15 research outputs found

    Optimization Of Care In Patients With Stroke

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    Introduction: Optimizing care for neurological patients is a process requiring continuous monitoring, assessment and intervention by physicians and nurses.Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the opinion of nurses in neurology wards about the optimization of care for patients with a stroke and the need to introduce a nursing dossier for neurological patients.Materials and Methods: The opinion of 72 nurses working in neurology clinics and wards in the hospitals in Varna, Sliven, Veliko Tarnovo, Gorna Oryahovitsa, Pavlikeni, Gabrovo, Tryavna has been studied. The survey covers the May - July 2018 period. Documentary, survey and statistical methods were used.Results and Discussion: The highest percentage (36%) is that of nurses with more than 30 years of work experience in neurology wards. About 50% of respondents believe that additional qualifications for nurses are needed to improve care for stroke patients. Eighty-eight percent believe that insufficient nursing staff is one of the causes of inadequate care of stroke patients. Relatively low is the percentage (26%) of those who believe that the introduction of a nursing dossier would have a positive impact on the healthcare provided to patients with a stroke

    Survey of attitudes of nurse and midwife university students for provision of health and social services for children and families

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    The chances for human health are closely related to the conditions under which they are born and they live. The deinstitutionalization of children up to 18 years includes activities for providing community living for every child by establishing a system of services and measures ensuring the prevention of abandonment.Aim: The aim of this study is to identify the factors influencing career choices and the willingness of nurses and midwives to provide health and social services for prevention of abandonment of children, supporting families of children with medical risk in the family environment.Material and Methods: For the purpose of this study we examined the opinion of 40 nurse and midwife university students enrolled for the school year 2015/2016 in the branch campus - Veliko Tarnovo, with mean age of 28.7 years. Documentary method, a 9-item questionnaire and graphical analysis are used.Results and discussion: The data from this survey shows that 37.7% of respondents chose this profession because they would have a successful future realization. The choice of profession of all of the nurses is the first desire and less than half (40%) of midwives have made their first career choice. Sixty percent of all students say they would work with children with disabilities, 63% of them are partly familiar with the problems of families who raise children with disabilities.Conclusions: Based on the motivated professional choice and the positive attitude of students to the problems of children at risk and in implementation of the strategic documents, it is necessary to update the programme of studies in clinical practice and to introduce an optional subject `Early childhood intervention` in the programme of studies

    Оценка на селекционни линии пипер (Capsicum annuum L.) към важни заболявания в органична селскостопанска система

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    The reaction of pepper breeding lines under organic production conditions to Verticillium wilt, viruses and phytoplasma was observed at Maritsa Vegetable Crop Research Institute, Plovdiv, Bulgaria during two successive years. The diseases severity was recorded, when symptoms of Verticillium dahliae, viruses and Phytoplasma diseases were deeply expressed. The Verticillium dahliae attack index for early production breeding lines varied widely from 15.04% for line O58/14 to 43.83% for O26/16. For kapia type materials, the attack rate of Verticillium wilt ranged from 39.27% (O17/15) to 46.68% (O79/16). The highest index of attack by the disease was established for the powder breeding line (OP69/16) – 49.85%. The viruses which were monitored belong to groups of tobamoviruses, cucumoviruses and tospoviruses and were only 5.00% in breeding lines for early production. The Phytoplasma development was from 10.51% (O12/15) to 32.92% (O38/14). It was established that among studied diseases Verticillium wilt (42.41%) was more dangerous for studied pepper breeding lines in organic conditions followed by Phytoplasma disease (20.67%) and viruses (0.59%).Проучена е реакцията на селекционни линии пипера при условия на органично производство към вертицилийно увяхване, вируси и фитоплазма в в продължение на две последователни години в Институт по зеленчуковите култури Марица, Пловдив, България. Отчита се степента на заразяване, когато симптомите на заболяванията са силно изразени. Индексът на нападение на Verticillium dahliae за ранни производствени линии варира в широки граници от 15,04% за линия O58/14 до 43,83% за O26/16. За материали от тип капия степента на нападение на вертицилийно увяхване варира от 39,27% (O17/15) до 46,68% (O79/16). Най-висок индекс на нападение от болестта е установен при линията за мелене (ОР69/16) – 49,85%. Вирусите, които са наблюдавани, принадлежат към групи тобамовируси, кукумовируси и тосповируси и са до 5,00% само при линии за ранно производство. Развитието на фитоплазмата е от 10,51% (O12/15) до 32,92% (O38/14). Установено е, че сред изследваните болести вертицилйиното увяхване (42,41%) е по-опасно за изследваните линии за отглеждане на пипер в органични условия, следвано от фитоплазмата (20,67%) и вирусите (0,59%)

