31 research outputs found

    Computer simulation of syringomyelia in dogs

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    Syringomyelia is a pathological condition in which fluid-filled cavities (syringes) form and expand in the spinal cord. Syringomyelia is often linked with obstruction of the craniocervical junction and a Chiari malformation, which is similar in both humans and animals. Some brachycephalic toy breed dogs such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (CKCS) are particularly predisposed. The exact mechanism of the formation of syringomyelia is undetermined and consequently with the lack of clinical explanation, engineers and mathematicians have resorted to computer models to identify possible physical mechanisms that can lead to syringes. We developed a computer model of the spinal cavity of a CKCS suffering from a large syrinx. The model was excited at the cranial end to simulate the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the spinal cord due to the shift of blood volume in the cranium related to the cardiac cycle. To simulate the normal condition, the movement was prescribed to the CSF. To simulate the pathological condition, the movement of CSF was blocked

    The role of tissue microstructure and water exchange in biophysical modelling of diffusion in white matter

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    In cervical spondylotic myelopathy spinal cord motion is focally increased at the level of stenosis: A controlled cross-sectional study

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    Objectives To investigate alterations of spinal cord (SC) motion within cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) across the cervical spinal segments and its relation to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-flow, anatomic conditions, and clinical parameters. Setting University Hospital Balgrist, Zurich, Switzerland. Methods Overall, 12 patients suffering from CSM at level C5 and 12 controls underwent cardiac-gated 2D phase-contrast-MRI at level C2 and C5 and standard MRI sequences. Parameters of interest: Velocity measurements of SC and CSF (area under the curve = total displacement (normalization for duration of the heart cycle), total displacement ratio (C5/C2; intraindividual normalization for confounders)), spinal canal diameters, clinical motor- and sensory scores, and performance measures. Results Interrater reliability was excellent for SC motion at both levels and for CSF flow at C2, but not reliable for CSF flow at C5. Within controls, SC motion at C2 positively correlated with SC motion at C5 (p = 0.000); this correlation diminished in patients (p = 0.860). SC total displacement ratio was significantly increased in patients (p = 0.029) and correlated with clinical impairment (p = 0.017). Morphometric measures of the extent of stenosis were not related to SC motion or clinical symptoms. Conclusion The findings revealed physiological interactions of CSF flow and SC motion across the cervical spine in healthy controls while being diminished in CSM patients. Findings of focally increased SC motion at the level of stenosis were related to clinical impairment and might be promising as a diagnostic and prognostic marker in CSM

    Limitations of rapid myelin water quantification using 3D bSSFP

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    Imaging of the myelin water fraction (MWF) is conventionally performed using a multi-echo spin-echo sequence. This technique requires long acquisition times and therefore often suffers from a lack of volume coverage. In this work, the application of 3D balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) sequences to extract high-resolution myelin water maps is discussed

    Multi-Compartment T2 Relaxometry Using a Spatially Constrained Multi-Gaussian Model

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    The brain's myelin content can be mapped by T2-relaxometry, which resolves multiple differentially relaxing T2 pools from multi-echo MRI. Unfortunately, the conventional fitting procedure is a hard and numerically ill-posed problem. Consequently, the T2 distributions and myelin maps become very sensitive to noise and are frequently difficult to interpret diagnostically. Although regularization can improve stability, it is generally not adequate, particularly at relatively low signal to noise ratio (SNR) of around 100-200. The purpose of this study was to obtain a fitting algorithm which is able to overcome these difficulties and generate usable myelin maps from noisy acquisitions in a realistic scan time. To this end, we restrict the T2 distribution to only 3 distinct resolvable tissue compartments, modeled as Gaussians: myelin water, intra/extra-cellular water and a slow relaxing cerebrospinal fluid compartment. We also impose spatial smoothness expectation that volume fractions and T2 relaxation times of tissue compartments change smoothly within coherent brain regions. The method greatly improves robustness to noise, reduces spatial variations, improves definition of white matter fibers, and enhances detection of demyelinating lesions. Due to efficient design, the additional spatial aspect does not cause an increase in processing time. The proposed method was applied to fast spiral acquisitions on which conventional fitting gives uninterpretable results. While these fast acquisitions suffer from noise and inhomogeneity artifacts, our preliminary results indicate the potential of spatially constrained 3-pool T2 relaxometry