34 research outputs found

    Marriage and the crisis of peasant society in Gujarat, India

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    This contribution takes marriage as the example of a crisis of production and reproduction in rural India. Through the juxtaposition of ethnography separated by six decades, we detail a shift away from land and agriculture as the primary markers of status among the Patidars of central Gujarat, western India, in favour of a hierarchical understanding of international migration. The paper discusses the disconnect between a cultural revolution in favour of migration, and the failure of many to live up to their own cultural standards. More broadly, we reflect on the forces that simultaneously strengthen and dissolve caste inequality in the context of India's uneven growth

    Relational approaches to poverty in rural India: social, ecological and technical dynamics

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    Poverty is now widely recognised as multidimensional, with indicators including healthcare, housing and sanitation. Yet, relational approaches that foreground political-cultural processes remain marginalised in policy discourses. Focusing on India, we review a wide range of relational approaches to rural poverty. Beginning with early approaches that focus on structural reproduction of class, caste and to a lesser extent gender inequality, we examine new relational approaches developed in the last two decades. The new approaches examine diverse ways in which poverty is experienced and shapes mobilisations against deprivation. They draw attention to poor people’s own articulations of deprivation and alternate conceptions of well-being. They also show how intersecting inequalities of class, caste and gender shape governance practices and political movements. Despite these important contributions, the new relational approaches pay limited attention to technologies and ecologies in shaping the experience of poverty. Reviewing studies on the Green Revolution and wider agrarian transformations in India, we then sketch the outlines of a hybrid relational approach to poverty that combines socio-technical and -ecological dynamics. We argue that such an approach is crucial to challenge narrow economising discourses on poverty and to bridge the policy silos of poverty alleviation and (environmentally) sustainable development

    Osteoblastoma of Patella: A Rare Case

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    Benign osteoblastoma of the patella is a rare tumor. Majority of the tumors occur in the spine, femur, and tibia. Osteoblastoma presents as a diagnostic dilemma due to clinical similarity with other benign bone forming tumors. Histopathological examination is the main stay of diagnosis and has good prognosis

    PLAS-20k: Extended Dataset of Protein-Ligand Affinities from MD Simulations for Machine Learning Applications

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    Abstract Computing binding affinities is of great importance in drug discovery pipeline and its prediction using advanced machine learning methods still remains a major challenge as the existing datasets and models do not consider the dynamic features of protein-ligand interactions. To this end, we have developed PLAS-20k dataset, an extension of previously developed PLAS-5k, with 97,500 independent simulations on a total of 19,500 different protein-ligand complexes. Our results show good correlation with the available experimental values, performing better than docking scores. This holds true even for a subset of ligands that follows Lipinski’s rule, and for diverse clusters of complex structures, thereby highlighting the importance of PLAS-20k dataset in developing new ML models. Along with this, our dataset is also beneficial in classifying strong and weak binders compared to docking. Further, OnionNet model has been retrained on PLAS-20k dataset and is provided as a baseline for the prediction of binding affinities. We believe that large-scale MD-based datasets along with trajectories will form new synergy, paving the way for accelerating drug discovery

    The origin of the inferior phrenic artery: a study in 32 South Indian cadavers with a review of the literature Origem da artéria frênica inferior: estudo em 32 cadáveres da Índia do Sul com revisão da literatura

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    BACKGROUND: Considering the paucity of information presently available concerning inferior phrenic arteries, a more definitive study seemed appropriate and necessary, both for its potential clinical applications and to provide additional data to contemporary anatomical literature. OBJECTIVE: Most anatomical textbooks of gross anatomy offer very little information concerning the anatomy and distribution of the inferior phrenic artery (IPA). For that reason, the origin of the IPA has been studied and the available literature has been reviewed. METHODS: Thirty-two human adult cadavers preserved in formalin obtained from the departments of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and Mangalore were dissected and the origin of the IPA was studied. RESULTS: The IPA had its usual origin from the abdominal aorta in 28 cases but in the remaining four cases, two were arising from the celiac trunk, one from the left gastric artery and one from the right renal artery. CONCLUSION: The IPA usually originates from the aorta or celiac artery, and less frequently from the renal, hepatic or left gastric arteries. The IPA is a major source of collateral or parasitized arterial supply to hepatocellular carcinoma, second only to the hepatic artery. Literature on the IPA origin and clinical implications of variation in its origin have been reviewed in this article.<br>CONTEXTO: Considerando a escassez de informações atualmente disponíveis sobre artérias frênicas inferiores, umestudo mais definitivo nos pareceu apropriado e necessário, tanto por suas potenciais aplicações clínicas quanto para fornecer dados adicionais à literatura anatômica contemporânea. OBJETIVO: A maioria dos livros-texto de anatomia oferece muito poucas informações referentes à anatomia e distribuição da artéria frênica inferior (AFI). Por este motivo, a origem da AFI foi investigada e a literatura disponível foi revisada. MÉTODOS: Trinta e dois cadáveres humanos adultos preservados em formol e obtidos dos departamentos de anatomia do Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and Mangalore foram dissecados, e a origem da AFI foi investigada. RESULTADOS: A AFI teve sua origem habitual na aorta abdominal em 28 casos; no entanto, nos quatro casos restantes, duas originavam-se do tronco celíaco, uma da artéria gástrica esquerda e uma da artéria renal direita. CONCLUSÃO: A AFI geralmente origina-se da aorta ou artéria celíaca, e menos freqüentemente das artérias renal, hepática ou gástrica esquerda. A AFI é a maior fonte de fornecimento arterial colateral ou parasitado para carcinoma hepatocelular, ficando atrás somente da artéria hepática. A literatura sobre a origem da AFI e as implicações clínicas de variação em sua origem foram revisadas neste artigo