7 research outputs found

    Effect of improved electrokinetic remediation treatments on the mobility and removal of metals in sediment

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    U radu je: 1. Određena efikasnost elektrokinetičkih tretmana (konvencionalni tretman, tretman sa izmenom polariteta, tretman sa dve anode i heksagonalni dvodimenzionalni elektrokinetički tretman) koji izuzimaju dodatak agenasa u tretirani sediment, za uklanjanje metala; 2. Ispitan je uticaj diskontinuiteta napajanja strujom (tokom noći), kao i uticaj oscilacija jačine električne energije pri primeni solarnih panela na efikasnost tretmana; 3. Ispitan je uticaj geohemije sedimenta, fizičko-hemijskih promena u sistemu i karakteristika prisutnog zagađenja (oblici pojavljivanja metala, koncentracije) na efikasnost elektrokinetičkog procesa. 4. Izvršena je procena rizika u sistemu sediment/voda pre, tokom i nakon tretmana; 5. Primenjen je matematički model na dobijene rezultate. Na osnovu određene efikasnosti i procene rizika tretmana elektrokinetičke remedijacije na realan problem Velikog Bačkog kanala zaključeno je, da je najbolja opcija dvoanodni tretman u kome se primenjuju solarne panele (e9). Dobijeni rezultati tretmana ukazuju da diskontinuiteti napajanja strujom (tokom noći), kao i uticaj oscilacija jačine električne energije pri primeni solarnih panela nemaju značajnog uticaja na efikasnost procesa. Što se tiče, geohemije sedimenta, pokazalo se da ona ima snažan uticaj i da upravo ona određuje fizičko-hemijske promene koje se događaju u sedimentu tokom sprovođenja tretmana elektrokinetičke remedijacije. Ključ uspeha ovih tretmana sedimenta jeste i zadržavanje metala u frakcijama (karbonatna i reducibilna) koje lakše migriraju. Primenom matematičkog modela zaključeno je da se mogu predvideti promene koncentracija metala bez sprovođenja eksperimenata, što je od krucijalnog značaja za buduća istraživanja.This work includes: 1. An investigation into efficiency of various electrokinetic treatments (a conventional treatment, and treatments with changing polarity, two anodes and two-dimensional hexagonal electrodes) without the addition of agents to the treated sediment, for the removal of metals; 2. An investigation of the influence of discontinuous (off during the night) and oscillating power supplies on the application of solar panels and their effect on the efficacy of the treatment; 3. A study on the influence of sediment geochemistry, physico-chemical changes in the system and the characteristics of the pollution present (metals speciation and concentration) on the efficiency of the electrokinetic process; 4. A risk assessment of the sediment/water system before, during and after the treatment; 5. Mathematical modelling of the results obtained. Based on the risk assessment and the efficiency of the electrokinetic treatments in the Veliki Backa canal sediment, it was concluded that the best remediation option was a two anode treatment using solar panels (e9). The investigation into the influence of treatments using discontinuous (off during the night) and oscillating power supplies showed they did not have a significant impact on the efficiency of the process. Sediment geochemistry was shown to have a strong influence, determining the physical and chemical changes that occur in the sediment during the implementation of the electrokinetic remediation. The key to success for these treatments is the retention of metals in the fractions (carbonate and reducible) which more easily migrate. It is concluded that the mathematical model can be applied to successfully predict thechanges in the concentration of metals without experimentation, which is of crucial importance for future studies

    Effect of improved electrokinetic remediation treatments on the mobility and removal of metals in sediment

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    U radu je: 1. Određena efikasnost elektrokinetičkih tretmana (konvencionalni tretman, tretman sa izmenom polariteta, tretman sa dve anode i heksagonalni dvodimenzionalni elektrokinetički tretman) koji izuzimaju dodatak agenasa u tretirani sediment, za uklanjanje metala; 2. Ispitan je uticaj diskontinuiteta napajanja strujom (tokom noći), kao i uticaj oscilacija jačine električne energije pri primeni solarnih panela na efikasnost tretmana; 3. Ispitan je uticaj geohemije sedimenta, fizičko-hemijskih promena u sistemu i karakteristika prisutnog zagađenja (oblici pojavljivanja metala, koncentracije) na efikasnost elektrokinetičkog procesa. 4. Izvršena je procena rizika u sistemu sediment/voda pre, tokom i nakon tretmana; 5. Primenjen je matematički model na dobijene rezultate. Na osnovu određene efikasnosti i procene rizika tretmana elektrokinetičke remedijacije na realan problem Velikog Bačkog kanala zaključeno je, da je najbolja opcija dvoanodni tretman u kome se primenjuju solarne panele (e9). Dobijeni rezultati tretmana ukazuju da diskontinuiteti napajanja strujom (tokom noći), kao i uticaj oscilacija jačine električne energije pri primeni solarnih panela nemaju značajnog uticaja na efikasnost procesa. Što se tiče, geohemije sedimenta, pokazalo se da ona ima snažan uticaj i da upravo ona određuje fizičko-hemijske promene koje se događaju u sedimentu tokom sprovođenja tretmana elektrokinetičke remedijacije. Ključ uspeha ovih tretmana sedimenta jeste i zadržavanje metala u frakcijama (karbonatna i reducibilna) koje lakše migriraju. Primenom matematičkog modela zaključeno je da se mogu predvideti promene koncentracija metala bez sprovođenja eksperimenata, što je od krucijalnog značaja za buduća istraživanja.This work includes: 1. An investigation into efficiency of various electrokinetic treatments (a conventional treatment, and treatments with changing polarity, two anodes and two-dimensional hexagonal electrodes) without the addition of agents to the treated sediment, for the removal of metals; 2. An investigation of the influence of discontinuous (off during the night) and oscillating power supplies on the application of solar panels and their effect on the efficacy of the treatment; 3. A study on the influence of sediment geochemistry, physico-chemical changes in the system and the characteristics of the pollution present (metals speciation and concentration) on the efficiency of the electrokinetic process; 4. A risk assessment of the sediment/water system before, during and after the treatment; 5. Mathematical modelling of the results obtained. Based on the risk assessment and the efficiency of the electrokinetic treatments in the Veliki Backa canal sediment, it was concluded that the best remediation option was a two anode treatment using solar panels (e9). The investigation into the influence of treatments using discontinuous (off during the night) and oscillating power supplies showed they did not have a significant impact on the efficiency of the process. Sediment geochemistry was shown to have a strong influence, determining the physical and chemical changes that occur in the sediment during the implementation of the electrokinetic remediation. The key to success for these treatments is the retention of metals in the fractions (carbonate and reducible) which more easily migrate. It is concluded that the mathematical model can be applied to successfully predict thechanges in the concentration of metals without experimentation, which is of crucial importance for future studies

    Liberalism and the Catholic Church – Željko Mardešić’s dialogic vision

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    Od hrvatskih katolika Željko Mardešić bio je jedan od naglasnijih zagovaratelja susreta kršćanstva i liberalizma, odnosno dijaloga vjernika i modernog svijeta na principima koncilskog nauka. Kao kompetentan poznavatelj hrvatskih i svjetskih religioznih kretanja, nikada nije ostao samo puki akademski intelektualac, već je bio autentičan kršćanin. Drugi vatikanski koncil snažno je obilježio njegov znanstveni i vjernički angažman. Dok je u 19. st. prevladavala suprotstavljenost između dvaju pogleda na svijet, znanstvenog i vjerskog, kao i odnosa prema društvenom poretku, Željko Mardešić tvrdi da je dijalog kršćanstva i moderniteta potreban i ostvariv na temelju Drugog vatikankog sabora. Ukazujući na kršćanske principe moderniteta, odbacujući politički katolicizam i vrednujući demokraciju, Mardešić povlači neprekinutu crtu između prvog kršćanstva i moderniteta.Among the Catholics in Croatia, Željko Mardešić was one of the most outspoken advocates of the convergence of Christianity and liberalism, that is, of dialogue between people of faith and the modern world based on the principles of the conciliar teachings. Competently familiar with religious trends in both Croatia and the rest of the world, he was never a mere academic intellectual, but an authentic Christian. His scholarly and religious engagement was strongly influenced by the Second Vatican Council. Whereas the 19th century was dominated by opposition between the two world views, the scientific and the religious one, as well as treatment of social order, Željko Mardešić argued that a dialogue between Christianity and modernity was now necessary and feasible on the basis of the Second Vatican Council. Pointing to the Christian principles of modernity, rejecting political Catholicism and validating democracy and secularisation, Mardešić drew an unbroken line between the first Christianity and modernity

    Identification of significant pressures and assessment of wastewater discharge on Krivaja River water quality

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    One of the key stages of the process of preparing management plans for the river basin is the analysis of pressures and impacts, as well as the risk assessment of failing to achieve the environmental objectives. DPSIR framework (Driving Forces-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) was developed by the European Agency for the environmental protection, and makes the conceptual basis for the pressures and impacts analysis, taking into account the complexity of the interactions in the environment and represents the tool for their analysis. Impact assessment of the water body requires some quantitative information to describe the condition of the water body and/or the pressures that act on it. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of wastewater discharge on Krivaja watercourse. Impact assessment is carried out based on data of polluters’ wastewater and monitoring information for water in Krivaja. For each site at which sampling was performed, the specific risk quotients for surface water were calculated, as the ratio of the each pollutant concentration in surface water at the sampling point and environmental quality standards for pollutants, as well as their sum that represents the risk index. In order to have the integrated perceive of processes in the Krivaja River, taking into account cumulative effects from point sources, the concept of total maximum daily load was applied, using which the pollution amount, that can be discharged daily in a water body without degrading his prescribed/required quality, was calculated. Comparison of emitted loads from pollution point sources with maximum allowable ones was performed. Wastewaters of different polluters located on Krivaja are, due to insufficient treatment, very loaded with organic matter and nutrients. Krivaja receives daily 1332 m3 of wastewater, 999 kg COD, 722 kg BOD, 144 kg of nitrogen, 4.3 kg of phosphorus and 627 kg of suspended solids. Of the total wastewater volume, the majority (69%) originates from municipal wastewater, 81% of the total amount of organic matter comes from the industry, while nutrients mostly originate from municipal wastewater. Loading of Krivaja with wastewater is major, uneven and unbalanced. Water quality of Krivaja is unsatisfactory. According to national legislation there is the exceedance of maximum permissible values for Class II for watercourse (good status) for most parameters, in all sampling locations and in both sampling periods. Parameters that exceeded the value for the Class II are dissolved oxygen, organic matter content, suspended solids, nutrients. Water flow in the river is not sufficient to receive the total amount of the pollutant load from point sources. Risk assessment, based on the monitoring results, indicates that the river Krivaja is possibly at risk of failing to meet the required water quality because the most of the values exceeded the limit values. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. TR37004

    Brašno - Kruh '13

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    The "Flour-Bread '13“ Congress topics were the following: breeding and quality of cereal grains, grain storage and milling technology, analytical and rheological methods, baking technology, improvers and additives, starch and modified starch, extrusion and pasta production, biscuit and pastry products, nutritional quality of cereals, cereal food safety and cereal based functional foods