46 research outputs found

    Risk of thrombotic events and other complications in anticoagulant users infected with SARS‑CoV‑2: an observational cohort study in primary health care in SIDIAP (Catalonia, Spain)

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    COVID-19; Anticoagulants orals; Esdeveniments trombòtics; Atenció primàriaCOVID-19; Oral anticoagulants; Thrombotic events; Primary health careCOVID-19; Anticoagulantes orales; Eventos trombóticos; Atención primariaBackground: The risk of thromboembolic events and COVID-19 complications in anticoagulated patients once hos‑ pitalized has been widely analyzed. We aim to assess these outcomes in primary health care (PHC) patients chronically treated with oral anticoagulants (OAC) in comparison with non-treated. Methods: Cohort study including adults with COVID-19 diagnosis in the PHC records in Catalonia, Spain; from March to June 2020. Patients were matched between exposed and non-exposed to OAC based on age and gender in a 1:2 design. Data source is the Information System for Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP). Results: We included 311,542 individuals with COVID-19. After propensity score matching, we obtained a cohort of 20,360 people, 10,180 exposed and 10,180 non-exposed to OAC. Their mean age was 79.9 and 52.1% were women. Patients exposed to OAC had a higher frequency of comorbidities than non-exposed. Anticoagulated patients had a higher risk of hospital admission (IRR 1.16, 95% CI 1.03–1.29), and of stroke and pulmonary embolism than nonanticoagulated (IRR 1,80, 95% CI 1.06–3.06). The risk of pneumonia was not diferent between groups (IRR 1.04, 95% CI 0.84–1.30). We found a lower risk of death in patients exposed to OAC (IRR 0.60, 95% CI 0.55–0.65). Conclusions: OAC users in our study had more comorbidities and were older than non-users, well known risks for hospitalization being confrmed with our results. We also found in our study that OAC exposure was not associated to an increased risk in the mortality rate, and it was associated with higher risks of hospital admission and thrombo‑ embolic events, although we cannot assess the efect of the interventions applied during hospital admission on the outcomes studied, as our database is a PHC database

    Automatic Estimation of the Most Likely Drug Combination in Electronic Health Records Using the Smooth Algorithm: Development and Validation Study

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    Electronic health records; Data mining; Drug combinationRegistres sanitaris electrònics; Mineria de dades; Combinació de fàrmacsRegistros electrónicos de salud; Procesamiento de datos; Combinación de fármacosBackground: Since the use of electronic health records (EHRs) in an automated way, pharmacovigilance or pharmacoepidemiology studies have been used to characterize the therapy using different algorithms. Although progress has been made in this area for monotherapy, with combinations of 2 or more drugs the challenge to characterize the treatment increases significantly, and more research is needed. Objective: The goal of the research was to develop and describe a novel algorithm that automatically returns the most likely therapy of one drug or combinations of 2 or more drugs over time. Methods: We used the Information System for Research in Primary Care as our reference EHR platform for the smooth algorithm development. The algorithm was inspired by statistical methods based on moving averages and depends on a parameter Wt, a flexible window that determines the level of smoothing. The effect of Wt was evaluated in a simulation study on the same data set with different window lengths. To understand the algorithm performance in a clinical or pharmacological perspective, we conducted a validation study. We designed 4 pharmacological scenarios and asked 4 independent professionals to compare a traditional method against the smooth algorithm. Data from the simulation and validation studies were then analyzed. Results: The Wt parameter had an impact over the raw data. As we increased the window length, more patient were modified and the number of smoothed patients augmented, although we rarely observed changes of more than 5% of the total data. In the validation study, significant differences were obtained in the performance of the smooth algorithm over the traditional method. These differences were consistent across pharmacological scenarios. Conclusions: The smooth algorithm is an automated approach that standardizes, simplifies, and improves data processing in drug exposition studies using EHRs. This algorithm can be generalized to almost any pharmacological medication and model the drug exposure to facilitate the detection of treatment switches, discontinuations, and terminations throughout the study period

    Neumonías adquiridas en la comunidad en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica tratados con corticoides inhalados u otros broncodilatadores. Estudio PNEUMOCORT

