8 research outputs found

    Morrigan: A Composite Instruction TLB Prefetcher

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    The effort to reduce address translation overheads has typically targeted data accesses since they constitute the overwhelming portion of the second-level TLB (STLB) misses in desktop and HPC applications. The address translation cost of instruction accesses has been relatively neglected due to historically small instruction footprints. However, state-of-the-art datacenter and server applications feature massive instruction footprints owing to deep software stacks, resulting in high STLB miss rates for instruction accesses. This paper demonstrates that instruction address translation is a performance bottleneck in server workloads. In response, we propose Morrigan, a microarchitectural instruction STLB prefetcher whose design is based on new insights regarding instruction STLB misses. At the core of Morrigan there is an ensemble of table-based Markov prefetchers that build and store variable length Markov chains out of the instruction STLB miss stream. Morrigan further employs a sequential prefetcher and a scheme that exploits page table locality to maximize miss coverage. An important contribution of the work is showing that access frequency is more important than access recency when choosing replacement candidates. Based on this insight, Morrigan introduces a new replacement policy that identifies victims in the Markov prefetchers using a frequency stack while adapting to phase-change behavior. On a set of 45 industrial server workloads, Morrigan eliminates 69% of the memory references in demand page walks triggered by instruction STLB misses and improves geometric mean performance by 7.6%.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the PID2019-107255GB project, the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414), the NSF grant CCF-1912617, the Semiconductor Research Corporation grant 2936.001, and generous gifts from Intel Labs. Georgios Vavouliotis has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund under the FPI fellowship No. PRE2018-087046. Marc Casas has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the Ramon y Cajal fellowship No. RYC-2017-23269.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Morrigan: A composite instruction TLB prefetcher

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    The effort to reduce address translation overheads has typically targeted data accesses since they constitute the overwhelming portion of the second-level TLB (STLB) misses in desktop and HPC applications. The address translation cost of instruction accesses has been relatively neglected due to historically small instruction footprints. However, state-of-the-art datacenter and server applications feature massive instruction footprints owing to deep software stacks, resulting in high STLB miss rates for instruction accesses. This paper demonstrates that instruction address translation is a performance bottleneck in server workloads. In response, we propose Morrigan, a microarchitectural instruction STLB prefetcher whose design is based on new insights regarding instruction STLB misses. At the core of Morrigan there is an ensemble of table-based Markov prefetchers that build and store variable length Markov chains out of the instruction STLB miss stream. Morrigan further employs a sequential prefetcher and a scheme that exploits page table locality to maximize miss coverage. An important contribution of the work is showing that access frequency is more important than access recency when choosing replacement candidates. Based on this insight, Morrigan introduces a new replacement policy that identifies victims in the Markov prefetchers using a frequency stack while adapting to phase-change behavior. On a set of 45 industrial server workloads, Morrigan eliminates 69% of the memory references in demand page walks triggered by instruction STLB misses and improves geometric mean performance by 7.6%.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the PID2019-107255GB project, the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414), the NSF grant CCF-1912617, the Semiconductor Research Corporation grant 2936.001, and generous gifts from Intel Labs. Georgios Vavouliotis has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund under the FPI fellowship No. PRE2018-087046. Marc Casas has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the Ramon y Cajal fellowship No. RYC-2017-23269.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Page size aware cache prefetching

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    The increase in working set sizes of contemporary applications outpaces the growth in cache sizes, resulting in frequent main memory accesses that deteriorate system per- formance due to the disparity between processor and memory speeds. Prefetching data blocks into the cache hierarchy ahead of demand accesses has proven successful at attenuating this bottleneck. However, spatial cache prefetchers operating in the physical address space leave significant performance on the table by limiting their pattern detection within 4KB physical page boundaries when modern systems use page sizes larger than 4KB to mitigate the address translation overheads. This paper exploits the high usage of large pages in modern systems to increase the effectiveness of spatial cache prefetch- ing. We design and propose the Page-size Propagation Module (PPM), a µarchitectural scheme that propagates the page size information to the lower-level cache prefetchers, enabling safe prefetching beyond 4KB physical page boundaries when the accessed blocks reside in large pages, at the cost of augmenting the first-level caches’ Miss Status Holding Register (MSHR) entries with one additional bit. PPM is compatible with any cache prefetcher without implying design modifications. We capitalize on PPM’s benefits by designing a module that consists of two page size aware prefetchers that inherently use different page sizes to drive prefetching. The composite module uses adaptive logic to dynamically enable the most appropriate page size aware prefetcher. Finally, we show that the proposed designs are transparent to which cache prefetcher is used. We apply the proposed page size exploitation techniques to four state-of-the-art spatial cache prefetchers. Our evalua- tion shows that our proposals improve single-core geomean performance by up to 8.1% (2.1% at minimum) over the original implementation of the considered prefetchers, across 80 memory-intensive workloads. In multi-core contexts, we report geomean speedups up to 7.7% across different cache prefetchers and core configurations.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the PID2019-107255GB project, the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414), the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 955606 (DEEP-SEA EU project), the National Science Foundation through grants CNS-1938064 and CCF-1912617, and the Semiconductor Research Corporation project GRC 2936.001. Georgios Vavouliotis has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund under the FPI fellowship No. PRE2018-087046. Marc Casas has been partially supported by the Grant RYC2017-23269 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ESF ‘Investing in your future’.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Two Level Neural Approach Combining Off-Chip Prediction with Adaptive Prefetch Filtering

