362 research outputs found

    Group analysis and exact solutions of a class of variable coefficient nonlinear telegraph equations

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    A complete group classification of a class of variable coefficient (1+1)-dimensional telegraph equations f(x)utt=(H(u)ux)x+K(u)uxf(x)u_{tt}=(H(u)u_x)_x+K(u)u_x, is given, by using a compatibility method and additional equivalence transformations. A number of new interesting nonlinear invariant models which have non-trivial invariance algebras are obtained. Furthermore, the possible additional equivalence transformations between equations from the class under consideration are investigated. Exact solutions of special forms of these equations are also constructed via classical Lie method and generalized conditional transformations. Local conservation laws with characteristics of order 0 of the class under consideration are classified with respect to the group of equivalence transformations.Comment: 23 page


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    As a result of the theoretical and experimental studies, a technique for measuring the residual magnetic induction of matter in an open magnetic circuit is proposed. The residual magnetic induction can be used to diagnose the structural-phase and stress-strain state of ferromagnetics.Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания МИНОБРНАУКИ России («Диагностика», номер госрегистрации 122021000030-1)

    Digital receivers for low-frequency radio telescopes UTR-2, URAN, GURT

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    This paper describes digital radio astronomical receivers used for decameter and meter wavelength observations. This paper describes digital radio astronomical receivers used for decameter and meter wavelength observations. Since 1998, digital receivers performing on-the-fly dynamic spectrum calculations or waveform data recording without data loss have been used at the UTR-2 radio telescope, the URAN VLBI system, and the GURT new generation radio telescope. Here we detail these receivers developed for operation in the strong interference environment that prevails in the decameter wavelength range. Data collected with these receivers allowed us to discover numerous radio astronomical objects and phenomena at low frequencies, a summary of which is also presented.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Comparative Dissolution Kinetics of Several Multisource Thioctic Acid Products

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    The relationship between dissolution and bioavailability is an example of the interdependency between the quality of a medicinal product and its safety and efficacy. The uniqueness of thioctic acid is that it can exist in an oxidised and a reduced form, showing lipophilic (lipoic acid) and hydrophilic (dihydrolipoic acid) properties. Bioavailability studies of thioctic acid are necessary to evaluate the expected therapeutic effect and mitigate side effects of the medicinal product.The aim of the study was to carry out equivalence dissolution testing to compare the release of thioctic acid from medicinal products produced by several manufacturers.Materials and methods: the study used a reference medicinal product and three multisource medicinal products by different manufacturers; more specifically, film-coated tablets containing 600 mg of thioctic acid. The experiment was carried out in dissolution media at pH of 6.8±0.05 and 1.2±0.05. Statistical analysis was performed by calculating the average amounts of the substance dissolved, the standard deviation (SD), and the relative standard deviation (RSD, %) using Microsoft Office Excel 2007.Results: The authors chose the testing conditions (dissolution media pH values of 6.8±0.05 and 1.2±0.05) taking into account the nature and characteristics of thioctic acid. The comparison of thioctic acid release profiles based on the calculation of the similarity factor (f2) showed that the dissolution profiles of multisource medicinal products 2 and 3 at pH 6.8 were equivalent to that of the reference medicinal product (more than 85% of the active pharmaceutical ingredient released within 15 minutes) and the dissolution profile of multisource medicinal product 1 was not equivalent to it (with f2 of 28).Conclusions: the established differences in the rate and degree of active ingredient release from the studied medicinal products may indicate possible differences in their pharmacological effectiveness in vivo

    Group Analysis of Variable Coefficient Diffusion-Convection Equations. I. Enhanced Group Classification

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    We discuss the classical statement of group classification problem and some its extensions in the general case. After that, we carry out the complete extended group classification for a class of (1+1)-dimensional nonlinear diffusion--convection equations with coefficients depending on the space variable. At first, we construct the usual equivalence group and the extended one including transformations which are nonlocal with respect to arbitrary elements. The extended equivalence group has interesting structure since it contains a non-trivial subgroup of non-local gauge equivalence transformations. The complete group classification of the class under consideration is carried out with respect to the extended equivalence group and with respect to the set of all point transformations. Usage of extended equivalence and correct choice of gauges of arbitrary elements play the major role for simple and clear formulation of the final results. The set of admissible transformations of this class is preliminary investigated.Comment: 25 page

    A Solution to the Problem of Phaseless Mapping for a High-Orbit Space-Ground Radio Interferometer

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    We consider the problem of mapping with ultra-high angular resolution using a space-ground radio interferometer with a space antenna in a high orbit,whose apogee height exceeds the radius of the Earth by a factor of ten. In this case, a multielement interferometer essentially degenerates into a two-element interferometer. The degeneracy of the close-phase relations prevents the use of standard methods for hybrid mapping and self-calibration for the correct reconstruction of images. We propose a new phaseless mapping method based on methods for the reconstruction of images in the complete absence of phase information, using only the amplitudes of the spatial-coherence function of the source. In connection with this problem, we propose a new method for the reliable solution of the phase problem, based on optimizing information-carrying nonlinear functionals, in particular, the Shannon entropy. Results of simulations of mapping radio sources with various structures with ultra-high angular resolution in the framework of the RADIOASTRON mission are presented.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Peculiar Aspects of Epidemiological Situation on Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever in the Russian Federation in 2011

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    Outlined is the analysis of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF) in the south of the Russian Federation in 2011. Discussed are the causes of nosocomial outbreak of CHF at the Salsk district central hospital, the Rostov Region. Prognostication on CHF situation for 2012 is made based on the epizootiological monitoring

    Improvement of Lyme Borreliosis Agent Indication Methods

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    On the basis of silica - aluminosilicate, modified by carboxymethylated lignin and carbodiimide, obtained are the composite microgranulated magnetic immunoadsorbents (MIA) with high adsorption activity, which are characterized by the standardized structural characteristics and mechanical strength. Application of MIAs makes it possible, at the stage of tick samples preparation, to eliminate various admixtures via reiterative irrigations of the sorbent with the infectious agent fixed on it. Therefore negative influence of admixtures on the performed analysis is excluded, and the target agent is concentrated to the maximum limit. Thus the specificity and sensitivity of PCR-analysis enhances

    Brane Decay of a (4+n)-Dimensional Rotating Black Hole. III: spin-1/2 particles

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    In this work, we have continued the study of the Hawking radiation on the brane from a higher-dimensional rotating black hole by investigating the emission of fermionic modes. A comprehensive analysis is performed that leads to the particle, power and angular momentum emission rates, and sheds light on their dependence on fundamental parameters of the theory, such as the spacetime dimension and angular momentum of the black hole. In addition, the angular distribution of the emitted modes, in terms of the number of particles and energy, is thoroughly studied. Our results are valid for arbitrary values of the energy of the emitted particles, dimension of spacetime and angular momentum of the black hole, and complement previous results on the emission of brane-localised scalars and gauge bosons.Comment: Latex file, JHEP style, 34 pages, 16 figures Energy range in plots increased, minor changes, version published in JHE

    The level of air pollution in the impact zone of coal-fired power plant (Karaganda City) using the data of geochemical snow survey (Republic of Kazakhstan)

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    Coal-fired power plants emissions impact the air quality and human health. Of great significance is assessment of solid airborne particles emissions from those plants and distance of their transportation. The article presents the results of air pollution assessment in the zone of coal-fired power plant (Karaganda City) using snow survey. Based on the mass of solid airborne particles deposited in snow, time of their deposition on snow at the distance from 0.5 to 4.5 km a value of dust load has been determined. It is stated that very high level of pollution is observed at the distance from 0.5 to 1 km. there is a trend in decrease of dust burden value with the distance from the stacks of coal-fired power plant that may be conditioned by the particle size and washing out smaller ash particles by ice pellets forming at freezing water vapour in stacks of the coal-fired power plant. Study in composition of solid airborne particles deposited in snow has shown that they mainly contain particulates of underburnt coal, Al-Si- rich spheres, Fe-rich spheres, and coal dust. The content of the particles in samples decreases with the distance from the stacks of the coal-fired power plant