469 research outputs found

    edit filters on English Wikipedia

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    The present thesis offers an initial investigation of a previously unexplored by scientific research quality control mechanism of Wikipedia—edit filters. It is analysed how edit filters fit in the quality control system of English Wikipedia, why they were introduced, and what tasks they take over. Moreover, it is discussed why rule based systems like these seem to be still popular today, when more advanced machine learning methods are available. The findings indicate that edit filters were implemented to take care of obvious but persistent types of vandalism, disallowing these from the start so that (human) resources can be used more efficiently elsewhere (i.e. for judging less obvious cases). In addition to disallowing such vandalism, edit filters appear to be applied in ambiguous situations where an edit is disruptive but the motivation of the editor is not clear. In such cases, the filters take an “assume good faith” approach and seek via warning messages to guide the disrupting editor towards transforming their contribution to a constructive one. There are also a smaller number of filters taking care of haphazard maintenance tasks—above all tracking a certain bug or other behaviour for further investigation. Since the current work is just a first exploration into edit filters, at the end, a comprehensive list of open questions for future research is compiled.Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet eine erste Untersuchung eines bisher von der Wis- senschaft unerforschten Qualitätskontrollmechanismus’ von Wikipedia: Bear- beitungsfilter (“edit filters” auf Englisch). Es wird analysiert, wie sich Bear- beitungsfilter in das Qualitätssicherungssystem der englischsprachigen Wikipedia einfügen, warum sie eingeführt wurden und welche Aufgaben sie übernehmen. Darüberhinaus wird diskutiert, warum regelbasierte Systeme wie dieses noch heute beliebt sind, wenn fortgeschrittenere Machine Lerning Methoden verfüg- bar sind. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Bearbeitungsfilter implemen- tiert wurden, um sich um offensichtliche, aber hartnäckige Sorten von Vandal- ismus zu kümmern. Die Motivation der Wikipedia-Community war, dass wenn solcher Vandalismus von vornherein verboten wird, (Personal-)Ressourcen an anderen Stellen effizienter genutzt werden können (z.B. zur Beurteilung weniger offensichtlicher Fälle). Außerdem scheinen Bearbeitungsfilter in uneindeutigen Situationen angewendet zu werden, in denen eine Bearbeitung zwar störend ist, die Motivation der editierenden Person allerdings nicht klar als boshaft iden- tifiziert werden kann. In solchen Fällen verinnerlichen die Filter Wikipedias “Geh von guten Absichten aus” Richtlinie und versuchen über Warnmeldun- gen einen konstruktiven Beitrag anzuleiten. Es gibt auch eine kleinere Anzahl von Filtern, die sich um vereinzelte Wartungsaufgaben kümmern. Hierunter fallen die Versuche, einen bestimmten Bug nachzuvollziehen oder ein anderes Verhalten zu verfolgen, um es dann weiter untersuchen zu können. Da die ak- tuelle Arbeit nur ein erster Einblick in Wikipedias Bearbeitungsfilter darstellt, wird am Ende eine umfassendere Liste mit offenen Fragen für die zukünftige Erforschung des Mechanismus’ erarbeitet

    The plant hormone ethylene restricts Arabidopsis growth via the epidermis

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    The gaseous hormone ethylene plays a key role in plant growth and development, and it is a major regulator of stress responses. It inhibits vegetative growth by restricting cell elongation, mainly through cross-talk with auxins. However, it remains unknown whether ethylene controls growth throughout all plant tissues or whether its signaling is confined to specific cell types. We employed a targeted expression approach to map the tissue site(s) of ethylene growth regulation. The ubiquitin E3 ligase complex containing Skp1, Cullin1, and the F-box protein EBF1 or EBF2 (SCFEBF1/2) target the degradation of EIN3, the master transcription factor in ethylene signaling. We coupled EBF1 and EBF2 to a number of cell type-specific promoters. Using phenotypic assays for ethylene response and mutant complementation, we revealed that the epidermis is the main site of ethylene action controlling plant growth in both roots and shoots. Suppression of ethylene signaling in the epidermis of the constitutive ethylene signaling mutant ctr1-1 was sufficient to rescue the mutant phenotype, pointing to the epidermis as a key cell type required for ethylene-mediated growth inhibition

    Русские личные имена сквозь призму болгарской культуры

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    Historical Review And Analysis Of Contemporary Aspects In The Treatment Of Acute And Chronic Form Of Q-Fever

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    Световно разпространената зооноза Ку-треска се причинява от вътреклетъчния микроорганизъм Coxiella burnetii. Заболяването е ендемично за нашата страна и има две форми на протичане - остра и хронична. Поради неспецифичната симптоматика на Ку-треската поставянето на точна диагноза и правилно лечение са затруднени. В исторически план лечението на заболяването е претърпяло много промени, свързани с различни in vitro модели за проучване на чувствителността на Coxiella burnetii към антибиотични комбинации. За съвременното лечение на острата форма на Q-треската (Ку-треската) при възрастни се използва 100 mg доксициклин два пъти дневно за 14 дена, a при бременни се препоръчва ко-тримоксазол (триметоприм/сулфаметоксазол: 160 mg / 800 mg) два пъти дневно до последните шест седмици на бременността. Aктуалната терапия на хроничната форма на заболяването включва 100 mg доксициклин два пъти дневно, комбинирани с хидроксихлорохин три пъти дневно при 200 mg на доза в продължение на най-малко 18 месеца.Worldwide spread Q-fever zoonosis is caused by the intracellular microorganism Coxiella burnetii. The disease is endemic to our country and has both acute and chronic forms. Due to the non-specific symptoms of Q-fever, accurate diagnosis and proper treatment are difficult. Historically, the treatment of the disease has undergone many changes associated with various in vitro models for studying the sensitivity of Coxiella burnetii to antibiotic combinations. For acute treatment of the acute form of Q-fever in adults, 100 mg doxycycline is used twice daily for 14 days, and co-trimoxazole (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole: 160mg/800mg) twice daily during pregnancy is recommended up to the last six weeks of pregnancy. Current chronic disease therapy includes 100 mg doxycycline twice daily combined with hydroxychloroquine three times a day at 200 mg per dose for at least 18 months

    Transcript profiling of serine- and cysteine protease inhibitors in Triticum aestivum varieties with different drought tolerance

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    A high number of protease inhibitors (PI) have been identified in diverse plant species but information about their role in plant stress responses is still fragmentary. Transcript profiling of six published serine and cysteine protease inhibitor sequences in water-deprived plants from four winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties with varying tolerance was performed in order to outline PIs predominantly accumulating under drought. Expression was analyzed by real time RT-qPCR. Considerable transcript accumulation of Bowman-Birk type PI WALI3 (BBPI) was detected in drought stressed leaves suggesting an important regulatory role of BBPI in adjustment of protein metabolism in leaves under dehydration. Serpin transcripts were less represented in water-deprived plants. Transient accumulation of cystatin transcripts revealed organ-specificity. Under drought cystatin and serpin expression in the leaves of the most drought tolerant variety “Katya” tended to preserve relatively stable levels close to the controls. This preliminary data will serve for future detailed study of regulation of proteolysis in winter wheat subjected to unfavorable environmental factors for development of molecular-based strategies for selection of tolerant varieties