22 research outputs found

    First Maps for the Systematic Registration of Property in the Kingdom of Romania

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    In this article are presented the very first maps realised in a systematic way in order to determine the boundaries and register the properties of the Kingdom of Romania, at a scale of 1:20,000 in the equal-area pseudoconical Bonne projection. This projection was not applied in a uniform way for the whole territory of the country, but differently for the areas situated east and west of the Zimnicea meridian, respectively. For each of these two zones I have shown the peculiarities of applying the Bonne projection. furthermore, I explained in detail the means of establishing the nomenclatures of the maps at a scale of 1:20,000, but also at smaller scales, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 and 1:200,000. Since the analyzed map projection preserves area measurements, I verified this property on five maps at the scale of 1:20,000, chosen from both zones. Results obtained for the zone east of the Zimnicea meridian showed a 0.0005% difference, falling within the tolerated error, but for the maps situated west of the Zimnicea meridian, the area differs by about 3%. I have proved that this large difference in the area of the analyzed maps, identified at the eastern extremity of the mapped zone, is due to the fact that they are not actually bordered by the Zimnicea meridian, but by a line related to the Cartesian system used. The Bonne projection maps made for the entire Romanian Kingdom by specialists of the Romanian Army nowadays possess significant historical importance, both in terms of mapping and cadastre

    How to Create an Effective Thematic Map

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    Considering the evolution of automatic mapping programs and the huge amount of available data, the key elements that go into creating thematic maps are presented so that those less familiar with map-making might be able to craft accurate, reliable and illustrative maps.Here, we used ArcGIS Pro in order to exemplify the process of creating thematic maps presenting correlations between the number of emergency/total 112 calls and the population of Romanian counties. These freely-available data were classified using Natural Brakes, Quantile, Equal Interval, Geometric Interval, Standard Deviation, Defined Interval and Manual Interval, so as to highlight their relevant aspects. The value of the goodness of absolute deviation fit was calculated for each method and each data set. The maps were then created using combined choropleth and proportional symbol methods. The ratio between the total number of 112 calls and the county populations, structured into five classes, has been represented using choropleth method. On the resulting map, emergency calls have been represented with proportional symbols. Furthermore, aspects related to the other map elements were presented all in one place, in order to create a thematic map that would be easy to understand and interpret.The findings of the present paper could be used by those who want to represent their own data in a very suggestive and reliable manner, without having had any cartographic training beforehand. They could also more easily interpret their datasets and be able to take the necessary steps in their own domains of activity

    Nanoscale spherical-supported membranes as novel platforms for improving the phage display screening of antibody mimetics against membrane protein targets

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    Membrane proteins represent the majority of therapeutic targets for the antibody-based drugs available today. These are routinely identified via phage display screening, but traditional antigen presentation methods require membrane protein targets to be detergent-solubilised in order to preserve their native conformations post-purification. Unfortunately, detergent solubilisation can not only lead to gradual target denaturation over time, but the detergent micelles can also occlude important epitopes on the extramembranous loops and thus prevent the discovery of antibody binders. The current thesis aimed to demonstrate that, by reconstituting purified membrane proteins into spherical-supported bilayer lipid membranes (SSBLMs) deposited on nanosized substrates, a versatile platform can be constructed for performing phage display screening against membrane protein targets, while not only presenting these within a native-like lipid environment, but also eliminating detergents from the screening phase altogether. For providing proof-of-concept, 100- and 200 nm silica nanoparticles were covered with POPC SSBLMs embedding the bacterial nucleoside transporter NupC. Full substrate coverage and the correct formation of the lipid bilayer components were established via spectrofluorometry, using fluorescent labelling and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) respectively, while Western blotting and high-affinity antibody binding confirmed the presence of SSBLM-embedded NupC. The platform was then used to screen designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) against a His6-tagged construct of NupC across different screening formats so as to offer a comparison to the classic 96-well plate antigen presentation method. Following that, the DARPin binders showing the highest potential affinity for NupC were purified and subjected to further binding validation assays against two other constructs – detergent-solubilised double Strep-tagged NupC and SSBLM-embedded untagged/wild-type NupC – in order to identify any binders targeting extramembranous epitopes that would be accessible in vivo as well. Ultimately, the results presented throughout indicated that SSBLMs constitute a promising means of screening antibody binders against membrane protein targets embedded in a close-to-native format

