212 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the addition of immobilizing agents on selected physicochemical properties of soil contaminated with heavy metals

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    This study was aimed at determining effects of increasing simultaneous contamination of soil with Pb and Zn at doses of 200, 400 and 800 mg·kg-1 and with Cd at doses of 5, 10 and 20 mg·kg-1 soil, after the addition of immobilizing agents (zeolite, diatomite, chalcedonite, dolomite, limestone, and activated carbon), on selected properties of soil. In the soil without the immobilizing agents, the highest doses of metals caused a decrease in pH value, total sorption capacity, total exchangeable base cations and saturation of the sorption complex with base cations as well as an increase in hydrolytic acidity and electrical conductivity of the soil. Among the agents applied, dolomite and activated carbon exerted a positive effect on the analyzed properties of soil, as they contributed to an increase in pH value, total exchangeable bases, and total sorption capacity, and to a decrease in hydrolytic acidity of the soil. The addition of zeolite caused soil electrical conductivity to decrease compared to the control pot, at all levels of soil contamination with Pb, Cd, and Zn

    Environmental Impact of Landfill on Soils – the Example of the Czech Republic

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    This study focuses on the impact of a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill on the environment. Phytotoxicity test was determined to assess ecotoxicity of landfill soil (Zdounky-Kuchyňky). White mustard (Sinapis alba L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants were allowed to grow in earthen pots, treated with soil samples to study the potential effect of landfill to the plant biomass production. Twenty-one days from the establishment of the experiment, sprouts and the number of growing plants occurring in the earthen pots were counted. The conducted research shows that the soil from the area of the landfill is not phytotoxic. According to the results of this research, it is possible to claim that the Zdounky-Kuchyňky MSW landfill is not a considerable source of pollution for the environment in present days

    Does the addition of soil amendments have a positive influence on landfill soils?

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    Waste disposal in landfills is one of most frequently used methods of municipal solid waste (MSW) management. Landfills disturb to a certain extent the landscape character and disposal of waste in landfils represents one of human activities that may impair natural ecosystems. Due to waste decomposition, numerous chemical, physical and biological reactions and changes occur within the landfill body that give rise to dangerous and harmful substances. One of the problems very often occurring in the landfill surrounding is soil contamination. This study is focused on the assessment of soils contamination due to the operation of sanitary MSW landfill. The aim was to determine the effect of diatomite and compost on soil phytotoxicity. Toxicity was assessed in a pot experiment with soil amendments. Soil samples (sample 1–4) for the experiment were taken from the landfill site (sample 1–3) and its surrounding (sample 4). The aim of this study was to check relation between soil amendments added to the soil sample and the amount of biomass produced by some plant species (Sinapis alba L., Hordeum vulgare L.). In this study soil amendments improved soil characteristics. The paper shows that a higher percentage of biomass weight increase was recorded in samples 1, 2, 3 and 4 with the addition of compost. As compared with the addition of diatomite, biomass weight in the samples with the added compost increased on average by 67.25%. Therefore, it can be stated that the addition of diatomite did not advance the plant growth as much as the addition of compost. The potential of using soil amendments in practice is promising.

    Study on the (bio)degradation process of bioplastic materials under industrial composting conditions

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    The objective of this study was to determine the biodegradability of bioplastic materials-sponge cloths-available on the European market. They are labeled as 100 % biodegradable but not certified as compostable. The test was carried out in real composting environment. The project duration was 12 weeks. The emphasis was put on discovering whether the sponge cloths are biodegradable or not. Based on the results, it can be concluded that sponge cloths have decomposed completely (sample C and sample D). Samples A have decomposed but exhibited slower degradation rate. Samples B exhibited the higher degradation rate. The main conclusion from this study is that biodegradation of bioplastics materials strongly depends on both, the environment where they are placed and the chemical nature of the material.O

    Fire effects on soils - A pilot scale study on the soils affected by wildfires in the Czech Republic

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    Fires have always been a natural component influencing ecosystems and driving their evolution; however, in recent years they have become too frequent and ecosystems are not able to cope with them anymore. Fires destroy the natural vegetation, which prevents the soil erosion, and affect the soil properties which delay the natural recovery of the fire affected area. This experiment was conducted to assess the phytotoxicity of fire affected soil and to investigate whether different soil amendments can help to decrease the negative effect of fire on soil properties. The study utilised the PhytotoxkitTM test. The tested burnt soil was supplemented with 3% w/w of the following individual soil amendments: bentonite, biochar, compost and diatomite. Then, the phytotoxicity tests were carried out with garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) and white mustard (Sinapis alba L.). The pH and electrical conductivity of soil were measured and it was revealed that the individual soil amendments affected the values of pH and electrical conductivity diversely. The highest root growth stimulation for Sinapis alba L. was observed when diatomite was added, whereas the most favourable amendment for the stimulating root growth of Lepidium Sativum L. were compost, diatomite and biochar, respectively. This study recommended repeated testing for the amendments that show a capability to stimulate the root growth and conducting tests on a wider group of plant species.O

    Bioindication of Environmental Conditions Using Solar Park Vegetation

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    Solar parks are currently considered a new source of carbon-free energy. At the same time, they encroach on our landscape and create new conditions for flora and fauna. Vegetation responds to changes in living conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in soil conditions induced by solar parks using vegetation bioindicators. A vegetation assessment was carried out in a solar park located in the cadastral territory of the municipality of Unín (Czech Republic). Among the soil conditions observed, this study focused on soil moisture, pH, nitrogen availability, phosphorus availability, and salinity. A total of 77 taxa of vascular plants were identified. Based on the bioindication of vegetation, it can be concluded that there are changes in the conditions between sites under photovoltaic panels (PV) and between rows of PV panels. Under PV panels, species with extreme values of the monitored soil criteria have a higher representation. These species can tolerate salinity, deficiency, or excess nitrogen and phosphorus. Different conditions under PV panels lead to diversity in species composition. This results in significant fragmentation of solar couplet vegetation. However, extreme conditions may create room for invasive plant species to establish themselves. Thus, it is necessary to monitor changes in vegetation, especially under PV panels, in the following years. The characterization of environmental conditions based on vegetation biomonitoring shows the diversity of solar park conditions. Diverse conditions are also important for landscape fragmentation.O

    Process Innovation Efficiency Evaluation in IT Organisation

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na měření efektivnosti procesních inovací ve společnosti Red Hat Czech s.r.o. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První část práce se zabývá teoretickými poznatky. Ve druhé části se jedná o představení společnosti a pochopení interních procesů a systémů firmy. Poslední část obsahuje návrhy na zlepšení tohoto projektu, které vychází z analýzy současné situace společnosti.This master thesis focuses on measuring the effectiveness of process innovation in Red Hat Czech s.r.o. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part deals with theoretical knowledge. The second part is concerned with the introduction of the company and providing an understanding of the internal processes and systems currently in operation within the company. The last part contains suggestions for improvement by this project. This is based on the outcome of an analysis of the current modus operandi within the software development area of the company.