84 research outputs found

    Древнерусская надпись-граффито в аббатстве Сен-Жиль на юге Франции

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    The abbey of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard near Arles in the south of France was one of the most prominent pilgrimage sites in medieval Europe.Recent archaeological investigation has shown that construction of the abbey church, one of the most significant Romanesque pilgrimage churches in southern France, began ca. 1170/1180. The lower church (crypt) with the tomb of St. Giles (Lat. Aegidius, Fr. Gilles) and some of the walls of the upper church belong to that period.A well-preserved Cyrillic graffito was discovered on a pier of the upper church, close to the spot where the tomb of St. Giles is located in the crypt below. The text contains a prayer with a common formula: GI POMЪZI | RABU SVЪ|EMU SЬMKЪ|VI NINOSLA|VICHIU ‘Lord, help your servant Semko, son of Ninoslav.’ Palaeographic and linguistic analysis shows that the graffito is of Russian origin. It was probably made at some time between 1180 and 1250 by a pilgrim travelling from Russia to Santiago de Compostela, and it is the most geographically remote Old Russian graffito inscription discovered so far in western Europe.Одним из значительных паломнических центров средневековой Европы было аббатство Сен-Жиль-дю-Гар недалеко от Арля на Юге Франции. Согласно недавним археологическим исследованиям, возведение собора аббатства, одной из наиболее крупных позднероманских паломнических церквей на Юге Франции, началось около 1170/1180 года. К первой стадии строительства относятся нижний храм (крипта) с гробницей святого Эгидия (лат. Aegidius, фр. Gilles) и часть стен верхней церкви.Хорошо сохранившееся кириллическое граффито было обнаружено на колонне верхней церкви, расположенной рядом с тем местом, под котором в крипте находится гробница св. Эгидия. Текст состоит из молитвы, записанной при помощи типичной формулы: ГИ    ПОМЪЗИ | РАБУ СВЪ|ЕМУ СЬМКЪ|ВИ НИНОСЛА|ВИЧЮ ‘Господи, помоги рабу своему Семку Нинославичу’. По палеографическим и лингвистическим данным граффито является древнерусским и датируется временем не позже конца XIII века, предпочтительно — не позже середины XIII века.Вероятно, найденное граффито было оставлено паломником, следовавшим из Руси в Сантьяго-де-Компостела примерно между 1180 и 1250 годами. На сегодняшний день это самая западная из выявленных древнерусских надписей-граффити

    Determination of aqueous inclusion complexation constants and stoichiometry of alkyl(methyl)-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquid cations and neutral cyclodextrins by affinity capillary electrophoresis

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    Affinity CE (ACE) method was developed to characterize the complex formation between seven alkyl(methyl)methylimidazolium-based ionic liquid (IL) cations and eight neutral cyclodextrins (CD). The effective mobility data of the IL cations were processed according to classical nonlinear and linear treatments to obtain the complex stoichiometry and formation constant K. The majority of systems followed a 1:1 complexation stoichiometry model but in four cases a 1:2 stoichiometry was better satisfied. The K values obtained for each IL were compared to elucidate the main influences of IL and CD nature. The availability of these data should lend support to various application areas, including the screening and tailoring of new interactions in the solution for CE

    Epistemology in a nutshell: Theory, model, simulation and Experiment

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    In the Western tradition, at least since the 14th century, the philosophy of knowledge has been built around the idea of knowledge as a representation [Boulnois 1999]. The question of the evaluation of knowledge refers at the same time (1) to the object represented (which one does one represent?), (2) to the process of knowledge formation, in particular with the role of the knowing subject (which one does one represent and how does one represent it?), and finally (3) to the relationship between the representation and the represented object. Criteria of evaluation such as “validity”, “adequacy” or “truth”, as mentioned in chapter 4, make sense only with respect to these three dimensions. An evaluation can thus (1) depend on the ontological nature of the object of knowledge, (2) relate to the relationship between subject and object—including the structures (cognitive, social) which organize this relationship, or (3) relate to the relation of similarity between the object and its representation as well. The relevant criteria of evaluation thus depend on the points of view adopted on these questions. As there are indeed a plurality of points of view in this field, the goal of this appendix is to summarize, as briefly as possible, the various positions adopted by the philosophers and to refer to the relevant texts of reference for more information. The first section introduces useful discussions about the philosophy of theoretical knowledge and general epistemology, from a quasi-historical perspective. Section two discusses the intermediary but central notion of models. Section three, more exploratory, intro-duces an approach to simulation as “concrete experiment”. It suggests that such a frequent claim in the literature, when precisely evaluated, can, to some extent, renew both the representational and the linguistic views on simulation

    Magnetic Core Shell Nanoparticles Trapping in a Microdevice Generating High Magnetic Gradient

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    Magnetic core shell nanoparticles (MCSNPs) 30 nm diameter with a magnetic weight of 10% are usually much too small to be trapped in microfluidic systems using classical external magnets. Here, a simple microchip for efficient MCSNPs trapping and release is presented. It comprises a bed of micrometric iron beads (6–8 mm diameter) packed in a microchannel against a physical restriction and presenting a low dead volume of 0.8 nL. These beads of high magnetic permeability are used to focus magnetic field lines from an external permanent magnet and generate local high magnetic gradients. The nanoparticles magnetic trap has been characterised both by numerical simulations and fluorescent MCSNPs imaging. Numerical simulations have been performed to map both the magnetic flux density and the magnetic force, and showed that MCSNPs are preferentially trapped at the iron bead magnetic poles where the magnetic force is increased by 3 orders of magnitude. The trapping efficiency was experimentally determined using fluorescent MCSNPs for different flow rates, different iron beads and permanent magnet positions. At a flow rate of 100 mL h1, the nanoparticles trapping/release can be achieved within 20 s with a preconcentration factor of 4000

