5 research outputs found

    Pythiosis cut谩nea en equinos tratados con acetonida de triamcinolona. Parte 3. An谩lisis histomorfom茅trico

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    Objective. The objective of the study was to analyze Histomorphometrically of the healing process with cutaneous pythiosis in horses treated with triamcinolone acetonide. Materials and methods. 24 horses with pythiosis were used, to a group 50 mg of intramuscular triamcinolone acetonide (GT) was applied, while the other group was not applied treatment (GC). They were collected tissue biopsies, processed, sliced and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E), Gomori trichrome (TG), picrosirius red / polarization (PR / P) and Grocott methenamine silver (GMS). Photomicrographs were selected and 10 histological changes, analyzed with BioEstat 5.0 software, obtaining quantities of tissue cells such as eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages, fibroblasts and collagen through planimetric evaluation point count. Results. In GSM staining was observed decrease in the presence of intralesional hyphae of P. insidiosum to 16 days (p<0.05). Staining H&E, we observed a decrease of the inflammatory process, shown in eosinophils (p=0.0001), neutrophils (p=0.0001), and macrophage (p=0.00001). In the staining of GT and PR/P increase the amount of fibroblasts and collagen fibers were observed, also the gradual exchange of type III collagen to type I, increased fibroblast show significant (p=0.0001) from day 16 until day 40, the expression of collagen was significant (p=0.0001) from day 16 until the end of the study. It was statistically significant correlation between neutrophils and macrophages (p=0.00018), collagen and eosinophil (p=0.03) and fibroblasts and collagen (p=0.02). The animals in the CG do not present histomorphometric improvement during the study. Conclusions. We conclude that the cell produces triamcinolone acetonide and histomorphometric tecidual recovery in horses with pythiosis.Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar histomorfom茅tricamente el proceso de cicatrizaci贸n en equinos con pythiosis tratados con acetonida de triamcinolona. Materiales y m茅todos. Se utilizaron 24 equinos con pythiosis, a un grupo se aplic贸 50 mg de acetonida de triamcinolona intramuscular (GT), mientras que al otro grupo no fue aplicado tratamiento (GC). Fueron colectadas biopsias de tejido, procesadas, laminadas y coloreadas con hematoxilina eosina (H&E), tricr贸mico de G贸mori (TG), picrosirius red/polarization (PR/P) y plata metanamina de Grocott (GMS). Fueron seleccionados y fotomicrografiados 10 campos histol贸gicos, analizados con el software BioEstat 5.0, obteni茅ndose las cantidades tisulares de c茅lulas como eosin贸filos, neutr贸filos, macr贸fagos, fibroblastos y col谩geno a trav茅s de evaluaci贸n planim茅trica por conteo de puntos. Resultados. En coloraci贸n de GSM, se observ贸 disminuci贸n de hifas intralesionales del Pythium a los 16 d铆as (p<0.05). En coloraci贸n de H&E, hubo disminuci贸n del proceso inflamatorio, evidenciado en eosin贸filos (p=0.0001), neutr贸filos (p=0,0001) y macr贸fagos (p=0.00001). En coloraciones de TG y PR/P, hubo aumento de fibroblastos, fibras col谩genas y cambio progresivo de col谩geno tipo III a tipo I, el aumento de fibroblastos fue significativo (p=0.0001) del d铆a 16 al 40, la expresi贸n de col谩geno fue altamente significativa (p=0.0001) del d铆a 16 hasta el final del estudio. Hubo correlaci贸n significativa entre neutr贸filos y macr贸fagos (p=0.00018), col谩geno y eosin贸filos (p=0.03) y col谩geno y fibroblastos (p=0.02). Los animales del GC no presentaron mejor铆a histomorfom茅trica durante el estudio. Conclusiones. Es posible concluir que la acetonida de triamcinolona produce recuperaci贸n histomorfom茅trica celular y tecidual en los equinos con pythiosis

    Clinical and histopathological study of the phototoxic dermatitis in Zebu calves in grazing of Brachiaria decumbens

