38 research outputs found

    Emission reduction from a diesel engine fueled by pine oil biofuel using SCR and catalytic converter

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    10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.07.069Atmospheric Environment80190-197AENV

    Combustion performance and emission characteristics study of pine oil in a diesel engine

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    Experimental investigation of kapok (Ceiba pentandra) oil biodiesel as an alternate fuel for diesel engine

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    10.1016/j.enconman.2013.08.042Energy Conversion and Management75773-779ECMA

    Experimental and finite element analysis of a coated diesel engine fueled by cashew nut shell liquid biodiesel

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    10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2013.12.018Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science53259-268ETFS

    Reduction of harmful emissions from a diesel engine fueled by kapok methyl ester using combined coating and SNCR technology

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    10.1016/j.enconman.2013.12.056Energy Conversion and Management79581-589ECMA

    Performance emission and economic analysis of preheated CNSL biodiesel as an alternate fuel for a diesel engine

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    10.1080/15435075.2013.841162International Journal of Green Energy124359-36

    Combustion homogeneity and emission analysis during the transition from CI to HCCI for FACE I gasoline

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    Low temperature combustion concepts are studied recently to simultaneously reduce NOX and soot emissions. Optical studies are performed to study gasoline PPC in CI engines to investigate in-cylinder combustion and stratification. It is imperative to perform emission measurements and interpret the results with combustion images. In this work, we attempt to investigate this during the transition from CI to HCCI mode for FACE I gasoline (RON = 70) and its surrogate, PRF70. The experiments are performed in a single cylinder optical engine that runs at a speed of 1200 rpm. Considering the safety of engine, testing was done at lower IMEP (3 bar) and combustion is visualized using a high-speed camera through a window in the bottom of the bowl.From the engine experiments, it is clear that intake air temperature requirement is different at various combustion modes to maintain the same combustion phasing. While a fixed intake air temperature is required at HCCI condition, it varies at PPC and CI conditions between FACE I gasoline and PRF70. Three zones are identified 1) SOI = -180 to -80 CAD (aTDC) is HCCI zone 2) SOI = -40 to -20 CAD (aTDC) is PPC zone 3) After SOI = -15 CAD (aTDC) is CI zone. Combustion duration, ignition delay, start of combustion and CA90 (crank angle at which 90% of fuel burnt) are comparable between FACE I gasoline and PRF70. The combustion images show a prominent soot flame at CI condition, while only blue coloured premixed flames are visible at PPC condition for both the fuels. PRF70 seems to have a pronounced premixed effect when compared to FACE I gasoline at early injections, showing a decreased level of stratification. NOX emission and soot concentration decreases from CI condition and attains a constant zero value at HCCI condition for both FACE I gasoline and PRF70. CO and CO2 emissions matches between FACE I gasoline and PRF70 at PPC and CI condition, while CO emission is lower for PRF70 at HCCI condition