18 research outputs found

    Pieter M. Judson, The Habsburg Monarchy, A New History, Cambridge, MA: Belknap, 2016, pp. 567.

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    Kosta Nikolić, A lost history ā€“ Serbia in the 20th century, Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2016, pp. 418.

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    Prečanski Srbi u Velikom ratu

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    UčeŔće Srba u austrougarskoj vojsci tokom Prvog svetskog rata nije nepoznata činjenica, ali zbog lojalnosti državi i formiranih stereotipa, ostalo je na marginama istoriografije. Danas dokumenti i savremena literatura pružaju mogućnost da se njihov položaj u ratu sagleda, od marginalizacije u trupama upućenim protiv Kraljevine Srbije 1914. godine, prelaskom na stranu Rusije, do lojalnosti na italijanskom frontu. Iako Beč nije imao mnogo poverenja u lojalnost srpskih podanika, rat je pokazao da je broj dezertera bio u okviru očekivanog, a oficiri su ostali lojalni suverenu. U vojsci Dvojne monarhije nijedan puk nije bio srpski po karakteru, dok su svi ostali narodi imali svoje etnički homogene vojne jedinice. Srbi su činili značajan procenat u Petrovaradinskom (56%), Otočkom (51%), Velikobečkerečkom (44%), Karlovačkom (42%) i Novosadskom puku (27%). U pomenutim regimentama Srbi su bili pomeÅ”ani sa Mađarima i Hrvatima. Ovaj rad analizira učeŔće Srba u austrougarskoj vojsci i njihov angažman na frontovima, od dezerterstva kojima su bili skloni Srbi iz Srema, Bačke, Banata, Bosne i Hercegovine, do vernog i požrtvovanog rata protiv Italijana Srba iz nekadaÅ”nje Vojne granice, kao i veliki nesklad između lojalnosti HabzburÅ”koj državi i osjećaja nacionalnog identiteta

    The Greeks under the Jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Karlovci in the Eighteenth Century

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    In the territory of the Habsburg Monarchy during the eighteenth century, the only Orthodox Church whose jurisdiction was recognised by the imperial authorities was that of the Archbishopric of Karlovci, which up to 1766 was an autonomous part of the Patriarchate of Peć. The believers who were part of this archbishopric had the freedom to profess their religion, which is why the Greeks who took up temporary residence in the towns of the Habsburg Monarchy turned to its archbishop when seeking their religious rights. However, there was an important difference in the status of the Greeks and the Serbs, since the former would not become subjects of the Habsburg Monarchy on a large scale until the 1760s while the former were already subjects. Due to their shared religion, in smaller settlements where they were a minority the religious needs of the Greeks were met within the existing Serbian parishes. This article describes the development of Greekparishes under the administration of the archbishop of Karlovci, how the authorities treated them and how they attained their religious rights

    The Greeks under the Jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Karlovci in the Eighteenth Century

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    In the territory of the Habsburg Monarchy during the eighteenth century, the only Orthodox Church whose jurisdiction was recognised by the imperial authorities was that of the Archbishopric of Karlovci, which up to 1766 was an autonomous part of the Patriarchate of Peć. The believers who were part of this archbishopric had the freedom to profess their religion, which is why the Greeks who took up temporary residence in the towns of the Habsburg Monarchy turned to its archbishop when seeking their religious rights. However, there was an important difference in the status of the Greeks and the Serbs, since the former would not become subjects of the Habsburg Monarchy on a large scale until the 1760s while the former were already subjects. Due to their shared religion, in smaller settlements where they were a minority the religious needs of the Greeks were met within the existing Serbian parishes. This article describes the development of Greekparishes under the administration of the archbishop of Karlovci, how the authorities treated them and how they attained their religious rights

    The Birth of the Serbian National Music Project Under the Influence of Diplomacy

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    The aspiration to take a general perspective of the development of Serbian church and art music in the 19th century within the broader sociopolitical and cultural context implies, according to recent findings, revision of the accepted theses in music historiography. One such recent scholarly endeavor has shed new light on the circumstances in which the Serbian national music program was initiated in Vienna, primarily associated in the second half of the 19th century with the name Kornelije Stanković (see Appendix, Figure 1). This paper also shows that the Serbian ā€œEnlightenmentā€ in music at the time of rising nationalism(s) could be considered in the context of actual diplomatic activities that the church and political exponents of Orthodox nations took in the Habsburg capital. Structurally, there are two narratives that eventually meet toward the end of the paper. The first is related to the introduction of polyphony in Greek liturgical practice in Vienna. This music novelty gave rise to conflicting opinions expressed in the diplomatic dispatches that the Patriarch of Constantinople, residing in Fener, exchanged with Serbian Metropolitan Josif Rajačić (see Appendix, Figure 2), a church representative of all Orthodox citizens in Vienna. The second narrative in this paper follows the role that protopresbyter Mikhail Fyodorovich Raevsky (see Appendix, Figure 3), an influential Russian diplomat in Vienna, played in the creation of Pan-Slavic, therefore also Serbian, cultural politics and national music tendencies. Rajačić and Raevsky played important, if not decisive, roles in the overall social matrix from which Kornelije Stankovićā€”not by chance and not exclusively owing to his artistic talentā€”entered the Serbian music stage. For this reason, particular attention is paid to these two figures, although there was a pleiad of high-ranking individuals in the Serbian circles of the time who contributed to the development, direction and promotion of creative endeavors of the young Kornelije Stanković. The final part of the paper shows in what manner Stanković was praised for his musical mission during his short life with global and national importance, of which he was adamantly convinced