    The role of health professionals from children and school health care in the implementation of the child component‚ „Healthy children in healthy families` of the Cindi program

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    „Здрави деца в здрави семейства` е детската компонента на програма СИНДИ, която се реализира в зона Велико Търново от 2008 година. Програмата предлага рамка за политика и стратегия в областта на профилактиката на хроничните незаразни болести при децата и се осъществява чрез дейности за промоция на здравето, профилактика на болестите и промяна начина на живот с участието на деца и техните семейства.Целта на настоящото проучване е да се акцентира върху ролята на здравните специалисти от детското и училищно здравеопазване в осигуряване на информационно-образователни и здравно-консултативни услуги на учениците за изграждане на жизнено важни умения за отговорно здравословно поведение.Материал и методи: За целта на настоящо то изследване бе проучено мнението на 46 здравни специалисти от община Велико Търново на средна възраст 48,7 години. Използвани са документален метод, анкетно социологическо проучване с 8 въпроса и графичен анализ.Резултати и обсъждане: Данните от сравнителния анализ на резултатите от изследванията за носителство на основните фактори на риска за здравето на учениците на възраст от 14 до 18 години във Велико Търново показват, че са настъпили положителни промени в поведението за здраве, но едновременно с това се отчитат и сериозни проблеми като повишено кръвно налягане и наднормено тегло.Изводи: Успешното реализиране на програмата „Здрави деца в здрави семейства` с участието на здравните специалисти от детското и училищно здравеопазване, подкрепени от обществени структури и организации, доказва, че намалява нивото на факторите на риска за здравето сред учащите, което би намалило риска от развитие на хроничните незаразни болести в зряла възраст.„Healthy Children in Healthy Families` is a child component of the CINDI program, which was implemented in the area of Veliko Tarnovo in 2008. The program provided a policy and strategy framework in the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases in children. It was implemented through health promotion activities, disease prevention and lifestyle changes involving children and their families.The aim of this study is to highlight the role of health professionals from child and school health care in providing information, education, and health consultation services to the students about building up vital skills for responsible health behavior.Materials and Methods: For the purpose of this study the opinion of 46 health professionals from the municipality of Veliko Turnovo at an average age of 48.7 years was sought. We have used a documentary method, a questionnaire survey of 8 questions and a graphical analysis.Results and Discussion: The data from the comparative analysis of the survey results for carrier of the main risk factors for the health of the students aged from 14 to 18 years in Veliko Tarnovo showed that there have been positive changes in health behaviors, but at the same time serious problems such as high blood pressure and overweight were reported.Conclusions: The successful implementation of the program „Healthy Children in Healthy Families` with the participation of health professionals from children and school health care, supported by public structures and organizations, proved that reducing the level of health risk factors among students would also reduce the risk of developing chronic non-communicable diseases among adults

    Nutrition - risk factor in the patogenesis of modern diseases

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    Maintaining an alkaline acid balance is a perfect system for ensuring normal functioning of all biochemical processes in the body. PH balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health. Excessive consumption of acid - forming foods leads to autotoxication the body and is the basis for the development of multiple pathological processes.Objective: The study aims to establish the food presenting in the daily menu of the Bulgarians in the context of nutrition as a risk factor to health and a resource of disease prevention.Materials and Methods: The study used sociological and statistical methods. A direct anonymous questionnaire was conducted in the month of February 2016, which was completed by 60 people from the towns of Varna and Plovdiv. The data were processed with SPSS v.17.0. Results and discussion: A large proportion (94.90%) of respondents believe that food is a crucial factor for their health, but only 11.70% recognize its role as a `medicine` for the body. A total of 86.70 percent of respondents prefer the consumption of meat (pork and chicken) to raw fruits and vegetables. Alarming is the fact that the menu of 48.30% of respondents contains sausages and processed meats, and dairy products in 80%.Conclusion: In the menu of Bulgarians, the acid food is dominant, which is a precondition for the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis and many others

    Awareness and attitude to participate in screening tests of the population of Varna

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    Participation in screening tests and programs gives chance for early diagnosis of diseases and a better prognosis for full recovery, which is especially important in oncological diseases that have high economic and social reflection. Responsibility for their own health is a manifestation of human dignity. Objective: The aim of the study is to investigate the awareness of screening tests and the attitude of the population to participate in them. Materials and methods: Sociological and statistical methods have been used. The survey was conducted during the month of February 2016 in the city of Varna. Through direct anonymous questionnaire were investigated 50 people from the town of Varna, from different age groups and educational level. The data were processed with statistical program SPSS v.17.0. Results and discussion: The results show that 58% of respondents are aware of screening tests here. The majority (44.90%) have participated in various screening tests. The main source of information on screening tests is GP (42.90%) as disturbing fact is the lack of information in 59.10% of the respondents. The major part of respondents (77.30%) prefer to gather the necessary additional information from the GP, regardless of who was the primary source of their information. Leading motives for participation in screening are the presence of a health problem (48.90%) and family predisposition (30.60%). However, a small percentage of respondents 1/5, are not yet convinced of the benefits of screening and therefore say they will not participate in it.Conclusion: Inadequate knowledge of the ongoing screening in Bulgaria requires increased awareness and the formation of habits in the population in the fight against a number of socially significant diseases

