9 research outputs found

    First comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the genus Erysiphe (Erysiphales, Erysiphaceae) II: the Uncinula lineage

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    Phylogenetic relationships of the Uncinula lineage, which is the basal group in the genus Erysiphe, were investigated with 167 sequences of nuc ITS1-5. 8S-ITS2 and the 28S rDNA regions. Backbone tree analyses with six datasets and two tree-constructing methods revealed that the Uncinula lineage is divided into seven distinct clades. Clades 1-5 each contained a representative powdery mildew species, namely E. australiana in Clade 1, E. liquidambaris in Clade 2, E. adunca in Clade 3, E. fraxinicola in Clade 4 and E. actinidiae in Clade 5. Clade 6 comprises 71 sequences including the Microsphaera lineage and 17 species of the Uncinula lineage, such as E. carpinicola, E. carpinilaxiflorae, E. miyabei, E. glycines and E. necator. Topology tests supported the Microsphaera lineage forming a monophyletic clade in Clade 6, suggesting that Microsphaera-type appendages appeared only once in this clade to diverge into the Microsphaera lineage. Clade 7 consists of 72 sequences containing 30 species, including species of sects. Californiomyces and Typhulochaeta, four species from Nothofagus, species of sect. Erysiphe parasitising herbaceous plants belonging to the Asteraceae, Rosaceae and Saxifragaceae. Molecular clock analysis suggests that the major seven clades appeared 50-30 million years ago (Ma) in the Paleogene Period. The Microsphaera lineage may have split from the Uncinula lineage at the boundary of the Paleogene and Neogene, when appendages with dichotomously branched tips appeared. The clade of the species on Nothofagus split from the northern hemisphere species about 20-10 million years ago (Ma) in the Miocene Epoch, and host-shift from trees to herbs also might have occurred in this period

    Distribution of Erysiphe platani (Erysiphales) in Ukraine

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    Information is provided on Erysiphe platani, a newly invasive fungus in Ukraine. The anamorph of this North American powdery mildew was first recorded in Ukraine in 1986 on Platanus orientalis in the Nikita Botanical Garden (Crimea). Later, it was found in other localities of the Crimean peninsula, and in Odessa and Odessa region on three species of plane, namely P. × hispanica, P. occidentalis and P. orientalis. Spread of the fungus was epiphytotic. This mildew significantly reduces the ornamental value of plane trees, which are often planted in public open spaces within urban areas of southern Ukraine. Recently, E. platani has formed the teleomorph in this region. Morphologically, the Ukrainian material is slightly different from the species description, viz. appendages are longer (up to 3 times the chasmothecial diam.), often with less compact apices

    First comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the genus Erysiphe (Erysiphales, Erysiphaceae) I. The Microsphaera lineage

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    The genus Erysiphe (including powdery mildew fungi only known as anamorph, Pseudoidium) is the largest genus in the Erysiphaceae and contains more than 50% of all species in this family. Little is known about the phylogenetic structure of this genus. We conducted a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the Microsphaera-lineage, a monophyletic group including species of sects. Microsphaera and Erysiphe, using 401 sequences of nuc ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and the 28S rDNA regions. This analysis gave many small clades delimited by the host plant genus or family. We identified two deep branches, albeit with moderate bootstrap supports, that divided the 401 sequences into three large groups. In addition, we identified four large clades consisting of homogeneous sequences of powdery mildews from a wide range of host plants beyond family level, namely, the E. aquilegiae clade, the E. alphitoides clade, the E. quercicola clade, and the E. trifoliorum s. lat. clade. Isolates from herbaceous plants were mostly situated in the E. aquilegiae clade and in Group III that was located at the most derived position of the Microsphaeralineage. On the other hand, the basal part of the Microsphaera-lineage was occupied by isolates from woody plants except for E. glycines that was used as an outgroup taxon. This supports our previous hypothesis that tree-parasitic powdery mildews are phylogenetically primitive in the Erysiphaceae in general, and host-shift from trees to herbs occurred many times independently during the evolution of powdery mildews. Molecular clock analyses suggested that the divergence of the Microsphaera-lineage began ca. 20 million years ago in the Miocene Epoch of the Neogene Period

    Гриби і грибоподібні організми Ківерцівського національного природного парку “Цуманська пуща”

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    As a result of mycological surveys of the territory of Kivertsi National Nature Park “Tsumanska Pushcha” during 2004–2021, 203 species of fungi and fungus-like organisms were detected and registered. A comparative analysis of the species composition of the mycoflora of the park was carried out. The most diversified and rich was the phylum Basidiomycota, which comprises 172 species, belonging to 48 genera of 49 families, ten orders of the class Agaricomycetes. Many rare macromycetes that are rare or relatively rare for Ukraine (i.e., Cortinarius bolaris, Craterellus cornucopioides, Entoloma bloxamii, Fistulina hepatica, and Gyroporus castaneus) and listed in the Red Book of Ukraine (Grifola frondosa, Phaeolepiota aurea, Pseudoboletus parasiticus, and Sparassis crispa) have been discovered. For two species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine (Grifola frondosa and Pseudoboletus parasiticus), new localities have been discovered. As of today, the conducted studies expand information about the mycoflora of the Kivertsi National Nature Park “Tsumanska Pushcha”. However, the mycoflora of the park still requires further, more detailed research and inventory.У результаті мікологічних обстежень території Ківерцівського національного природного парку “Цуманська пуща” впродовж 2004–2021 років виявлено та зареєстровано 203 види грибів і грибоподібних організмів. Проведено порівняльний аналіз видового складу мікофлори парку. Найбільш таксономічно різноманітним та багатим виявився відділ Basidiomycota, який налічує 172 види, що належать до 48 родів із 49 родин, десяти порядків з класу Agaricomycetes. Виявлено низку раритетних макроміцетів, які є рідкісними чи відносно рідкісними в Україні (Cortinarius bolaris, Craterellus cornucopioides, Entoloma bloxamii, Fistulina hepatica і Gyroporus castaneus) та занесені до Червоної книги України (Grifola frondosa, Phaeolepiota aurea, Pseudoboletus parasiticus і Sparassis crispa). Для двох видів, які занесені до Червоної книги України (Grifola frondosa та Pseudoboletus parasiticus) встановлено нові локалітети. Станом на сьогодні проведені дослідження розширюють відомості про мікофлору національного природного парку “Цуманська пуща”. Однак мікофлора парку все ще потребує подальших детальніших досліджень та інвентаризації