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    OBJECTIVES: To analyse the risk of pneumonia and/or exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who receive treatment with inhaled corticosteroids (CI), in comparison with those who are not treated with inhaled corticosteroids (NCI). To estimate the risk of pneumonia according to CI dose. DESIGN: Population-based cohort study. SETTING: Primary Healthcare. Institut Catala de la Salut. PARTICIPANTS: Patients >/=45 years-old diagnosed with COPD between 2007 and 2009 in the Information System for Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP). INTERVENTION: Two cohorts; patients initiating CI and patients initiating bronchodilators after COPD diagnosis. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Demographics, smoking, medical history, pneumonias, exacerbations, vaccinations, and drug therapy. RESULTS: A total of 3,837 patients were included, 58% in the CI and 42% in the NCI group. Higher incidence rates of pneumonia and exacerbations were detected in the CI group compared with the NCI (2.18 vs. 1.37). The risk of pneumonia and severe exacerbations was not significantly different between groups, HR; 1.17 (95% CI; 0.87-1.56) and 1.06 (95% CI; 0.87-1.31), respectively. Patients in the CI group had a higher risk of mild exacerbations, HR; 1.28 (95% CI; 1.10-1.50). Variables associated with a higher risk of pneumonia were age, diabetes, previous pneumonias and bronchitis, very severe COPD, treatment with low doses of beta2-adrenergic or anticholinergic agents, and previous treatment with oral corticosteroids. CONCLUSIONS: There were no differences between cohorts in the risk of pneumonia and severe exacerbations. The risk of mild exacerbations was higher in the CI group. Pneumonias and severe exacerbations were more frequent in patients with severe COPD and in patients receiving high doses of CI

    Prospective Multicenter Study of Community-Associated Skin and Skin Structure Infections due to Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Background. Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(CAMRSA) is now the most common cause of skin and skin structure infections (SSSI) in several world regions. In Argentina prospective, multicenter clinical studies have only been conducted in pediatric populations. Objective. Primary: describe the prevalence, clinical and demographic characteristics of adult patients with community acquired SSSI due to MRSA; secondary: molecular evaluation of CA-MRSA strains. Patients with MRSA were compared to those without MRSA. Material and Methods. Prospective, observational, multicenter, epidemiologic study, with molecular analysis, conducted at 19 sites in Argentina (18 in Buenos Aires)between March 2010 and October 2011. Patients were included if they were ≥ 14 years, were diagnosed with SSSI, a culture was obtained, and there had no significant healthcare contact identified. A logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with CA-MRSA. Pulse field types, SCCmec, and PVL status were also determined. Results. A total of 311 patients were included. CA-MRSA was isolated in 70% (218/311) of patients. Clinical variables independently associated with CA-MRSA were: presence of purulent lesion (OR 3.29; 95%CI 1.67, 6.49) and age <50 years (OR 2.39; 95%CI 1.22, 4.70). The vast majority of CA-MRSA strains causing SSSI carried PVL genes (95%) and were SCCmec type IV. The sequence type CA-MRSA ST30 spa t019 was the predominant clone. Conclusions. CA-MRSA is now the most common cause of SSSI in our adult patients without healthcare contact. ST30, SCCmec IV, PVL+, spa t019 is the predominant clone in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Fil: Lopez Furst, Maria Jose. Sanatorio Municipal Dr. Julio Méndez, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires; Argentina;Fil: de Vedia, Lautaro. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Htal.de Infecciosas F.j. Muñiz; Argentina;Fil: Fernandez, Silvina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Quimica Biologica. Cat.de Microbiologia; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina;Fil: Gardella, Noella Mariel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Quimica Biologica. Cat.de Microbiologia; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina;Fil: Ganaha, Cristina. Pcia. de Buenos Aires. Hospital Vicente López y Planes, Gral. Rodríguez; Argentina;Fil: Prieto, Sergio. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Hospital Nuestra Señora de Luján; Argentina;Fil: Carbone, Edith. Hospital Aeronautico Central; Argentina;Fil: Lista, Nicolás. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Htal.de Infecciosas F.j. Muñiz; Argentina;Fil: Rotryng, Flavio. Universidad Abierta Interamericana; Argentina;Fil: Morera, Graciana I.. Hospital Dr. Jose Cullen; Argentina;Fil: Mollerach, Marta Eugenia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Quimica Biologica. Cat.de Microbiologia; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina;Fil: Stryjewski, Martin E.. Centro de Educaciones Medicas E Investig.Clinica "Norberto Quirno"; Argentina

