19 research outputs found

    Robots in Retirement Homes: Applying Off-the-Shelf Planning and Scheduling to a Team of Assistive Robots

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    This paper investigates three different technologies for solving a planning and scheduling problem of deploying multiple robots in a retirement home environment to assist elderly residents. The models proposed make use of standard techniques and solvers developed in AI planning and scheduling, with two primary motivations. First, to find a planning and scheduling solution that we can deploy in our real-world application. Second, to evaluate planning and scheduling technology in terms of the ``model-and-solve'' functionality that forms a major research goal in both domain-independent planning and constraint programming. Seven variations of our application are studied using the following three technologies: PDDL-based planning, time-line planning and scheduling, and constraint-based scheduling. The variations address specific aspects of the problem that we believe can impact the performance of the technologies while also representing reasonable abstractions of the real world application. We evaluate the capabilities of each technology and conclude that a constraint-based scheduling approach, specifically a decomposition using constraint programming, provides the most promising results for our application. PDDL-based planning is able to find mostly low quality solutions while the timeline approach was unable to model the full problem without alterations to the solver code, thus moving away from the model-and-solve paradigm. It would be misleading to conclude that constraint programming is ``better'' than PDDL-based planning in a general sense, both because we have examined a single application and because the approaches make different assumptions about the knowledge one is allowed to embed in a model. Nonetheless, we believe our investigation is valuable for AI planning and scheduling researchers as it highlights these different modelling assumptions and provides insight into avenues for the application of AI planning and scheduling for similar robotics problems. In particular, as constraint programming has not been widely applied to robot planning and scheduling in the literature, our results suggest significant untapped potential in doing so.California Institute of Technology. Keck Institute for Space Studie

    Nebulae: A Proposed Concept of Operation for Deep Space Computing Clouds

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    In this paper, we describe an ongoing multi-institution study in using emplaced computational resources such as high-volume storage and fast processing to enable instruments to gather and store much more data than would normally be possible, even if it cannot be downlinked to Earth in any reasonable time. The primary focus of the study is designing science pipelines for on-site summarization, archival for future downlink, and multisensor fusion. A secondary focus is on providing support for increasingly autonomous systems, including mapping, planning, and multi-platform collaboration. Key to both of these concepts is treating the spacecraft not as an autonomous agent but as an interactive batch processor, which allows us to avoid “quantum leaps” in machine intelligence required to realize the concepts. Our goal is to discuss preliminary results and technical directions for the community, and identify promising new opportunities for multi-sensor fusion with the help of planetary researchers

    NeBula: TEAM CoSTAR’s robotic autonomy solution that won phase II of DARPA subterranean challenge

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    This paper presents and discusses algorithms, hardware, and software architecture developed by the TEAM CoSTAR (Collaborative SubTerranean Autonomous Robots), competing in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Specifically, it presents the techniques utilized within the Tunnel (2019) and Urban (2020) competitions, where CoSTAR achieved second and first place, respectively. We also discuss CoSTAR’s demonstrations in Martian-analog surface and subsurface (lava tubes) exploration. The paper introduces our autonomy solution, referred to as NeBula (Networked Belief-aware Perceptual Autonomy). NeBula is an uncertainty-aware framework that aims at enabling resilient and modular autonomy solutions by performing reasoning and decision making in the belief space (space of probability distributions over the robot and world states). We discuss various components of the NeBula framework, including (i) geometric and semantic environment mapping, (ii) a multi-modal positioning system, (iii) traversability analysis and local planning, (iv) global motion planning and exploration behavior, (v) risk-aware mission planning, (vi) networking and decentralized reasoning, and (vii) learning-enabled adaptation. We discuss the performance of NeBula on several robot types (e.g., wheeled, legged, flying), in various environments. We discuss the specific results and lessons learned from fielding this solution in the challenging courses of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge competition.Peer ReviewedAgha, A., Otsu, K., Morrell, B., Fan, D. D., Thakker, R., Santamaria-Navarro, A., Kim, S.-K., Bouman, A., Lei, X., Edlund, J., Ginting, M. F., Ebadi, K., Anderson, M., Pailevanian, T., Terry, E., Wolf, M., Tagliabue, A., Vaquero, T. S., Palieri, M., Tepsuporn, S., Chang, Y., Kalantari, A., Chavez, F., Lopez, B., Funabiki, N., Miles, G., Touma, T., Buscicchio, A., Tordesillas, J., Alatur, N., Nash, J., Walsh, W., Jung, S., Lee, H., Kanellakis, C., Mayo, J., Harper, S., Kaufmann, M., Dixit, A., Correa, G. J., Lee, C., Gao, J., Merewether, G., Maldonado-Contreras, J., Salhotra, G., Da Silva, M. S., Ramtoula, B., Fakoorian, S., Hatteland, A., Kim, T., Bartlett, T., Stephens, A., Kim, L., Bergh, C., Heiden, E., Lew, T., Cauligi, A., Heywood, T., Kramer, A., Leopold, H. A., Melikyan, H., Choi, H. C., Daftry, S., Toupet, O., Wee, I., Thakur, A., Feras, M., Beltrame, G., Nikolakopoulos, G., Shim, D., Carlone, L., & Burdick, JPostprint (published version

