699 research outputs found

    Antibrowning and antimicrobial effects of onion essential oil to preserve the quality of cut potatoes

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    This study evaluated the effect of onion essential oil (OEO) (0, 0.5, 2.5, and 5 mg ml−1) on microbial growth, browning decay, and sensorial appealing of cut potatoes stored for 15 days at 4 °C. Dipropyl disulphide and dipropyl trisulphide were the main constituents identified in OEO, and its application at a dose of 0.5 mg mlt-1 was the most effective to prevent browning (38.5% inhibition respect to control) during storage, inhibiting PPO activity (39% respect to control) after the treatment. The higher the added OEO concentration the lower microbial growth of the treated product was, achieving a reduction of 1.27 log CFU g−1 for the 5 mg ml−1 treatment. The odour and flavour appealing of cut potatoes were well received by the panelists after 10 days of storage. Therefore, the use of OEO in cut potatoes has a potential as antimicrobial and antibrowning agent

    A Comparative Ultrastructural Study of Chondrosarcoma, Chordoid Sarcoma, and Chordoma

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    A morphologic and electron microscopic study was made of two chordoid sarcomas. These lesions were compared with two classical chondrosarcomas and two chordomas. These chondrosarcoma cells showed many features common to chondrocytes, such as abundant RER, well-developed Golgi complexes, and microvillous cytoplasmatic membranes. The chordoid sarcomas bore a close morphologic resemblance to the chordomas but the ultrastructural features revealed a close relationship to the chondrosarcomas. The chordoid sarcoma and chondrosarcoma cells had scalloped cytoplasmatic membranes, variable amounts of glycogen, round or oval nuclei and microfibrils, collagen, and electron-dense granules in the ground substance. The chordoma was characterized by the presence of stellate and physalipherous cells, as well as many transitional cells, with varying nuclear morphology; dilated and irregular RER in contact with mitochondria and morphologically varied vacuoles are the main features in the cytoplasm. This study suggests that chordoid sarcoma represents a variety of the chondrosarcoma rather than a form of chordoma. These findings also support the suggestion of Weiss that chordoid sarcoma is an extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcom

    Investigation into the effect of Si doping on the performance of SrFeO3-δ SOFC electrode materials

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    In this paper we report the successful incorporation of silicon into SrFeO3-δ perovskite materials for potential applications as electrode materials for solid oxide fuel cells. It is observed that Si doping leads to a change from a tetragonal cell (with partial ordering of oxygen vacancies) to a cubic one (with the oxygen vacancies disordered). Annealing experiments in 5% H2/95% N2 (up to 800 °C) also showed the stabilization of the cubic form for the Si-doped samples under reducing conditions, suggesting that they may be suitable for both cathode and anode applications. In contrast to the cubic cell of the reduced Si doped system, reduction of undoped SrFeO3-δ leads to the formation of a brownmillerite structure with ordered oxide ion vacancies. SrFe 0.90Si0.10O3-δ and SrFe 0.85Si0.15O3-δ were analysed by neutron powder diffraction, and the data confirmed the cubic cell, with no long range oxygen vacancy ordering. Mössbauer spectroscopy data were also recorded for SrFe0.90Si0.10O3-δ, and indicated the presence of only Fe3+ and Fe5+ (i.e. disproportionation of Fe4+ to Fe3+ and Fe5+) for such doped samples. Conductivity measurements showed an improvement in the conductivity on Si doping. Composite electrodes with 50% Ce0.9Gd0.1O 1.95 were therefore examined on dense Ce0.9Gd 0.1O1.95 pellets in two different atmospheres: air and 5% H2/95% N2. In both atmospheres an improvement in the area specific resistance (ASR) values is observed for the Si-doped samples. Thus the results show that silicon can be incorporated into SrFeO3-δ- based materials and can have a beneficial effect on the performance, making them potentially suitable for use as cathode and anode materials in symmetrical SOFCs. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Peer Reviewe

    Chemical activity of low altitude (50 km) sprite streamers

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    A three-stage simulation is used to explore the chemical influence of low altitude (50 km) sprite streamers on the atmosphere, including the chemical trail after the streamer has faded away. In the first stage (streamer phase) a 2D electrodynamical streamer model quantifies the generation of NOx and N2O, and the removal of ozone (O3) by a downward propagating streamer during Δtstreamer = 80 μs. This streamer propagation leads to a distinctive region in the streamer channel, the glow, where the electric field is enhanced. In the second stage (glow phase), the computed densities of the first stage are used as initial conditions for a 0D model to study the chemical evolution of the streamer channel, where we assume a remanent field of 100 Td for the glow and 0 Td elsewhere. This stage lasts Δtglow = 85 μs, the typical glow lifetime at 50 km. Finally, in the third stage (post-streamer phase), we use the same 0D model, switch off the field in the glow region and let the whole streamer wake evolve roughly 100 s (100 s − Δtglow). Results show a key species such as O3 is mainly depleted during the streamer phase while NOx and N2O are predominantly produced during the same phase. We also compute the local increase of NO2 by sprite streamers at ∼50 km and find out that it could account for the measurable NO2 anomaly over thunderstorms reported from satellite-based measurements

