1,138 research outputs found

    Comparison of the Effect of Fingerprint Image Compression Algorithms on the Quality of Matching Algorithms

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    Táto práca si kladie za cieľ zhodnotiť vplyv rôznych možností kompresie a techník spracovania obrazu pre rôzne typy snímok odtlačkov prstov. Kvalita kompresných metód sa otestuje pomocou rôznych techník porovnávania odtlačkov prstov na meranie podobnosti medzi spracovaným a pôvodným obrázkom odtlačku prsta. Práca hodnotila výkonnosť kompresií JPEG, PNG a WSQ, ako aj porovnávače založené na markantoch, krížovej korelácií a PSNR. Techniky spracovania odtlačkov prstov zahŕňali normalizáciu obrazu, binarizáciu, zmenu bitovej hĺbky, odstránenie šumu a zmenu veľkosti obrazu. Výsledkom bolo, že kompresia PNG zaznamenala najlepšie priemerné skóre pre všetky typy odtlačkov prstov podľa všetkých testovaných porovnávačov. Okrem toho kompresia JPEG zaznamenala najlepšie priemerné kompresné časy, zatiaľ čo kompresia WSQ priniesla najmenšie komprimované veľkosti súborov. Techniky spracovania snímok odtlačkov prstov nezlepšili skóre zhody, iba ich zhoršili.This thesis aims to assess the effect of various compression options and image processing techniques for different types of fingerprint images. Also, various fingerprint matching techniques will be tested to measure the similarity between the processed and the original fingerprint image. The work evaluated the performance of JPEG, PNG, and the WSQ compression, as well as the minutiae-based, cross-correlation, and the PSNR matchers. The fingerprint image processing techniques included image normalization, binarization, depth change, noise removal, and resizing. As a result, the PNG compression recorded the best average scores for all fingerprint types according to all tested matchers. Furthermore, the JPEG compression registered the best average compression times, while the WSQ compression produced the smallest compressed file sizes. Moreover, the fingerprint image processing techniques did not improve the matching scores, but only made them worse.

    Fast, Preisach-like characterization of hysteretic systems

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    Proposed is a substantially simplified, Preisach-like model for characterization of hysteretic systems, in particular magnetic systems. The main idea is to replace a two-dimensional Preisach density with just two real functions, describing in a {\em unique way} the reversible and irreversible processes. As a byproduct of our model we prove, that the major hysteresis loop alone is insufficient to produce the unique Preisach map. Keywords: magnetic hysteresis; magnetization processes; materials testing; modeling.Comment: 7 double spaced pages, 4 figures. Presented at 5th International Symposium on Hysteresis and Micromagnetic Modeling, Budapest, Hungary, May 30th - June 1st, 200

    Anti-Collision System Based on GPS

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    Letecký průmysl se neustále setkává s potřebou zvýšení bezpečnosti a to nejen v případě velkých strojů, ale i malých letadel. Za účelem informovat pilota o hrozícím nebezpečí popřípadě o poloze ostatních letadel vznikla řada systémů. Hlavním cílem je sestavit zařízení, které využívá globálního polohového systému pro určení pozice a předává koordináty pomocí bezdrátových sítí k následnému určení kolizí. Podrobně je popsána funkce GPS družic a přijímačů, bezdrátového odesílání dat, výpočtu kolizí a synchronizace jednotlivých modulů.Aircraft industry is constantly facing the need to increase security not only in the case of large machines, but also in the small aircraft. Many systems were established in order to inform the pilot of the impending hazard, where appropriate, about the location of the other aircraft. The main objective is to establish a facility which uses global position system for determining the position and imparts coordinates using wireless networks for subsequent determination of collision. The functions of satellites and GPS receivers, sending wireless data and collision calculation and synchronization of individual modules is described in detail.

    Principles of Formation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

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    The article presents points necessary for the production re-prophilation into the flexible one through the generation of so called flexible manufacturing cells. Mentioned are the reasons and effects which are brought by the flexible production. In general, the key to the generation of the flexible production is the group technology based on the principle of the material flow analysis. The variants of the possible solutions based on the material flows confirm that the problem of the flexible manufacturing cells generation is not an easy one and unambiguous either. But considering only this one criterion is not sufficient for the practice because it does not consider for example the number of the pieces. Therefore the present article in the principle points at the application of the multiplied criteria about the part or machine, based on which more specifically stated is the cell profile, as number of machines, type of machines, intercellular transfers and so on

    Modeling an Industrial Revolution: How to Manage Large-Scale, Complex IoT Ecosystems?

