299 research outputs found

    A vizuális költemények csoportosítása Nagy László alkotásai alapján

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    Az úgynevezett vizuális költészet körébe sorolható alkotások csoportját Terry Olivi és Petőfi S. János a multimedialitás felé vezető első lépést megtevő, sajátos verbális műfajként aposztrofálja. (Olivi és Petőfi, 1998) Petőfi paradigmatikus tipológiáját is az ide tartozó művek altípusa nyitja. (Petőfi, 2001, 62.) A verbális és képi összetevőből felépí- tett kommunikátumoknak ezt az altípusát veszem vizsgálat alá

    The Ability of Cyanobacterial Cells to Restore UV-B Radiation Induced Damage to Photosystem II is Influenced by Photolyase Dependent DNA Repair

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    Damage of DNA and Photosystem-II are among the most significant effects of UV-B irradiation in photosynthetic organisms. Both damaged DNA and Photosystem-II can be repaired, which represent important defense mechanisms against detrimental UV-B effects. Correlation of Photosystem-II damage and repair with the concurrent DNA damage and repair was investigated in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 using its wild type and a photolyase deficient mutant, which is unable to repair UV-B induced DNA damages. A significant amount of damaged DNA accumulated during UV-B exposure in the photolyase mutant concomitant with decreased Photosystem-II activity and D1 protein amount. The transcript level of psbA3, which is a UV-responsive copy of the psbA gene family encoding the D1 subunit of the Photosystem-II reaction center, is also decreased in the photolyase mutant. The wild-type cells, however, did not accumulate damaged DNA during UV-B exposure, suffered smaller losses of Photosystem-II activity and D1 protein, and maintained higher level of psbA3 transcripts than the photolyase mutant. It is concluded that the repair capacity of Photosystem-II depends on the ability of cells to repair UV-B-damaged DNA through maintaining the transcription of genes, which are essential for protein synthesis-dependent repair of the Photosystem-II reaction center

    Receptorok a belsőfül és a vertebrobasilaris erek primer szenzoros rostjain = Receptor expression of primary sensory nerves around the inner ear and vertebrobasilar arteries

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    Kimutattuk, hogy a VR1 receptorok a ggl. n. trigeminiből eredő és a vertebrobasilaris rendszert ellátó szenzoros rostokban megtalálhatók. A VR1 receptorokkal jelölt primér szenzoros rostokat nyomon követtük a BA, AICA, SMA, és az a. radiolaris felszínén. A VR1 receptorok a szenzoros neuronokon kolokalizációt mutatnak a SP-vel és trkA receptorokkal. Igazoltuk a trkA receptorok jelenlétét a cochleaban a postnatalis időszakban. A trkA receptorok szenzoros rostokhoz kötöttek. Igazoltuk, a stria vascularis marginalis setjeiben a VR1 receptorok jelenlétét. A VR1 receptor a marginalis sejtekben kolokalizációt mutat -plazma membran calcium ATPase-val. Kolokalizácót igazoltunk a marginalis sejtek basolateralis oldalán a VR1 és Na+-K+ ATPase között is. A VR1 receptorok és a Na+-K+ ATPase kolokalizációt mutatott a stria vascularis capillarisai körül is. A VR1 receptorok a szöveti pH változásokkal, nyomásváltozásokkal, ill. hőmérsékleti ingadozásokkal hozhatók ingerületbe, s ily módon befolyással lehetnek a cochlean belüli ozmotikus változáskora, ill. pH értékek beállítására. A VR1 receptorokban bekövetkezett morfológiai és funkcionális károsodás a cochlea nyomásviszonyainak megváltozását eredményezhetik, amely eltérések a Méni?re szindróma és Méni?re betegség tünet együttesét hozhatják létre. A VR1 receptorok a Ca++-ion és Na+-K+-ion háztartással való kapcsolata révén oki tényezővé léphet elő egyéb idegi jellegű halláscsökkenések patomechanizmusában is. | This research has demonstrated that VR1 receptors are found sensory fibers originating in ggl. n. trigemini and supplying the vertebrobasilar system. Primary sensory fibers marked with VR1 receptors were tracked on the surface of BA, AICA, SMA, and a. radiolar. VR1 receptors demonstrate co-localization on sensory neurons with SP and trkA receptors. The results have been verified the presence of trkA receptors in the cochlea in the postnatal period. TrkA receptors are bound to sensory fibers. Results have verified the presence of VR1 receptors in marginal cells of the stria vascularis. VR1 receptors show co-localization in the marginal cells with plasma membrane calcium ATPase. Co-localization has also been detected on the basolateral side of the marginal cells between VR1 and Na+-K+ ATPase. VR1 receptors and Na+-K+ ATPase as well demonstrated co-localization around the capillaries of the stria vascularis. VR1 receptors can be stimulated by pH changes in the tissue, changes of pressure, and temperature fluctuations, and this way can affect osmotic changes as well as pH value setting within the cochlea. Morphological and functional impairment in VR1 receptors may result in changes of pressure in the cochlea, which can create the symptoms of Méni-re-s syndrome and Méni-re-s disease. Due to their connection with Ca++-ion and Na+-K+-ion balance, VR1 receptors can become causal factors in the patomechanism of other neurological hearing empairments

    Usage of Porous Al2O3 Layers for RH Sensing

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    At the Department of Electron Devices a cheap, more or less CMOS process compatible capacitive type RH sensor has been developed. Capacitive sensors are based on dielectric property changes of thin films upon water vapour uptake which depends on the surrounding media's relative humidity content. Because of the immense surface-to-volume ratio and the abundant void fraction, very high sensitivities can be obtained with porous ceramics. One of the ceramics to be used is porous Al2O3, obtained by electrochemical oxidation of aluminium under anodic bias. The average pore sizes are between 6...9 nm. In our paper we intend to demonstrate images representing the influence of the technological parameters on the porous structure and the device sensitivity.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing