11 research outputs found

    Prinos krme travno-leguminozne smeŔe pri različitom vremenu zasnivanja

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    For comparative testing of the total productivity of mixtures (intercrops) of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.), a trial was carried out during the 2007-2009 growing seasons at experimental fields of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun. Intercrops included two red clover varieties (K-17 and Una) and tetraploid Italian ryegrass (K-29t) in different proportional ratios (100:0%, 75:25%, 50:50%, 25:75% and 0:100%). Italian ryegrass sown alone was top-dressed with nitrogen rates of 100 and 200 kg ha-1. Herbage yields and botanical composition were influenced by different sowing times in the first production year. Spring seeded red clover was more persistent and cumulatively yielded, autumn seeded Italian ryegrass produced more dry matter in the mixture than red clover. The trial demonstrates the potential of two red clover cultivars grown either alone or with a suitable Italian ryegrass to achieve and maintain a high output of herbage of good quality in the first production year, with different time of stand establishment. The practical agricultural implications of using ryegrass/clover are discussed.U toku vegetacione sezone 2007-2009 izveden je ogled na eksperimentalnom polju Instituta za stočarstvo, Zemun-Beograd, sa crvenom detelinom i italijanskim ljuljem radi uporednog ispitivanja ukupne proizvodnje biomase smeÅ”a. SmeÅ”e su uključivale dve sorte crvene deteline (K-17 i Una) i tetraploidnog italijanskog ljulja (K-29t) sa različitim proporcionalnim odnosima (100:0%, 50:50%, 75:25%, 25:75% i 0:100%). Italijanski ljulj sejan u čistom usevu prihranjivan je sa 100 i 200 kg N ha-1. Različito vreme setve uticalo je na prinos krme i botaničku kompoziciju u prvoj proizvodnoj godini. Crvena detelina sejana u proleće bila je otpornija i kumulativno prinosnija, kao i italijanski ljulj sejan u jesen koji je proizveo viÅ”e suve materije u smeÅ”i u odnosu na detelinu. Ogled pokazuje potencijal dve sorte crvene deteline sejane u čistom usevu ili sa italijanskim ljuljem radi dobijanja i održavanja visoke proizvodnje biomase dobrog kvaliteta u prvoj proizvodnoj godini, pri različitom vremenu zasnivanja. Razmatrane su praktične agronomske implikacije koriŔćenja smeÅ”e italijanskog ljulja i crvene deteline

    Akumulacija teŔkih metala u Medicago sativa L. i Trifolium pratense L. na kontaminiranom fluvisolu

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    Recently, heavy metals concentrations increased in some agricultural areas due to the consequences of anthropogenic impacts. The aim of this study was to determine the level of heavy metals (As, Cr, Ni and Pb) in Medicago sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L. grown on fluvisol, in order to obtain information on safety of these nutrients. The total content of Pb, As, Cr and Ni in the samples of fluvisol was above the maximum allowable amount. The content of heavy metals in Medicago sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L. was below the critical and toxic concentrations in all samples originating from contaminated soil. It was concluded that the accumulation of heavy metals in plants did not depend only on the total content in soil, but also the affinity of the plant, and individual and interactive effects of various soil properties. No statistically significant differences in the accumulation of heavy metals between Medicago sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L were observed. It is necessary to further control of heavy metals in the investigated area, in order to prevent their entry into the food chain and provide healthy food.U poslednje vreme povećana je koncentracija teÅ”kih metala na nekim poljoprivrednim povrÅ”inama usled antropogenog uticaja. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi nivo teÅ”kih metala (As, Cr, Ni i Pb) u nekarbonatnom aluvijalnom (fluvijanom) zemljiÅ”tu, te njihova akumulacija u Medicago sativa L. i Trifolium pratense L., radi dobijanja informacije o zdravstvenoj ispravnostinosti ovih hraniva. Ukupan sadržaj ispitivanih teÅ”kih metala u uzorcima zemljiÅ”ta bio je iznad maksimalno dozvoljene količine, Å”to znači da svi uzorci analiziranih lokaliteta pripadaju kategoriji kontaminiranog zemljiÅ”ta. Sadržaj teÅ”kih metala u Medicago sativa L. i Trifolium pratense L. bio je ispod kritičnih i toksičnih koncentracija, kao i maksimalno dozvoljenih količina u hrani za životinje u svim uzorcima poreklom sa kontaminiranog zemljiÅ”ta. Konstatovano je da akumulacija teÅ”kih metala u biljkama nije zavisila samo od ukupnog sadržaja u zemljiÅ”tu, nego i afiniteta biljke, te individualnog ili interaktivnog dejstva raznih zemljiÅ”nih svojstava. Nije bilo značajnih razlika u akumulaciji teÅ”kih metala izmeću Medicago sativa L. i Trifolium pratense L