    Attitudes of the population of the city of Varna to implementing alternative methods in treating health failures

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    Въведение: През последните години алтернативната медицина става все по-предпочитана за лечение на някои здравословни проблеми. В случаите, когато конвенционалните методи не дават резултати, алтернативните методи на лечение се превръщат в „спасителен пояс` за болните.Цел: Изследването има за цел да проучи нагласите сред населението на гр. Варна за използване на алтернативни методи на лечение при здравословни проблеми.Материали и методи: Проведена е пряка анонимна анкета сред 103 граждани от гр. Варна на средна възраст 31 години. Изследването обхваща периода юни-юли 2016 г. Данните са обработени със статистическа програма SPSS v.20, като са използвани дисперсионен, вариационен и сравнителен анализ.Резултати и обсъждане: Интересен е фактът, че 84.20% от анкетираните смятат, че алтернативната медицина има място при лечението на болестите, но въпреки това при здравословни проблеми предпочитат конвенционалната медицина. Почти половината от анкетираните (46.60%) ползват хомеопатията като метод за лечение. Резултатите от изследването показват, че населението е запознато предимно с билколечението и хомеопатията (над 80%), докато методи като иглотерапията, озонотерапията и ирисовата диагностика не са достатъчно познати и използвани (над 80%).Заключение: Българското население от векове използва билколечението като основен метод за лечение, още преди да потърси лекарска помощ. Хомеопатията е вторият по популярност алтернативен метод за лечение, който придобива все повече привърженици, особено сред по-младото население. Водещ мотив за прилагането му е липсата на вредни странични ефекти. Иглотерапията, озонотерапията и ирисовата диагностика не са познати и не се ползват често от хората, тъй като изискват повече време, средства, a се оказват и недостъпни за голяма част от населението.Introduction: In recent years, alternative medicine has become more and more preferred for the treatment of certain health problems. In cases where conventional methods do not produce results, alternative therapies are becoming a lifeline for the sick.Aim: The study aims to explore the attitudes among the population of the city of Varna to use alternative methods for the treatment of their health problems.Materials and Methods: A direct anonymous survey among 103 citizens of Varna, average age 31 years, has been held. The study covers the period June - July 2016. Data are processed with the statistical program SPSS v.20, using variance, dispersive and comparative analyses.Results and Discussion: An interesting fact is that 84.20% of the respondents believe that alternative medicine has a place in the treatment of diseases, but for their own health problems prefer conventional medicine. Almost half of the respondents (46.60%) use homeopathy as a method of treatment. The survey results show that the population is familiar mostly with herbalism and homeopathy (over 80%), while methods such as acupuncture, ozone therapy and iris diagnostics are not sufficiently known and used (over 80%). Conclusion: Fro centuries, the Bulgarian population has used herbal treatment as the main method of healing before they seek medical help. Homeopathy is the second most popular alternative treatment that is gaining more followers especially among the younger population. Leading motive for its implementation is the lack of harmful side effects. Acupuncture, ozone therapy and iris diagnostics are not known and not used often by people as they require more time, money and themselves and inaccessible to the majority of the population

    Expectations for professional realization of students enrolled in the nurse program

