168 research outputs found

    Pomen kakovosti v Perutnini Ptuj

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    A szóolvasás modelljei siketek vizsgálatából származó nemzetközi adatok tükrében = Models of Word Reading in the Light of Data from Deaf Readers

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    A siketek olvasási folyamatainak vizsgálatából származó eredmények számos információval szolgálnak a tipikusan működő olvasási rendszer természetéről. A siketség következtében a fonológiai feldolgozás akadályozott, így tesztelhetővé válik a fonológiai rendszer szerepe az olvasásban. Jelen tanulmányban áttekintjük a siketekkel végzett olvasási vizsgálatokból származó főbb eredményeket, ebben külön kitérve a fonológiai, ortográfiai és szemantikai rendszer sajátosságaira, valamint ezeknek a rendszereknek az interakcióira. Végül bemutatjuk, hogy az ismert kutatási eredmények milyen elméleti implikációval bírnak a tipikus olvasás leírására szolgáló kognitív modellek számára

    A New Concept to Secure Food Safety Standards against Fusarium Species and Aspergillus Flavus and Their Toxins in Maize

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    Commercial maize hybrids are exposed to different degrees of ear infection by toxigenic fungal species and toxin contamination. Their resistance to different fungi and toxin relationships are largely unknown. Without this knowledge, screening and breeding are not possible for these pathogens. Seven- to tenfold differences were found in resistance to Fusarium spp., and there was a five-fold difference in ear coverage (%) in response to A. flavus. Three hybrids of the twenty entries had lower infection severity compared with the general means for toxigenic species. Three were highly susceptible to each, and 14 hybrids reacted differently to the different fungi. Differences were also observed in the toxin content. Again, three hybrids had lower toxin content in response to all toxigenic species, one had higher values for all, and 16 had variable resistance levels. Correlations between infection severity and deoxynivalenol (DON) content were 0.95 and 0.82 (p = 0.001) for F. graminearum and F. culmorum, respectively. For fumonisin and F. verticillioides ear rot, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was 0.45 (p = 0.05). Two independent isolates with different aggressiveness were used, and their mean X values better described the resistance levels. This increased the reliability of the data. With the introduction of this methodological concept (testing the resistance levels separately for different fungi and with two isolates independently), highly significant resistance differences were found. The resistance to different fungal species correlated only in certain cases; thus, each should be tested separately. This is very useful in registration tests and post-registration screening and breeding. This would allow a rapid increase in food and feed safety

    Intraductal Lipid-Rich Carcinoma of the Breast with a Component of Glycogen-Rich Carcinoma

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    We report a rare case of intraductal lipid-rich carcinoma of the breast with a component of glycogen-rich carcinoma. An impalpable tumor that was revealed by mammography and magnetic resonance imaging was excised. Histologic examination showed vacuolated neoplastic cells in the mammary ducts, and electron microscopy confirmed lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. The coexistence of glycogen-rich carcinoma was shown. Lipid-rich carcinoma that is coexistent with glycogen-rich carcinoma is rare, and most lipid-rich carcinomas are invasive. Intraductal lipid-rich carcinoma is difficult to detect without echography or mammography

    Proizvodnja belog luka sa aspekta sadnog materijala

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    Over the last ten years in Serbia, garlic has been produced on about 9,000 ha annually. Although this makes Serbia a major European producer of the crop in terms of area planted, the total production of garlic in the country is still very low. The increase of average yield and production of garlic in Serbia requires the introduction of modern varieties and the use of certified planting material. The present paper discusses the main biological characteristics of garlic, with special emphasis on the principles of planting material production. The advancement and expansion of garlic production in Serbia could make garlic one of the country's major exports to European markets.Proizvodnja belog luka u Srbiji u poslednjih deset godina se organizuje na oko 9000 ha, tako da smo prema zasađenim površinama značajni evropski proizvođači, ali ukupna produkcija je veoma niska. Da bi se povećala proizvodnja, a samim tim i prosečan prinos neophodno je uvođenje savremenog sortimenta uz korišćenje deklarisanog sadnog materijala. U radu su prikazane osnovne biološke specifičnosti belog luka, sa posebnim osvrtom na principe proizvodnje sadnog materijala. Unapređenjem i proširenjem ove proizvodnje beli luk bi postao značajan proizvod u izvozu na evropsko tržište