    Recent Developments and Future Challenges in Incremental Sheet Forming of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy Sheets

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    Due to a favourable strength-to-density ratio, aluminium and its alloys are increasingly used in the automotive, aviation and space industries for the fabrication of skins and other structural elements. This article explores the opportunities for and limitations of using Single- and Two Point Incremental Sheet Forming techniques to form sheets from aluminium and its alloys. Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) methods are designed to increase the efficiency of processing in low- and medium-batch production because (i) it does not require the production of a matrix and (ii) the forming time is much higher than in conventional methods of sheet metal forming. The tool in the form of a rotating mandrel gradually sinks into the sheet, thus leading to an increase in the degree of deformation of the material. This article provides an overview of the published results of research on the influence of the parameters of the ISF process (feed rate, tool rotational speed, step size), tool path strategy, friction conditions and process temperature on the formability and surface quality of the workpieces. This study summarises the latest development trends in experimental research on, and computer simulation using, the finite element method of ISF processes conducted in cold forming conditions and at elevated temperature. Possible directions for further research are also identified

    Spherical-Supported Membranes as Platforms for Screening Against Membrane Protein Targets

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    Screening assays performed against membrane protein targets (e.g. phage display) are hampered by issues arising from protein expression and purification, protein stability in detergent solutions and epitope concealment by detergent micelles. Here, we have studied a fast and simple method to improve screening against membrane proteins: spherical-supported bilayer lipid membranes (“SSBLM”). SSBLMs can be quickly isolated via low-speed centrifugation and redispersed in liquid solutions while presenting the target protein in a native-like lipid environment. To provide proof-of-concept, SSBLMs embedding the polytopic bacterial nucleoside transporter NupC were assembled on 100- and 200 nm silica particles. To test specific binding of antibodies, NupC was tagged with a poly-histidine epitope in one of its central loops between two transmembrane helices. Fluorescent labelling, small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) were used to monitor formation of the SSBLMs. Specific binding of an anti-his antibody and a gold-nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) conjugate probe was confirmed with ELISAs and cryo-EM. SSBLMs for screening could be made with purified and lipid reconstituted NupC, as well as crude bacterial membrane extracts. We conclude that SSBLMs are a promising new means of presenting membrane protein targets for (biomimetic) antibody screening in a native-like lipid environment

    Transition from Natural to Early Synthetic Dyes in the Romanian Traditional Shirts Decoration

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    The traditional shirt (“ie”) is the most well-known element of Romanian anonymous textile art. Apart from aesthetic and utilitarian roles, it has strong symbolic significance, mainly through the colours used for decoration. Very recently, the traditional shirt with decoration over the shoulder (“ia cu altiță”) was introduced as a Romanian identity element as part of UNESCO heritage. Depending on the ethnographic area, the traditional shirt with decoration over the shoulder has acquired special expressive particularities over time. Particularly relevant is that from Valea Hârtibaciului, an area of Transylvania in the very centre of Romania. Although sober in appearance with large fields of white plain weave, it is discreetly decorated with elaborated embroidery on the sleeve bracelets, over the shoulders and neck. Even the colour range and decoration motifs remain unchanged in time, evolution in the materials used and a subtle transition from natural hues to more strident alternatives were observed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. For the present study, samples were taken from representative objects in the collections of the ASTRA Museum, Sibiu and Ethnographical Museum, Brasov, documented as belonging to the area of Valea Hârtibaciului and dated in the museum archives as from the late 19th and early 20th century. The textile materials and the dyes used in the shirts’ embroidery were monitored. Fibre identification was made by optical microscopy and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR). Dye analysis was performed by liquid chromatography coupled with UV-Vis (diode array) detection, while some of the samples were also analysed by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometric detection (LC-DAD-MS). Dyes were extracted from the fibres by acid hydrolysis. Identification was based on data collected on standards, dyes and dyed fibres. For the early synthetic dyes, a dedicated library of references was built, which includes information relative to the most relevant representatives used between 1850 and 1900, the ‘Helmut Schweppe list’. According to the study, in the last decades of the 19th century, natural dye sources such as dyer’s broom, madder, Mexican cochineal and indigoid dyes were gradually replaced by early synthetic dyes: fuchsine (1856), methyl violet (1861), synthetic alizarin (1871), brilliant green (1879), azo flavine 3R (1880), rhodamine B (1887) and others

