155 research outputs found

    Translation of non-capped mRNAs in a eukaryotic cell-free system: acceleration of initiation rate in the course of polysome formation

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    Real-time monitoring of the translation of non-capped luciferase mRNA in a wheat germ cell-free system has been performed by continuous in situ measurement of the luminescence increase in the translation mixture. The phenomenon of acceleration of translation has been revealed. It has been shown that the acceleration is accompanied by the loading of translating polysomes with additional ribosomes, and thus is caused mainly by a rise in the initiation rate, rather than the stimulation of elongation or the involvement of additional mRNA molecules in translation. The acceleration requires a sufficient concentration of mRNA and depends on the sequence of the 5′ untranslated region (UTR). It can be abolished by the addition of excess cap analog (m7GpppGm). As the acceleration does not depend on the preliminary translation of other mRNAs in the same extract, the conclusion has been made that the effect is not due to activation of the ribosome population or other components of the system during translation, but rather it is the consequence of intra-polysomal events. The acceleration observed is discussed in terms of the model of two overlapping initiation pathways in eukaryotic polysomes: translation of non-capped mRNAs starts with eIF4F-independent initiation at 5′ UTR, and after the formation of sufficiently loaded polysomes, they rearrange in such a way that a mechanism of re-initiation of terminating ribosomes switches on. The eIF4F-mediated circularization of polysomes may be considered as a possible event that leads to the re-initiation switch and the resultant acceleration effect

    Anatomical Basis, Histological Findings and Hemodinamics in the Modern Perfusion Model for Human Corpses

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    sSeveral modern human cadaveric fixation methods are subject to permanent evaluation. Formaldehyde is the oldest and still the most widely used method of embalming. However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has proven its high carcinogenic potential and its use was banned, with the recommendation of research for better alternatives in the conservation of corpses. The embalming method of excellence, which preserves all features, while keeping the disinfectant properties against cadaveric decomposition was proposed by João Goyri O’Neill. Their method was considered “the most modern and efficient technique in cadaveric preservation”. The aim of this present study was to analyze the quality of this original perfusion technique, at the organic level, based on central and peripheral hemodynamics. The cadaveric material was embalmed through a pulsed arterial perfusion system, connected to an automatic intermittent pump, that permits stability of the microvascular network, as well as the computerized measurement of the main perfusion parameters, such as flow and pressure. This procedure ensures good preservation of color, elasticity, texture, flexibility and fresh appearance, for several years. The morphological characteristics of the organs exhibited astonishing similarity to the living organic tissues, even several years after embalming and high freezing. Microscopic analysis demonstrated preservation of the structure of vessels, such as the aorta. Further studies on the integrity of the endocardial layer of the heart will enable to adapt the intermittent perfusion pump system to best simulate cardiac rhythm and arterial pulse, during cadaveric surgical training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Blood Supply to the Integument of the Abdomen of the Rat: A Surgical Perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Many fundamental questions regarding the blood supply to the integument of the rat remain to be clarified, namely the degree of homology between rat and humans. The aim of this work was to characterize in detail the macro and microvascular blood supply to the integument covering the ventrolateral aspect of the abdominal wall of the rat. METHODS: Two hundred five Wistar male rats weighing 250-350 g were used. They were submitted to gross anatomical dissection after intravascular colored latex injection (n = 30); conversion in modified Spalteholz cleared specimens (n=10); intravascular injection of a Perspex solution, and then corroded, in order to produce vascular corrosion casts of the vessels in the region (n = 5); histological studies (n = 20); scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts (n = 10); surgical dissection of the superficial caudal epigastric vessels (n = 100); and to thermographic evaluation (n = 30). RESULTS: The ventrolateral abdominal wall presented a dominant superficial vascular system, which was composed mainly of branches from the superficial caudal epigastric artery and vein in the caudal half. The cranial half still received significant arterial contributions from the lateral thoracic artery in all cases and from large perforators coming from the intercostal arteries and from the deep cranial epigastric artery. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that rats and humans present a great deal of homology regarding the blood supply to the ventrolateral aspect of the abdominal integument. However, there are also significant differences that must be taken into consideration when performing and interpreting experimental procedures in rats.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Self-reported difficulties with everyday function, cognitive symptoms, and cognitive function in people with HIV

