8 research outputs found

    Mempelajari Sifat Fisika Sol Karet Cetak Dengan Filler Cangkang Telur Ayam

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menpelajari sifat fisika sol karet cetak dengan filler cangkang telur ayam. Sifat fisika yang dipelajari meliputi kekerasan, tegangan putus, ketahanan sobek dan ketahanan kikis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 4 tahap yaitu pembuatan filler cangkang telur ayam, pembuatan sol karet cetak, pengujian sifat fisika dan penilaian secara visual. Perlakuan terdiri dari penggunaan cangkang telur ayam menggantikan filer karbon hitam meliputi perlakuan tanpa penggunaan cangkang telur ayam (A1), penggunaan filler cangkang telur ayam 15 Phr (B1), penggunaan filer cangkang telur ayam 30 Phr (C1) dan penggunaan filler cangkang telur ayam 45 Phr (D1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cangkang telur ayam dapat digunakan sebagai filler pada pembuatan sol karet cetak. Penggunaan filler cangkang telur ayam yang semakin meningkat menghasilkan sol karet cetak dengan kekerasan yang cenderung semakin menurun, tegangan putus yang semakin menurun, ketahanan sobek yang semakin menurun dan ketahanan kikis yang semakin meningkat. Secara fisual sol karet cetak yang dihasilkan dari filler cangkang telur ayam menghasilkan sol karet cetak yang baik (tidak cacat berupa sobek, lubang, lepuh, retak dan goresan)

    Redox Potential Ultrasensitive Nanoparticle for the Targeted Delivery of Camptothecin to HER2-Positive Cancer Cells

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    Ideal “smart” nanoparticles for drug delivery should enhance therapeutic efficacy without introducing side effects. To achieve that, we developed a drug delivery system (HCN) based on a polymer–drug conjugate of poly­[2-(pyridin-2-yldisulfanyl)]-<i>graft</i>-poly­(ethylene glycol) and camptothecin with an intracellularly cleavable linker and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) targeting ligands. An <i>in vitro</i> drug release study found that HCN was stable in the physiological environment and supersensitive to the stimulus of elevated intracellular redox potential, releasing all payloads in less than 30 min. Furthermore, confocal microscopy revealed that HCN could specifically enter HER2-positive cancer cells. As a consequence, HCN could effectively kill HER2-positive cancer cells while not affecting HER2-negative cells

    Gulf war chemical exposure-induced changes in gut microbiome modulates neuroinflammation and intestinal cytokine release.

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    <p>A. Frontal cortex tissue slices were probed for IL-1β immunoreactivity in control (GW-Con, treated (GW-T), TLR4 knockout mice treated with GW Chemical exposure (GW-TLR4KO) and antibiotic treated (GW-Ab) groups. Specific immunoreactivity to IL-1β as evident by dark brown spots are indicated by black arrows and areas of interest are outlined by red circles. B. Frontal cortex tissue slices were probed for MCP-1 immunoreactivity in control (GW-Con, treated (GW-T), TLR4 knockout mice treated with GW Chemical exposure (GW-TLR4KO) and antibiotic treated (GW-Ab) groups. Specific immunoreactivity to MCP-1 as evident by dark brown stain/spots are indicated by black arrows and areas of interest are outlined by red circles. C. Small intestine tissue slices were probed for IL-1β immunoreactivity in control (GW-Con, treated (GW-T), TLR4 knockout mice treated with GW Chemical exposure (GW-TLR4KO) and antibiotic treated (GW-Ab) groups. D. Small intestine tissue slices were probed for MCP-1 immunoreactivity in control (GW-Con, treated (GW-T), TLR4 knockout mice treated with GW Chemical exposure (GW-TLR4KO) and antibiotic treated (GW-Ab) groups.</p

    GW chemical-induced altered gut microbiome modulates gap junction protein levels in the small intestine.