    ACHORD: communication-aware multi-robot coordination with intermittent connectivity

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksCommunication is an important capability for multi-robot exploration because (1) inter-robot communication (comms) improves coverage efficiency and (2) robot-to-base comms improves situational awareness. Exploring comms-restricted (e.g., subterranean) environments requires a multi-robot system to tolerate and anticipate intermittent connectivity, and to carefully consider comms requirements, otherwise mission-critical data may be lost. In this paper, we describe and analyze ACHORD (Autonomous & Collaborative High-Bandwidth Operations with Radio Droppables), a multi-layer networking solution which tightly co-designs the network architecture and high-level decision-making for improved comms. ACHORD provides bandwidth prioritization and timely and reliable data transfer despite intermittent connectivity. Furthermore, it exposes low-layer networking metrics to the application layer to enable robots to autonomously monitor, map, and extend the network via droppable radios, as well as restore connectivity to improve collaborative exploration. We evaluate our solution with respect to the comms performance in several challenging underground environments including the DARPA SubT Finals competition environment. Our findings support the use of data stratification and flow control to improve bandwidth-usage.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    NeBula: Team CoSTAR's robotic autonomy solution that won phase II of DARPA Subterranean Challenge

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    This paper presents and discusses algorithms, hardware, and software architecture developed by the TEAM CoSTAR (Collaborative SubTerranean Autonomous Robots), competing in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Specifically, it presents the techniques utilized within the Tunnel (2019) and Urban (2020) competitions, where CoSTAR achieved second and first place, respectively. We also discuss CoSTAR¿s demonstrations in Martian-analog surface and subsurface (lava tubes) exploration. The paper introduces our autonomy solution, referred to as NeBula (Networked Belief-aware Perceptual Autonomy). NeBula is an uncertainty-aware framework that aims at enabling resilient and modular autonomy solutions by performing reasoning and decision making in the belief space (space of probability distributions over the robot and world states). We discuss various components of the NeBula framework, including (i) geometric and semantic environment mapping, (ii) a multi-modal positioning system, (iii) traversability analysis and local planning, (iv) global motion planning and exploration behavior, (v) risk-aware mission planning, (vi) networking and decentralized reasoning, and (vii) learning-enabled adaptation. We discuss the performance of NeBula on several robot types (e.g., wheeled, legged, flying), in various environments. We discuss the specific results and lessons learned from fielding this solution in the challenging courses of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge competition.The work is partially supported by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004), and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

    Post-design analysis for AI planning applications.