    Humoral immune response against allogeneic equine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) mediated by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC): an issue to take into account for the safety and efficacy of treatment with MSCs

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    Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) present several advantages, but recipient immune response needs to be further elucidated. Proinflammatory priming of MSCs activated their in vivo regulatory capacity, but repeated administrations led to slight inflammatory reaction in an osteoarthritis equine model. This may be associated with higher major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression, which would increase MSC immunogenicity potentially inducing humoral mediated immune memory. This study aimed at assessing allo-antibody production against donor’s equine MHC (equine leukocyte antigen, ELA) in animals that received intra-articular repeated administration of allogeneic MSC-primed. For this purpose, we used stored samples from a previous study. Donor and recipients ELA-haplotypes were stablished by microsatellite typing and complementmediated microcytoxicity assays were carried out by exposing target cells from the donor (unstimulated MSCs [MSC-nai¨ve], MSC-primed or lymphocytes [control]) to sera collected at different time-points from 10 recipients: ELA-mismatched MSCnai ¨ve recipients, ELA-mismatched MSC-primed recipients or ELA-partially matched MSC-primed recipients. All animals receiving allogeneic MSCs produced allo-antibodies after the first injection, regardless of the matching degree. However, antibody peak production after second administration was only observed in ELA-mismatched recipients, both of MSC-nai¨ve and MSCprimed. Horses injected with MSC-primed produced fewer antibodies but MSC-primed were more targeted in the microcytoxicity assay. Thus, activated immunomodulatory profile of MSC-primed could have led to slighter humoral response after ..

    Successful treatment of lichen planus with sulfasalazine in 20 patients

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    Lichen planus (LP) is a disturbing pruritic cutaneous disease that may have an spontaneous resolution or exhibit a more chronic course during some weeks or months. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to demonstrate that sulfasalazine is effective in the treatment of LP. METHODS: Twenty patients were diagnosed in our department with LP of the skin and/or mucosa between 1985 and 2001 on the basis of clinical and histologic findings. RESULTS: All patients were treated with sulfasalzine at initial doses of 1.5 g/day, increasing by 0.5 g/week to 3 g/day for 4-16 weeks. Some patients also received descendent doses for 2-12 months. Complete responses were observed in 13 patients and partial responses in seven patients. All patients reported an early resolution of the pruritus. No changes were detected in mucosal LP. Most of the patients tolerated the treatment well and only eight patients presented some minor side-effects. CONCLUSION: Sulfasalazine is a successful therapeutic option for cutaneous LP, constituting an alternative to corticosteroids and retinoid

    Evaluation of Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity Levels Using Different Accelerometry Protocols in Children from the GENOBOX Study

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    Background Physical activity (PA) has acquired a significant relevance due to the health benefits associated with its practice. Accelerometers are an effective tool to assess PA; however, the diversity of cut-off points used to define different PA intensities through accelerometry could interfere in the interpretation of the findings among studies. Objectives The present study aimed to examine the sedentary behavior (SB) and physical activity (PA) levels in children using six selected accelerometry protocols based on diverse cut-off points. Methods Clinical examination, anthropometric measurements, and PA evaluation by accelerometry were assessed in 543 selected children (10 +/- 2.4 years old) from the Spanish GENOBOX study. The ActiLife data scoring program was used to determine daily min spent in SB, and light, moderate, vigorous and moderate-vigorous PA using six validated accelerometry protocols differing in their cut-off points. Results Very different estimations for SB and PA intensity levels were found in children, independently of the non-wear-time algorithm selected, and considering puberty stages, age and body mass index. The time spent in daily SB varied from 471 to 663.7 min, PA ranged from 141 to 301.6 min, and the moderate-vigorous PA was reported between 20.7 and 180.2 min. Conclusion The choice of a particular accelerometry protocol considering these factors is important to evaluate SB or PA intensities to suit the characteristics of the sample researched. It seems necessary to establish future lines of research that include different analytical approaches to measure SB and PA by accelerometry based on standardized and validated methodology

    Ejercicio físico e insuficiencia renal crónica

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    Los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica tienen una menor capacidad física y un conjunto de alteraciones metabólicas, cardiovasculares y psicológicas. Los programas de ejercicio físico, no sólo, han demostrado ser efectivos en mejorar la capacidad física de los pacientes en hemodiálisis sino que permiten un mejor control de la hipertensión, metabolismo lipídico y glucídico, de la anemia y la depresión. Queda todavía por ser determinado si los programas de ejercicio pueden, en última instancia, reducir la morbilidad, prolongar la supervivencia y mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. De todas maneras, el ejercicio físico debe ser considerado como un importante aspecto en la rehabilitación de estos pacientes

    Sarcoma cordoide de fémur. Estudio a microscopio óptico y electrónico de un caso

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    Areas of chordoma and chondrosarcoma have been reported extensively in the same tumoral mass located in espheno-palatine region. The same association in long bones of the extremities have been reported recently, with the name of "chordoide sarcoma", "parachordoma" or "chondroid chordoma". We present a case of "chordoid sarcoma". The cells of this tumor have morphologic features of chordoma and chondrosarcoma in both the optical and ultrastructural study. However some morphological, radiological and clinical aspects, suggest that this tumor possesses characteristics that define it as a separate entity