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    <p>A. Tissue levels of Claudin-2 in control (GW-Con), treated (GW-T) and antibiotic treated (GW-Ab) samples as observed by immunofluorescent microscopy after labelling the protein with red fluorescent secondary antibody. Nuclear staining is shown by DAPI (blue) stain. B. Tissue levels of Occludin in control (GW-Con), treated (GW-T) and antibiotic treated (GW-Ab) samples as observed by immunofluorescent microscopy after labelling the protein with red fluorescent secondary antibody. Nuclear staining is shown by DAPI (blue) stain. C. Morphometry of fluorescence intensity as observed in the region of interest (ROI) Claudin-2 immunoreactivity and D. occludin immunoreactivity. E. Western blot analysis of Claudin-2 and Occludin in small intestine tissue homogenate. F-G. morphometric analysis of western blot. *(p<0.05). Data is represented as Mean+/- SE.</p

    TLR4 activation following gulf war chemical exposure-induced altered gut microbiome.

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    <p>A. Immunofluorescence microscopy of olfactory bulb showing (TLR4 (red) trafficking to the lipid rafts (green), an essential process for TLR4 activation causing a co-localization of TLR4 in flotillin-rich rafts (yellow). B. Representative images of TLR4-flotillin co-localization in the small intestine shown by white arrow heads pointing to the yellow spots created by an overlay of red (TLR4) and green (Flotillin). C. Higher magnification (60x oil) representative image of the co-localization (TLR4 and Flotillin) in the small intestine from GW-treated samples.</p

    Gulf war chemical exposure alters gut microbiome.

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    <p>A. Proportional abundance of phyla: Graphical representation of the most abundant taxa of bacteria at the phylum level. Groups compared are gulf war chemical exposed group (GW-T) and control group fed with vehicle (GW-Con). -. Groups include individual samples numbered at the time of V4 16S rRNA sequencing. GW-T show marked higher percent relative Phylum-level abundance of Firmicutes, and Tenericutes over Bacteroidetes (KW p-value: 0.03) compared to GW-Con. B. Proportional abundance of families: Graphical representation of most abundant taxa at the family level in GW-T compared to GW-Con groups. GW-T show a significant increase in Ruminococcaceae and 2 other unclassified/unnamed Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) (KW p-value: 0.01) All profiles are inter-compared in a pair-wise fashion to determine a dissimilarity score and store it in a distance dissimilarity matrix. Distance functions produce low dissimilarity scores when comparing similar samples. Abundance-weighted sample pair-wise differences were calculated using the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. Bray-Curtis dissimilarity is calculated by the ratio of the summed absolute differences in counts to the sum of abundances in the two samples (Bray and Curtis 1957). The binary dissimilarity values were calculated with the Jaccard index. This metric compares the number of mismatches (OTUs present in one but absent in the other) in two samples relative to the number of OTUs present in at least one of the samples (Jaccard 1912). Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test on top 8 most abundant phyla. Percent relative abundance means are provided.</p

    Schematic representation of dosage pattern:

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    <p><b>A.</b> dosage pattern of control group (GW-Con) n = 4, C57BL/6J mice were exposed to vehicle/solvent (Veh) of the Gulf war chemicals and antibiotics. <b>B.</b> C57BL/6J (n = 6) and TLR4 KO (n = 6) mice were exposed to gulf war chemicals Pyridostigmine bromide (Pb), Permethrin (Per) and Corticosterone (Cort). <b>C.</b> C57BL/6J (n = 6) mice were co-exposed to gulf war chemicals (Pb, Per and Cort) and Antibiotics (Ab).</p

    Differentially abundant features in GW-T vs. GW-Con: Each point represents an OTU belonging to each Genus.

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    <p>Features were considered significant if their FDR-corrected p-value was less than or equal to 0.05, and the absolute value of the Log-2 fold change was greater than or equal to 1. There were 109 significantly different features detected out of 577 tests. Only 18 features that were able to be classified at the genus level are shown in the plot.</p