182 research outputs found

    Can the World Monetary System be Saved from Collapse by Monetary Gold

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    The world community is gripped by the expectation of significant changes in the international monetary system, which has been permanently in crisis for decades. The uncertainty of the future gives rise to a sense of impending catastrophe, which must be prepared now, finding reliable anchors for preserving capital and providing an equivalent exchange in commodity markets. Historically, during a period of aggravation of the crisis of the international monetary system, monetary gold invariably remains as a reliable anchor, which is due not only to its unique properties, but also to the mentality of economic entities of all levels. The article deals with the basis of the emergence and periodic aggravation of the crises of the international monetary system, the causes of the new exacerbation, and the changing role of monetary gold in the process of globalization of the world economy. The role of international reserves in the gold reserve in the maintenance of socio-political stability is shown, the reasons determining the need to preserve and increase the gold reserves of central banks are substantiated

    High-resolution investigations of ripple structures formed by femtosecond laser irradiation of silicon

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    We report on the structural investigation of self-organized periodic microstructures (ripples) generated in Si(100) targets after multishot irradiation by approximately 100-fs to 800-nm laser pulses at intensities near the single shot ablation threshold. Inspection by surface sensitive microscopy, e.g., atomic force microscopy (AFM) or scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and conventional and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy reveal complex structural modifications upon interaction with the laser: even well outside the ablated area, the target surface exhibits fine ripple-like undulations, consisting of alternating crystalline and amorphous silicon. Inside the heavily modified area, amorphous silicon is found only in the valleys but not on the crests which, instead, consist of highly distorted crystalline phases, rich in defects

    The Use of the "Debate" Method in Teaching English Language to Students of the Specialty "Law Enforcement"

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    В статье рассматриваются возможности использования метода «дебаты» в обучении английскому языку студентов специальности 40.02.02 «Правоохранительная деятельность» с целью реализации требований Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (ФГОС) для формирования общих и профессиональных компетенций.The article discusses the possibilities of using the "debate" method in teaching English to students of the specialty "Law Enforcement" for implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in formation of general and professional competencies

    Current trends of the development of offshore areas

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    Узагальнено теоретичні аспекти та практику розвитку офшорних юрисдикцій у світовій економіці. Незважаючи на те, що національні уряди та міжнародні організації роблять все більше спроб до протидії офшорним схемам, відтік капіталу в офшори досить стабільний. Це зумовлено перевагами офшорних зон у вигляді спеціальних податкових, валютних та митно-тарифних умов. Представлено огляд передумов, які необхідні для отримання статусу офшору. До основних з них віднесено політичну стабільність, наявність авторитетних банківських структур та кваліфікованих кадрів, вигідне економіко-географічне становище. Представлено класифікацію офшорних юрисдикцій, складену за певними ознаками. Розглянуто питання подальшого поглиблення економічного розвитку офшорних зон на етапі інтеграції, економіки, подальшого поліпшення інвестиційного клімату в офшорних центрах за рахунок припливу прямих іноземних інвестицій. Крім того, визначено основні позитивні та негативні наслідки впливу офшорних зон на економіку країн. Виявлено сутність офшорної зони, її суперечливий характер, а також наведено класифікацію та види офшорних зон, заснованих на різних ознаках. Виявлено роль деофшоризації, що проводиться різними країнами, а також роль міжнародних організацій у боротьбі з відмиванням злочинних доходів, ухиленні від податкової політики та корупції. На основі офіційних документів, наукової літератури вивчено тенденції розвитку офшорних центрів, їх вплив на рух світового капіталу, а також розглянуто стан офшорного бізнесу в світі. Потреба в офшорах зумовлена об’єктивними передумовами, зокрема елементарною економічною конкуренцією. Світові фінанси зав’язані на офшорах, а деякі респектабельні країни заробляють на обслуговуваннях офшорних компаній. Недосконалість світової фінансової системи компенсується офшорами як елементом фінансової свободи підприємницького капіталу. Встановлено, що офшори й надалі будуть розвиватися в умовах постійного політичного й посиленого тиску, оскільки на них є запит і у них є клієнти, в тому числі серед тих, хто веде проти них боротьбу, незважаючи на нестабільність фінансової системи, фінансові кризи, міжнародну кооперацію та антиофшорну риторику. Вивчення феномену офшорів буде продовжуватися в міру їх еволюції.The article summarizes the theoretical aspects and practice of the development of offshore jurisdictions in the world economy. Despite the fact that national governments and international organizations are making more and more attempts to counter offshore schemes, the outflow of capital to offshore is quite stable. This is due to the advantages of offshore zones in the form of special tax, currency and customs tariff conditions. An overview of the preconditions required to obtain offshore status was presented. Political stability, the presence of authoritative banking structures and qualified personnel, and a favorable economic and geographical position were listed as the main ones. The classification of offshore jurisdictions, compiled according to certain characteristics, is presented. The article discusses the issues of further deepening the economic development of offshore zones at the stage of economic integration, further improvement of the investment climate in offshore centers due to the inflow of foreign direct investments. In addition, the main positive and negative consequences of the influence of offshore zones on the economy of countries are determined. The essence of the offshore zone, its contradictory nature, and also the classification and types of offshore zones based on various characteristics are given. The role of de-offshoreization carried out by various countries was revealed, as well as the role of international organizations in the fight against money laundering, tax evasion and corruption. On the basis of official documents and scientific literature, the trends of the development of offshore centers, their influence on the movement of global capital, and the state of offshore business in the world were examined. The need for offshore is due to objective prerequisites, in particular, elementary economic competition. World finances are tied to offshore, and some respectable countries earn from the ser vices of offshore companies. The imperfection of the global financial system is compensated by offshore as an element of financial freedom of entrepreneurial capital. It is established that offshores will continue to develop in conditions of constant increased of political pressure, since there is a demand for them and they have clients, including among those who are fighting against them, despite the instability of the financial system, financial crises, international cooperation and anti-offshore rhetoric. The study of the offshore phenomenon will continue as it evolve

    Development of human capital in the system of economic categories of work

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    Today, human capital is one of the main factors in the formation of the knowledge economy, which is the highest stage in the development of an innovative, post-industrial economy. The development of intellectual and spiritual capabilities of a person, as well as the accumulation of human capital, which has a strong influence on the productivity and quality of labor, becomes one of the priorities for the future development of the state. This article discusses the development of human capital in the system of economic categories of labor.peer-reviewe

    Capabilities of amperometric monoamine oxidase biosensors based on screen-printed graphite electrodes modified with multiwall carbon nanotubes in the determination of some antidepressants

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Amperometric biosensors based on planar screen-printed graphite electrodes modified with multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and immobilized monoamine oxidase enzyme (MAO) have been proposed for the determination of antidepressants (imipramine, afobazole, and phenazepam). The operation of the proposed biosensors is based on the inhibiting ability of antidepressants. The analytical capabilities of the proposed devices have been compared to those of biosensors based on the electrodes unmodified with MWCNTs. The proposed biosensors can be used for the control of both residual amounts of drug substances in biological fluids (urine) and the active ingredient in dosage forms

    Modifcation of anthelmintic drugs by nanotechnology (review)

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    The purpose of the research is to analyze and summarize the literature data and the results of our own studies on the use of drug delivery systems and methods for increasing the solubility and efcacy of anthelmintic drugs.Helminthoses are one of the most important problems in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, not only due to the pathological effects, but also due to the spread of anthelmintic resistance. Since the development of new anthelmintic substances takes many years and investment, some strategies are currently focused on modifying existing drugs to increase their efcacy, reduce side effects and overcome anthelmintic resistance. Literature data analysis on various methods and means of increasing the solubility and efcacy of anthelmintic drugs was carried out and the prospects for their use, including using modern nanotechnological methods of drug delivery were given


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    The array of two amperometric biosensors based on the immobilized enzymes  cholinesterase  and cysteindesulfgidrase was proposed for the determination of triazine herbicides. The array is composed of 4 screen-printed electrodes made of platinum paste with the immobilized cholinesterase and cysteindesulfgidrase. The analytical characteristics of the determination of triazine herbicide propazine using the proposed biosensing system are evaluated. The liner concentration range is 1·10-5-1·10-10  mol/l for cholinesterase and 1·10-6-5·10-10 mol/l for cysteindesulfgidrase biosensor, and RSD does not exceed 0.057. Lower limit of detection for propazine is 9·10-11 for cholinesterase and 7·10-11  mol / l for cysteindesulfgidrase biosensors.Key words: biosensor, cholinesterase, cysteinedesulfhydrase,  platinum screen-printed electrodes,  triazine herbicides(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.014R.M. Varlamova, E.P. Medyantseva, G.R. Sahapova , H.C. Budnikov  Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, A.M. Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, Kazan, Russian FederationДля определения гербицидов триазинового ряда предложена система двух амперометрических биосенсоров на единой подложке на основе иммобилизованных ферментов – холинэстеразы и цистеиндесульфгидразы. Основой биосенсоров служило устройство, состоящее из 4 печатных электродов, на рабочую поверхностью которых из платиносодержащей пасты иммобилизуется холинэстераза и цистеиндесульфгидраза. На примере пропазина показана возможность и оценены аналитические характеристики определения триазиновых гербицидов с помощью предлагаемой системы биосенсоров. Линейная зависимость между величиной тока и концентрацией пропазина наблюдается в интервалах концентраций 1·10-6-1·10-10 моль/л для холинэстеразного и 1·10-6-5·10-10 для цистеиндесульфгидразного биосенсоров с  погрешностью (Sr) не более 0.057. Нижняя граница определяемых концентраций для  пропазина составляет 9·10-11 для холинэстеразного и 7·10-11 моль/л для ЦДГ биосенсоров.Ключевые слова:биосенсор, холинэстераза, цистеиндесульфгидраза, платиновые screen-printed электроды,  триазиновые гербицидыDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.01

    Determination of Antidepressants Using Monoamine Oxidase Amperometric Biosensors Based on Screen-Printed Graphite Electrodes Modified with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media New York. Novel amperometric biosensors based on screen-printed graphite electrodes modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) dispersed in various solvents (chitosan, DMF) and immobilized monoamine oxidase (MAO) were developed for the determination of the antidepressants imipramine and afobazole. It was found that afobazole and imipramine inhibited MAO, which allowed these pharmaceuticals to be determined within the concentration range from 0.1 mM to 1 nM by recording the H2O2 oxidation wave when dopamine and epinephrine were used as MAO substrates. The best analytical performance was observed for MAO biosensors modified by MWCNTs in chitosan solution, for which the lower detection limit was 3 – 9 nM. The main active ingredients in melipramine and afobazole preparations were quantified with an RSD of 0.08 using the MAO-based amperometric biosensors