175 research outputs found

    Kemijski sastav prsiju i mišića bataka u tovljenju fazanskih pilića

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    This work presents the results of chemical analysis of breast and thigh muscles in common pheasants fattened until the age of 90 days, and evaluates changes in the quality of pheasant meat between the 40th and 90th day of fattening. Water content in breast muscles of female pheasants conclusively decreased (P0.05) to 745.41 g/kg on the 90th day of fattening while the dry matter content increased to 254.59 g/kg. A similar trend, i.e. decrease of water content and increase of dry matter level, was observed in males on the 90th day of fattening but the changes were inconclusive. Changes in protein levels (NS) in breast muscles were also inconclusive. The mean protein levels in female pheasants were ca. 229.05 g/kg, in the case of males they ranged from 229.88 g/kg to 245.03 g/kg. The fat content in breast muscles in pheasant poults increased with age. Particularly females exhibited a very conclusive increase in fat content (P0.01) on the 90th day (7.79 g/kg) while in males the fat content increased inconclusively (8.87 g/kg). The levels of ash determined in breast muscles ranged from 12.31 g/kg to 11.62 g/kg and from 12.72 g/kg to 11.72 g/kg in females and males, respectively. This parameter was not significantly affected by the age of young pheasants. The mean water content in thigh muscles ranged between 730.56 g/kg and 759.91 g/kg in females and between 725.03 g/kg and 753.37 g/kg in males. The changes in water content were related to the changes in dry matter levels. The mean protein levels in thigh muscles of female pheasants decreased to 189.90 g/kg on the 90th day of feeding (P0.05), while in males a highly conclusive decrease to 197.92 g/kg (P0.01) was found. Fat levels in both breast and thigh muscles gradually increased. Thus, fat levels in thigh muscles of females increased from 21.06 g/kg (on the 40th day) to 57.49 g/kg (on the 90th day). In the case of males the fat levels increased from 19.66 g/kg (on the 40th day) to 45.24 g/kg (on the 90th day). Similarly, the mean levels of ash ranged from 12.62 g/kg to 12.66 g/kg in females and from 12.82 g/kg to 12.44 g/kg in males. However, no conclusive differences due to the duration of fattening were found.U ovom radu izvršene su analize kemijskog sastava mišićne mase bataka i prsiju kod tovljenja fazana sve do 90. dana starosti, s ciljem razmatranja i vrednovanja izmjena kakvoće proizvedenog mesa u razdoblju između 40. do 90. dana tova fazana. Kod mišićne mase u prsima ženki fazana utvrđeno je (P0,05) smanjenje sadržaja vode u 90. danu tova na 745,41 g/kg, a time i povećanje sadržaja suhe mase na 254,59 g/kg. Sličan trend u pogledu sadržaja vode i suhe mase primijećen je u 90. danu tova mužjaka fazana, s time da ove izmjene nisu dokazive. Nedokazive izmjene zabilježene su kod sadržaja bjelančevina (NL) u prsnoj mišićnoj masi, čije su prosječne vrijednosti varirale kod ženki fazana oko 229,05 g/kg, a kod mužjaka varirale su u rasponu između 229,88 g/kg do 245,03 g/kg. Što su bili pilići stariji, to veći je bio sadržaj masti u mišićnoj masi u prsima, što je bilo veoma očito (P0,01) posebno kod ženki fazana u 90. danu starosti 7,79 g/kg, dok je kod mužjaka zabilježena nedokaziva vrijednost 8,87 g/kg. Kod pepela, čiji se sadržaj u prsnoj mišićnoj masi kretao kod ženki između 12,31 g/kg do 11,62 g/kg, a kod mužjaka između 12,72 g/kg i 11,72 g/kg, u pogledu starosti fazana nisu utvrđene nikakve značajne razlike među prosječnim vrijednostima. Kod mišićne mase bataka fazana sadržaj vode je varirao u rasponu prosječnih vrijednosti, i to kako slijedi: kod ženki fazana između 730,56 g/kg do 759,91 g/kg, a kod mužjaka između 725,03 g/kg do 753,37 g/kg. Za izmjene sadržaja vode logično su vezane i izmjene sadržaja suhe mase. Što se tiče bjelančevina, u butnoj mišićnoj masi fazana dokazano je (P0,05) kod ženki u 90. danu tova smanjenje prosječne vrijednosti na 189,90 g/kg, a kod mužjaka čak veoma očito (dokazivo) smanjenje (P0,01) na 197,92 g/kg. Slično kao kod prsnih mišića te butnih mišića utvrđen je trend postupnog rasta masti kod ženki s 21,06 g/kg (40. dan) na 57,49 g/kg (90. dan), a kod mužjaka s 19,66 g/kg (40. dan) na 45,24 g/kg (90. dan). Isto tako kod pepela, čije su se prosječne vrijednosti kretale u rasponu između 12,62 g/kg i 12,66 g/kg kod ženki fazana, te 12,82 g/kg do 12,44 g/kg kod mužjaka, nisu potvrđene dokazive razlike vezane za vrijeme trajanja tova fazana

    A Converter between the LESS and SASS Stylesheet Formats

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je výzkum rozdílů mezi CSS preprocesorovými jazyky, jmenovitě Less a Sass, a nalezení použitelných transormačních metod k implementaci překladače mezi jejich formáty. Nejprve je předložen koncept CSS preprocesorů a následuje detailní popis vlastností jazyků Less a Sass. V této práci jsou uvedené všechny zjištěné rozdíly, a pak jsou představeny nové konverzní metody s demonstrativními příklady. Následuje popis návrhu a implementace překladače. Součástí této práce je tvorba nástroje pro porovnávání CSS, který je postaven na základě transformace abstraktního syntaktického stromu. Návrh komparátoru je popsán spolu s procesem testování, jenž byl použitý pro verifikaci zavedených konverzních metod. V poslední části práce jsou shrnuty dosažené výsledky a je navržen budoucí vývoj překladače.The aim of this thesis is to research the differences between the CSS preprocessor languages, namely Less and Sass, and  find applicable transformation methods to implement a converter between their dynamic stylesheet formats. A general introduction to the concept of CSS preprocessors is provided  first, which is followed by a thorough description of the Less and Sass language features. In addition to this, all the discovered differences are stated and illustrative examples of the invented conversion methods are provided in this work. This is followed by the description of the design and implementation of the proposed converter. As a part of the contribution of this thesis, a CSS comparison tool based on abstract syntax tree transformation has also been developed. Its design is described along the testing procedure used to verify the invented conversion methods. The last part of the work summarizes the achieved results and the future directions of the converter. 

    Intenzitet rasta i značajke polovica tovljenih pilića fazana

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    The main aim of the present work was to find out whether intensive fattening of pheasant poults can provide high-quality pheasant meat. The study is a pilot work in this area because until now pheasant rearing has only produced pheasants for the purpose of hunting. In this experiment three feeding mixtures were designed; nutritional and energetic composition of the mixtures complied with the respective feeding requirements. The feeding mixtures did not contain components originating from animals in order to ensure safety of meat. The growth intensity and the state of health of pheasants reflect the quality of feeding mixtures administered. Thus, on the 90th day the female and male pheasants weighed 0.832 kg and 1.061 kg, respectively. This represents approximately 90 % of the weight of an adult pheasant in natural hunting grounds. Pheasants were in a good state of health as concluded on the basis of a very low mortality rate (4.45 %). Results concerning carcass parameters such as carcass yield and the yield of high-quality tissues (breast and thigh muscles) are very promising. Thus, carcass yields ranged from 71 % to 72 %. The yield of breast muscles at the end of the feeding was 20.43 % in females and 19.66 % in males. The yield of thigh muscles was also high, reaching the level of 20.40 % in females and 20.59 % in males. The above values of carcass yield and the yield of the most valuable muscles obtained in this experiment exceed the values observed in most broiler chickens. Importantly, the experiment showed that despite intensive fattening the pheasant poults did not accumulate abdominal fat. Accumulation of abdominal fat was detected only in some 90-day-old pheasants after slaughter.Cilj ovog rada bio je razmatranje mogućnosti intezivnog tova pilića fazana u svrhu proizvodnje mesa visoke kakvoće. Rad se može smatrati pilot projektom u ovoj problematici, jer uzgoj fazana bio je dosad usmjeren samo za potrebe lova. Za ostvarenje ovog rada sastavljena su tri različita tipa stočne hrane, koji svojim sadržajem hranjivih tvari i eneregetskih vrijednosti ispunjavaju zahtjeve za tov fazana. U pogledu sigurnosti i zdravstvene besprijekornosti proizvodnje mesa, korišteni tipovi stočne hrane pripremljeni su bez životinjskoih sastojaka. Dobiveni rezultati inteziteta rasta te zdravstvenog stanja fazana postignuti su zahvaljujući dobroj kakvoći korištene stočne hrane. Ovim intenzivnim tovom kod pilića fazana starih 90 dana postignuta je prosječna težina od 0,832 kg (ženke), te 1,061 kg (mužjaci), što predstavlja otprilike 90% težine odraslih fazana postignute u prirodnim prostorima za uzgoj. Njihovo zdravstveno stanje može se smatratii dobrim i zbog niskog postotka uginulih fazana - 4.45 %. Veoma pozitivni su rezultati mjerenja korisne mase tijela fazana. Radi se posebno o visokom postotku korisne mase tijela fazana, koji se kreće od 71 % do 72 %. Do sličnih zaključaka došlo se i vrednovanjem postotka korisne mase najkvalitetnijih dijelova tijela fazana, kao što je prsna mišicna masa, čiji je korisni postotak na kraju tova 20.43 % (ženke), te 19.66 % (mužjaci). Gotovo isti rezultati su dobiveni i mjerenjem postotka korisne mase bataka fazana, gdje su dobiveni rezultati kod tovljenih pilića fazana 20.40 % (ženke), te 20.59 % (mužjaci). Gore navedeni parametri postotka korisne mase tijela i najvrednijih dijelova tijela, koji su postignuti ovim pokusom kod fazana namijenjenih za tov, predstavljaju vrijednosti, koje nisu postignute niti kod tovljenih pilića brojlera. Veoma pozitivan rezultat predstavlja činjenica da kod pilića fazana nije dolazilo do taloženja abdominalne masti čak i kod intenzivnog tova. Abdominalna mast počela se javljati tek u 90. danu starosti pilića fazana, i to ne kod svih žrtvovanih pilića

    Database of Cutting Tools and Holders in the CAM system

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá tvorbou databáze řezných nástrojů a jejich upínačů pro 5 – osé frézovací centrum DMG DMU 50 a pro 3 – osé frézovací centrum MCV 1270 POWER, které vlastní VŠB-TU Ostrava. Teoretická část práce je zaměřena na problematiku správy řezných nástrojů a využití softwarové podpory pro jejich správu. V praktické části se zaměřujeme na tvorbu databáze v podmínkách Katedry obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologie, která je zrealizována v programu Microsoft Office Excel a následně propojena s Tool listem v systému WorkNC a také Tool listy strojů. Díky propojenosti všech forem databáze získáme kvalitnější identifikaci a evidenci nástrojů, čímž zkrátíme délku vedlejších časů a docílíme celkového zefektivnění výroby. Databáze je vytvořena dle potřeb programátora a obsluhy stroje.This bachelor thesis is focused on creating a database of cutting tools and their holders for the 5 - axis milling center DMG DMU 50 and for the 3 - axis milling center MCV 1270 POWER, which were available at VŠB - TU Ostrava. The theoretical part of the work is focused on the management of cutting tools and the use of software support for their management. In the practical part we focus on creating a database in the conditions of the Department of Machining, Assembly and Engineering Metrology, which is created in Microsoft Office Excel and then connected to the Tool list in the WorkNC system and also with Tool lists of machines. Thanks to the interconnection of all forms of database, we will achieve better identification and registration of tools, which will reduce the length of additional times and get more efficient production. The database is created according to the needs of the programmer and the machine operator.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievýborn

    Comparison of the nutritional value of seeds of individual varieties of the genus Lupinus that are grown in Europe

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    Cilj ovog rada bila je usporedba hranjive vrijednosti 16 najznačajnijih sorti sjemena roda LUPINUS, gajenih u europskim uvjetima (PRIMA, LAE, LWA 1, AMIGA, APR 8-2, LAV 8-4, EGHO, V 6-1, ROSE, BORUTA, KARO, JUNO, SONET, ATU, WATT i ANDA). Na temelju kemijskih analiza dokazano je da se navedene sorte međusobno znatno razlikuju u sadržaju pojedinačnih hranjivih tvari. Kod analiziranih hranjivih tvari u 100 % suhoj tvari utvrđene su sljedeće razlike u rasponu od: dušične tvari 303,20 – 451,65 g/kg, masti 50,00 – 135,55 g/kg, vlaknina 101,2 – 173,70 g/kg, tvari bez sadržaja dušika esencijalne 268,50 – 489,00 g/kg, organska masa, 837,28 – 966,80 g/kg, pepeo 33,20 – 52,20 g/kg, kalcij 2,29 – 4,74 g/kg, fosfor 4,36 – 8,15 g/kg i magnezij 1,10 – 3,20 g/kg. Postignuti rezultati ispitivanja uspoređeni su sa sadržajem hranjivih tvari u zrnju soje dviju najčešće korištenih sorti u Europi (KORADA i VISON). Rezultati studije pokazali su da su neke sorte roda Lupinus pogodne za proizvodnju krmnih smjesa.The main aim of this work was to compare the nutritional values of seeds of 16 different major varieties of the genus LUPINUS (PRIMA, LAE, LWA 1, AMIGA, APR 8-2, LAV 8-4, EGHO, V 6-1, ROSE, BORUTA, KARO, JUNO, SONET, ATU, WATT and ANDA) that are currently grown in Europe. Chemical analysis confirmed significant differences among the above mentioned varieties in the levels of individual nutrients. The levels of the monitored nutrients ranged within the following intervals (related to 100% dry matter): nitrogen-containing substances - 303.20 – 451.65 g/kg, fat - 50.00 – 135.55 g/kg, fibre - 101.2 – 173.70 g/kg, nitrogen-free substances (extracted) - 268.50 – 489.00 g/kg, organic matter - 837.28 – 966.80 g/kg, ash - 33.20 – 52.20 g/kg, calcium - 2.29 – 4.74 g/kg, phosphorus - 4.36 – 8.15 g/kg, and magnesium - 1.10 – 3.20 g/kg. The results obtained were compared with the levels of nutrients found in soya beans of the two most commonly grown European varieties (KORÁDA and VISON). In conclusion, the findings of this work suggest that it is advantageous to grow individual varieties of the genus LUPINUS and use their seeds in the nutrition of farm animals