    Liquid chromatography as analytical tool for the study of natural and early synthetic dyes in traditional Saxon textiles

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    Abstract Confirmed since the twelth century, the Saxon community in Transylvania developed over the years in a rigorous powerful society, with its own lifestyle, social, economic, cultural and artistic standards. Together with research in historic documents, this society is now revealed by material studies of eighteenth– twentieth century objects in the Emil Sigerius collection, preserved in the ASTRA Museum, Sibiu, Romania. Embroideries made in Saxon households as well as representative Saxon coats manufactured in workshops, and dated between 1892 and 1908 (years embroidered on objects), were studied in terms of dye analysis, in order to understand if adoption of new materials goes together with the stylistic improvements. Dye analysis were performed by liquid chromatography with UV–vis and mass spectrometric detection (LC-DAD-MS), nowadays the most appropriate technique for the characterization and identification of colour components in heritage textiles. MS detection, with a triple quadrupole mass analyser, was used to achieve clear identification of each dye in a complex matrix. Construction of suitable spectral libraries through studies on standard dyes and dyed textiles definitely improved the ability to detect natural and early synthetic with greater certainty. Identification of fuchsine (1856), methyl violet (1861), orange II (1876) brilliant green (1879), quinoline yellow (1881) and rhodamine B (1887) in textiles dated about 20 years after the dyes first synthesis prove that transition from natural to synthetic dyes in the Saxon community was very fast, especially for textiles made in specialized workshops. The analytical configurations used prove their competence in textile studies, based on natural and early synthetic dyes research, and promotes the use of advanced analytical techniques in heritage science applications

    Global impact of COVID 19 on 112 Emergency System detailed for National 112 Emergency System of Romania

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    Research background: During COVID19 crisis, in order to limit and control the multiplication of infections with the new virus, the Romanian Government forced restrictions and established fines to those not staying in line with the rules. The rules had been applied not only to citizens but also to private companies and state authorities. Due to these legal constraints taken during the declared state of emergency and the next state of alert, the appropriate attitude effects occurred in terms of behaviour of individuals and companies. Purpose of the article: One of the positive side effects of the measures taken during the state of emergency and the state of alert, is a decrease of non-real emergency calls in public safety answering points, small in value but important for dealing with real emergencies. Moreover, the incoming calls related to some chronic non-urgent medical affection decreases. Methods: We will study and make comparisons in the number of calls in 112 Emergency System to analyse the quantitative impact relative to COVID period versus a previous not impacted period of time because of COVID. Findings & Value added: The impact of the pandemic on the 112 Emergency System has been a major one. We observed the need to redefine procedures and to make operational a new resilience plan, by defining a specific calling number where people in need to report incidents specifically related to COVID. We also observed some changes in caller behaviour that occurred to those calling the emergency 112 number. However, the last not the least we have observed a real interest of people calling to the specific number dedicated to COVID with different contexts, concerns and clarifications needed to them in order to adopt a more conscious and responsible attitude

    Migration and globalization: citizen journalism and immigration policies

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    International migration represents one of the most important aspects of globalization that contributes to the evolution and transformation of our lives. In 2000, as the United Nations reports showed, approximately 175 million people lived outside their native country for more than 12 months, a number that doubled with respect to the reference year 1975. This means that there are more and more “clashes” between people around the globe, involving greater responsibility for states in integrating the “moving” society. The public perception is continuously impacted by the migration phenomenon in its different aspects, but the effects are highly dependent on the communities’ social, cultural and religious pre-determination. In this respect, our paper aims to analyse the reflection of the traditional values of the host society to the individual perceptions on immigration, as expressed in various social media. In our view, in order to maximize the success potential of the public policies adopted by the host states in the field of immigration, these must be tightly correlated with the traditional social values, as observed in the real context, and also closely follow the evolution of these values, as expressed in the digital space. For this purpose, we will compare the social media and real life to show differences and resemblances of the attitudes towards the immigrants who might come in Romania from Middle East