825 research outputs found

    Academic Achievement in Conjunction with Defense Mechanisms and the Level of Intellectual Development in High School Students

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    AbstractThis article investigates the problem of interrelationship between schoolchildren's academic performance and their defense mechanisms. The article describes the author's diagnostic method of defense mechanisms and shows the sphere of its application, which is the diagnostics of high school students’ defense mechanisms. The author analyzes the relationship between schoolchildren's academic performance, their defense mechanisms and intellectual development, which may cause learning resistance. Defense mechanisms originate and develop in early childhood; therefore the problem requires further investigation

    Nesretni rođendani u romanima F. H. Burnett (Mala princeza) i Charlesa Dickensa (David Copperfield)

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    This article deals with “unhappy birthdays” in the novels of Charles Dickens and Frances Hodgson Burnett. Both writers follow the folklore tradition of depicting young characters who have to take care of themselves after a parent’s death. In the novels David Copperfield and A Little Princess, the news of their parent’s death comes on the child’s birthday. This article studies why this particular day is chosen, under what circumstances the children survive their trauma and what makes them capable of moving on. The news of the parent’s death on the child’s birthday seems to mark the start of a new period in each character’s life, a test that has to be passed. Having passed the test and won a moral victory over the circumstances, the child gets an opportunity to move on and be happy again. Ovaj rad posvećen je „nesretnim rođendanima“ u romanima Charlesa Dickensa i Frances Hodgson Burnett. Ti autori slijede folklornu tradiciju u prikazivanju mladih likova koji se nakon smrti i drugoga roditelja moraju sami brinuti za sebe. U romanima David Copperfield i Mala princeza (A Little Princess), novost o smrti stiže na djetetov rođendan. Članak razmatra zbog čega se odabire upravo taj dan, pod kojim okolnostima djeca preživljavaju svoju traumu i što ih čini sposobnima za daljnji život. Vijest o smrti roditelja na dječji rođendan obilježava, čini se, novo razdoblje u životima protagonista navedenih romana i predstavlja svojevrsni životni ispit koji se mora proći. Jednom kad svlada tu poteškoću i postigne moralnu pobjedu nad okolnostima, dijete dobiva priliku za daljnji život i, ponovno, za sreću

    A diachronic Italian corpus based on “L’Unità”

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    In this paper, we describe the creation of a diachronic corpus for Italian by exploiting the digital archive of the newspaper “L’Unità”. We automatically clean and annotate the corpus with PoS tags, lemmas, named entities and syntactic dependencies. Moreover, we compute frequency-based time series for tokens, lemmas and entities. We show some interesting corpus statistics taking into account the temporal dimension and describe some examples of usage of time series

    Towards retrieving dispersion profiles using quantum-mimic Optical Coherence Tomography and Machine Learnin

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    Artefacts in quantum-mimic Optical Coherence Tomography are considered detrimental because they scramble the images even for the simplest objects. They are a side effect of autocorrelation which is used in the quantum entanglement mimicking algorithm behind this method. Interestingly, the autocorrelation imprints certain characteristics onto an artefact - it makes its shape and characteristics depend on the amount of dispersion exhibited by the layer that artefact corresponds to. This unique relationship between the artefact and the layer's dispersion can be used to determine Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD) values of object layers and, based on them, build a dispersion-contrasted depth profile. The retrieval of GVD profiles is achieved via Machine Learning. During training, a neural network learns the relationship between GVD and the artefacts' shape and characteristics, and consequently, it is able to provide a good qualitative representation of object's dispersion profile for never-seen-before data: computer-generated single dispersive layers and experimental pieces of glass.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure