3,514 research outputs found

    Custom EMAT Instrumentation: Correlation Receiver and Flaw Detector

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    New, custom instrumentation is presented which is designed to complement and exploit the unique properties of EMAT\u27s. A two channel correlation receiver is described which allows simultaneous detection of the in-phase and quadrature components of an ultrasonic signal with the optimum noise figure and improved interference rejection. In addition, a prototype, fully self-contained EMAT flaw detector is presented. This is a surface wave device for handheld use and incorporates such features as battery operations, correlation detection, search and inspect modes, and digital readout of flaw position and reflected signal amplitude

    Associating low-level features with semantic concepts using video objects and relevance feedback

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    The holy grail of multimedia indexing and retrieval is developing algorithms capable of imitating human abilities in distinguishing and recognising semantic concepts within the content, so that retrieval can be based on ”real world” concepts that come naturally to users. In this paper, we discuss an approach to using segmented video objects as the midlevel connection between low-level features and semantic concept description. In this paper, we consider a video object as a particular instance of a semantic concept and we model the semantic concept as an average representation of its instances. A system supporting object-based search through a test corpus is presented that allows matching presegmented objects based on automatically extracted lowlevel features. In the system, relevance feedback is employed to drive the learning of the semantic model during a regular search process

    Dynamical Casimir-Polder force between an excited atom and a conducting wall

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    We consider the dynamical atom-surface Casimir-Polder force in the nonequilibrium configuration of an atom near a perfectly conducting wall, initially prepared in an excited state with the field in its vacuum state. We evaluate the time-dependent Casimir-Polder force on the atom and find that it shows an oscillatory behavior from attractive to repulsive both in time and in space. We also investigate the asymptotic behavior in time of the dynamical force and of related local field quantities, showing that the static value of the force, as obtained by a time-independent approach, is recovered for times much longer than the time scale of the atomic self-dressing but shorter than the atomic decay time. We then discuss the evolution of global quantities such as atomic and field energies and their asymptotic behavior. We also compare our results for the dynamical force on the excited atom with analogous results recently obtained for an initially bare ground-state atom. We show that new relevant features are obtained in the case of an initially excited atom, for example, much larger values of the dynamical force with respect to the static one, allowing for an easier way to single out and observe the dynamical Casimir-Polder effect

    Using video objects and relevance feedback in video retrieval

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    Video retrieval is mostly based on using text from dialogue and this remains the most signi¯cant component, despite progress in other aspects. One problem with this is when a searcher wants to locate video based on what is appearing in the video rather than what is being spoken about. Alternatives such as automatically-detected features and image-based keyframe matching can be used, though these still need further improvement in quality. One other modality for video retrieval is based on segmenting objects from video and allowing end users to use these as part of querying. This uses similarity between query objects and objects from video, and in theory allows retrieval based on what is actually appearing on-screen. The main hurdles to greater use of this are the overhead of object segmentation on large amounts of video and the issue of whether we can actually achieve effective object-based retrieval. We describe a system to support object-based video retrieval where a user selects example video objects as part of the query. During a search a user builds up a set of these which are matched against objects previously segmented from a video library. This match is based on MPEG-7 Dominant Colour, Shape Compaction and Texture Browsing descriptors. We use a user-driven semi-automated segmentation process to segment the video archive which is very accurate and is faster than conventional video annotation

    A folding inhibitor of the HIV-1 Protease

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    Being the HIV-1 Protease (HIV-1-PR) an essential enzyme in the viral life cycle, its inhibition can control AIDS. The folding of single domain proteins, like each of the monomers forming the HIV-1-PR homodimer, is controlled by local elementary structures (LES, folding units stabilized by strongly interacting, highly conserved, as a rule hydrophobic, amino acids). These LES have evolved over myriad of generations to recognize and strongly attract each other, so as to make the protein fold fast and be stable in its native conformation. Consequently, peptides displaying a sequence identical to those segments of the monomers associated with LES are expected to act as competitive inhibitors and thus destabilize the native structure of the enzyme. These inhibitors are unlikely to lead to escape mutants as they bind to the protease monomers through highly conserved amino acids which play an essential role in the folding process. The properties of one of the most promising inhibitors of the folding of the HIV-1-PR monomers found among these peptides is demonstrated with the help of spectrophotometric assays and CD spectroscopy

    New EMAT Applications: Ultrasonic Ellipsometer and Detection of Cracks under Fasteners

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    The ability to excite new wave types, such as the horizontally polarized shear (SH) waves, enables EMAT\u27s to perform functions not easily realized with conventional piezoelectric transducers. This paper describes two examples. An ultrasonic ellipsometer is presented which can excite, and detect, shear waves of arbitrary elliptical polarization. It therefore becomes possible to make precision measurements of elastic properties by making direct comparison of the propagation properties of the SH and SV (vertically polarized) components of the wave. The principles of operation are demonstrated by measuring fluid level, a surface property which .produces differential attenuation of the two components of the wave and thus a change in its elliptical polarization, and texture, a bulk property which produces differential velocity shifts. Preliminary data directed towards the measurement of adhesive bond strength is also included. A second technique presented is a new approach to the problem of detecting cracks under fasteners in wing lap joints. It has be.en found that SH waves, excited on the outer surface of the wing, can be injected into the lower surface of the joint by a wave guiding effect. The reflections of these waves from fastener holes contains information indicating the presence, and size, of flaws. Preliminary experimental results demonstrating this new technique are included

    Multi-agent collaborative search : an agent-based memetic multi-objective optimization algorithm applied to space trajectory design

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    This article presents an algorithm for multi-objective optimization that blends together a number of heuristics. A population of agents combines heuristics that aim at exploring the search space both globally and in a neighbourhood of each agent. These heuristics are complemented with a combination of a local and global archive. The novel agent-based algorithm is tested at first on a set of standard problems and then on three specific problems in space trajectory design. Its performance is compared against a number of state-of-the-art multi-objective optimization algorithms that use the Pareto dominance as selection criterion: non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), Pareto archived evolution strategy (PAES), multiple objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO), and multiple trajectory search (MTS). The results demonstrate that the agent-based search can identify parts of the Pareto set that the other algorithms were not able to capture. Furthermore, convergence is statistically better although the variance of the results is in some cases higher

    Controlling the Local Spin-Polarization at the Organic-Ferromagnetic Interface

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    By means of ab initio calculations and spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy experiments we show how to manipulate the local spin-polarization of a ferromagnetic surface by creating a complex energy dependent magnetic structure. We demonstrate this novel effect by adsorbing organic molecules containing pi(pz)-electrons onto a ferromagnetic surface, in which the hybridization of the out-of-plane pz atomic type orbitals with the d-states of the metal leads to the inversion of the spin-polarization at the organic site due to a pz - d Zener exchange type mechanism. As a key result, we demonstrate that it is possible to selectively inject spin-up and spin-down electrons from the same ferromagnetic surface, an effect which can be exploited in future spintronic devices

    TRECVid 2005 experiments at Dublin City University

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    In this paper we describe our experiments in the automatic and interactive search tasks and the BBC rushes pilot task of TRECVid 2005. Our approach this year is somewhat different than previous submissions in that we have implemented a multi-user search system using a DiamondTouch tabletop device from Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL).We developed two versions of oursystem one with emphasis on efficient completion of the search task (Físchlár-DT Efficiency) and the other with more emphasis on increasing awareness among searchers (Físchlár-DT Awareness). We supplemented these runs with a further two runs one for each of the two systems, in which we augmented the initial results with results from an automatic run. In addition to these interactive submissions we also submitted three fully automatic runs. We also took part in the BBC rushes pilot task where we indexed the video by semi-automatic segmentation of objects appearing in the video and our search/browsing system allows full keyframe and/or object-based searching. In the interactive search experiments we found that the awareness system outperformed the efficiency system. We also found that supplementing the interactive results with results of an automatic run improves both the Mean Average Precision and Recall values for both system variants. Our results suggest that providing awareness cues in a collaborative search setting improves retrieval performance. We also learned that multi-user searching is a viable alternative to the traditional single searcher paradigm, provided the system is designed to effectively support collaboration