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    BACKGROUND: We determined factors associated with self-reported decline in activities of daily living (ADLs) and symptoms of cognitive impairment in HIV positive (HIV+) adults in five European clinics. METHODS: HIV+ adults underwent computerized and pen-and-paper neuropsychological tests and questionnaires of cognitive symptoms and ADLs. We considered cognitive function in five domains, psychosocial factors and clinical parameters as potentially associated with symptoms. Separate regression analyses were used to determine factors associated with decline in ADL (defined as self-reported decline affecting ≥2 ADLs and attributed to cognitive difficulties) and self-reported frequency of symptoms of cognitive impairment. We also estimated the diagnostic accuracy of both questionnaires as tests for cognitive impairment. RESULTS: 448 patients completed the assessments (mean age 45.8 years, 84% male, 87% white, median CD4 count 550 cells/mm, median time since HIV diagnosis 9.9 years, 81% virologically suppressed [HIV-1 plasma RNA <50 copies/mL]). Ninety-six (21.4%) reported decline in ADLs and attributed this to cognitive difficulties. Self-reported decline in ADLs and increased symptoms of cognitive impairment were both associated with worse performance on some cognitive tests. There were also strong associations with financial difficulties, depressive and anxiety symptoms, unemployment, and longer time since HIV diagnosis. Both questionnaires performed poorly as diagnostic tests for cognitive impairment. CONCLUSION: Patients' own assessments of everyday function and symptoms were associated with objectively-measured cognitive function. However, there were strong associations with other psychosocial issues including mood and anxiety disorders and socioeconomic hardship. This should be considered when assessing HIV-associated cognitive impairment in clinical care or research studies

    Optimization of an Arterialized Venous Fasciocutaneous Flap in the Abdomen of the Rat

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    BACKGROUND: Although numerous experimental models of arterialized venous flaps (AVFs) have been proposed, no single model has gained widespread acceptance. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the survival area of AVFs produced with different vascular constructs in the abdomen of the rat. METHODS: Fifty-three male rats were divided into 4 groups. In group I (n = 12), a 5-cm-long and 3-cm-wide conventional epigastric flap was raised on the left side of the abdomen. This flap was pedicled on the superficial caudal epigastric vessels caudally and on the lateral thoracic vein cranially. In groups II, III, and IV, a similar flap was raised, but the superficial epigastric artery was ligated. In these groups, AVFs were created using the following arterial venous anastomosis at the caudal end of the flap: group II (n = 13) a 1-mm-long side-to-side anastomosis was performed between the femoral artery and vein laterally to the ending of the superficial caudal epigastric vein. In group III (n = 14), in addition to the procedure described for group II, the femoral vein was ligated medially. Finally, in group IV (n = 14), the superficial caudal epigastric vein was cut from the femoral vein with a 1-mm-long ellipse of adjacent tissue, and an end-to-side arterial venous anastomosis was established between it and the femoral artery. RESULTS: Seven days postoperatively, the percentage of flap survival was 98.89 ± 1.69, 68.84 ± 7.36, 63.84 ± 10.38, 76.86 ± 13.67 in groups I-IV, respectively. CONCLUSION: An optimized AVF can be produced using the vascular architecture described for group IV.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Model of Free Tissue Transfer: The Rat Epigastric Free Flap

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    Free tissue transfer has been increasingly used in clinical practice since the 1970s, allowing reconstruction of complex and otherwise untreatable defects resulting from tumor extirpation, trauma, infections, malformations or burns. Free flaps are particularly useful for reconstructing highly complex anatomical regions, like those of the head and neck, the hand, the foot and the perineum. Moreover, basic and translational research in the area of free tissue transfer is of great clinical potential. Notwithstanding, surgical trainees and researchers are frequently deterred from using microsurgical models of tissue transfer, due to lack of information regarding the technical aspects involved in the operative procedures. The aim of this paper is to present the steps required to transfer a fasciocutaneous epigastric free flap to the neck in the rat. This flap is based on the superficial epigastric artery and vein, which originates from and drain into the femoral artery and vein, respectively. On average the caliber of the superficial epigastric vein is 0.6 to 0.8 mm, contrasting with the 0.3 to 0.5 mm of the superficial epigastric artery. Histologically, the flap is a composite block of tissues, containing skin (epidermis and dermis), a layer of fat tissue (panniculus adiposus), a layer of striated muscle (panniculus carnosus), and a layer of loose areolar tissue. Succinctly, the epigastric flap is raised on its pedicle vessels that are then anastomosed to the external jugular vein and to the carotid artery on the ventral surface of the rat's neck. According to our experience, this model guarantees the complete survival of approximately 70 to 80% of epigastric flaps transferred to the neck region. The flap can be evaluated whenever needed by visual inspection. Hence, the authors believe this is a good experimental model for microsurgical research and training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A new health care index predicts short term mortality for TB and HIV co-infected people

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    BACKGROUND: Using 2004–2007 TB:HIV Study data from Europe and Latin America, we previously generated a health care index (HCI) for TB and HIV co-infected people. With improvements in diagnostic and management practices, we have now updated the HCI with new data. METHODS: We evaluated nine aspects of health care in Cox proportional hazards models on time from TB diagnosis to death. Kaplan-Meier methods were used to estimate the probability of death by HCI quartile. RESULTS: Of 1396 eligible individuals (72% male, 59% from Eastern Europe), 269 died within 12 months. Use of rifamycin/isoniazid/pyrazinamide-based treatment (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.50–0.89), TB drug susceptibility testing (DST) and number of active TB drugs (DST + <3 drugs (HR 1.09, 95% CI 0.80–1.48), DST + ≥3 drugs (HR 0.49, 95% CI 0.35–0.70) vs. no DST), recent HIV-RNA measurement (HR 0.64, 95% CI 0.50–0.82) and combination antiretroviral therapy use (HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.53–0.97) were associated with mortality. These factors contributed respectively 5, –1, 8, 5 and 4 to the HCI. Lower HCI was associated with an increased probability of death; 30% (95% CI 26–35) vs. 9% (95% CI 6–13) in the lowest vs. the highest quartile. CONCLUSION: We found five potentially modifiable health care components that were associated with mortality among TB-HIV positive individuals. Validation of our HCI in other TB cohorts could enhance our findings

    Abstract P-27: The 30S Ribosomal Subunit Assembly Factor Rbfa Plays a Key Role in the Formation of the Central Pseudoknot and in the Correct Docking of Helix 44 of the Decoding Center

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    Background: Ribosome biogenesis is a complicated multi-stage process. In the cell, 30S ribosomal subunit assembly is fast and efficient, proceeding with the help of numerous assembly protein factors. The exact role of most assembly factors and mechanistic details of their operation remain unclear. The combination of genetic modification with cryo-EM analysis is widely used to identify the role of protein factors in assisting specific steps of the ribosome assembly process. The strain with knockout of a single assembly factor gene accumulates immature ribosomal particles which structural characterization reveals the information about the reactions catalyzed by the corresponding factor. Methods: We isolated the immature 30S subunits (pre-30S subunits) from the Escherichia coli strain lacking the rbfA gene (ΔrbfA) and characterized them by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Results: Deletion of the assembly factor RbfA caused a substantial distortion of the structure of an important central pseudoknot which connects three major domains of 30S subunit and is necessary for ribosome stability. It was shown that the relative order of the assembly of the 3′ head domain and the docking of the functionally important helix 44 depends on the presence of RbfA. The formation of the central pseudoknot may promote stabilization of the head domain, likely through the RbfA-dependent maturation of the neck helix 28. The cryo-EM maps for pre-30S subunits were divided into the classes corresponding to consecutive assembly intermediates: from the particles with completely unresolved head domain and unfolded central pseudoknot to almost mature 30S subunits with well-resolved body, platform, and head domains and with partially distorted helix 44. Cryo-EM analysis of ΔrbfA 30S particles revealing the accumulation of two predominant classes of early and late intermediates (obtained at 2.7 Å resolutions) allowed us to suggest that RbfA participate in two stages of the 30S subunit assembly and is deeper involved in the maturation process than previously thought. Conclusion: In summary, RbfA acts at two distinctive 30S assembly stages: early formation of the central pseudoknot including the folding of the head, and positioning of helix 44 in the decoding center at a later stage. An update to the model of factor-dependent 30S maturation was proposed, suggesting that RfbA is involved in most of the subunit assembly process

    Laser photoplethysmography in integrated evaluation of collateral circulation of lower extremities

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    The paper evaluated the diagnostic value of laser photoplethysmography when examining patients with chronic lower limb ischemia. A statistical analysis of the research results was made, and diagrams of relationship between the degrees of ischemia and blood flow are presented