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    Objetivo. El objetivo del trabajo fue estudiar los aspectos cl铆nicos e histopatol贸gicos de la Dermatitis Fotot贸xica Secundaria (DFS), debidos a la ingesti贸n de Brachiaria decumbens en terneros ceb煤 (Bos indicus) del departamento de C贸rdoba, Colombia. Materiales y m茅todos. Se estudiaron doce terneros Ceb煤, machos, de 12 a 18 meses de edad, con DFS diagnosticados cl铆nica, histopatol贸gicamente y ex谩menes de laboratorio. Resultados. Cl铆nicamente, se evidenciaron signos de fotofobia, deshidrataci贸n, emaciaci贸n progresiva, mucosas ict茅ricas y lesiones cut谩neas como res-quebramiento de la piel con aspecto apergaminado, desprendimiento cut谩neo y formaci贸n de costras en grandes extensiones. Las lesiones se ubicaron bilateralmente en diferentes 谩reas de la piel en orejas, regi贸n perineal, epig谩strica y costal. La pruebas serol贸gicas arrojaron elevada actividad catal铆tica de las enzimas hep谩ticas GGT y AST indicando lesi贸n hep谩tica compatible con colestasis. Histopatol贸gicamente, se observ贸 en hematoxilina eosina, dermatitis necr贸tica cr贸nica, en tricr贸mico de g贸mori, se observ贸 escasa proliferaci贸n d茅rmica de fibroblastos desorganizados, escasa presencia de tejido conjuntivo difuso y fibras de col谩geno desorganizadas y en picrosirius red/polarizaci贸n, se observ贸 谩reas de birrefringencia rojiza y verde-amarillenta, indicando moderada presencia de col谩geno maduro tipo I (color rojo brillante en la polarizaci贸n) y de tipo III (color verde-amarillento brillante en la polarizaci贸n). Conclusiones. El diagn贸stico definitivo de la enfermedad se fundament贸 en las caracter铆sticas cl铆nicas, en los resultados de laboratorio y en los hallazgos histopatol贸gicos, siendo concluyentes como m茅todos de diagn贸stico de la DFS. En la literatura consultada no existen reportes de estudios de DFS en terneros Ceb煤 del departamento de C贸rdoba y en Colombia. Objective. The objective was to study the clinical and histopathological aspects of Phototoxic Dermatitis Secondary (PDS), secondary to ingestion of Brachiaria decumbens in Zebu calves (Bos indicus) department of Cordoba, Colombia. Materials and methods. Twelve calves Zebu, male, 12 to 18 months, PDS diagnosed with clinical, histopathologically studied and laboratory exams. Results. 5367 Clinically, signs of photophobia, dehydration, progressive emaciation, icteric mucous membranes and skin lesions as res-breaking with leathery skin appearance, skin peeling and scabbing over large areas were evident. The lesions were located bilaterally in different areas of the skin in ears, perineal region, epigastric and costal. Serological tests gave the high catalytic activity of the liver enzymes AST and GGT indicating liver injury consistent with cholestasis. Histopathologically was observed in hematoxylin eosin, chronic necrotic dermatitis, in trichrome Gomori poor dermal proliferation disorganized fibroblasts, low presence of diffuse connective tissue and collagen fibers disorganized and picrosirius red / polarization areas reddish birefringence was observed was observed and greenyellow, indicating moderate presence of mature collagen type I (bright red in polarization) and Type III (bright yellowish-green polarization). Conclusions. The definitive diagnosis of the disease was based on clinical features, laboratory findings and histopathological findings, being conclusive as diagnostic methods of the PDS. In the literature there are no reports of studies PDS in Zebu calves department of C贸rdoba and Colombia

    Pythiosis cut谩nea en equinos tratados con acetonida de triamcinolona. Parte 1. Caracterizaci贸n cl铆nica