    COVIDApp as an innovative strategy for the management and follow-up of COVID-19 cases in long-term care facilities in Catalonia : Implementation study

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    This work was supported by the Lluita contra la Sida Foundation, Barcelona, Spain.Background: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused an unprecedented worldwide public health crisis that requires new management approaches. COVIDApp is a mobile app that was adapted for the management of institutionalized individuals in long-term care facilities. Objective: The aim of this paper is to report the implementation of this innovative tool for the management of long-term care facility residents as a high-risk population, specifically for early identification and self-isolation of suspected cases, remote monitoring of mild cases, and real-time monitoring of the progression of the infection. Methods: COVIDApp was implemented in 196 care centers in collaboration with 64 primary care teams. The following parameters of COVID-19 were reported daily: signs/symptoms; diagnosis by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction; absence of symptoms for ≥14 days; total deaths; and number of health care workers isolated with suspected COVID-19. The number of at-risk centers was also described. Results: Data were recorded from 10,347 institutionalized individuals and up to 4000 health care workers between April 1 and 30, 2020. A rapid increase in suspected cases was seen until day 6 but decreased during the last two weeks (from 1084 to 282 cases). The number of confirmed cases increased from 419 (day 6) to 1293 (day 22) and remained stable during the last week. Of the 10,347 institutionalized individuals, 5,090 (49,2%) remained asymptomatic for ≥14 days. A total of 854/10,347 deaths (8.3%) were reported; 383 of these deaths (44.8%) were suspected/confirmed cases. The number of isolated health care workers remained high over the 30 days, while the number of suspected cases decreased during the last 2 weeks. The number of high-risk long-term care facilities decreased from 19/196 (9.5%) to 3/196 (1.5%). Conclusions: COVIDApp can help clinicians rapidly detect and remotely monitor suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 among institutionalized individuals, thus limiting the risk of spreading the virus. The platform shows the progression of infection in real time and can aid in designing new monitoring strategies

    Guia farmacoterapèutica: atenció a la salut sexual i reproductiva

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    Guia farmacoterapèutica; Atenció maternoinfantil; Atenció a la salut sexual i reproductivaGuía farmacoterapéutica; Atención maternoinfantil; Atención a la salud sexual y reproductivaPharmacotherapeutic guide; Maternal and child care; Sexual and reproductive health careAquest document, aprovat per la Comissió Farmacoterapèutica (CFT) de l’ICS, té com a objectiu adequar a la darrera evidència científica disponible els tractaments que es porten a terme en la pràctica clínica diària amb la finalitat d’orientar els professionals en la presa de decisions durant la tasca assistencial diària. És una eina d’orientació actualitzada i adaptable a la major part de les situacions que es produeixen en l’atenció maternoinfantil i en l’atenció a la salut sexual i reproductiva

    beta decay of In-133: gamma emission from neutron-unbound states in Sn-133

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    Excited states in Sn-133 were investigated through the beta decay of In-133 at the ISOLDE facility. The ISOLDE Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) provided isomer-selective ionization for In-133, allowing us to study separately, and in detail, the beta-decay branch of In-133 J(pi)= (9/2(+)) ground state and its J(pi) = (1/2(-)) isomer.Thanks to the large spin difference of the two beta-decaying states of In-133, it is possible to investigate separately the lower and higher spin states in the daughter, Sn-133, and thus to probe independently different single-particle and single-hole levels. We report here new gamma transitions observed in the decay of In-133, including those assigned to the deexcitation of the neutron-unbound states

    Investigation of Low-lying States in 133Sn Populated in the β Decay of 133In Using Isomer-selective Laser Ionization