    Varijabilnost i heritabilnost komponenta prinosa populacija kukuruza sa egzotičnom germplazmom

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    The investigations included mean values, genetic and phenotypic variability, heritability and genetic and phenotypic coefficients, variability of yield components in the original maize population with 25% of the exotic germplasm incorporated and also, in the population after three and five cycles of gene recombining. The two-replicate trial was set up according to the nested design method in two locations in order to investigate effects of different cycles of gene recombination. According to the obtained results, it was concluded that the mean values had increased more significantly to the third than from the third to the fifth cycle of free hybridisation. The additional gene recombination affected the insignificant decrease of the genetic and phenotypic variability of traits. Estimated values of heritability were high and significant for yield, which indicated that they were mostly determined by the additive variance. The additional cycles of gene recombination caused the decrease of heritability and the coefficient of genetic and phenotypic variability. Greater mean values of yield components after the third and the fifth gene recombination cycles, relating to the original population, indicate to a positive effect of the additional recombination cycles on the increase of a gene frequency in case of desirable traits, and the frequency of the more yielding genotypes. .Proučavanjem je obuhvaćena originalna populacija kukuruza sa 25% egzotične germplazme (1601/5 x ZPL913)F2R0 i populacije nakon tri (1601/5 x ZPL913) F2R3 i pet (1601/5 x ZPL913)F2R5 ciklusa rekombinovanja gena. Ogled sa S1 potomstvom je postavljen po metodu nested dizajna u dva ponavljanja na dve lokacije u toku dve godine (2005 i 2006). Prosečne vrednosti za sva ispitivana svojstva osim sadržaja vlage pri berbi su se povećavale sa brojem ciklusa rekombinacija. Različiti agroekoloÅ”ki uslovi, genotipovi, interakcija familija x lokacija 1 i familija x lokacija 2 uticali su značajno na varijabilnost svih ispitivanih svojstava za populacije. Genetičke i fenotipske varijanse za sva ispitivana svojstva osim mase 1000 zrna su se smanjivale pod uticajem broja ciklusa rekombinacija. Značajno smanjenje nije bilo samo za dužinu klipa, Å”to je posebno značajno za praktično oplemenjivanje. Genetičke varijanse su dovoljno visoke da omoguće uspeÅ”no oplemenjivanje. Slično se deÅ”avalo i sa koeficijentima heritabilnosti.

    Underground gravity survey in a coal mine

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    Underground gravity surveys are usually conducted in order to define geological structures and to locate and delineate ore bodies. In the coal mines, on the other hand, these surveys are often applied in solving stability and safety problems of the mine. Basic principals of underground gravity measurements and examples of application in coal mining are presented. Complex geophysical and geological investigations were conducted in a wider area of the coal mine 'Trbovlje - Hrastnik' (Slovenia) in purpose to define geological features and delineate potentially dangerous zones, connected to the subsidence, rockslides and water penetrations into exploitation galleries of the mine. Gravity and microtremor measurements were conducted in the mine galleries. Compilation and interpretation of subsurface gravity anomaly maps and interval density map is presented