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    RESUMEN Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar cl铆nicamente el proceso de cicatrizaci贸n de la pythiosis cut谩nea en equinos tratados con acetonida de triamcinolona. Materiales y m茅todos. Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo, no probabil铆stico, de conveniencia. Fueron utilizados 24 equinos con pythiosis cut谩nea. A un grupo le fue aplicado 50 mg de acetonida de triamcinolona v铆a intramuscular (GT) y al otro grupo no fue aplicado tratamiento (GC). Se realiz贸 caracterizaci贸n cl铆nica y macrosc贸pica de la lesi贸n cada 4 d铆as hasta la recuperaci贸n completa del granuloma en el GT. Siendo verificada la disminuci贸n del exudado fibrinosanguinolento, prurito, presencia de trayectos fistulosos y salida de kunkers, tambi茅n, fueron realizadas proyecciones radiol贸gicas para evaluar el grado de compromiso 贸seo y fibrosis tecidual. Resultados. Macrosc贸picamente, los animales del GT presentaron diminuci贸n progresiva en las caracter铆sticas cl铆nicas de la enfermedad a los 16卤1,4 d铆as post aplicaci贸n del tratamiento. La contracci贸n de la herida fue del 100% a los 60卤3.4 d铆as post aplicaci贸n del tratamiento en todos los granulomas del GT, siendo altamente significativa (p<0.0001). Radiol贸gicamente, se encontr贸 invasi贸n a los tejidos subyacentes comprometiendo estructuras 贸seas, caracteriz谩ndose por fibrosis tisular, exostosis moderada, oste贸lisis y osteomielitis. Los animales del GC no presentaron mejor铆a en las caracter铆sticas cl铆nicas y macrosc贸picas de la pythiosis y se mantuvieron iguales durante todo el estudio. Conclusiones. La acetonida de triamcinolona es una buena alternativa terap茅utica en el tratamiento de las heridas granulomatosas de pythiosis en equinos con 100% de recuperaci贸n cl铆nica

    Pythiosis cut谩nea en equinos tratados con acetonida de triamcinolona. Parte 2. Descripci贸n histol贸gica e histoqu铆mica

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    Objective. The study aimed to evaluate the histomorphometry tissue recovery process of the skin granuloma of skin pythiosis in horses treated with triamcinolone acetonide. Materials and methods. We conducted a descriptive study, not probabilistic in convenience animals with cutaneous pythiosis. 24 horses were used with cutaneous pythiosis, a group of 12 animals was administered 50 mg of intramuscular injection of triamcinolone acetonide (TG) and the other group was not applied any treatment (CG). Are tissue biopsies performed for histological and histochemical evaluation and stained with hematoxylin eosin (HE), Gomori trichrome (GT), picrosirius red polarization (PR/P), Grocott methenamine silver (GMS) and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS). Results. It is noted that in TG inflammation was gradually decreasing, as evidenced in decreased fibrin layer leukocyte, PMN and phenomena Splendore Hoepli, also in increased angiogenesis, epiteliog茅nesis, and increasing the overall amount of fibroblasts and collagen fibers, anyway in the progressive replacement of collagen type III to type I collagen at the end of the process, and that the presence of intralesional pseudo-hyphae of Pythium insidiosum reduces it to the second week. Neither of the animals in the CG showed improvement in histological and histochemical characteristics of pythiosis and maintained equal to the first day throughout the study. Conclusions. The use of triamcinolone acetonide is a good therapeutic alternative for the treatment of granulomatous pythiosis wounds in horses with 100% clinical recovery and demonstrated with histological and histochemical findings.Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio fue realizar una descripci贸n histol贸gica e histoqu铆mica del proceso de cicatrizaci贸n de la pythiosis cut谩nea en equinos tratados con acetonida de triamcinolona. Materiales y m茅todos. Se Realiz贸 un estudio de tipo descriptivo, no probabil铆stico en animales de conveniencia con pythiosis cut谩nea. Fueron utilizados 24 equinos con pythiosis, siendo aplicado 50 mg de acetonida de triamcinolona v铆a intramuscular a un grupo de 12 animales (GT) y en otro grupo no fue aplicado tratamiento (GC). Se realizaron biopsias de tejidos para evaluaci贸n histol贸gica e histoqu铆mica, en las coloraciones de hematoxilina eosina (H&amp;E), tricr贸mico de G贸mori (TG), picrosirius red/polarization (PR/P) y plata metanamina de Grocott (GMS). Resultados. Se observ贸 que en el GT el proceso inflamatorio fue disminuyendo progresivamente, evidenciado en la disminuci贸n de la capa fibrino leucocitaria, PMN y de los fen贸menos de Splendore Hoepli, as铆 como mayor angiog茅nesis, epiteliog茅nesis y aumento de la cantidad de fibroblastos y fibras col谩genas generales, as铆 mismo en el cambio progresivo de col谩geno tipo III a col谩geno tipo I al final del proceso, adem谩s de que la presencia de hifas intralesionales de Pythium insidiosum disminuy贸 a la segunda semana. Ninguno de los animales del GC present贸 mejor铆a en las caracter铆sticas histol贸gicas e histoqu铆micas de la pythiosis y se mantuvieron iguales al primer d铆a durante todo el estudio. Conclusiones. La acetonida de triamcinolona es una buena alternativa terap茅utica en el tratamiento de las heridas granulomatosas por pythiosis en equinos con 100% de recuperaci贸n cl铆nica y demostrada con las constataciones histol贸gicas e histoqu铆micas