    Characterization of phthalocyanine functionalized quantum dots by dynamic light scattering, laser Doppler, and capillary electrophoresis

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    In this work, we characterized different phtalocyanine-capped core/shell/shell quantum dots (QDs) in terms of stability, ζ-potential, and size at various pH and ionic strengths, by means of capillary electrophoresis (CE), and compared these results to the ones obtained by laser Doppler electrophoresis (LDE) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The effect of the phthalocyanine metallic center (Zn, Al, or In), the number (one or four), and nature of substituents (carboxyphenoxy- or sulfonated-) of functionalization on the phthalocyanine physicochemical properties were evaluated. Whereas QDs capped with zinc mono-carboxyphenoxy-phtalocyanine (ZnMCPPc-QDs) remained aggregated in the whole analyzed pH range, even at low ionic strength, QDs capped with zinc tetracarboxyphenoxy phtalocyanine (ZnTPPc-QDs) were easily dispersed in buffers at pH equal to or higher than 7.4. QDs capped with aluminum tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine (AlTSPPc-QDs) and indium tetracarboxyphenoxy phthalocyanines (InTCPPc-QDs) were stable in aqueous suspension only at pH higher than 9.0 due to the presence of functional groups bound to the metallic center of the phthalocyanine. The ζ-potential values determined by CE for all the samples decreased when ionic strength increased, being well correlated with the aggregation of the nanoconjugates at elevated salt concentrations. The use of electrokinetic methodologies has provided insights into the colloidal stability of the photosensitizer-functionalized QDs in physiological relevant solutions and thereby, its usefulness for improving their design and applications for photodynamic therapy

    Couplage de l électrophorèse capillaire avec la spectrométrie de masse via une interface à électronébulisation (compréhension des phénomènes à l interface et développement de nouvelles méthodologies pour des échantillons complexes et pour les séparations par focalisation isoélectrique)

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    Au cours de ce travail nous avons étudié les phénomènes de succion et de dilution pouvant avoir lieu à l interface d électronébulisation dans un couplage en l électrophorèse capillaire et la spectrométrie de masse (CE/ESI-MS). Il a été montré l influence de différents paramètres, dont les débits de mélangeage des trois fluides émergeant de l aiguille d interface et la géométrie de l interface, qui modifient le cône de Taylor. Dans le cadre de l analyse de mélanges complexes, une stratégie de séparation simultanée de composés cationiques et polyanioniques par couplage CZE/ESI-MS a ensuite été mise en œuvre. Enfin un nouveau protocole de couplage CIEF/ESI-MS a été développé, présentant des avantages nouveau : (i) une automatisation simple et totale du couplage, (ii) l analyse de protéines hydrophiles et hydrophobes et (iii) l emploi de capillaires peu coûteuxDuring this work we have studied suction and dilution phenomena which may occur at the electrospray interface between capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry coupling (CE/ESI-MS). The influence of various parameters was emphasized, among which the flow rate of the three mixing fluids emerging from interface and the geometry of the interface, which modifies the Taylor cone. As far as complex mixtures are concerned, a strategy of simultaneous separation of cationic and polyanionic compounds by CZE/ESI-MS was elaborated. Finally, a new protocol of coupling CIEF/ESI-MS was developed, presenting new advantages: (i) an easy automation of the coupling, (ii) the analysis of hydrophilic and hydrophobic proteins and (iii) the use of low-cost capillariesPARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Aptamères et électrophorèse capillaire (caractérisation physico-chimique d'aptamères libres en solution ou greffés sur des nanoparticules, et étude de leur affinité avec une cible protéique en vue de leur emploi pour des méthodes sensibles de diagnostic)

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    Les aptamères sont de courts oligonucléotides sélectionnés par le procédé SELEX, présentant une affinité et une spécificité élevée pour leur cible. Ce travail porte sur la caractérisation physico-chimique d aptamères et l étude de leur affinité avec leur cible, par électrophorèse capillaire, à travers l exemple d un aptamère dirigé contre une cible protéique fortement basique, le lysozyme. Après évaluation de différents traitements de surface du capillaire, la modification permanente par l hydroxypropylcellulose a été retenue afin de limiter l adsorption protéique tout en restant compatible avec l analyse de l aptamère. Le comportement électrophorétique de l aptamère en présence de différents cations en solution a ensuite été étudié par électrophorèse capillaire d affinité (ACE), mettant en évidence dans le cas d un dication une interaction significative pouvant induire un changement de conformation de l aptamère, et donc susceptible d influer sur l interaction avec la cible. Le développement d une méthode d analyse frontale électrocinétique en microsystème (FACMCE) avec détection de fluorescence a permis de déterminer les paramètres de l interaction aptamère-lysozyme, ainsi que l influence des conditions expérimentales sur l affinité. Enfin, des nanoparticules magnétiques fluorescentes cœur/coquille ont été fonctionnalisées par l aptamère puis caractérisées par électrophorèse capillaire de zone (CZE). L étude par FACMCE de l interaction entre l aptamère greffé et le lysozyme a montré une affinité similaire à celle de l aptamère libre, permettant ainsi d envisager l utilisation future de ces objets comme outils de bio-reconnaissance moléculairePARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Agent-based Modelling and Simulation<br />in the Social and Human Sciences: Appendix 1 - Epistemology in a Nutshell: Theory, Model, Simulation and Experiment - Denis Phan, Anne-Françoise Schmid and Franck Varenne

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    Appendix 1 - Epistemology in a Nutshell: Theory, Model, Simulation and Experiment - Denis Phan, Anne-Françoise Schmid and Franck Varenn