46 research outputs found

    Aislamiento de bacterias resistentes y transformadoras de Cr(VI) y Metil Paratión

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    El río Lerma está poblado por diversas bacterias que se han vuelto resistentes a los contaminantes presentes. Algunas de estas bacterias son capaces de transformar algunos contaminantes a sustancias menos tóxicas. Tres cepas aisladas de sedimentos del Río Lerma resistieron concentraciones superiores a 207 mg L-1 de Cr(VI) y lo transformaron. La capacidad de transformación del Cr(VI) en orden descendente fue: Pseudomonas entomophila L48 > Pseudomonas cedrina CFML 96- 198 > Pseudomonas graminis DSM 11363. Por otro lado, ocho cepas con diferentes porcentajes de transformación de metil paratión (PM) fueron aisladas. Las cepas resistieron concentraciones superiores a 1,052 mg L-1. La capacidad de trasformación del PM en orden descendente fue: Comamonas testosteroni KS 0043 > Achromobacter denitrifi cans DSM 30026> Rhodococcus qingshengii djl-6 >Achromobacter spanius LMG 5911 > Pseudomonas meridiana CMS 38 > Pseudomonas veronii CIP 104663 > Pseudomonas nitroreducens IAM 1439 > Microbacterium esteraromaticum DSM 8609. Estas bacterias presentan un potencial biotecnológico en la remediación de cuerpos de agua o en tratamientos de agua para uso industrial

    Seroprevalence Survey of American Trypanosomiasis in Central Valley of Toluca.

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    American trypanosomiasis is a growing health issue in the Americas. Me ́xico is an endemic country, where some locations such as in the State of Me ́xico are considered highly prevalent. In the valley of Toluca city, the capital of the State of Mexico, there exists an apparent high prevalence in dogs. The absence of triatomine vectors suggests that dogs may not be infected. Therefore, we conducted a directed survey to domiciliated and nondomiciliated dogs to reassess dogs’ T. cruzi seroprevalence status. HAI and ELISA serologic tests were applied to 124 and 167 serums of domiciliated and nondomiciliated dogs in the target city. Risk factors were estimated, but the results did not show any evidence to assess them. No domiciliated dogs tested positive to both tests, whereas only one non-domiciliated dog resulted positive. This animal may have acquired the infection in an endemic area and then migrated to Toluca. Research results indicate that T. cruzi infection is not actively transmitted among dogs, and it is pointed out that dogs are the main sentinel animal population to evaluate a possible expansion of the territory affected by Chagas’ disease.Researches thank Universidad Autoónoma de Estado de México, whose support was significant to conclude the professional project SF009/2009. No competing commercial associations or financial interests exist in connection with the submitted manuscript for all authors concerned

    Experimental-Theoretic Approach to Drug-Lymphocyte Interactome Networks with Flow Cytometry and Spectral Moments Perturbation Theory

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    Modelos matematicos y citometria de flujoAbstract: We can combine experimental techniques like Flow Cytometry Analysis (FCA) with Chemoinformatics methods to predict the complex networks of interactions between organic compounds and targets in the immune system. In this work, we determined experimentally the values of EC50 = 17.82 μg/mL and Cytotoxicity = 20.6 % for the antimicrobial / anti-parasite drug Dermofural over Balb/C CD9 lymphocytes using flow cytometry. After that, we developed a new Perturbation-theory model for Drug-Cell Target Interactome in Lymphocytes based on dispersion-polarization moments of drug structure. The models correctly classifies 34591 out of 42715 (Accuracy = 80.9%) cases of perturbations in assay endpoints of 11492 drugs (including both train and validation series). Each endpoint correspond to one out of 2616 assays, 38 molecular and cellular targets, 77 standard type measures, in four possible (human and rodentsCONACY

    Direct-fed microbes: A tool for improving the utilization of low quality roughages in ruminants

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    Due to probable toxicity problems to the host animals, these feed additives are not routinely used (Salem et al. 2014a, b). Recently, a great awareness from public health aspects such as residues of these chemicals in milk and meat, and bacterial resistance to antibiotics as a result of increased use in the food chains prohibits their use as feed additives (Barton 2000). These supplements have been criticized by the consumers’ organizations on the ground of product safety and quality. The consumers’ demands have stimulated to search for natural alternatives to chemical feed additives. Supplementation with probiotics that can survive in the rumen has become a suitable alternative (Fon and Nsahlai 2013).For many years, ruminant nutritionists and microbiologists have been interested in manipulating the microbial ecosystem of the rumen to improve production efficiency of different ruminant species. Removal and restriction of antibiotics subtherapeutic uses from ruminant diets has amplified interest in improving nutrient utilization and animal performance and search for more safe alternatives. Some bacterial and fungal microorganisms as a direct-fed microbial (DFM) can be the most suitable solutions. Microorganisms that are commonly used in DFM for ruminants may be classified mainly as lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB), lactic acid utilizing bacteria (LUB), or other microorganism’s species like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Bacillus, Propionibacterium, Megasphaera elsdenii and Prevotellabryantii, in addition to some fungal species of yeast such as Saccharomyces and Aspergillus. A definitive mode of action for bacterial or fungal DFM has not been established; although a variety of mechanisms have been suggested. Bacterial DFM potentially moderate rumen conditions, and improve weight gain and feed efficiency. Fungal DFM may reduce harmful oxygen from the rumen, prevent excess lactate production, increase feed digestibility, and alter rumen fermentation patterns. DFM may also compete with and inhibit the growth of pathogens, immune system modulation, and modulate microbial balance in the gastrointestinal tract. Improved dry matter intake, milk yield, fat corrected milk yield and milk fat content were obtained with DFM administration. However, the response to DFM is not constant; depending on dosages, feeding times and frequencies, and strains of DFM. Nonetheless, recent studies have supported the positive effects of DFM on ruminant performance

    Prevalence and molecular identification of Chlamydia abortus in commercial dairy goat farms in a hot region in Mexico

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    The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence and presence of Chlamydia abortus in Saanen breed female goats from commercial dairy goat farms under intensive production in the municipality of Guanajuato, Mexico. Sera were collected to determine the prevalence of anti-C. abortus IgG antibodies using recombinant enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (rELISA) and cell culture. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to prove the presence of the pathogen in swab samples collected from the vagina and rectum of selected animals. Additionally, foetal tissue samples from a sudden abortion were collected. C. abortus prevalence in female goats of commercial milking farms sampled in Guanajuato, Mexico, was 4.87 % (n=246). Seropositive animals were found in six out of nine (66.6 %) dairy goat farms sampled, and prevalence among animals in individual farms ranged between 3.44 and 13.51 %. C. abortus was detected using PCR in spleen tissue from the aborted foetus. PCR-based detection, as well as isolation from vaginal and rectal swabs, was not possible in the present study. Isolation through cell culture was also unsuccessful from aborted foetal tissue samples. In conclusion, the results from rELISA and PCR show that C. abortus is present in dairy goat farms in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico

    Cardiopatía Chagásica en Perros: reporte de caso clínico

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    Articulo derivado de Tesis de Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez EspinosaEl objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer los avances en el diagnóstico y evaluación de la cardiomiopatía dilatada secundaria a enfermedad de Chagas en perros, a través de una experiencia clínica. Se presentó un perro macho de 1 año de edad, entero, de raza mestizo, que fue referido para la evaluación cardiológica por sospecha de enfermedad cardíaca congénita, con pronóstico desfavorable. La ecocardiografía confirmó cardiomiopatía dilatada y presencia de efusión abdominal, pero se descartó displasia de la válvula tricúspide y por lo tanto el diagnóstico presuntivo inicial. La anamnesis nos permitió sospechar de infección por Trypanosoma cruzi, por lo que se utilizaron métodos diagnósticos dirigidos a la confirmación de esa afección, que incluyeron; ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA) en busca de anticuerpos anti-T. cruzi en suero, PCR punto final y PCR anidado a partir de muestra sanguínea y de la efusión abdominal en busca de parásitos, biometría hemática, química sanguínea, troponina I y NTpro-BNP, que pudieran dar pistas diagnósticas complementarias para realizar un pronóstico más confiable. Se confirmó la infección por T. cruzi y se procedió a dar tratamiento antiparasitario y de soporte cardiovascular. Después de una recuperación inicial de ganancia de peso y estado de animo significativas, el animal murió súbitamente después de un episodio de estrés; condición frecuentemente observada en perros infectados por T. cruzi.UAEMEX 4518/2018/CI Correlacion de las consentraciones séricas de troponina I con los cambios clínicos cardivasculares en perros infectados con Trypanosoma cruzi en fase crónic

    Model for High-Throughput Screening of drug immunotoxicity - study of the antimicrobial G1 over peritoneal macrophages using flow cytometry

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    Modelos matematicos y citometriaQuantitative Structure-Activity (mt-QSAR) techniques may become an important tool for prediction of cytotoxicity and High-throughput Screening (HTS) of drugs to rationalize drug discovery process. In this work, we train and validate by the first time mt-QSAR model using TOPS-MODE approach to calculate drug molecular descriptors and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) function. This model correctly classifies 8,258 out of 9,000 (Accuracy = 91.76%) multiplexing assay endpoints of 7903 drugs (including both train and validation series). Each endpoint correspond to one out of 1418 assays, 36 molecular and cellular targets, 46 standard type measures, in two possible organisms (human and mouse). After that, we determined experimentally, by the first time, the values of EC50 = 21.58 μg/mL and Cytotoxicity = 23.6 % for the anti-microbial / antiparasite drug G1 over Balb/C mouse peritoneal macrophages using flow cytometry. In addition, the model predicts for G1 only 7 positive endpoints out 1,251 cytotoxicity assays (0.56% of probability of cytotoxicity in multiple assays). The results obtained complement the toxicological studies of this important drug. This work adds a new tool to the existing pool of few methods useful for multi-target HTS of ChEMBL and other libraries of compounds towards drug discovery.Conacy

