653 research outputs found

    The Pervasive Nature of Colonialism and Our Disciplinary Attachment to It

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    Highly-complex optical signal generation using electro-optical systems with non-linear, non-invertible transmission functions

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    We present a scheme whereby a static non-linear, non-invertible transmission function performed by the electro-optic Mach-Zehnder modulator produces highly complex optical chaos. The scheme allows the deterministic transformation of low-dimensional band-limited chaotic signals into much higher-dimensional structures with broadband spectra and without using any delay elements or feedback. Standard benchmark tests show that all the considered complexity indices are highly increased due to this transformation in a controlled fashion. This mechanism allows the design of simple optoelectronic delayed oscillators with extremely complex chaotic output.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Applied Physics Letters (August 2012

    Bioética ambiental em perspectiva latino-americana

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    The present document develops a search for environmental postulates inherent in the epistemological body of bioethics, based on the founding writings of such field of study. Latin American bioethicists are incorporated into this initiative which by the end of the XX century, at the behest of the 1992 Earth Summit, promote bioethics committed to a new coexistence with ecosystems. The methodology involved a documentary review under the qualitative approach with a hermeneutic perspective, which included the implementation of programs for concurrency analysis of semantic fields. The review period covered the period between 1970 to 2017, during which there were important global reports on environmental issues. In conclusion, it was determined that in the field environmental bioethics, postulates are consolidated oriented to the defense of life in any of its biodiverse expressions; the interdependence of healthy people in harmony with healthy ecosystems; structuring environmental rules for the proper interrelationship between urban areas and forested areas; and the promotion of industrial production and consumption on a human scale, without affectation of natural environments.El presente escrito desarrolla una búsqueda de los postulados ambientales inherentes al cuerpo epistemológico de la bioética, a partir de los escritos fundantes de dicho campo de estudio. Se incorporan en esa iniciativa bioeticistas latinoamericanos que hacia finales del siglo XX, a instancias de la Cumbre de la Tierra de 1992, promueven una bioética comprometida con una nueva convivencia con los ecosistemas. La metodología consistió en una revisión documental bajo el enfoque cualitativo en perspectiva hermenéutica, que incluyó la aplicación de programas para análisis de coocurrencia de campos semánticos. El periodo de revisión abarcó de 1970 a 2017, época en la cual se produjeron importantes informes a nivel mundial sobre la problemática ambiental. Como conclusión se obtuvo que en el ámbito de la bioética ambiental se consolidan postulados orientados a la defensa de la vida en cualquiera de sus expresiones biodiversas; la interdependencia de personas sanas en armonía con ecosistemas sanos; la estructuración de reglas ambientales para la adecuada interrelación entre áreas urbanas y zonas boscosas; y la promoción de la producción industrial y el consumo a escala humana, sin afectación de los entornos naturales.O presente texto desenvolve uma busca pelos postulados ambientais inerentes ao corpo epistemológico da bioética, a partir dos escritos fundadores desse campo de estudo. Incorporam-se nessa iniciativa bioeticistas latino-americanos que no final do século XX, por conta da Conferência Rio-92, promovem uma bioética comprometida com uma nova convivência com os ecossistemas. A metodologia consistiu numa revisão documental sob o enfoque qualitativo em perspectiva hermenêutica, que incluiu a aplicação de programas para a análise de coocorrência de campos semânticos. O período de revisão abarcou de 1970 a 2017, época na qual se produziram importantes relatórios a nível mundial sobre a problemática ambiental. Como conclusão, obteve-se que no âmbito da bioética ambiental se consolidam postulados orientados à defesa da vida em qualquer de suas expressões biodiversas; a interdependência de pessoas sãs em harmonia com ecossistemas sãos; a estruturação de regras ambientais para a adequada inte-relação entre áreas urbanas e zonas arborizadas; e a promoção da produção industrial e do consumo em escala humana, sem afetação dos meios naturais

    The biogeographic basis of Ebola-virus disease outbreaks: A model for other zoonotic diseases?

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    We first determined the differential role of favorability of environmental conditions and mammalian chorotypes in explaining the presence of the Ebola virus in Africa. We then combined environmental factors and chorotypes using fuzzy logic, which better explained the distribution of Ebola virus. The core area for the virus was associated with human infections of known animal origin, with infections of unknown source detected in areas that are biogeographically more peripheral. Variation in the environmental favorability for disease outbreaks may be monitored using indices of macroclimatic oscillations. This may provide the basis for an early warning system based on the variation in macroclimatic indices and the locations where human contact with multiple animal species tend to occur. We propose to study the biogeography of zoonoses by: 1) determining the potential spatial distribution of these diseases, according to environmental factors and the biogeographic structure of animals linked to the zoonosis cycle; 2) search for relationships between disease outbreaks and global atmospheric oscillations to forecast periods of higher risk of emergence of the infectious diseases.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    La ruptura con las propuestas estéticas de la modernidad, la hibridez cultural, losestudios postcoloniales, las respuestas de contracultura, en medio de esta época de contradiccionesy desavenencias llamada postmoderna, ha promovido la aparición de discursos que desacralizanla verdad oficial postulada durante siglos por la Historia. Los discursos fundacionales han sidotrasgredidos por la ficción literaria, que ha recreado sus propios testimonios a través de personajesimaginarios o ficcionalizados. El texto que nos ocupa, Crónica del descubrimiento1, del escritorAlejandro Paternain (Montevideo,1933-2004), puede leerse como una verdad ficcional que reseñala historia no contada sobre el descubrimiento. El texto se corresponde, en su temática, con laproducción narrativa que desde mediados de los años setenta deja ver la preocupación constantede un gran número de escritores hispanoamericanos, sobre todo lo concerniente a la llegada deColón a nuestras tierras, las costumbres del hombre europeo, la imposición de la religión católica,la estructura social también impuesta, y demás consecuencias históricas de tales sucesos