    Efeitos da Monofenilbutazona em eq眉inos cicatriza莽茫o por segunda inten莽茫o

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o processo de cicatriza莽茫o da pele por segunda inten莽茫o, ap贸s confec莽茫o de ferida cut芒nea em quatro eq眉inos recebendo, ou n茫o, monofenilbutazona. O experimento foi dividido em tr锚s tratamentos, sendo: C: controle; IV: administra莽茫o de monofenilbutazona por via intravenosa e IM: administra莽茫o de monofenilbutazona por via intramuscular. Cada tratamento apresentou as seguintes etapas: realiza莽茫o de uma ferida na regi茫o gl煤tea; exame di谩rio do aspecto macrosc贸pico da ferida; determina莽茫o da retra莽茫o da ferida e realiza莽茫o de bi贸psia para an谩lise histopatol贸gica do processo de cicatriza莽茫o. Todas as feridas apresentaram sangramento inicial e presen莽a de crosta, seguida por forma莽茫o de tecido de granula莽茫o at茅 cicatriza莽茫o. O tecido de granula莽茫o foi vis铆vel entre os dias 3 e 5 nos tratamentos C e IM, e entre 4 e 6 no IV. O tempo necess谩rio para cicatriza莽茫o total da ferida foi de 30,75; 38,5 e 42 dias, para os tratamentos IV, C e IM, respectivamente. N茫o houve diferen莽a significativa no tempo de cicatriza莽茫o entre os tratamentos C e IM, sendo ambos significativamente superiores (p<0,01) ao tempo do IV. Avalia莽茫o histopatol贸gica demonstrou muita semelhan莽a entre os tratamentos C e IM, j谩 no IV foi constatado infiltrado inflamat贸rio menos intenso e com maior variedade celular, al茅m da deposi莽茫o de col谩geno e organiza莽茫o celular superior aos demais. 脡 poss铆vel concluir que existe efeito ben茅fico para cicatriza莽茫o por segunda inten莽茫o, quando a monofenilbutazona 茅 administrada por via intravenosa e que apresenta efeito antiinflamat贸rio reduzido quando administrada por via intramuscular.The objective of this study was to assess the skin healing process by second intention after cutaneous wounding in four horses that had previously received, or not, mofebutazone. The experiment was divided into three treatments: C, control, IV intravenous mofebutazone administration and IM intramuscular mofebutazone administration. Each treatment consisted of the following steps: wounding on the gluteus region; daily examination of the macroscopic aspect of wound; determination of the retraction of the wound and biopsy for histopathological analysis of the healing process. All the wounds showed initial bleeding and presence of scab, following by the formation of granular tissue until healing. The granulation tissue was visible between days 3 and 5 in the C and IM treatments, and between days 4 and 6 in the IV treatment. The time needed for total wound healing was 30.75, 38.5 and 42 days, for the IV, C and IM treatments, respectively. There was no significant difference in the healing time between treatments C and IM, and both were significantly higher (p<0.01) than the time IV. Microscopic evaluation was very similar between the C and IM treatments, but in treatment IV there were less intense inflammatory infiltrate with greater cellular variety, and the collagen deposition and cell organization was higher than the others. It can be concluded that there was a beneficial effect toward healing by second intention when mofebutazone was administered intravenous, but has reduced anti-inflammatory effect when administered intramuscular