179 research outputs found

    Matching shapes using the current distance

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    posterCurrent Distance: It was introduced by Vaillant and Glaunès as a way of comparing shapes (point sets, curves, surfaces). This distance measure is defined by viewing a shape as a linear operator on a k-form field, and constructing a (dual) norm on the space of shapes. Shape Matching: Given two shapes P;Q, a distance measure d on shapes, and a transformation group T , the problem of shape matching is to determine a transformation T that minimizes d(P; T Q). Current Norm: For a point set P, current norm is kPk2 = X i X j K(pi; pj)) (p) (q) Current Distance: Distance between two point sets P and Q is D2(P;Q) = kP + (??1)Qk2 = kPk2 + kQk2 ?? 2 X i X j K(pi; qj)) (p) (q) It takes O(n2) time to compute the current distance between two shapes of size n. Also current distance between 2 surfaces or curves can be reduced to set of distance computations on appropriately weighted point sets

    Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Methyl Methacrylate Microspheres Loaded with Indomethacin by Emulsion Solvent Evaporation Technique

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    Magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated in Methyl methacrylate (Eudragit L-100) microspheres containing Indomethacin drug were prepared and their detailed structural and magnetic characteristics were studied. Iron oxide nanoparticles were obtained by chemical coprecipitation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) salts and stabilized with tetra-methyl ammonium hydroxide. Microspheres were prepared by solvent evaporation technique. We characterized the magnetic microspheres in terms of morphology, composite microstructure, size and size distribution, magnetic properties and in-vitro release patterns. The microspheres were uniform both in shape and usually also in size; their size distribution was narrow. All the magnetic parameters confirm superparamagnetic nature of the microspheres with magnetizations up to 20–30 emu/g of microspheres. The in-vitro release profile was studied in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer medium up to 8 hours using USP XXII dissolution apparatus. Drug release in the first hour was found to increase and reached a maximum, releasing approximately 60-85% of the total drug content from the microspheres within 8 hours. From this study, it could be suggested that magnetic Methyl methacrylate microspheres could be retained at their target site in-vivo and such microspheres can be used in biomedical applications and research areas such as target drug delivery, selective blood detoxification, tissue engineering and replacement, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents.Keywords: Methyl methacrylate, Magnetite, Indomethacin, single emulsion solvent evaporation Technique, Chemical co-precipitation technique

    Digitized Engineering Notebook

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    In this Web Application three levels of users can be seen where each user is segregated or identified based on the level of access provided to the users. The primary user is the admin where the primary actions include creation of user profile for secondary admin and general users. The secondary admin will be responsible for the creation of projects, modify them and add users to the projects but will not be able to remove the team members. Finally comes the general user where the actions include creation of log of activities being made at any given point of time which will be used in summarizing the status of the projects assigned to the teams. The general users will be able to view the actions being performed by the fellow team mates, modify or export them and display them by reordering based on certain constrains. On the other hand, the secondary admin will be able to view the actions being performed by the project members and other project members but not modify the log entries but the primary admin can modify the log entries, team members of the project and others. Apart from this the users will be able to upload the documents such as text files, pictures and others which can be used by them for the future references. The users will also be able to able to obtain the profile of the users or the list of actions performed by just providing the name or ID of the which creates an internal search option for the users and the tasks that have scheduled for each user by the admin can also be viewed as list of actions on a given calendar date creating calendar of events

    THE COVID-19 Pandemic's Impact on Academic Practices and Learning Quality in Higher Education

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    The inclusion of several new models and methods had been taken into consideration by the educational institutes and organisations to battle the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across the educational paradigm. The study looked into the research questions and the research objectives which were based on the core topic of the study. With the help of the section of the literature review, the examination of the past research was looked into. The provision of the themes and concepts was done through the integration of data from secondary sources and the qualitative research method was implemented. The future scope of the study and the limitations of the respective assignment was also jotted down

    An Empirical Study On Employee Turnover And Job Satisfaction In Human Resource Management Practices

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    Human resource management is included within an organisation for recruiting employees, guiding work procedures, providing training, and developing policies to motivate and satisfy employees for better productivity and profit. This study sheds light on the importance of human resource management to influence employee turnover and job satisfaction of the employees. The study provided an overview of the different factors which prove to have a dramatic influence on employee turnover and the job satisfaction of the workers. The strategies integrated by human resource management for the heightening such crucial aspects of employee turnover and job satisfaction was observed in the study

    Synthesis of Hydrophilic and Amphiphilic Acryl Sucrose Monomers and Their Copolymerisation with Styrene, Methylmethacrylate and α- and β-Pinenes

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    Herein, we report the synthesis of monomethacryloyl sucrose esters, and their successful free radical homo- and co-polymerisation with styrene, methylmethacrylate, α-and β-pinene. The chemical, physical, structural and surface chemical properties of these polymers, containing a hydrophobic olefin backbone and hydrophilic sugar moieties as side chains, have been investigated. Biodegradation tests of the copolymer samples by a microbial fungal culture (Aspergillus niger) method showed good biodegradability. The chemical structure and surface chemistry of the synthesized homo- and co-polymers demonstrate their potential technological relevance as amphiphilic and biodegradable polymers
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