    Exergoeconomic evaluation of real processes for coffee roasting

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    Exergoeconomic methods provide an effective approach for identifying, evaluating and reducing thermodynamic inefficiencies and costs in an energy system. The aim of this paper is to show the potential for cost reduction on the demand side, using the exergoeconomic method in the example of real processes for coffee roasting. More than 6.5ā€¢109 kg of coffee beans is roasted worldwide annually, mostly in batch roasters. Near the end of the roast, roasting coffee emits volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide and other pollutants, which in many industrialized countries have to be oxidized in afterburners. Afterburners release exhaust gases with a temperature of 250-450Ā°C, depending on the roasting process and the method of exhaust gas cleaning. The aim of this paper is to use exergy analysis and exergoeconomic performance evaluation to determine the energy use for coffee roasting and the afterburning process, and evaluate the way to utilize waste heat and reduce costs in the factory. For roasters with the capacity of up to 4 tons of green coffee beans per hour, the potential of heat recovery is 1.1 MW and the possibility to save money is around 60,000 ā‚¬ per year. This case study is similar to many others worldwide, and the results of this analysis could lead to more general conclusions

    Accumulation of nickel in Trifolium pratense L. grown on contaminated soil

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    U posljednje vrijeme povećana je koncentracija teÅ”kih kovina na nekim poljoprivrednim povrÅ”inama kao posljedica antropogenog utjecaja. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi nivo nikla u Trifolium pratense L. gajenoj na fluvisolu sa njegovim povećanim sadržajem, radi dobijanja informacije o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti ovog hraniva prilikom gajanja na kontaminiranom tlu. Ispitivanja su izvedena na poljoprivrednim povrÅ”inama Krugevacke kotline u R. Srbiji. Uzorkovanje tla i biljnog materijala je izvrÅ”eno tokom svibnja 2011. godine, u drugoj proizvodnoj godini crvene djeteline. U uzorcima tla ispitivanih lokaliteta ukupan sadrzaj Ni je bio u intervalu od 265.70 do 286.05 mg/kg, čime je prekoračena maksimalno dozvoljena količina od 50 mg/kg. Sadržaj nikla u Trifolium pratense L. nije bio poviÅ”en i iznosio je u prosjeku 3.67 mg/kg suve materije, Å”to je ispod kritičnih i toksičnih koncentracija za biljke. Konstatovano je da akumulacija teÅ”kih kovina u biljkama nije zavisila samo od ukupnog sadržaja u tlu, nego i afiniteta biljke, te individualnog ili interaktivnog dejstva raznih svojstava tla. Dominantan utjecaj na akumulaciju Ni u biljkama imala je pH vrijednost zemljiÅ”ta. Neophodna je daljnja kontrola sadržaja nikla na ispitivanom području, kako bi se spriječio njegov ulazak u lanac prehrane i osigurala proizvodnja zdrave hrane.Recently, heavy metals concentrations increased in some agricultural areas due to the consequences of anthropogenic impacts. The aim of this study was to determine the level of Ni in Trifolium pratense L. grown on fluvisol with his increased content, in order to obtain information on safety of these nutrients when growing on contaminated soil. The examination was conducted in agricultural areas in the Krusevac basin in R Serbia. Sampling of soil and plant material was carried out during May 2011, in the second year of production of red clover, The total content of Ni in soil samples was in the range 265.70-286.05 mg/kg, which exceeded the maximum permitted amount of 50 mg/kg. ā€˜The content of nickel in Trifolium pratense L. was 3.67 mg/kg, which is below the critical and toxic concentrations to plants. It was concluded that the accumulation of heavy metals in plants did not depend only on the total content in soil, but also the affinity of the plant, and individual and interactive effects of various soil properties. The dominant influence on the accumulation of Ni in plants had soil pH value. It is necessary to further control of nickel in the investigated area, in order to prevent his entry into the food chain and provide healthy food

    Herbage yield and botanical composition of Italian ryegrass forage crops associated with different types of nitrogen supply

