9 research outputs found

    Ontological representation and governance of business semantics in compliant service networks

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    The Internet would enable new ways for service innovation and trading, as well as for analysing the resulting value networks, with an unprecedented level of scale and dynamics. Yet most related economic activities remain of a largely brittle and manual nature. Service-oriented business implementations focus on operational aspects at the cost of value creation aspects such as quality and regulatory compliance. Indeed they enforce how to carry out a certain business in a prefixed non-adaptive manner rather than capturing the semantics of a business domain in a way that would enable service systems to adapt their role in changing value propositions. In this paper we set requirements for SDL-compliant business service semantics, and propose a method for their ontological representation and governance. We demonstrate an implementation of our approach in the context of service-oriented Information Governance

    Designing Value-Oriented Service Systems by Value Map

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    In this paper, we introduce a problem structuring method (PSM) called “Value Map”. Value Map is an extension to the Supplier Adopter Relationship Diagram in the Systemic Enterprise Architecture Method (SEAM). Value Map assists in understanding, analysis and design of value creation and capture in service systems. We illustrate the applicability of the Value Map by modeling value creation and capture in the service system of a social networking company called Webdoc. To validate the usefulness of the Value Map, we conducted an empirical study in which we also compared the Value Map to Business Model Canvas, one of the most established methods in business model design. The results of the study show that the Value Map helps business practitioners in understanding and analyzing customer value, customer value creation, and the value capture processes. We conducted an empirical study in which we assessed the usefulness of Value Map and compared it with Business Model Canvas, one of the most established methods in business model design. The results of the study show that the Value Map helps business practitioners to understand and analyze customer value, customer value creation, and the value capture processes

    Use of SMS texts for facilitating access to online alcohol interventions: a feasibility study

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    A41 Use of SMS texts for facilitating access to online alcohol interventions: a feasibility study In: Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2017, 12(Suppl 1): A4

    Molecular dynamics simulation of classical thermosize effects

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    We present the first molecular dynamics simulations of classical thermosize effects for realistic molecular conditions and flows. The classical thermosize effect is the chemical potential difference induced between two different-sized channels that have different fluid transport processes. It can be generated by applying a temperature gradient within the different-sized domains, and in this article the system investigated is a combination of a microchannel and a nanochannel. Our molecular dynamics results are compared with a theoretical calculation of the induced chemical potential difference, and this yields useful new insight into diffusive transport in nonequilibrium gas flows

    Messung des Service Value innovativer Dienstleistungen in der Industrie: Eine integrierte Anbieter-Kunden-Perspektive

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    Der Service Value als Wert einer Dienstleistung aus Kunden- beziehungsweise Anbietersicht stellt nicht nur im eigentlichen Dienstleistungssektor eine wettbewerbsrelevante KenngrĂ¶ĂŸe dar, sondern im gleichen Maße auch in der Industrie. Da eine hohe Kundenzufriedenheit meist eine hohe Wiederkaufsrate beziehungsweise Kundentreue zur Folge hat, ist somit ein nicht unerheblicher Einfluss des Service Value auf den ökonomischen Erfolg des anbietenden Unternehmens zu erwarten. Der Wert einer Dienstleistung aus der Sichtweise eines Kunden im industriellen Kontext kann dabei als der Preis der Dienstleistung, als deren Nutzen oder als das kombinierte Preis-Leistungs-VerhĂ€ltnis des Dienstleistungsangebotes aufgefasst werden (Bruhn/Hadwich 2006). FĂŒr anbietende Unternehmen wird hĂ€ufig der höhere Ertrag aus dem Dienstleistungsangebot als wichtiger Nutzenpunkt hervorgehoben (Wise/Baumgartner 1999). Untersuchungen von Tether/Bascavusoglo-Moreau (2012) und Backhaus et al