7 research outputs found

    Dissertatio academica de publicanis, quam, cum suffragio ampliss. senat. philosoph. in incluta academia Upsaliensi, sub præsidio ... mag. Petri Ekerman ... candidæ bonorum censuræ committit, Andreas J. Waldenström, Dalia-Vermelandus. In audit. Carol. maj. ad diem XVII Novemb. anni MDCCXLIV. Horis, ante meridiem, solitis.

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    Purpose – to establish the current state and role of occupational factors of determination of morbidity among dental service employees of Ukraine for the following scientific substantiation of the risk-prevention measures. The research was carried out with the help of the developed medico-sociological questionnaire among 1000 workers of dental service in Kyiv, Odessa, Chernivtsi. Working conditions, morbidity with temporary disability (MTD) and prevalence of pathology among workers (in the context of classes and nosologies ICD-10) were studied. There was compared the prevalence of pathology among workers with the general population of Ukraine and Europe (as of 2016), using a Standardized Incidence Ratio (SIR). With the use of non-parametric Spearman correlation analysis statistical links between the prevalence of classes of diseases in the workers were investigated. Using discriminant analysis (Wilks-test) determining role in the formation of MTD, prevalence of pathology among the employees of the dental service, the following factors: gender, age, occupational group, speciality, working conditions was determined. The employees of the dental service have сomorbidity of pathology with simultaneous diseases of the organs of the system: digestion, bone-muscular, skin, blood circulation, nervous and respiratory. On average, one worker has diseases from 2.2 classes of diseases (ICD-10). All pathological states have multifactoral etiology, in which both biological (age-related changes) and professional risk factors are combined. Taking into account the significant effect of the complex of harmful occupational factors on the levels of prevalence and progression of pathological conditions, it is highly probable to say that the category "Occupational diseases" relatively employees of the dental service include: infectious diseases (HIV infection, hepatitis B/C, tuberculosis), mental disorders and behaviors (including depression); diseases of respiratory organs (bronchitis, bronchial asthma); skin diseases (dermatosis); diseases of the nervous system (radiculopathy) and musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis). Prevention programs should be developed and implemented among dental workers

    Zapobieganie zakażeniom HIV/AIDS w miejscach pracy ukraińskiej służby zdrowia

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    Risks of occupational and non-occupational HIV/AIDS infection, adequacy, access and efficiency of preventive measures for workers (health and engineering-technical personnel) of preventive treatment establishments of the health system of Ukraine have been defined in the study. Recommendations have been developed for adapting of the system for organization of preventing HIV/AIDS infection at workplace in the health system of Ukraine to international standards, proposed by ILO, WHO and UNAIDS.Badania dotyczyły określenia zawodowego i niezawodowego ryzyka zakażenia wirusem HIV/AIDS a także adekwatności i skuteczności metod zapobiegania tym zakażeniom wśród pracowników (personel opieki zdrowotnej oraz inżynieryjnotechniczny) ośrodków profilaktycznych w ramach ukraińskiego systemu opieki zdrowotnej. Opracowano zalecenia dla dostosowania systemu zapobiegania zakażeniom HIV/AIDS w miejscach pracy ukraińskiej służby zdrowia do standardów międzynarodowych w tym zakresie zaproponowanych przez ILO, WHO i UNAIDS

    A Comparative Analysis on Safety Culture in Domestic and Foreign Health Care Facilities and Enterprises of Other Activities (Message 2)

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    The characteristics of the safety culture of patients and personnel in health care facilities in Ukraine as a whole and separately among doctors-pathologists are analyzed with correlation of the data obtained with similar indicators of the culture of patient safety in medical facilities of other countries and comparison with the safety culture of workers of domestic nuclear power plants. It was confirmed that the weaknesses of the safety culture of the personnel of domestic hospitals is characterized by "Reaction to mistakes", which indicates the prevalence of the culture of blame (unfair culture) in domestic hospitals and, as a result, the absence of real data on medical errors and other incidents of patient safety. The high percentage of positive responses to the safety culture characteristic “Response to mistakes” among the workers of Ukrainian nuclear power plants is an example of the possibility of forming an appropriate safety culture in a separate domestic industry, and the high percentage of positive answers by this characteristic in domestic pathologists is a significant potential for the development of a safe hospital environment for patients. in Ukraine