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    Advancements around the modern digital industry gave birth to a number of closely interrelated concepts: in the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), System of Systems (SoS), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Digital Twins and the fourth industrial revolution, everything revolves around the issue of designing well-understood, sound and secure complex systems while providing maximum flexibility, autonomy and dynamics.The aim of the paper is to present a concise overview of a comprehensive conceptual framework for integrated modeling and management of industrial IoT architectures, supported by actual evidence from the Arrowhead Tools project; in particular, we adopt a three-dimensional projection of our complex engineering space, from modeling the engineering process to SoS design and deployment.In particular, we start from modeling principles of the the engineering process itself. Then, we present a design-time SoS representation along with a toolchain concept aiding SoS design and deployment. This brings us to reasoning about what potential workflows are thinkable for specifying comprehensive toolchains along with their data exchange interfaces. We also discuss the potential of aligning our vision with RAMI4.0, as well as the utilization perspectives for real-life engineering use-cases

    Testing of adhesive spray painting with robot

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    Cilj je ovoga rada određivanje odgovarajućih parametara za raspršivanje adheziva korištenih u industriji uz primjenu robota. Korišten je robot ABB IRB 1600 u neeksplozivnom okruženju. Adheziv se oslobađao iz tlačne posude i nanosio raspršivačem Krautzberger RA5. U radu se daje detaljan opis dijagrama za automatsko spajanje pištolja za bojenje. Rezultati pojedinačnih testova dani su u tablicama, a ovisnosti pojedinih parametara prikazane su u grafikonima. Ovisno o količini nanesenog mlaza, najbolji uzorci su ocijenjeni u skladu s preporukama proizvođača adheziva.This article aims at setting appropriate parameters for robotic spraying of adhesives used in industry. The robot ABB IRB 1600 was used in a non-explosive environment. The adhesive was dispensed from pressure sweat and applied by a Krautzberger RA5 spray head. The article describes a detailed diagram for automatic connection of a painting gun. The results of the individual tests are shown in the tables and the dependencies of the individual parameters are described in the graphs. Depending on the amount of spray applied, the best samples are evaluated according to the adhesive manufacturer\u27s recommendations

    Configuration interaction method for Fock-Darwin states

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    We present a configuration interaction method optimized for Fock-Darwin states of two-dimensional quantum dots with an axially symmetric, parabolic confinement potential subject to a perpendicular magnetic field. The optimization explicitly accounts for geometrical and dynamical symmetries of the Fock-Darwin single-particle states and for many-particle symmetries associated with the center-of-mass motion and with the total spin. This results in a basis set of reduced size and improved accuracy. The numerical results compare well with the quantum Monte Carlo and stochastic variational methods. The method is illustrated by the evolution of a strongly correlated few-electron droplet in a magnetic field in the regime of the fractional quantum Hall effect.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, ReVTeX4, submitted to Solid State Communication

    Coronary-artery bypass surgery in patients with left ventricular dysfunction

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    The role of coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG) in the treatment of patients with coronary artery disease and heart failure has not been clearly established.Between July 2002 and May 2007, a total of 1212 patients with an ejection fraction of 35% or less and coronary artery disease amenable to CABG were randomly assigned to medical therapy alone (602 patients) or medical therapy plus CABG (610 patients). The primary outcome was the rate of death from any cause. Major secondary outcomes included the rates of death from cardiovascular causes and of death from any cause or hospitalization for cardiovascular causes.The primary outcome occurred in 244 patients (41%) in the medical-therapy group and 218 (36%) in the CABG group (hazard ratio with CABG, 0.86; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.72 to 1.04; P=0.12). A total of 201 patients (33%) in the medical-therapy group and 168 (28%) in the CABG group died from an adjudicated cardiovascular cause (hazard ratio with CABG, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.66 to 1.00; P=0.05). Death from any cause or hospitalization for cardiovascular causes occurred in 411 patients (68%) in the medical-therapy group and 351 (58%) in the CABG group (hazard ratio with CABG, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.64 to 0.85; P<0.001). By the end of the follow-up period (median, 56 months), 100 patients in the medical-therapy group (17%) underwent CABG, and 555 patients in the CABG group (91%) underwent CABG.In this randomized trial, there was no significant difference between medical therapy alone and medical therapy plus CABG with respect to the primary end point of death from any cause. Patients assigned to CABG, as compared with those assigned to medical therapy alone, had lower rates of death from cardiovascular causes and of death from any cause or hospitalization for cardiovascular causes. (Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Abbott Laboratories; STICH ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00023595.)