    The plant-based diet containing treated lupin seed in the nutrition of hens and the comparison of its production efficacy with the diet based on animal protein

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    Cilj je ovog rada istražiti učinak zamjene životinjskih bjelančevina (mesnokoštano brašno) biljnim bjelančevinama (obrađene sjemenke lupine) na produktivnost i zdravlje kokoši nesilica. Pokus je proveden na konzumnim nesilicama hibrida Isa Brown u dobi od 22. do 58. tjedna. Korištena lupina sorte JUNO nije negativno utjecala na produkciju jaja i kvalitetu ljuske jaja. Međutim, značajno povećnje (P ≤ 0,01) zabilježeno je kod slijedećih parametara; prosječne mase proizvedenih jaja (od 60,03 g na 61,66 g), mase ljuske jaja (s 7,17 g na 7,78 g) i mase bjelanjka (od 36,33 g na 37,31 g). Premda učinak lupine na masu žumanjka nije bio utvrđen, dokazano je (P ≤ 0,01) poboljšanje njegove boje. Pozitivnim rezultatom zamjene mesnokoštanog brašna lupinom možemo smatrati i značajno (P ≤ 0,05) smanjenje sadržaja kolesterola u žumanjku jajeta (za 15,86 g.kg-1).The aim of this work was to verify the production efficacy of a plant-based feeding mixture and its effect on the quality of eggs. Animal protein (i.e. meat-and-bone meal) in the feeding mixture was replaced with vegetable protein (treated lupin seed). The experiment was performed with Isa Brown hybrid females aged 22-58 weeks. The diet containing lupin seed (the variety JUNO) as a replacement of meat-and-bone meal had no negative effect on egg production and the quality of egg shell in utility layers. Moreover, the highly conclusive increase (P ≤ 0.01) was found in the following parameters: the average weight of produced eggs (60.03 g as compared to 61.66 g), the weight of egg shell (from 7.17 g to 7.78 g), and the weight of egg white (from 36.33 g to 37.31 g). The weight of egg yolk remained unaffected but its colour improved (P ≤ 0.01). Another positive effect observed with the experimental diet is that it conclusively (P ≤ 0.05) decreased the level of cholesterol in egg yolk by 15.86 g per kg

    Influence of Housing System and Number of Transported Animals on Transport-induced Mortality in Slaughter Pigs

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    The study monitored the effect of the housing system and the number of animals transported together on transport-induced mortality of slaughter pigs in the Czech Republic in the period from 2004 to 2008. Concerning the type of housing during the fattening, the lowest mortality rate during the subsequent transport to slaughter houses was detected among pigs fattened on solid floor (0.047%) and on deep bedding (0.084%). The highest mortality during transport was detected among pigs fattened on fully or partially slatted floor (0.139%), a significant difference (p p < 0.01) compared to the load sizes of up to 40 animals

    Both RNase E and RNase III control the stability of sodB mRNA upon translational inhibition by the small regulatory RNA RyhB

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    Previous work has demonstrated that iron-dependent variations in the steady-state concentration and translatability of sodB mRNA are modulated by the small regulatory RNA RyhB, the RNA chaperone Hfq and RNase E. In agreement with the proposed role of RNase E, we found that the decay of sodB mRNA is retarded upon inactivation of RNase E in vivo, and that the enzyme cleaves within the sodB 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) in vitro, thereby removing the 5′ stem–loop structure that facilitates Hfq and ribosome binding. Moreover, RNase E cleavage can also occur at a cryptic site that becomes available upon sodB 5′-UTR/RyhB base pairing. We show that while playing an important role in facilitating the interaction of RyhB with sodB mRNA, Hfq is not tightly retained by the RyhB–sodB mRNA complex and can be released from it through interaction with other RNAs added in trans. Unlike turnover of sodB mRNA, RyhB decay in vivo is mainly dependent on RNase III, and its cleavage by RNase III in vitro is facilitated upon base pairing with the sodB 5′-UTR. These data are discussed in terms of a model, which accounts for the observed roles of RNase E and RNase III in sodB mRNA turnover