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    Въведение: В сферата на здравеопазването в последните години се усеща недостиг на различни специалисти по здравни грижи, включително и медицински сестри. Въпросът с професионалната реализация на медицинската сестра вече придобива друг смисъл. На преден план излиза нуждата от висококвалифицирани кадриудовлетворяващи потребностите на здравнатсистема, a от друга страна - повишаване на автономността и престижа на медицинската сестра, гарантиращи й професионална удовлетвореност от практикуваната професия.Цел: Целта на настоящото изследване е да се проучат нагласите за професионална реализация сред студентите, обучаващи се в специалност „Медицинска сестра` в МУ-Варна.Материал и методи: Проведена е пряка анонимна анкета, чрез която са изследвани 85 студенти от II, III и IV курс от специалността „Медицинска сестра`, МУ-Варна. Проучването обхваща периода май-юни 2016. Използвани са сравнителен и вариационен анализ. Данните са обработени със статистическа програма SPSS v.20.Резултати и обсъждане: Основният мотив за избора на специалност `Медицинска сестра` е по-добрата възможност за професионална реализация (56.60%), като основни направления се открояват: хирургия; реанимация, анестезиология и интензивна терапия - общо 35.70%. За 42.40% от респондентите предпочитана структура е болничната помощ. Интересен е резултатът, при който 64.80% от анкетираните посочват, че нагласите им за професионална реализация са се променили през периода на обучението, a 54.10% заявяват, че ще търсят такава в чужбина. По-малко от половината (43.50%) от изследваните са посочили, че имат желание да продължат обучението си в магистърска програма. Предпочитани направления са: здравен мениджмънт; управление на здравни грижи; фармацевтичен мениджмънт; обществено здравеопазване.Заключение: Резултатите от нашето изследване показват, че тенденцията за реализация зад граница е водеща. Интензивните и хирургичните звена все още привличат интереса на бъдещите медицински сестри, но за съжаление има звена, към които той е далеч по-слаб. Това от своя страна постепенно ще доведе до значителен отлив на млади професионалисти по здравни грижи в някои сфери от системата на здравеопазване, което налага търсене на нови пътища за мотивиране на кадрите за работа в тях.Introduction: In recent years, in the field of health care in recent years there is a shortage of various health care professionals, including nurses. The topic of the professional realization of nurses has acquired another meaning. On one hand, there is a considerable need for highly qualified staff to meet the needs of the health system and on the other, a need to increase the autonomy and prestige of nurses guaranteeing professional satisfaction.Aim: The aim of this study was to explore expectations for professional development among students enrolled in the Nurse program at the Medical University of Varna.Materials and Methods: An anonymus questionnaire was developed for the purpose of our study which involved 85 students from 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, enrolled in the Nurse program of the Medical University of Varna. It covered the period from May to June 2016. A comparative and variance analysis were used. The data were processed with statistical program SPSS v.20.Results and Discussion: The main reason for choosing the Nurse program was a good opportunity for professional development (56.60%). The key areas that stood out are: surgery; resuscitation, anesthesiology and intensive therapy with a total of 35.70%. About 42.40 percent of the respondents` preferred structure was a hospital. An interesting result was that 64.80% of respondents indicated that their expectations for career development have changed over the study period, while 54.10% said they would seek such opportunities overseas. Less than half (43.50 %) оf the respondents indicated that they wish to continue their studies in a Master‘s program. Among the first choices for Master`s programs are: Health Management, Management of Health Care, Pharmaceutical Management, Public Health.Conclusion: The results of our study show that the trend for professional realization abroad is leading. Intensive care and surgical units still attract the interest of future nurses, but unfortunately there are units where it is far too weak. This in turn will gradually lead to a significant outflow of young health care professionals in some areas of the health care system, which will require searching for new ways to motivate staff to work in them

    Nordic Walking: A Tool for Prevention and Rehabilitation Therapy

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    The phenomenon of Nordic walking first appeared in Finland in the 1980s as a method for skiers to train during the off-season. In recent years, its popularity has grown significantly. It is a highly effective and, at the same time, affordable form of physical activity. It is performed with special devices called sticks, which serve as supports and allow weight redistribution, reduce the load on the joints, and increase muscle strength as all the muscles of the body are loaded. Originally, it was used in the Scandinavian countries, but due to its simplicity and efficiency, it soon gained popularity throughout Europe. Nordic walking is a good health prevention alternative for a wide range of people. Research shows that it can improve the quality of life of both the elderly and people with various diseases.The purpose of this article is to give a scientific view of Nordic walking and its possibilities as a method of prevention and rehabilitation of many diseases.Material and methods: Review and analysis of scientific publications and literature sources found in the following databases: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, PubMed, SportDiscus, and others.Conclusion: Today, Nordic walking is very popular all over the world. There is already a Nordic Walking Federation in many countries, and competitions are held. Nordic walking is a good alternative for a wide range of people for health prevention. Research shows that it can improve the quality of life of both the elderly and be included in the rehabilitation of people with various diseases

    On Unemployment Insurance and Experience Rating

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    There have been numerous studies, both theoretical and empirical, dealing with how the degree of experience rating affects employment. The results have been often contradicting, giving ground for ongoing debate among the economists. Here in this thesis I will present the most central studies done concerning the effects on employment induced by layoff costs and UI payroll tax in particular. A special interest will be put on the implicit-contract model, since it appears to be especially useful when studying the effects of experience rating. The theoretical approaches and the existing empirical evidence will be discussed. By doing this survey I will make an attempt in explaining and summarizing the crucial and sometimes contradicting conclusions made though the years, so that a reader unfamiliar with those concepts will be able to easily grasp