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    Desde o final da década de 1990 existe um interesse crescente na aplicação de técnicas de planejamento automático em IA para resolver problemas reais de engenharia. Além das características dos problemas acadêmicos, tais como a necessidade de raciocinar sobre as ações, problemas reais requerem elicitação, engenharia e gerenciamento detalhado do conhecimento do domínio. Para tais aplicações reais, um processo de design sistemático é necessário onde as ferramentas de Engenharia do Conhecimento e de Requisitons têm um papel fundamental. Esforços acadêmicos recentes na área da Engenharia do Conhecimento em planejamento automático vêm desenvolvido ferramentas e técnicas de apoio ao processo de design de modelos do conhecimento. Porém, dada a natural incompletude do conhecimento, experiência prática em aplicações reais, como por exemplo exploração do espaço, tem mostrado que, mesmo com um processo disciplinado de design, requisitos de pontos de vista diferente (por exemplo, especialistas, usuários e patrocinadores) ainda surgem após a análise, geração e execução de planos. A tese central deste texto é que uma fase de análise de pós-design para o desenvolvimento de aplicações de planejamento em IA resulta em modelos do conhecimento mais ricos e, conseqüentemente, aumenta a qualidade dos planos gerados e a performance dos planejadores automáticos. Neste texto, nós investigamos como os conhecimentos e requisitos ocultos podem ser adquiridos e reutilizados durante a fase de análise de plans (posterior ao design do modelo) e como estes conhecimentos afetam o desempenho do processo de planejamento automático. O texto descreve um framework de post-design chamado postDAM que combina (1) uma ferramenta de engenharia de conhecimento para a aquisição de requisitos e avaliação do plano, (2) um ambiente de prototipagem virtual para a análise e simulação de planos, (3) um sistema de banco de dados para armazenamento de avaliações de planos, e (4) um sistema de raciocínio ontológico para o re-uso e descoberta de conhecimento sobre o domínio. Com o framework postDAM demonstramos que a análise de pós-design auxilia a descoberta de requisitos ocultos e orienta o ciclo de refinamento do modelo. Este trabalho apresenta três estudos de caso com domínios conhecidos na literatura e oito planejadores do estado da arte. Nossos resultados demonstram que melhorias significativas na qualidade do plano e um aumento na velocidade dos planejadores de até três ordens de grandeza pode ser alcançada através de um processo disciplinado e cuidados de pós-design. Nós demonstramos também que rationales provenientes dos usuários capturados durante as avaliações de planos podem ser úteis e reutilizáveis em novas avaliações de plano e em novos projetos. Nós argumentamos que esse processo de pós-design é fundamental para a implantação da tecnologia de planejamento automático em aplicações do mundo real. Até onde sabemos, este é o primeiro trabalho que investiga a análise de pós-design em aplicações de planejamento automático da IA.Since the end of the 1990s there has been an increasing interest in the application of AI planning techniques to solve real-life problems. In addition to characteristics of academic problems, such as the need to reason about actions, real-life problems require detailed knowledge elicitation, engineering, and management. A systematic design process in which Knowledge and Requirements Engineering techniques and tools play a fundamental role is necessary in such applications. Research on Knowledge Engineering for planning and scheduling has created tools and techniques to support the design process of planning domain models. However, given the natural incompleteness of the knowledge, practical experience in real applications such as space exploration has shown that, even with a disciplined process of design, requirements from different viewpoints (e.g. stakeholders, experts, users) still emerge after plan generation, analysis and execution. The central thesis of this dissertation is that an post-design analysis phase in the development of AI planning applications leads to richer knowledge models and, consequently, to high-performance and high-quality plans. In this dissertation, we investigate how hidden knowledge and requirements can be acquired and re-used during a plan analysis phase that follows model design and how they affect planning performance. We describe a post-design framework called postDAM that combines (1) a knowledge engineering tool for requirements acquisition and plan evaluation, (2) a virtual prototyping environment for the analysis and simulation of plans, (3) a database system for storing plan evaluations, and (4) an ontological reasoning system for knowledge re-use and discovery. Our framework demonstrates that post-design analysis supports the discovery of missing requirements and guides the model refinement cycle. We present three case studies using benchmark domains and eight state-of-the-art planners. Our results demonstrate that significant improvements in plan quality and an increase in planning speed of up to three orders of magnitude can be achieved through a careful post-design process. We also demonstrate that rationales captured during plan evaluations from users can be useful and reusable in further plan evaluations and in new application designs. We argue that such a post-design process is critical for deployment of planning technology in real-world applications. To our knowledge, this is the first work that investigate post-design analysis for AI planning applications

    itSIMPLE: integrated environment for modeling and analysis of automated planning domains.

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    O grande avanço das técnicas de Planejamento em Inteligência Artificial fez com que a Engenharia de Requisitos e a Engenharia do Conhecimento ganhassem extrema importância entre as disciplinas relacionadas a projeto de engenharia (Engineering Design). A especificação, modelagem e análise dos domínios de planejamento automático se tornam etapas fundamentais para melhor entender e classificar os domínios de planejamento, servindo também de guia na busca de soluções. Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma proposta de um ambiente integrado de modelagem e análise de domínios de planejamento, que leva em consideração o ciclo de vida de projeto, representado por uma ferramenta gráfica de modelagem que utiliza diferentes representações: a UML para modelar e analisar as características estáticas dos domínios; XML para armazenar, integrar, e exportar informação para outras linguagens (ex.: PDDL); as Redes de Petri para fazer a análise dinâmica; e a PDDL para testes com planejadores.The great development in Artificial Intelligence Planning has emphasized the role of Requirements Engineering and Knowledge Engineering among the disciplines that contributes to Engineering Design. The modeling and specification of automated planning domains turn out to be fundamental tasks in order to understand and classify planning domains and guide the application of problem solving techniques. In this work, it is presented the proposed integrated environment for modeling and analyzing automated planning domains, which considered the life cycle of a project, represented by a tool that uses several language representations: UML to model and perform static analyses of planning environments; XML to hold, integrate, share and export information to other language representations (e.g. PDDL); Petri Nets, where dynamic analyses are made; and PDDL for testing models with planners