    Deciphering the Biology of \u3ci\u3eCryptophyllachora eurasiatica\u3c/i\u3e gen. et sp. nov., an Often Cryptic Pathogen of an Allergenic Weed, \u3ci\u3eAmbrosia artemisiifolia\u3c/i\u3e

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    A little known, unculturable ascomycete, referred to as Phyllachora ambrosiae, can destroy the inflorescences of Ambrosia artemisiifolia, an invasive agricultural weed and producer of highly allergenic pollen. The fungus often remains undetectable in ragweed populations. This work was conducted to understand its origin and pathogenesis, a prerequisite to consider its potential as a biocontrol agent. The methods used included light and transmission electron microscopy, nrDNA sequencing, phylogenetic analyses, artificial inoculations, and the examination of old herbarium and recent field specimens from Hungary, Korea, Ukraine and USA. The Eurasian and the North American specimens of this fungus were to represent two distinct, although closely related lineages that were only distantly related to other lineages within the Ascomycota. Consequently, we describe a new genus that includes Cryptophyllachora eurasiatica gen. et sp. nov. and C. ambrosiae comb. nov., respectively. The pathogenesis of C. eurasiaticawas shown in A. artemisiifolia. No evidence was found for either seed-borne transmission or systemic infection. Two hypotheses were developed to explain the interaction between C. eurasiatica and A. artemisiifolia: (i) as yet undetected seed-borne transmissions and latent, systemic infections; or (ii) alternative hosts

    Očuvanje agrobiodiverziteta kao šansa za održivi i ruralni razvoj

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    Intenzivni razvoj poljoprivredne proizvodnje je, donekle neracionalnim korišćenjem zemljišta, vode, vazduha, biljnog i životinjskog sveta, narušio ravnotežu na našoj planeti. Opasnost po celokupni živi svet čovek sve jasnije uočava i teži ka obnavljanju uništenih i očuvanju postojećih prirodnih resursa. Razvoj savremene poljoprivrede usmeren je ka racionalnom korišćenju prirodnih resursa u cilju proizvodnje dovoljno kvalitetne hrane. Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada je, između ostalog i formiranjem Odeljenja za organsku proizvodnju i biodiverzitet, prihvatio nove trendove u poljoprivredi, kako u naučno-istraživačkom tako i u komercijalnom smislu. Za uspešno uvođenje organske poljoprivrede kao najčešćeg oblika održive poljoprivrede, a u funkciji održivog razvoja pre svega ruralnih područja, mora se omogućiti povećanje agrobiodiverziteta. Javlja se potreba za intenzivnijim plodoredom uz prisustvo useva na njivama tokom cele godine, gajenjem združenih i pokrovnih useva, uspostavljanjem zaštitnih pojaseva, osnivanjem farmi i gajenjem biljaka potrebnih za ishranu stoke. U održivoj poljoprivredi se koriste saznanja o alelopatskim odnosima i to ne samo rasporedom biljnih vrsta u vremenu i prostoru. Od mnogobrojnih biljnih vrsta i mikroorganizama prave se i biopreparati kojima se vrši zaštita gajenih useva od korova i patogena i stimulacija njihovog rasta i razvoja. U svim vidovima održive poljoprivrede gaji se veći broj vrsta od uobičajenih i rasprostranjenih na velikim površinama u konvencionalnoj poljoprivredi. To su vrste specifične i tradicionalne za dato područje. Stare sorte ili lokalne populacije, ekotipovi, karakteristične za određeni lokalitet, prilagođene su klimatskim prilikama, navikama u ishrani i načinu gajenja. One su nastale izborom lokalnog stanovništva tokom dugog niza godina. Poboljšanim osobinama i specifičnim genetskim sastavom pravo su svedočanstvo istorije i tradicije, ali su značajne za sadašnje ali i za još nedefinisane buduće potrebe u stvaranju novih sorti. Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu oduvek je pridavao značaj prikupljanju, proučavanju i očuvanju autohtonih sorti. Naučni radnici, oplemenjivači, iz ovog Instituta znaju da samo ako im na raspolaganju stoji velika genetska raznovrsnost biljne vrste sa kojom rade mogu uspešno stvarati nove, prinosnije sorte visokih nutritivnih kvaliteta. Svi koji se rade u oblasti održivog i ruralnog razvoja bave se povećanjem i očuvanjem agrobiodiverziteta, i ujedno ga koriste za dalji napredak