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    Excited states in the neutron-rich isotope Sn-133 were studied via the beta decay of In-133. Isomer selective ionization using the ISOLDE RILIS enabled the beta decays of In-133(gs) (I-pi = 9/2(+)) and In-133m (I-pi = 1/2(-)) to be studied independently for the first time. A description of the experimental setup at the ISOLDE Decay Station is presented together with preliminary results from the experiment

    Implantación de una Unidad de Enlace Centralizada de Vacunación contra la COVID-19 gestionada por farmacéuticos-farmacólogos de Atención Primaria

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    Introducción: La Unidad de Enlace Centralizada de Vacunación contra la COVID19 (UECeV) de la Dirección de Atención Primaria Metropolitana Nord del Institut Català de la Salut se creó para resolver las consultas de usuarios y/o profesionales sanitarios relacionadas con la vacunación contra el virus SARS-CoV-2. El objetivo principal del presente análisis fue describir la actividad de la UECeV. Método: Realizamos un estudio observacional retrospectivo a partir del registro de consultas atendidas desde la UECeV entre 31 de abril y 31 de octubre de 2021. Población de referencia: 1.139.411 habitantes adultos asignados. La UECeV se creó en tres sedes territoriales atendidas cada una por dos farmacéuticos/farmacólogos de Atención Primaria (FAP) y un administrativo. La atención telefónica fue a jornada completa adaptable según actividad. Variable principal del análisis: número y tipos de consultas atendidas. Se calculó valores absolutos y porcentajes, medianas y desviación estándar para las variables cuantitativas y para las variables cualitativas se realizó un análisis descriptivo. Resultados: 3.103 consultas gestionadas de 3.030 usuarios; 2.180 (70,25%) contestadas por el FAP. Consulta más frecuente: compatibilidad vacuna según patología/medicación de base 1.008 (32,5%). 2.830 (93,4%) usuarios se vacunaron después de la intervención (2.210 consultaron antes de la primera dosis y 618 antes de la segunda). La vacuna mayoritaria fue la Comirnaty®.  Conclusiones: Las UECeV coordinadas por el FAP con atención directa a los usuarios y/o profesionales sanitarios constituyen un elemento de apoyo a los equipos de vacunación de atención primaria para la gestión experta de las consultas de vacunación contra la COVID19

    Implantación de una Unidad de Enlace Centralizada de Vacunación contra la COVID-19 gestionada por farmacéuticos-farmacólogos de Atención Primaria

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    Introducción: La Unidad de Enlace Centralizada de Vacunación contra la COVID19 (UECeV) de la Dirección de Atención Primaria Metropolitana Nord del Institut Català de la Salut se creó para resolver las consultas de usuarios y/o profesionales sanitarios relacionadas con la vacunación contra el virus SARS-CoV-2. El objetivo principal del presente análisis fue describir la actividad de la UECeV. Método: Realizamos un estudio observacional retrospectivo a partir del registro de consultas atendidas desde la UECeV entre 31 de abril y 31 de octubre de 2021. Población de referencia: 1.139.411 habitantes adultos asignados. La UECeV se creó en tres sedes territoriales atendidas cada una por dos farmacéuticos/farmacólogos de Atención Primaria (FAP) y un administrativo. La atención telefónica fue a jornada completa adaptable según actividad. Variable principal del análisis: número y tipos de consultas atendidas. Se calculó valores absolutos y porcentajes, medianas y desviación estándar para las variables cuantitativas y para las variables cualitativas se realizó un análisis descriptivo. Resultados: 3.103 consultas gestionadas de 3.030 usuarios; 2.180 (70,25%) contestadas por el FAP. Consulta más frecuente: compatibilidad vacuna según patología/medicación de base 1.008 (32,5%). 2.830 (93,4%) usuarios se vacunaron después de la intervención (2.210 consultaron antes de la primera dosis y 618 antes de la segunda). La vacuna mayoritaria fue la Comirnaty®.  Conclusiones: Las UECeV coordinadas por el FAP con atención directa a los usuarios y/o profesionales sanitarios constituyen un elemento de apoyo a los equipos de vacunación de atención primaria para la gestión experta de las consultas de vacunación contra la COVID19