57 research outputs found

    Interaction between tetraethylammonium and amino acid residues in the pore of cloned voltage-dependent potassium channels

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    Extracellular tetraethylammonium (TEA) inhibits currents in Xenopus oocytes that have been injected with mRNAs encoding voltage-dependent potassium channels. Concentration-response curves were used to measure the affinity of TEA; this differed up to 700-fold among channels RBK1 (KD 0.3 mM), RGK5 (KD 11 mM), and RBK2 (KD greater than 200 mM). Studies in which chimeric channels were expressed localized TEA binding to the putative extracellular loop between trans-membrane domains S5 and S6. Site-directed mutagenesis of residues in this region identified the residue Tyr379 of RBK1 as a crucial determinant of TEA sensitivity; substitution of Tyr in the equivalent positions of RBK2 (Val381) and RGK5 (His401) made these channels as sensitive to TEA as RBK1. Nonionic forces are involved in TEA binding because (i) substitution of the Phe for Tyr379 in RBK1 increased its affinity, (ii) protonation of His401 in RGK5 selectively reduced its affinity, and (iii) the affinity of TEA was unaffected by changes in ionic strength. The results suggest an explanation for the marked differences in TEA sensitivity that have been observed among naturally occurring and cloned potassium channels and indicate that the amino acid corresponding to residue 379 in RBK1 lies within the external mouth of the ion channel

    Asynchronous combinatorial action of four regulatory factors activates Bcl11b for T cell commitment

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    During T cell development, multipotent progenitors relinquish competence for other fates and commit to the T cell lineage by turning on Bcl11b, which encodes a transcription factor. To clarify lineage commitment mechanisms, we followed developing T cells at the single-cell level using Bcl11b knock-in fluorescent reporter mice. Notch signaling and Notch-activated transcription factors collaborate to activate Bcl11b expression irrespectively of Notch-dependent proliferation. These inputs work via three distinct, asynchronous mechanisms: an early locus 'poising' function dependent on TCF-1 and GATA-3, a stochastic-permissivity function dependent on Notch signaling, and a separate amplitude-control function dependent on Runx1, a factor already present in multipotent progenitors. Despite their necessity for Bcl11b expression, these inputs act in a stage-specific manner, providing a multitiered mechanism for developmental gene regulation

    Heterozygous Mutations of FREM1 Are Associated with an Increased Risk of Isolated Metopic Craniosynostosis in Humans and Mice

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    The premature fusion of the paired frontal bones results in metopic craniosynostosis (MC) and gives rise to the clinical phenotype of trigonocephaly. Deletions of chromosome 9p22.3 are well described as a cause of MC with variably penetrant midface hypoplasia. In order to identify the gene responsible for the trigonocephaly component of the 9p22.3 syndrome, a cohort of 109 patients were assessed by high-resolution arrays and MLPA for copy number variations (CNVs) involving 9p22. Five CNVs involving FREM1, all of which were de novo variants, were identified by array-based analyses. The remaining 104 patients with MC were then subjected to targeted FREM1 gene re-sequencing, which identified 3 further mutant alleles, one of which was de novo. Consistent with a pathogenic role, mouse Frem1 mRNA and protein expression was demonstrated in the metopic suture as well as in the pericranium and dura mater. Micro-computed tomography based analyses of the mouse posterior frontal (PF) suture, the human metopic suture equivalent, revealed advanced fusion in all mice homozygous for either of two different Frem1 mutant alleles, while heterozygotes exhibited variably penetrant PF suture anomalies. Gene dosage-related penetrance of midfacial hypoplasia was also evident in the Frem1 mutants. These data suggest that CNVs and mutations involving FREM1 can be identified in a significant percentage of people with MC with or without midface hypoplasia. Furthermore, we present Frem1 mutant mice as the first bona fide mouse model of human metopic craniosynostosis and a new model for midfacial hypoplasia

    Comprehensive Research Synopsis and Systematic Meta-Analyses in Parkinson's Disease Genetics: The PDGene Database

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    More than 800 published genetic association studies have implicated dozens of potential risk loci in Parkinson's disease (PD). To facilitate the interpretation of these findings, we have created a dedicated online resource, PDGene, that comprehensively collects and meta-analyzes all published studies in the field. A systematic literature screen of ∼27,000 articles yielded 828 eligible articles from which relevant data were extracted. In addition, individual-level data from three publicly available genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were obtained and subjected to genotype imputation and analysis. Overall, we performed meta-analyses on more than seven million polymorphisms originating either from GWAS datasets and/or from smaller scale PD association studies. Meta-analyses on 147 SNPs were supplemented by unpublished GWAS data from up to 16,452 PD cases and 48,810 controls. Eleven loci showed genome-wide significant (P<5×10−8) association with disease risk: BST1, CCDC62/HIP1R, DGKQ/GAK, GBA, LRRK2, MAPT, MCCC1/LAMP3, PARK16, SNCA, STK39, and SYT11/RAB25. In addition, we identified novel evidence for genome-wide significant association with a polymorphism in ITGA8 (rs7077361, OR 0.88, P = 1.3×10−8). All meta-analysis results are freely available on a dedicated online database (www.pdgene.org), which is cross-linked with a customized track on the UCSC Genome Browser. Our study provides an exhaustive and up-to-date summary of the status of PD genetics research that can be readily scaled to include the results of future large-scale genetics projects, including next-generation sequencing studies

    Insights into the accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change

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    How well can social scientists predict societal change, and what processes underlie their predictions? To answer these questions, we ran two forecasting tournaments testing the accuracy of predictions of societal change in domains commonly studied in the social sciences: ideological preferences, political polarization, life satisfaction, sentiment on social media, and gender–career and racial bias. After we provided them with historical trend data on the relevant domain, social scientists submitted pre-registered monthly forecasts for a year (Tournament 1; N = 86 teams and 359 forecasts), with an opportunity to update forecasts on the basis of new data six months later (Tournament 2; N = 120 teams and 546 forecasts). Benchmarking forecasting accuracy revealed that social scientists’ forecasts were on average no more accurate than those of simple statistical models (historical means, random walks or linear regressions) or the aggregate forecasts of a sample from the general public (N = 802). However, scientists were more accurate if they had scientific expertise in a prediction domain, were interdisciplinary, used simpler models and based predictions on prior data

    Subunit configuration of heteromeric cone cyclic nucleotide-gated channels

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    Cone photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are thought to be tetrameric assemblies of CNGB3 (B3) and CNGA3 (A3) subunits. We have used functional and biochemical approaches to investigate the stoichiometry and arrangement of these subunits in recombinant channels. First, tandem dimers of linked subunits were used to constrain the order of CNGB3 and CNGA3 subunits; the properties of channels formed by B3/B3+A3/A3 dimers, or A3/B3+B3/A3 dimers, closely resembled those of channels arising from B3+A3 monomers. Functional markers in B3/B3 (or A3/A3) dimers confirmed that both B3 subunits (and both A3 subunits) gained membership into the pore-forming tetramer and that like subunits were positioned adjacent to each other. Second, chemical crosslinking and co-immunoprecipitation studies using epitope-tagged monomer subunits both demonstrated the presence of two CNGB3 subunits in cone channels. Together, these data support a preferred subunit arrangement for cone CNG channels (B3-B3-A3-A3) that is distinct from the 3A:1B configuration of rod channels
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