203 research outputs found

    La primera visita pastoral a Canet de Mar

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    Estudis i estudiants a la Universitat de Cervera, 1715-1842

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    Els col·legis de la Universitat de Cervera

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    Deutes fiscals dels jueus de Mallorca (1339)

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    Prescription in the proposal for a common european sales law

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    The rules on prescription in Part VIII, Chapter 18, of the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL) follow the provisions of the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) and the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR), which, in general, have deserved favourable comments. Yet, a number of rules contained in those texts have been omitted. It is necessary to ascertain whether the CESL rules only apply to provisions on rights and claims resulting from sales or related services contracts, or whether they are also applicable to any other contractual right or claim and also to rights or claims of non-contractual origin. One of the most problematic issues concerns general prescription periods: firstly, because there are two general periods, a short one and a long one, without any specification about the claims or rights covered by each one of them; secondly, because neither period is suitable in case of non-conformity. There are also some interpretation problems due to missing, ambiguous or defective definitions. The systematic approach demands clarification too

    Spanish policy towards Morocco (1986-2002): The impact of EC/EU membership.

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    Accession to the European Community in 1986 profoundly changed the foreign policy of democratic Spain. Since then the international and regional contexts have changed, new actors have emerged, and the entire formulation of foreign policy has evolved substantially. EC/EU membership has been the framework of this transformation, but it has also often been the very cause of some of the most substantial changes. This thesis analyses the transformation of Spanish foreign policy through a case study of policy towards Morocco, arguably the most complicated bilateral partner for any Spanish democratic government. The thesis uses the concept of Europeanisation, defined as the process of foreign policy change at the national level originated by the adaptation pressures and the new opportunities generated by the European integration process. It focuses on four areas of the policy towards Morocco: fisheries, economic exchanges, immigration and territorial issues. The analysis shows that four themes of Europeanisation have been important, but in an asymmetrical way in each area. Thus, 1) the balance between new instruments and new constraints has been most influential in areas where there is an EC competence, such as fisheries or trade; 2) changes in identity and re-definition of interests have been very relevant in economic and commercial issues and in immigration, but almost non-existent in relation to territorial issues or fisheries; 3) changes in decision-making have been crucial in fisheries, a common policy, but also in immigration, which is still in the hands of member states; and 4) Europeanisation through the domestic context has been witnessed in new policy areas (development co-operation, immigration control) but not in traditional issues (Western Sahara, fisheries). The conclusion explains this variation in the impact in each issue area as the result of several factors: the weight of previous decisions and the historical background, the institutional set-up at European level, the ability of domestic and bureaucratic actors to exploit the new opportunities and the changes in external factors such as the regional context. These findings are helpful both Spanish policy towards Morocco in understanding Spanish policy towards Morocco and in characterising the phenomenon of the Europeanisation of a foreign policy

    Espais de joc a Barcelona: revisió i crítica

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    En un context en el qual el paper de l’infant a la ciutat cada vegada és més rellevant, com bé exemplifica el Pla de joc Barcelona 2030, és important entendre d’on prové aquesta necessitat, i la significació que pot tenir en el futur de l’urbanisme. En aquest treball s’ha tractat respondre aquestes qüestions, fent un repàs en la història de l’urbanisme modern, a partir d’un anàlisi enfocat en les teories entorn el joc, l’educació i el lleure. També, es dona veu als infants fent-los participar de manera activa, i s’aprofiten les seves propostes per tal per tal de revisar una selecció intervencions recents. D’aquesta manera, es tracta d’avaluar si aquests espais públics realment satisfan les necessitats dels més petits, a la vegada que s’extreuen estratègies per fer-los més inclusius i segurs per a tothom.In a context in which the infancy’s role in the city is becoming more and more relevant, as it is well exemplified by the Pla de joc Barcelona 2030, it is important to understand where does this need come from, and the meaning that this could have in the future urbanism. Those questions are the ones that this paper tries to solve, making a recap above the modern urbanism’s history, through the analysis of the play, education and leisure theories. Although, the infants are urged to participate actively, taking in account their proposals in order to oversee a selection of recent interventions. It is intended to evaluate whether these public spaces truly satisfy their needs, while identifying strategies to make them more inclusive and safer for everyone

    La batalla de Begur contra els francesos

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