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    Italian ryegrass monoculture and mixtures with red clover (sowing ratios 75:25%, 50:50% and 25:75%) were established in the spring of 2008 at the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, with the aim to analyse the possibilities of managing the N supply. There were four N rates for Italian ryegrass monoculture: 0, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha(-1), whilst no N fertilizer was applied to the mixture plots. The trial was carried out during 2008-2010 and the highest total DM yield was obtained with 200 kg N ha(-1), similar to that of the ryegrass-clover mixtures. Ryegrass contributed less to the total yield in the mixtures, because it had lower ratios in the structure of swards than those used at sowing. An Italian ryegrass-red clover sward may have advantages over a pure Italian ryegrass sward fertilized by high rates of N, providing high yield with a more sustainable land-use system

    Streptomyces sp JS520 produces exceptionally high quantities of undecylprodigiosin with antibacterial, antioxidative, and UV-protective properties

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    A Gram-positive, red-pigment-producing bacterial strain, designated JS520 was isolated from the pristine sediment from the cave on mountain Miroc in Serbia. Strain was confirmed to belong to Streptomyces genus based on phenotypic and genetic analysis. Streptomyces sp. JS520 has the ability to produce exceptionally high amounts of deep red pigment into both solid and liquid media. Liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy of the purified pigments revealed the major component to be undecylprodigiosin (93 %) with minor component being oxidatively cyclized derivative. The pigment production was affected by medium composition, temperature, pH, and the aeration rate. By medium optimization, yields of undecylprodigiosin of 138 mg l(-1) were achieved, what is the highest level of undecylprodigiosin production reported for the members of Gram-positive Streptomyces genus. Purified pigment had antimicrobial properties against bacterial Bacillus and Micrococcus species (50 mu g ml(-1)) and against Candida albicans species (100-200 mu g ml(-1) range). The ability to affect auto-oxidation of the linoleic acid was demonstrated for the purified undecylprodigiosin, suggesting antioxidative properties of this pigment. Multiple ecophysiological roles of the pigment were revealed by comparing cultures grown under pigment-producing and pigment-nonproducing conditions. Cells grown under undecylprodigiosin-producing conditions could tolerate presence of hydrogen peroxide exhibiting three times smaller zones of inhibition at 100 mM H2O2. Undecylprodigiosin-producing cells were also less susceptible to tetracycline, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, and 8-hydroxyquinoline. While the growth of the cells not producing pigment was completely inhibited by 15 min of exposure to ultraviolet light (254 nm), cells producing undecylprodigiosin and cells supplied with purified pigment in vitro showed survival rates at 22 and 8 %, respectively

    Didehydroroflamycoin pentaene macrolide family from Streptomyces durmitorensis MS405(T): production optimization and antimicrobial activity

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    AimsThe aim of this study was to improve production of pentaene 32,33-didehydroroflamycoin (DDHR) in Streptomyces durmitorensis MS405 strain to obtain quantities sufficient for in depth analysis of antimicrobial properties. Methods and ResultsThrough classical medium optimization conditions for stable growth, DDHR production within 7days of incubation was established. Yields of 215mgl(-1) were achieved in shake flask experiments in complex medium with mannitol as the primary carbon source. DDHR had poor antibacterial activity with minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 400gml(-1) for Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis, while MIC of 70gml(-1) was determined for Candida albicans. Using flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy, it was demonstrated that DDHR induced membrane damage in C.albicans followed by cell death. Combination studies with known antifungal nystatin showed that DDHR is a promising agent for the development of novel antimycotic treatments potentially less toxic for human cells. ConclusionsPentaene didehydroroflamycoin has no antibacterial activity but can be further developed for the application in antifungal therapy. Significance and Impact of the StudyThis study is the first report on the stable and production in high yields of a novel pentaene family that acts on Candida cell membranes and can be used in combination with known antifungals. Polyenes are still antifungal antibiotics of choice, and therefore, isolation and production of new lead structures are highly significant.Free full text: [https://doi.org/10.1111/jam.12326]Peer-reviewed manuscript: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3486]Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3487