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    <p>To alleviate the performance and energy overheads of contemporary applications with large data footprints, we propose the Two Level Perceptron (TLP) predictor, a neural mechanism that effectively combines predicting whether an access will be off-chip with adaptive prefetch filtering at the first-level data cache (L1D). TLP is composed of two connected microarchitectural perception predictors, named First Level Predictor (FLP) and Second Level Predictor (SLP). FLP performs accurate off-chip prediction by using several program features based on virtual addresses and a novel selective delay component. The novelty of SLP relies on leveraging off-chip prediction to drive L1D prefetch filtering by using physical addresses and the FLP prediction as features. TLP constitutes the first hardware proposal targeting both off-chip prediction and prefetch filtering using a multi-level perception hardware approach. TLP only requires 7KB of storage. To demonstrate the benefits of TLP we compare its performance with state-of-the-art approaches using off-chip prediction and prefetch filtering on a wide range of single-core and multi-core workloads. Our experiments show that TLP reduces the average DRAM transactions by 30.7% and 17.7%, as compared to a baseline using state-of-the-art cache prefetchers but no off-chip prediction mechanism, across the single-core and multi-core workloads, respectively, while recent work significantly increases DRAM transactions. As a result, TLP achieves geometric mean performance speedups of 6.2% and 11.8% across single-core and multi-core workloads, respectively. In addition, our evaluation demonstrates that TLP is effective independently of the L1D prefetching logic.</p&gt

    Pushing the envelope on free TLB prefetching

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    Frequent Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) misses pose significant performance and energy overheads due to page walks required for fetching the translations. The address translation performance bottleneck is further exacerbated by the advent of big data and graph processing workloads due to their massive data footprints. Prefetching page table entries (PTEs) ahead of demand TLB accesses is an intuitively effective approach for alleviating the TLB performance bottleneck. However, each TLB prefetch request implies traversing the page table to fetch the corresponding PTE, triggering additional accesses to the memory hierarchy. Therefore, TLB prefetching is a promising, although costly, technique that may undermine performance when the prefetches are not accurate. This work exploits the locality in the last level of the page table to reduce the cost and enhance the performance benefits of TLB prefetching by prefetching adjacent PTEs “for free”. We design Dynamic Free TLB Prefetching (DFTP), a scheme that predicts via sampling the usefulness of these “free” PTEs and prefetches only the ones most likely to save TLB misses. DFTP can be combined with any TLB prefetcher to provide further performance enhancements by exploiting page table locality for both demand and prefetch page walks

    Exploiting page table locality for Agile TLB Prefetching

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    Frequent Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) misses incur high performance and energy costs due to page walks required for fetching the corresponding address translations. Prefetching page table entries (PTEs) ahead of demand TLB accesses can mitigate the address translation performance bottleneck, but each prefetch requires traversing the page table, triggering additional accesses to the memory hierarchy. Therefore, TLB prefetching is a costly technique that may undermine performance when the prefetches are not accurate.In this paper we exploit the locality in the last level of the page table to reduce the cost and enhance the effectiveness of TLB prefetching by fetching cache-line adjacent PTEs "for free". We propose Sampling-Based Free TLB Prefetching (SBFP), a dynamic scheme that predicts the usefulness of these "free" PTEs and prefetches only the ones most likely to prevent TLB misses. We demonstrate that combining SBFP with novel and state-of-the-art TLB prefetchers significantly improves miss coverage and reduces most memory accesses due to page walks.Moreover, we propose Agile TLB Prefetcher (ATP), a novel composite TLB prefetcher particularly designed to maximize the benefits of SBFP. ATP efficiently combines three low-cost TLB prefetchers and disables TLB prefetching for those execution phases that do not benefit from it. Unlike state-of-the-art TLB prefetchers that correlate patterns with only one feature (e.g., strides, PC, distances), ATP correlates patterns with multiple features and dynamically enables the most appropriate TLB prefetcher per TLB miss.To alleviate the address translation performance bottleneck, we propose a unified solution that combines ATP and SBFP. Across an extensive set of industrial workloads provided by Qualcomm, ATP coupled with SBFP improves geometric speedup by 16.2%, and eliminates on average 37% of the memory references due to page walks. Considering the SPEC CPU 2006 and SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark suites, ATP with SBFP increases geometric speedup by 11.1%, and eliminates page walk memory references by 26%. Applied to big data workloads (GAP suite, XSBench), ATP with SBFP yields a geometric speedup of 11.8% while reducing page walk memory references by 5%. Over the best state-of-the-art TLB prefetcher for each benchmark suite, ATP with SBFP achieves speedups of 8.7%, 3.4%, and 4.2% for the Qualcomm, SPEC, and GAP+XSBench workloads, respectively.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the PID2019- 107255GB project, the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414), the NSF grants CCF-1912617 and CNS1938064, and generous gifts from Intel Labs. Georgios Vavouliotis has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund under the FPI fellowship No. PRE2018-087046. Lluc Alvarez has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the Juan de la Cierva Formacion fellowship No. FJCI-2016-30984. Marc Casas has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the Ramon y Cajal fellowship No. RYC-2017-23269.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft