22,923 research outputs found

    Superbalance of holographic entropy inequalities

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    The domain of allowed von Neumann entropies of a holographic field theory carves out a polyhedral cone — the holographic entropy cone — in entropy space. Such polyhedral cones are characterized by their extreme rays. For an arbitrary number of parties, it is known that the so-called perfect tensors are extreme rays. In this work, we constrain the form of the remaining extreme rays by showing that they correspond to geometries with vanishing mutual information between any two parties, ensuring the absence of Bell pair type entanglement between them. This is tantamount to proving that besides subadditivity, all non-redundant holographic entropy inequalities are superbalanced, i.e. not only do UV divergences cancel in the inequality itself (assuming smooth entangling surfaces), but also in the purification thereof

    Marine Pollution Prevention in American Samoa

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    Most of the garbage in American Samoa heads to the landfill in Futiga on the island of Tutuila. Reports indicate that the landfill is expected to reach critical capacity in 2015. Some have started to look into advanced technology to deal with the problem, which could lead to millions of dollars of government spending. Our study focuses on how to reduce solid waste through composting, a natural way to recycle organic or biodegradable waste. Composting is a great option to look into since about fifty percent of waste sent to the landfill is biodegradable and because it is easily done with little or no cost and is beneficial to the environment. This study is divided into two parts. First, research will be done through the internet, interviews will be conducted with experts, and a survey will be done to determine the composting methods done on island, awareness of the current landfill situation, awareness on composting and if it is conducted at home, and if those surveyed agree that composting would be beneficial for proper solid waste management in American Samoa. Second, a simple method of composting will be created to share with the public so that everyone may have the opportunity to begin his or her own compost pile. Preliminary data shows that 62% of the people know about the landfill capacity problem, 68% know what composting is, and 33% of households conduct their own composting. Approximately 76% of the people surveyed practice the 3Rs: reuse, reduce, and recycle. This study shows that composting is a practical means for reducing waste in American Samoa

    Optical vortex singularities and atomic circulation in evanescent waves

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    The total internal reflection of an optical beam with a phase singularity can generate evanescent light that displays a rotational character. At a metalized surface, in particular, field components extending into the vacuum region possess vortex properties in addition to surface plasmon features. These surface plasmonic vortices retain the phase singularity of the input light, also mapping its associated orbital angular momentum. In addition to a two-dimensional patterning on the surface, the strongly localized intensity distribution decays with distance perpendicular to the film surface. The detailed characteristics of these surface optical vortex structures depend on the incident beam parameters and the dielectric mismatch of the media. The static interference of the resulting surface vortices, achieved by using beams suitably configured to restrict lateral in-plane motion, can be shown to give rise to optical forces that produce interesting dynamical effects on atoms or small molecules trapped in the vicinity of the surface. As well as trapping within the surface plasmonic fields, model calculations reveal that the corresponding atomic trajectories will typically exhibit a variety of rotational and vibrational effects, significantly depending on the extent and sign of detuning from resonance

    Traumatic brain injury: Age at injury influences dementia risk after TBI

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is increasingly recognized as a risk factor for dementia. New data provide further support for this association and demonstrate the influence of age at injury and injury severity on dementia risk after TBI, revealing that even mild TBI increases dementia risk in those aged ≥65 years

    Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Part II: Ecosystem Services and Management Under Risk of Climate Change and Land Use Intensification

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    Groundwater in sufficient amounts and of suitable quality is essential for potable water supplies, crop irrigation and healthy habitats for plant and animal biocenoses. The groundwater resource is currently under severe pressure from land use and pollution and there is evidence of dramatic changes in aquifer resources in Europe and elsewhere, despite numerous policy measures on sustainable use and protection of groundwater. Little is known about how such changes affect groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs), which include various aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems above ground and inside the aquifer. Future management must take this uncertainty into account. This paper focuses on multiple aspects of groundwater science, policy and sustainable management. Examples of current management methods and practices are presented for selected aquifers in Europe and an assessment is made of the effectiveness of existing policies in practice and of how groundwaters and GDEs are managed in various conditions. The paper highlights a number of issues that should be considered in an integrated and holistic approach to future management of groundwater and its dependent ecosystems.groundwater, ecosystems, management, policy, ecosystem services

    Prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites in primates and their keepers from two zoological gardens in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    A study was conducted to determine the levels of infestation of gastro-intestinal parasites in 36 non-human primates (NHP) and 19 zoo keepers at the University of Ibadan Zoological Garden (UIZG) and Agodi Zoological Garden (AZG) in Ibadan, Nigeria. Freshly passed faecal samples were collected from NHP, zoo keepers, and from apparently healthy individuals (control). The faecal samples were processed using standard parasitological techniques. Twenty-two (61.1%) out of 36 NHP at UIZG and AZG were infested with gastro-intestinal parasites. Infestations at UIZG and AZG were 61.3% and 60%, respectively. All the red patas, mangabey and mandrill monkeys and 90.9% (10/11) of the green monkeys were infested. There were higher infestation rates in young NHP than in adults (P<0.05). The infestation rate in males and females were the same (61.1%). The most prevalent gastro-intestinal parasites were Trichuris trichiura (47.2%), Strongyle spp(13.9%), Entamoeba spp (13.9%) and Stronglyloides spp (5.6%). Six (27.3%) of the infested NHP have mixed infestations. Only one of the 19 zoo keepers screened was infested with Ascaris lumbricoides and two (15.4%) of the 13 members of control group (non-zoological garden workers) were infested with Ancylostoma duodenale. There was no evidence of cross transmission of gastro-intestinal helminths between the NHP and the zoo keepers.Keywords: Gastro-intestinal parasites, Helminths, Infestation, Primates, Prevalence, Zoo

    Acceleration-Induced Deconfinement Transitions in de Sitter Spacetime

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    In this note, we consider confining gauge theories in D=2,3,4D=2,3,4 defined by S2S^2 or T2T^2 compactification of higher-dimensional conformal field theories with gravity duals. We investigate the behavior of these theories on de Sitter spacetime as a function of the Hubble parameter. We find that in each case, the de Sitter vacuum state of the field theory (defined by Euclidian continuation from a sphere) undergoes a deconfinement transition as the Hubble parameter is increased past a critical value. In each case, the corresponding critical de Sitter temperature is smaller than the corresponding Minkowski-space deconfinement temperature by a factor nearly equal to the dimension of the de Sitter spacetime. The behavior is qualitatively and quantitatively similar to that for confining theories defined by S1S^1 compactification of CFTs, studied recently in arXiv:1007.3996.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Socioeconomic Development Inequalities among Geographic Units in Akwa Ibon State, Nigeria

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    Socio-economic development inequality among geographic units is a phenomenon common in both the developed and developing countries. Regional inequality may result in dissension among geographic units of the same state due to the imbalance in socio-economic development. This study examines the inequality and the pattern in socio-economic development in Akwa Ibom State. Data on socio-economic development indicators was collected using field survey, questionnaire and data from relevant agencies across the 24 areas or nodes selected out of the 31 areas or nodes. The factor analysis technique was applied to the 26 variables to achieve a parsimonious description and identify the major factors to indicate the socio-economic dimensions. From the analysis seven major factors were identified. Factor 1 identified and named as education/communication factor, factor 2 identified and named Healthinstitution/small scale industry factor, factor 3 identified and named as means of transport factor, factor 4 identified and named as land area factor, factor 5 identified and named as distance factor, factor 6 identified and named as income/household size factor and factor 7 identified and named as car ownership factor. The total variance for the factors is 82%. The study revealed that there exist variation and patterns in the socio-economic development in the study area.The pattern shows factor 1 has Essien Udium and Onna indicating high performance .Factor 2 , has 3 areas that indicate high performance Okobo, Ibeno, and Oruk Anam.Factor 3 has 3 areas that indicate high performance Ibesikpo Asutan, Abak and Etinan. Factor 4 has 4 areas Ibiono Ibom, Itu, Mkpat Enin and Ikot Abasi which indicate high performance. Factor 5 has 3 areas Nsit Ubium, Ini and Ikot Abasi.Factor 6 has 5 areas which indicate high performance Ikono, Eket, Mbo, Esit Eket and Udung Uko. Finally factors 7 has 4 areas which indicate high performance Eastern Obolo, Nsit Ibom, Ukanafun and Uruan. Efforts should be made to increase the number of socio-economic indicators in the disadvantages areas.Key words: Socio-economic, Development, Inequalities, Geographic Units, Nigeria
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