    Solo en la encrucijada soy un centro. Experiences of creative writing: An autoethnographic glimpse

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    El texto resalta la versatilidad y los propósitos de la escritura creativa como medio para recrear vivencias y explorar emociones, así como brindar perspectiva y significado a la realidad escrita, por medio de una experiencia de escritura creativa en formato taller, que surgió a raíz del confinamiento por la pandemia de covid-19 en 2020. Esta experiencia cumplió fines terapéuticos para los participantes y atisbó, asimismo, una experiencia autoetnográfica para su orientadora. El objetivo es enfatizar la práctica de escritura creativa, con el empleo de técnicas y herramientas literarias y psicológicas, para estimular la transformación de una idea en una sensación y esto a su vez en un relato. El texto apunta finalmente a que la escritura es una forma de afirmación personal y social. La escritura creativa es un mecanismo útil para reconocer lo sensitivo, lo que da lugar a la multiplicidad de voces y perspectivas en la creación, más allá de las clasificaciones en géneros o tipificaciones discursivas.The text highlights the versatility and purposes of creative writing as a means to recreate experiences, explore emotions, providing perspective and meaning to the written reality, through a creative writing workshop experience that emerged as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in 2020; an experience that served therapeutic purposes for the participants, also glimpsing an autoethnographic experience for their facilitator. The aim is to emphasize the practice of creative writing, using literary, psychological techniques and tools to stimulate the transformation of an idea into a sensation and then into a narrative. The text finally points out that writing is a form of personal and social affirmation. Creative writing is a useful mechanism for recognizing sensitivity, giving rise to a multiplicity of voices and perspectives in creation beyond classifications in genres or discursive typifications

    La inequidad, desigualdad y discriminación en los requisitos de ingreso a las Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador / Pág. 24-42

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    This article deals with the evolution of women's participation in the armed forces of Ecuador, focusing on the liberal period led by General Eloy Alfaro. It also highlights the importance of the gender perspective in the armed forces and presents examples of progress in other uniformed bodies, such as the National Police. In this context, the methodology used includes a qualitative approach with a non-experimental, descriptive-level design. The method used in the study is the comparative historical one, which seeks to obtain a detailed and accurate understanding of the phenomenon under study by comparing historical facts that have influenced the topic. The results show that affirmative measures have been implemented to promote gender equality and allow women to exercise administrative and strategic roles in the armed forces. Despite significant progress, the process of inclusion has not been systematic and social challenges and prejudices still persist. It is concluded that, despite the fact that the path to equal rights is not complete, there is a possibility that, in the future, military women will reach high-ranking positions and lead the Ecuadorian armed forces. In addition, there are still aspects to improve such as providing equal opportunities in the military field in economic, physical, among othersEl presente artículo aborda la evolución de la participación de las mujeres en las fuerzas armadas de Ecuador, centrándose en el período liberal liderado por el General Eloy Alfaro. Asimismo, se destaca la importancia de la perspectiva de género en las fuerzas armadas y presenta ejemplos de avances en otros cuerpos uniformados, como la Policía Nacional. En este contexto, la metodología empleada abarca un enfoque cualitativo con un diseño no experimental, de nivel descriptivo. El método utilizado en el estudio es el histórico comparativo, que busca obtener una comprensión detallada y precisa del fenómeno en estudio al comparar hechos históricos que han influenciado el tema. Los resultados muestran que se han implementado medidas afirmativas para promover la igualdad de género y permitir que las mujeres ejerzan roles administrativos y estratégicos en las fuerzas armadas. A pesar de los avances significativos, el proceso de inclusión no ha sido sistemático y aún persisten desafíos y prejuicios sociales. Se concluye que, pese a que el camino hacia la igualdad de derechos no está completo, se vislumbra la posibilidad de que, en el futuro, mujeres militares alcancen posiciones de alto rango y lideren las fuerzas armadas ecuatorianas. Además, todavía quedan aspectos por mejorar como el de brindar igualdad de oportunidades en el ámbito militar en aspectos económicos, físicos, entre otros

    Hemoglobina de reticulocito y su importancia en el diagnóstico temprano de anemia ferropénica

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    Introduction: The reticulocyte hemoglobin content (CHr) is a parameter in automated hematological biometrics, which can provide information on the iron content. So it has been used as a marker of the bioavailability of iron in the erythropoiesis, it allows its detection at an early stage of iron deficiency anemia and other pathologies such as chronic inflammation, chronic kidney disease; in addition to monitoring therapy with erythropoietin and iron. Objective: To expose the applicability of CHr as a parameter in the early diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia, as well as its measurement and interpretation. Materials and methods: The review of scientific articles in English and Spanish was carried out in the PubMed, ScienceDirect, LILACS and Medline databases, using descriptors validated in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), considering the publication period of 80% less than 5 years. Results: The importance, applicability, determination and interpretation of this parameter is described as an early specific biomarker in the blood in the diagnosis of iron deficiency before presenting morphological changes occurring during terminal erythroid differentiation. Conclusions: CHr is a very useful parameter in the early diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia and other pathologies such as functional deficiency, chronic inflammation states and chronic renal diseas