    The Use of Peptides in Veterinary Serodiagnosis of Infectious Diseases: A Review

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    Articulo de Revisión BibliográficaPeptides constitute an alternative and interesting option to develop treatments, vaccines, and diagnostic tools as they demonstrate their scope in several health aspects; as proof of this, commercial peptides for humans and animals are available on the market and used daily. This review aimed to know the role of peptides in the field of veterinary diagnosis, and include peptide based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (pELISA), lateral flow devices, and peptide latex agglutination tests that have been developed to detect several pathogens including viruses and bacteria of health and production relevance in domestic animals. Studies in cattle, small ruminants, dogs, cats, poultry, horses, and even aquatic organisms were reviewed. Different studies showed good levels of sensitivity and specificity against their target, moreover, comparisons with commercial kits and official tests were performed which allowed appraising their performance. Chemical synthesis, recombinant DNA technology, and enzymatic synthesis were reviewed as well as their advantages and drawbacks. In addition, we discussed the intrinsic limitations such as the small size or affinity to polystyrene membrane and mention several strategies to overcome these problems. The use of peptides will increase in the coming years and their utility for diagnostic purposes in animals must be evaluated

    Lipofection improves gene targeting efficiency in E14 TG2a mouse embryonic stem cells

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    Electroporation has been the method of election for transfection of murine embryonic stem cells for over 15 years; however, it is a time consuming protocol because it requires large amounts of DNA and cells, as well as expensive and delicate equipment. Lipofection is a transfection method that requires lower amounts of cells and DNA than electroporation, and has proven to be effi cient in a large number of cell lines. It has been shown that after lipofection, mouse embryonic stem cells remain pluripotent, capable of forming germ line chimeras and can be transfected with greater effi ciency than with electroporation; however, gene targeting of mouse embryonic stem cells by lipofection has not been reported. The objective of this work was to fi nd out if lipofection can be used as effi ciently as electroporation for regular gene targeting protocols. This context compares gene targeting effi ciency between these techniques in mouse embryonic stem cells E14TG2a, using a gene replacement type vector. No differences were found in gene targeting effi ciency between groups; however, lipofection was three times more effi cient than electroporation in transfection effi ciency, which makes lipofection a less expensive alternative method to produce gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells

    Evaluation of Equine Infectious Anemia Virus by the Indirect Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay EIA-LAB as Screening Tools in Mexico

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la evaluación del desempeño del kit ELISA AIE-LAB, para el diagnóstico de la Anemia infecciosa equina, en el contexto mexicano, comparado con la prueba estándar de oro de inmunodifusión en gel de agar, AGID AIE-LABIOFAM.La anemia infecciosa equina es una enfermedad de distribución mundial que afecta a la familia Equide. Actualmente no se dispone de una vacuna eficaz, por lo que el control de la enfermedad depende de las herramientas de diagnóstico. Para mejorar la eficiencia del programa de diagnóstico en Cuba, el Grupo Empresarial LABIOFAM, desarrolló un ensayo inmuno-enzimático, kit ELISA, para complementar el sistema de diagnóstico que actualmente utiliza el kit de inmunodifusión en gel de agar (AGID). El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la evaluación del desempeño del kit ELISA AIE-LAB, en el contexto mexicano, comparado con la prueba estándar de oro de inmunodifusión en gel de agar, AGID AIE-LABIOFAM, y kit comercial AGID. La sensibilidad analítica se determinó utilizando diluciones dobles seriadas del suero de control positivo para establecer el rango de anticuerpos detectados en relación con el valor de corte de la placa (OD 0,300). Se realizó un estudio de precisión para evaluar repetibilidad, precisión intermedia y reproducibilidad, estimando la desviación estándar y el coeficiente de variación. Los resultados de precisión fueron satisfactorios y los valores del coeficiente de variación se consideraron adecuados para garantizar una excelente consistencia del ELISA AIE-LAB. El rendimiento diagnóstico del ELISA AIE-LAB se evaluó en relación a la especificidad, sensibilidad y concordancia en comparación con ambas pruebas AGID. La sensibilidad diagnóstica fue del 100% y la especificidad del 97,6%, con muy buen grado de concordancia (Kappa = 0,9). Los resultados sugieren que la prueba ELISA AIE-LAB podría utilizarse en México como sistema de diagnóstico para la detección de anticuerpos específicos contra el virus de la anemia infecciosa equina.Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Financiamiento propio del grupo de investigadores