5,823 research outputs found

    A consistent discrete version of a non-autonomous SIRVS model

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    A family of discrete non-autonomous SIRVS models with general incidence is obtained from a continuous family of models by applying Mickens non-standard discretization method. Conditions for the permanence and extinction of the disease and the stability of disease-free solutions are determined. The consistency of those discrete models with the corresponding continuous model is discussed: if the time step is sufficiently small, when we have extinction (respectively permanence) for the continuous model we also have extinction (respectively permanence) for the corresponding discrete model. Some numerical simulations are carried out to compare the different possible discretizations of our continuous model using real data.Comment: 20 figures, 29 page

    The Role of Gender Inequalities in Explaining Income Growth, Poverty and Inequality: Evidence from Latin American Countries

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    This Working Paper investigates the possible link between gender inequalities in the labour market and significant economic outcomes such as income growth, poverty and inequality indicators. Our analysis is based on microsimulations for eight Latin American countries. We consider four aspects of gender inequalities: differences in labour market participation, differences in occupational status, wage discrimination and differences in characteristics. Our findings highlight the relevance of gender equality, especially an increase in women?s access to the labour market, in bringing about a reduction in poverty and inequality.The Role of Gender Inequalities in Explaining Income Growth, Poverty and Inequality: Evidence from Latin American Countries

    Geography, European colonization, and past population dynamics in Africa

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    Past population dynamics in Africa have remained largely elusive due to the lack of demographic data. Researchers are understandably deterred from trying to explain what is not known and African historical population estimates suffer from this lack of interest. In this paper I explain present day African population densities using mostly ecological factors as explanatory variables. I find evidence supporting the view that ecological factors deeply affected precolonial patterns of human settlement in Sub-Saharan Africa. Human populations grew relatively large in the presence of lakes, highlands, or when situated in the wet, coastal regions of Western Africa. Other environmental suites were thinly populated with overall population sizes stagnant at low or very low steady states. Subsequent developments show that dramatic increases in the agricultural productivity of peripheral, semiarid areas were possible once colonial innovations were on hand. Thus, European colonization had likely asymmetric effects on the population dynamics of different regions of Africa


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    This article deals with the impact of Law 12.654, passed in 2012, in the scope of protection of the principle “nemo tenetur se detegere”. The introduction of compulsory identification of the genetic profile of the person criminally investigated as a means of evidence, with the inclusion of such measures among those listed as a way of criminal identification (Law 12.037), fills the legislative vacuum of matter, becaming imperative the analysis of compatibility of Law 12.654 with the Federal Constitution and the Human Rights Treaties which Brazil is a signator

    Insights and Challenges about the use of VNA on Airport/Hinterland Linkages

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    Airport operators, planners and regulatory agencies to measure the economic contribution of an airport to its local and regional surroundings, frequently use economic impact studies. The most common methods to measure airport economic impacts have been the Input-Output method, the Collection of Benefits method and most recently the Catalytic method. The most used measured variables include employment, wages, local and regional spending and air traffic levels. This paper is a new approach to these impact studies in which is used a new tool to identify the added values generated within airports and surrounding community interactions to better catch real socio-economic impacts. The VNA – Value Network Analysis, is used as an integrated methodology to identify these interactions and added values generated (tangibles and intangibles) in the business system of landside airports. To define the system it is used the matrix key airport performance benchmarking areas of ACI (Airport Council International) that are in the range of landside of the airport. Key words: Social Networks, Airport Landside, Value Network Analysis, Key Performance Indicators, Business System.

    Regional expression of tourism development

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    This paper aims to highlight the importance of tourism to strengthen the capacities of the different regions and their resources. With this goal in mind an empirical study was conducted in a tourist destination located in the inner part of Portugal (Beira Interior), which aimed to measure the satisfaction obtained by tourists and also to identify the elements of the supply that the demand considers more important to choose this destination. The research stated that the symbolic aspects related to the specific resources of the region were the most important elements that help tourists to choose their destination and the same elements are also those that make tourists more satisfied. Assuming that the symbolic contents are in fact the underlying identity of the region, one can conclude that the more the identity of the region is reinforced, the more the difference is motivating and the more this identity is a key factor of its attractivenessregional development, differentiation, specific resources, tourist destination, demand-oriented assessment

    MacBeth as a MCDA Tool to Benchmark the Iberian Airports

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    This work relates to airports benchmarking which is a very important issue for stakeholders. Airports benchmarking depends on airport performance indicators which are also important issues for business and operational management, regulatory bodies, airlines and passengers. There are several sets of indicators to evaluate airports performance and also there are several techniques to benchmark airports. This work uses MacBeth - a MCDA (Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis) tool, to evaluate the attractiveness of the most important Iberian Airports. This approach is a new one and the preliminary results are very promising when compared with some traditional studies of airports benchmarking. Key words: Airports Benchmarking, MCDA/MacBeth, Iberian Airports

    Giuseppe Gatto, La fiaba di tradizione orale, Colecção "Método", Milão, Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2006, 230 páginas

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    O Conto da Tradição Oral concilia com felicidade o cariz didáctico duma introdução aos contos maravilhosos e a seriedade inerente a uma pesquisa aprofundada sobre o assunto. Se, por um lado, Giuseppe Gatto é um especialista que domina convenientemente o campo de estudo dos contos maravilhosos, por outro lado, tem o dom de se colocar do ponto de vista do leigo na matéria. Pode assim conduzir os leitores, mediante uma prosa leve e interessante, num percurso de descoberta, ao mesmo tempo acessível e de qualidade. O livro divide-se em três partes, que, sucessivamente, apresentam os principais traços característicos dos contos; realizam uma introdução ao historial das publicações de contos e dos principais modelos de análise deste género narrativo; e apresentam uma útil selecção de textos clássicos e/ou pouco acessíveis

    Mário F. Lages, Vida/morte e diafania do mundo na história da Carochinha: ensaio etnológico, "Estudos e Documentos", 13, Lisboa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2006, 498 pp. ISBN

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    Este estudo delineia e explora as tramas simbólicas subjacentes à tradição da História da Carochinha em Portugal. Decorre de um projecto de longo fôlego que inclui entrevistas e inquéritos realizados em 1980 e 1981, isto é, vinte e cinco anos antes da publicação dos resultados finais da investigação neste livro de quase quinhentas páginas. O longo labor revela-se na cuidadosa arquitectura da obra, na sua minuciosa recensão e apresentação de fontes, na erudição que ressuma da argumentação e no próprio polimento consciencioso da prosa, o qual torna agradável a tarefa de seguir o autor ao longo de um percurso longo, por vezes sinuoso e, ocasionalmente, obscuro

    The girl in red and the wolf: a symbolic reading

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    Este artigo revisita o problema da famosa peça de vestuário de O Capuchinho Vermelho (AT333). Depois de pôr de parte a afirmação de Delarue de que o chaperon rouge é um traçoacessório, sem relação com o tema, considera-se a relação entre os textos literários e os folclóricos, assim como o ponto sobre a difusão cultural, para sugerir a necessidade de, no campo do folclore, tomar em linha de conta traduções simbólicas. Ao examinar quer os textos literários quer algumas versões orais de “O Capuchinho Vermelho”, assim como dados que estão fora do âmbito dos contos, sugiro que, através dos séculos e dos géneros, existe um modelo simbólico coerente subjacente ao encontro de lobos com meninas de vermelho