    Proučavanje crvenila kukuruza u Banatu

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    Corn reddening was observed for the first time in Serbia in 1957. After that, it occurred periodically, mainly in the region of Banat. In 2002 and 2003, severe corn reddening occurred in late July / early August. Initial symptoms were the occurrence of a red-violet color on the leaves, leaf sheaths, husks and the bare portion of internodes. The symptoms typically appeared at the milk stage of grain maturity, and the discoloration was the most intensive at top leaves, around the main vein and along the edges, from leaf base to tip. Soon after the occurrence of the symptoms, the affected plants wilted, the foliage dried rapidly, the red pigmentation disappeared for a greater part and finally plant died off. The ears were underdeveloped and gummous and kernels were shriveled and unfilled. Clashing opinions are still exists on what is the main cause of corn reddening.Crvenilo kukuruza je u Srbiji prvi put registrovano 1957. godine. Nakon toga, javljalo se periodično uglavnom u regionu Banata. Tokom 2002. i 2003. godine crvenilo kukuruza se pojavilo u jakom intenzitetu krajem jula, početkom avgusta. Inicijalni simptomi bili su pojava crveno-ljubičaste boje listova, lisnih rukavaca, ovojnih listova klipa i otkrivenih delova internodija. Simptomi su se uglavnom javljali u fazi mlečne zrelosti s tim da je najintenzivnija pojava crvene boje bila na gornjim listovima, oko glavnog nerva i uzduž ivica listova od osnove prema vrhu. Nakon pojave prvih simptoma, biljke su ubrzo počinjale da venu, lisna masa da se suÅ”i, crvena pigmentacija nestaje i konačno biljke su uginjavale. Klipovi biljaka zahvaćenih crvenilom su bili nerazvijeni, gumozni sa smežuranim i nenalivenim zrnom. JoÅ” uvek postoje oprečna miÅ”ljenja o tome Å”ta je glavni prouzrokovač crvenila

    Etika u poslanicama i pismima Petra I Petrovića NjegoÅ”a

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    Mitropolit Petar I Petrović NjegoÅ” je tokom svoje vladarske delatnosti u Crnoj Gori iza sebe ostavio veliki broj poslanica i pisama koje svedoče o njegovoj hriŔćanskoj i moralnoj vertikali. Kroz njegov odnos prema neprijateljima i poraženima uviđamo da je ovaj duhovnik- vladar bio u svakom postupku prožet temeljnom idejom čojstva, odbrane pravoslavlja, Srpstva i jedinstva Crne Gore i njenih plemena. Njegova etika i njegova moralna snaga primer su koji je nezaobilazan kada su u pitanju članovi dinastije Petrović-NjegoÅ” i Å”ire Srbi iz Crne Gore. U radu se detaljno analizira etika i moral crnogorskog vladara, njegova državnička i crkvena delatnost kroz prizmu pisane rieči-poslanica koje su oslonjene na hriŔćanske uzore i srpsko nasljeđe u Crnoj Gori

    Prečanski Srbi u Velikom ratu

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    UčeŔće Srba u austrougarskoj vojsci tokom Prvog svetskog rata nije nepoznata činjenica, ali zbog lojalnosti državi i formiranih stereotipa, ostalo je na marginama istoriografije. Danas dokumenti i savremena literatura pružaju mogućnost da se njihov položaj u ratu sagleda, od marginalizacije u trupama upućenim protiv Kraljevine Srbije 1914. godine, prelaskom na stranu Rusije, do lojalnosti na italijanskom frontu. Iako Beč nije imao mnogo poverenja u lojalnost srpskih podanika, rat je pokazao da je broj dezertera bio u okviru očekivanog, a oficiri su ostali lojalni suverenu. U vojsci Dvojne monarhije nijedan puk nije bio srpski po karakteru, dok su svi ostali narodi imali svoje etnički homogene vojne jedinice. Srbi su činili značajan procenat u Petrovaradinskom (56%), Otočkom (51%), Velikobečkerečkom (44%), Karlovačkom (42%) i Novosadskom puku (27%). U pomenutim regimentama Srbi su bili pomeÅ”ani sa Mađarima i Hrvatima. Ovaj rad analizira učeŔće Srba u austrougarskoj vojsci i njihov angažman na frontovima, od dezerterstva kojima su bili skloni Srbi iz Srema, Bačke, Banata, Bosne i Hercegovine, do vernog i požrtvovanog rata protiv Italijana Srba iz nekadaÅ”nje Vojne granice, kao i veliki nesklad između lojalnosti HabzburÅ”koj državi i osjećaja nacionalnog identiteta