid content increased from IG to TC stage, while total glutathione increased up to MG stage and thereafter decreased in both varieties. Kaithali had higher content of ascorbate than Umran. β-Carotene and α-tocopherol also decreased as ripening progressed. However, the decrease was more pronounced in Umran as compared to Kaithali.Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila utvrditi razinu peroksidacije lipida, oksidacijski stres i antioksidacijski sustav u plodovima voća Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. pri različitom vremenu skladištenja, i to sorte Umran od 8 do 9 dana i sorte Kaithali od 4 do 5 dana. Vizualnim su pregledom plodovi svrstani u ove skupine: nezreli zeleni plodovi, sazreli zeleni plodovi, dozreli plodovi koji su promijenili boju te zreli i prezreli plodovi. Pri sazrijevanju obje sorte bitno se povećala aktivnost lipoksigenaze, i to tri puta u plodovima sorte Umran, a četiri puta u plodovima sorte Kaithali, kao i udjeli malondialdehida, koji su bili trostruko veći u obje sorte nakon zrenja. Udjel je vodikova peroksida nakon zrenja plodova bio dvostruko veći u plodovima sorte Umran i trostruko veći u plodovima sorte Kaithali. Plodovi sorte Kaithali imaju kraći rok trajanja od plodova sorte Umran, što se vidi iz većih vrijednosti ispitivanih parametara u gotovo svim fazama sazrijevanja voća. Aktivnosti superoksid dismutaze, glutation reduktaze i askorbat peroksidaze povećale su se u prvim fazama sazrijevanja plodova, ali su se nakon toga smanjile, dok se aktivnost peroksidaze kontinuirano smanjivala tijekom zrenja voća. S druge strane, aktivnost se katalaze neprestano pojačavala. Antioksidacijski su enzimi imali veću aktivnost u plodovima sorte Umran. Ukupni se udjel askorbinske kiseline povećao u dozrelim plodovima koji su promijenili boju, u usporedbi s nezrelim plodovima. Udjel je glutationa bio veći u sazrelim nego u nezrelim zelenim plodovima, a nakon toga se sazrijevanjem plodova smanjivao u obje sorte voća. Sorta Kaithali imala je veći udjel askorbata od sorte Umrani. Udjel se β-karotena i α-tokoferola smanjivao tijekom sazrijevanja plodova, što je bilo izraženije u plodovima sorte Umran nego u onima sorte Kaithali

    Utjecaj metabolizma stanične stijenke na dozrijevanje plodova voća Ziziphus mauritiana

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    Two ber varieties differing in their shelf lives (Umran, 8 to 9 and Illaichi, 4 to 5 days) were analyzed for cell wall components, cell wall degrading enzymes and their isoenzyme profile at immature green, mature green, turning colour, ripe and overripe stages of ripening. Cellulose and pectin contents decreased during ripening in both varieties. This decrease was accompanied by a corresponding increase in pectin methylesterase, polygalacturonase and cellulase. The increase in the activity of pectin methylesterase was about 20- and 10-fold, that of polygalacturonase about 8.4- and 5.7-fold, and of cellulase 5.5- and 4.4-fold in Umran and Illaichi, respectively. The basal level of activities of all these enzymes was higher at all the stages of ripening in Illaichi variety, having short shelf life, as compared to Umran, with long shelf life. This was further confirmed by the intensity of isoenzyme bands of these enzymes. The isoenzyme profile also revealed that two isoenzymes of each, pectin methylesterase and polygalacturonase, and one of cellulase could be considered as isoenzymes responsible for the softening of cell wall during ripening and could be potential targets for manipulation to delay softening during ripening.U radu su ispitane dvije sorte voća Ziziphus mauritiana koje se razlikuju prema roku trajanja, i to sorta Umran (roka trajanja od 8 do 9 dana) i sorta Illaichi (roka trajanja od 4 do 5 dana). Analizirani su sastojci stanične stijenke, enzimi koji ju razgrađuju te njihovi izoenzimi u nezrelim zelenim, dozrelim zelenim plodovima i onima koji su promijenili boju, te u zrelim i prezrelim plodovima. Udjel se celuloze i pektina smanjivao tijekom dozrijevanja u obje sorte, što je uzrokovalo povećanje udjela pektin metilesteraze (u sorti Umran 20 puta, a u sorti Illaichi 10 puta), poligalakturonaze (8,4 i 5,7 puta) i celulaze (5,5 i 4,4 puta). U svim su fazama dozrijevanja voća osnovne aktivnosti tih enzima bile izraženije u sorti Illaichi, što potvrđuje i intenzitet njihovih izoenzimskih vrpci. Iz izoenzimskog je profila pektin metilesteraze, poligalakturonaze i celulaze vidljivo da ti enzimi razgrađuju staničnu stijenku tijekom dozrijevanja plodova, te da se njihovom inaktivacijom taj proces može usporiti

    Isolation, Purification, and Characterization of Fungal Laccase from Pleurotus sp.

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    Laccases are blue copper oxidases (E.C. benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductase) that catalyze the one-electron oxidation of phenolics, aromatic amines, and other electron-rich substrates with the concomitant reduction of O2 to H2O. They are currently seen as highly interesting industrial enzymes because of their broad substrate specificity. A positive strain was isolated and characterized as nonspore forming Basidiomycetes Pleurotus sp. Laccase activity was determined using ABTS as substrate. Laccase was purified by ionexchange and gel filtration chromatography. The purified laccase was a monomer showed a molecular mass of 40 ± 1 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE and a 72-fold purification with a 22% yield. The optimal pH and temperature were 4.5 and 65°C, respectively. The Km and Vmax values are 250 (mM) and 0.33 (μmol/min), respectively, for ABTS as substrate. Metal ions like CuSO4, BaCl2, MgCl2, FeCl2, ZnCl2 have no effect on purified laccase whereas HgCl2 and MnCl2 moderately decrease enzyme activity. SDS and sodium azide inhibited enzyme activity, whereas Urea, PCMB, DTT, and mercaptoethanol have no effect on enzyme activity. The isolated laccase can be used in development of biosensor for detecting the phenolic compounds from the effluents of paper industries

    Detection of GSM Based Accident Location, Vehicle Theft and Fuel Theft Using ARM Cortex M-3 Microcontroller

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    In Today's world the amount of vehicle theft, fuel theft and accident of vehicles are increasing day by day. As per the survey made, each year more than a million vehicles are stolen in the U.S (one vehicle every 30 seconds). Vehicle theft occurs not only in metropolitan areas but also it can occur in seedy areas of town. To overcome this limitation, an automotive localization system using GPS and GSM services for the detection of accident location, fuel theft and vehicle theft using ARM Cortex M-3 is proposed. Here, the Vehicle tracking and locking system installed in the vehicle, to track the place and locking engine motor. The place of the vehicle identified using Global Positioning system (GPS) and Global system mobile communication (GSM). These systems constantly watch a moving Vehicle and report the status on demand. When the theft identified, the responsible person send SMS to the ARM Cortex M-3 controller, then controller issue the control signals to stop the engine motor. Authorized person need to send the password to controller to restart the vehicle and open the door which provides more secured, reliable and low cost. The proposed model shows better in its performance


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    Objective: The infectious diseases caused by bacteria are a major problem and most of them are resistant to the present antibiotics. Also the free radicals act on structural and functional architecture of the cell in turn lead to cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of the cell. In this regard plants would have molecules alternative to antibiotics with higher safety, efficiency and will play a key role in maintaining human health.Methods: In this study antimicrobial activity of methanolic crude extract of Tabernaemontana alternifolia root extract was determined by an agar gel diffusion method against Bacillus flexus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus aureus and E. coli bacteria, Aspergillus terreus and Scopulariopsis sp. fungi. Antioxidant potential of root extract was determined by ABTS assay and DPPH method.Results: The methanolic root extracts of T. alternifolia posses significant antibacterial activity and reducing power. The significant inhibition was observed at 250, 500, 750, 1000µg/ml for Bacillus flexus, Proteus aureus bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus was inhibited at 1000µg/ml concentration of the plant extracts. Crude extract inhibited DPPH with IC50 value 250 µg/ml and ABTS with IC50 value 600 µg/ml. No antifungal activity was observed.Conclusion: The overall result can conclude that T. alternifolia root posses marked antibacterial activity and anti oxidant activity at lower concentration of plant extract.Â

    Preconception nutrition intervention improved birth length and reduced stunting and wasting in newborns in south Asia: The women first randomized controlled trial

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    South Asia has \u3e50% of the global burden of low birth weight (LBW). The objective was to determine the extent to which maternal nutrition interventions commenced before conception or in the 1st trimester improved fetal growth in this region. This was a secondary analysis of combined newborn anthropometric data for the South Asian sites (India and Pakistan) in the Women First Preconception Maternal Nutrition Trial. Participants were 972 newborn of mothers who were poor, rural, unselected on basis of nutritional status, and had been randomized to receive a daily lipid-based micronutrient supplement commencing ≥3 months prior to conception (Arm 1), in the 1st trimester (Arm 2), or not at all (Arm 3). An additional protein-energy supplement was provided if BMI/m2 or gestational weight gain was less than guidelines. Gestational age was established in the 1st trimester and newborn anthropometry obtaine

    Ethnomedicinal plants and isolated compounds against Snake venom activity: A review

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    491-505Snakebite is an occupational hazard that has affected the population in tropical and subtropical countries. Worldwide approximately 5.4 million bites, 2.7 million envenomations, and 81,000-1,38,000 deaths are observed per annum. The incidences are higher among farmers and plantation workers. Antivenom is the only treatment available and the production of the same is challenging due to geographical variation of snakes, storage conditions, and non-availability of venom for production. Antivenom therapy is associated with immediate or delayed hypersensitivity and does not prevent local tissue damage. Thus the search for medicinal plants by the scientific community has become relevant. The ethnobotanical studies on various plants have revealed their use to treat various ailments including snakebite. Hence, the review is aimed to amass the medicinal plants studied and also emphasize various components isolated that have shown promising results