505 research outputs found

    The Roof

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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. The eight of us had spent dozens of summer nights on the gently sloping roof, the outlines of the neighboring houses softly blending in with the creases of the night. On those nights, our quiet laughing slipped from our mouths and glided through the air, settling among trees, on the ground, on houses until everything around seemed to be laughing with us in the warmth and joy of summer nights

    Acoustically swept rotor

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    Impulsive noise reduction is provided in a rotor blade by acoustically sweeping the chord line from root to tip so that the acoustic radiation resulting from the summation of potential singularities used to model the flow about the blade tend to cancel for all times at an observation point in the acoustic far field

    L'approche vygotskienne pour aider à comprendre la pensée des enseignants

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    Vause, A. (2010). L'approche vygotskienne pour aider à comprendre la pensée des enseignants. Les Cahiers de Recherche du Girsef, 81.L'objectif de ce cahier est d'essayer de mieux comprendre comment se construit la pensée des enseignants et plus particuliÚrement leurs connaissances relatives à l'enseignement. Il s'agira dans un premier temps d'offrir au lecteur une définition de la maniÚre dont nous concevons les connaissances des enseignants et de voir en quoi ce terme se distingue de celui des croyances. Nous nous attarderons ensuite sur l'approche historico-culturelle initiée par Vygotski et tenterons de synthétiser son approche génétique du développement. Nous nous intéresserons plus particuliÚrement à la maniÚre dont Vygotski envisage le développement du langage et verrons en quoi ses conceptions peuvent aider à comprendre le développement des connaissances chez les enseignants

    Patron Driven Acquisition: A Long Term Solution or Short Term Gain?

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    This article investigates the long term usage of Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA) purchases with the aim of discovering whether purchased titles have a high level of long term usage. The article describes which PDA profiles are present at Leeds Beckett University and how they are implemented. Long term usage of PDA titles bought more than one academic year ago is analysed to see whether high usage levels are maintained after purchase. Also investigated is interest in specific titles from academic staff via the addition of titles onto reading lists. The article makes a number of comparisons to identify if there are any significant differences in long term usage. These include comparing the different PDA suppliers and evaluating the usage of titles selected by academic staff. From this analysis, recommendations have been given on how PDA can be further developed in the future, and if the purchasing methods provide a large return on investment

    Law and Legitimacy in Sino-U.S. Relations

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    Tibet to Tiananmen: Chinese Human Rights and United States Foreign Policy

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    The roof of the world, land of the snows, alleged home of the Abominable Snowman, and place for the timeless meeting of mountain and sky--these are the Western visions of Tibet.\u27 Most Americans know little else about this strange and exotic land shrouded in historical obscurity. Modern Tibet is a curious stockpot of native Tibetans and immigrant Chinese, which until recently was seasoned with increasing numbers of Western tourists, backpackers of all ages, vagabonds,and visitors from neighboring Nepal.\u27On June 4, 1989, China\u27s 27th Army brutally crushed democracy demonstrations that had extended for seven weeks in Beijing and other Chinese cities. This crackdown, which came to be known as the Beijing Massacre, was viewed with revulsion by the free world and resulted in economic sanctions by the United States, Japan, and Western Europe. In contrast, China\u27s activities in Tibet, which also have serious human rights implications, have received very little attention outside the United States. Most countries remained quiet about human rights violations in March 1989, when Beijing imposed martial law in Tibet and reportedly shot and executed protesters.\u27 The United States Congress, however, has been openly critical of China\u27s Tibetan policies

    1997-2017 : An assessment of two decades of immigration in Belgium

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Aujourd’hui plus qu’hier, prĂ©senter des chiffres clairs sur l’immigration constitue une nĂ©cessitĂ©, mais Ă©galement un dĂ©fi. Cet article tente de dĂ©mĂȘler quelques chiffres-clĂ©s pour apporter un Ă©clairage sur les flux rĂ©cents d’immigration et d’asile en Belgique. Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, le nombre d’entrĂ©es d’étrangers a atteint un niveau historiquement Ă©levĂ©. En 2017, prĂšs de 140 000 immigrations internationales ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es. Les citoyens de l’UE reprĂ©sentent plus de la moitiĂ© de ces immigrations. DerriĂšre une tendance migratoire globalement en hausse depuis la fin des annĂ©es 1990, des logiques migratoires assez contrastĂ©es peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©gagĂ©es. Depuis 2014 par exemple, les Français se font devancer par les Roumains dans les immigrations Ă©trangĂšres vers la Belgique, depuis lors en tĂȘte de classement. Depuis plus de cinquante ans l’immigration marocaine figure parmi les principaux flux d’immigration, mais cette migration ancienne est freinĂ©e rĂ©cemment par un regroupement familial rendu plus difficile. Les immigrations de Syriens enregistrĂ©es en Belgique ont par contre fortement augmentĂ©, plaçant la Syrie dans le top cinq des pays d’origine des immigrants en 2016 et 2017. Abstract Today more than yesterday, presenting clear immigration Figures is a necessity, but also a challenge. This article aims to unravel some key Figures to shed light on recent immigration and asylum flows in Belgium. In recent years, the number of entries of foreigners in Belgium has reached a historically high level. In 2017, nearly 140,000 international immigrants were registered. EU citizens accounted for more than half of these immigrants. Behind a migration trend that has been on the rise since the end of the 1990s, contrasting migratory patterns can be identified. Since 2014, for example, the French have been more numerous than Romanians among foreign immigrants to Belgium and have been at the top of the list ever since. For more than fifty years Moroccan immigration has been one of the main immigration flows, but this long‐standing migration has recently been slowed down by family reunification, which has become more difficult. Registered Syrian immigration to Belgium has risen sharply, placing Syria in the top five countries of origin of immigrants in 2016 and 2017

    Migrations et Populations Issues de l'Immigration en Belgique

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    Report on migration in Belgium
