94 research outputs found

    Hydrazides in the Processes of Extraction of Non-ferrous Metals from Ammonia Solutions

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    The extraction of copper and other non-ferrous metals from ammonia solutions with hydrazides оf Versatic acids (C15–C19 fraction) is discussed in this article. Hydrazide group has been known to be a selective extractant for non-ferrous metals. Introducing the alkyl radical of -branched tert-carboxylic acids into the reagent structure may lead to new properties important for an extractant, such as chemical stability and good compatibility with solvents properties. The optimal extraction conditions, the effect of ammonium salts and the regularities of re-extraction are assessed. Keywords: extraction, hydrazides,  -branched tert-carboxylic acids, non-ferrous metal

    Means of Irony Expression in German Translations of Gogol’s Texts

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    The question of irony expression means in the original literary text and the degree of their identity in translation into German by the material of N. V. Gogol’s works and their German translations is considered. Traditional and modern definitions of irony in linguistics are given. The author defines the structural and functional status of irony as an implicit form of expression of the author’s modality that implements intentions, value positions, the worldview of a literary text author. The main linguistic means of its expression are revealed. The problem of identity of the translation of texts containing irony into another language is discussed. The features of the conveying ironic meanings in the literary text are revealed. The equivalent German translations of ironic contexts and problematic aspects of conveying ironic meaning into German in N. V. Gogol’s works are established and analyzed. The causes of distortion in ironic meanings in translations are established. It is concluded that irony realized in N. V. Gogol’s literary texts using a variety of linguistic means is characterized by the complexity of translation into a foreign language and in some cases can be classified as untranslatable

    Mechanisms of Ironic Meaning Formation in Literary Text (by Example of N. V. Gogol’s Novels “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”)

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    The article presents the analysis of irony as a textual category and an implicit form of expression of the author’s modality from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics. The status of the ironic assessment in the literary text is defined: its implicit character and the subjective nature is noted. The emphasis is on the deontic nature of ironic assessment: the opposition between the proper and the really existing in accordance with the generally accepted rules and values. It is emphasized that the interpretation of ironic meaning depends directly on the cognitive processes of a reader, that is, of an addressee of irony, based on the mental features of irony perception and decoding. It is noted that the main conditions for adequate decoding of irony in the literary text are the text shell of the work, which implements the author’s modality, and background knowledge of perceiving irony. The basic cognitive mechanisms of ironic meaning formation and their interrelation with intentions and critical assessment of the author in N. V. Gogol’s cycle “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” are established. It is concluded that the cognitive mechanisms of realization of ironic meaning are based on the conscious and purposeful violation of the author’s semantic integrity in a literary text, which is achieved in the analyzed works through a variety of cognitive techniques

    Research of functional properties of nitride ion-plasma coatings

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    This paper considers the influence of ion-plasma coatings with the use of nitrogen (N), zirconium nitride (ZrN), titanium-aluminum nitride (Ti,Al)N and titanium nitride and zirconium nitride by-layer (TiN+ZrN - eight layers) on the properties of steel 65X13. The main functional properties of the coatings are determined: microhardness, nanohardness, Young's modulus and corrosion resistance. It is shown that all the types of coatings allow increasing the physical and mechanical characteristics of instrument steel 65X13. Hardness and wear-resistance, depending on the type of the deposited coating, increase from 1, 5 to 4 times, corrosion resistance increases by tens times

    Radiobiological experiments with plant seeds aboard the biosatellite Cosmos 1887

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    The effects of spaceflight factors on the seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana and Crepis capillaris were studied. The seeds were located inside the satellite in an open space, protected with aluminum foil and also exposed without the foil cover. When the seeds were in open space without any protection, their viability was found to be suppressed; the survival rate and fertility of plants grown from these seeds were also diminished. An increase in the frequency of chromosome aberrations (CA) and in the number of multiple injuries was registered in this case. Experiments with the aluminum foil shielding showed a decrease in the suppression of the seeds' viability, but mutational changes were found to be even more increased, while the survival rate and fertility of the plants decreased. An increase in the thickness of shielding resulted in a decrease in the effects up to the level of the control, except for the effects connected with CA and fertility of the plants. Analysis of the results shows that these impairments can be ascribed to the action of single heavy charged particles (HCP). The seeds can thus be regarded as an integral biological 'dosimeter' which allows estimation of the total effects of radiation, ecological and biological factors

    Social Responsibility of Management in the Aspect of Implementation of Youth Policy of the Metallurgical Enterprise

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    В статье рассмотрен опыт крупнейшего металлургического предприятия России по вопросам социальной ответственности менеджмента в аспекте реализации молодежной политики, направленной на адаптацию, поддержание вовлеченности и производительности труда молодых работников.The article considers the experience of the largest metallurgical enterprise in Russia on the social responsibility of management in the aspect of the implementation of youth policy aimed at adapting, maintaining the involvement and productivity of young workers

    Formation of Design culture of Youth for Participation in Forum Campaigns

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    В статье рассматривается практический опыт привлечения к проектировочной деятельности различных групп молодежи в масштабах региона.The article deals with the practical experience of involving different groups of young people in the design activities in the region

    Numerical simulation of thermal properties in two-dimensional Yukawa systems

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    New results obtained for thermal conduction in 2D Yukawa systems. The results of numerical study of heat transfer processes for quasi equilibrium systems with parameters close to conditions in laboratory experiments with dusty plasma are presented. The Green-Kubo relations are used to calculate thermal conductivity and diffusivity coefficients. For the first time the influence of dissipation (friction) on the heat transfer in non-ideal systems is studied. New approximation is suggested for thermal diffusivity. The comparison with the existing experimental and numerical results is shown.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Structural phase transitions in the systems with isotropic repulsive potentials

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    A simple analytical approach for the calculation of the phase diagram for polymorphic fcc-bcc transition in systems with isotropic repulsive potentials is proposed. A comparison of the proposed approach with the existing numerical and theoretical data is presented for Yukawa and inverse-power potentials: the emphasis is on the Yukawa model. The influence of the non-linearity (of anharmonic corrections) of the pair interaction forces on the phase-equilibrium curves for fcc-bcc and solid-liquid phase transitions is considered