564 research outputs found

    Vuorotyössä jaksaminen röntgenosastolla

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten röntgenhoitajat jaksavat vuorotyössään ja miten ikääntyminen vaikuttaa työssä jaksamiseen Vaasan keskussairaalan röntgenosastolla. Tavoitteena oli löytää uusia keinoja vaikuttaa stressin tasoon positiivisesti ja parantaa jaksamista vuorotyössä. Tutkimuksen keskeisiä käsitteitä ovat työssä jaksaminen, vuorotyö, uni, hyvinvointi ja terveys. Teoreettiseen viitekehykseen liittyvää tutkimustietoa haettiin mm. Medicistä, Pubmedistä, Cinahlista sekä hoitotieteellisistä tutkimuksista. Aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella huhtikuussa 2014 ja analysoitiin SPSS-ohjelmalla. Avoimet kysymykset aineistosta analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. Kyselylomakkeisiin vastasi 27 röntgenhoitajaa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella röntgenhoitajien työssä jaksaminen on enimmäkseen hyvää, mutta yövuorojen jälkeen palautuminen tuottaa hankaluuksia. Tutkimuksen mukaan iltavuoron jälkeinen aamu koettiin raskaaksi lyhyen yön vuoksi, sekä siitä johtuva univaje aiheutti keskittymisvaikeuksia sekä väsymystä ja hermostuneisuutta. Keinoina vuorotyössä jaksamiselle hoitajat kokivat vaikuttamisen omiin työvuoroihinsa sekä mahdollisuuden valita vuorotyön ja yövuorojen määrän. Hoitajat kokivat myös, että työssä jaksamista edesauttaisi suurempi henkilökunta, työtehtävien tarkempi rajaaminen sekä töiden organisointi. Suurin osa röntgenosaston hoitajista on tehnyt 3-vuorotyötä yli 10 vuotta ja osaston ikäjakauma jakaantuu eniten 51–60-vuotiaisiin, joten voidaan siis olettaa, että kokemusta osastolta löytyy. Negatiivisten tulosten mukaan vuorotyö aiheuttaa hoitajille sekä psyykkisiä että fyysisiä oireita ja aiheuttaa myös jonkin verran stressiä. Röntgenhoitajat eivät tee ergonomista työvuorolistaa, joka tutkimusten mukaan helpottaisi vuorotyössä jaksamista.The purpose of this bachelor`s thesis was to find out how the radiographers cope with shift work and how ageing affects the ability to cope in the radiology department in Vaasa Central Hospital. The aim was to find new ways to affect the level of stress positively and to improve coping with shift work. The key concepts of this study are coping at work, shift work, sleep, welfare and health. Material for the theoretical frame was searched, among other sources, in Medic, Pubmed, Cinahl and in nursing science research. The study material was collected with a questionnaire in April 2014 and analysed with SPSS-programme and with content analysis method. The questionnaire was responded by 27 radiographers. The results show that radiographers mostly cope well with work but recovering after a night shift is somewhat difficult. A morning shift right after an evening shift was felt to be hard because of a short night sleep. The sleep deprivation caused difficulties in concentrating, tiredness and nervousness. The methods that promote coping with shift work include being able to affect one`s own shifts and the possibility to choose how much shift work is included in the work schedule. Other factors promoting coping include more staff, well-defined work tasks and organizing work. Most of the radiographers have had 3-shift work more than 10 years and most of the nurses are between the ages of 51 and 60 so the staff is very experienced. The negative results show that shift work causes the nurses both mental and physical symptoms and stress. Ergonomic principles of planning shift work are not applied although according to different studies it would promote coping with shift work

    Update on Women in Physics in Finland

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    There has not been much change in the status of women in physics in Finland during the last three years. Numbers and problems remain the same. Some interesting events have been held, and excellent websites and initiatives have been started. Finland would benefit from nationwide gathering of statistical data on the numbers and salaries of female students and staff at academic institutions and on women working in STEM fields in industry to better quantify the problems. Lack of coordination and resources make it difficult to have long-term programs and to follow the outcomes of the initiatives started.Peer reviewe

    Tibial bone density, cross-sectional geometry and strength in Finnish pet rabbits : a peripheral quantitative computed tomography study

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    Rabbit bones are brittle and prone to fissure formation. Radiographs of very young and old rabbits are often indicative of decreased bone density. The aim of this study was to investigate the tibial bone parameters in pet rabbits, and their association with age, sex, castration and dental disease. Eighty-seven (43 female/5 spayed, 44 male/19 castrated) pet rabbits (mean age 2.6 years, range 0.3-9.3 years) of various breeds were studied, of which 37 had dental disease. Right tibiae were scanned with peripheral quantitative CT at the distal (4percent) and mid-shaft sites (50percent of the tibial length). Analysed bone parameters included the total cross-sectional area, cortical bone area and density, trabecular bone density and strength-strain index. The mean diaphyseal cortical density was high (about 1400 mg/cm(3)) in comparison to many other species. Within the studied age range, age was weakly but positively associated with diaphyseal cortical density, with the juvenile rabbits clearly showing the lowest values. There was no tendency for age-related decrease in trabecular or cortical bone density at least up to six years of age. Neither were sex, castration nor dental disease associated with decreased tibial bone density.Peer reviewe

    Survey of otitis externa in American Cocker Spaniels in Finland

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    Background: American Cocker Spaniels are overrepresented among breeds that require surgery as a treatment of end-stage otitis externa. However, the prevalence of otitis externa (OE) in this breed remains unknown. We reviewed the year 2010 medical records of 55 private veterinary clinics in Finland to determine the prevalence of OE in American Cocker Spaniels compared with English Cocker and English and Welsh Springer Spaniels. An American Cocker Spaniel owner questionnaire was designed to identify potential risk factors for end-stage OE. Results: From the medical records of 98,736 dogs, the prevalence of OE was highest in Welsh Springer Spaniels (149 out of 468, 31.8%, [95% confidence interval 27.6-36.0]), followed by American Cocker (89/329, 27.0%, [22.2-31.7]), English Springer (96/491, 19.6%, [16.1-23.1]) and English Cocker Spaniels (231/1467, 15.7%, [13.8-17.6]). The mean number of OE episodes in ear-diseased dogs and the number of ear surgeries were highest in American Cocker Spaniels. Owner questionnaires were received for 151 American Cocker Spaniels, 85 (56%) of which had suffered from OE. In 47% (40/85) of these dogs, OE occurred without concurrent skin lesions, 46% (33/72) displayed the first signs of OE before 1 year of age. In 24% (20/85) of the dogs, the signs of OE recurred within 1 month or continued despite treatment, 16% (14/85) required surgery (n = 11) or were euthanized (n = 5; 2 of the operated dogs and 3 others) due to severe OE. The onset of OE before the age of 1 year significantly increased the risk (OR 3.8, 95% CI 1.1-13.6) of end-stage OE. Conclusions: The prevalence of OE in American Cocker Spaniels in Finland was higher than previously reported in Cocker Spaniels, but the highest prevalence of OE was found in Welsh Springer Spaniels. Compared to the other Spaniels, OE was more often recurrent and more frequently surgically managed in American Cocker Spaniels. Based on the questionnaire, early onset (<1 year) of OE increased the risk of end-stage OE. In American Cocker Spaniels, OE requires an intensive approach from the first treatment, and prevention of recurrence should be emphasised. The causes and treatment of OE in this breed warrant further study.Peer reviewe

    Estimate of heritability and genetic trend of intervertebral disc calcification in Dachshunds in Finland

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    Background: Intervertebral disc disease (IDD) is a hereditary condition particularly common in Dachshunds. The breed is predisposed to early intervertebral disc degeneration and intervertebral disc calcification (IDC). When calcified, these severely degenerated discs are visible in spinal radiographs. Since the number of calcified discs (NCD) is associated with IDD, spinal radiography can be utilized in screening programmes in attempts to diminish the incidence of IDD in Dachshunds. Our aims were to estimate the heritability and genetic trend of NCD in Dachshunds in Finland and to explore the effect of age at the time of radiographic screening. Since the NCD has a highly skewed distribution, a log-transformed NCD (lnNCD) was also used as an analysed trait. The variance components for both traits were estimated, using the restricted maximum likelihood method. The fixed effects of breed variant, sex, as well as year of screening and the random effects of litter and animal were included in the model. The genetic trends in the NCD and lnNCD were assessed from the estimated breeding values (EBVs) of individual dogs by comparing the mean EBV of dogs born in different years. The breeding values were estimated, using the best linear unbiased prediction animal model. The pedigree in the genetic analyses included a total of 9027 dogs, of which 1567 showed results for NCDs. Results: The heritability estimates of the NCD and lnNCD in Dachshunds were high (0.53 and 0.45, respectively). Small genetic improvements were seen as the mean EBVs increased from 100 to 104 and 105 over a 15-year period. The gain in the entire Dachshund population in Finland may differ from that observed, since less than 10 % of the Dachshunds registered have a screening result for NCD. Age at the time of the screening did not significantly affect the NCD or lnNCD. Conclusions: We recommend systematic radiographic screening for IDC in Dachshunds and adopting EBVs as a tool for selecting breeding dogs. Age at the time of the radiographic screening may not be as important as previously suggested.Peer reviewe

    Diet is a main source of vitamin D in Finnish pet rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    During the winter time in Finland, sunlight is inadequate for vitamin D synthesis. Many pet rabbits live as house rabbits with limited outdoor access even during summer and may therefore be dependent on dietary sources of vitamin D. The aims of this study were to report the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in Finnish pet rabbits and to identify factors that influence vitamin D status. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations from 140 pet rabbits were determined using a vitamin D enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit. Eleven rabbits were excluded from the statistical analysis because of unclear dietary data. The remaining 129 rabbits were divided into groups depending on outdoor access during summer (no access n = 26, periodic n = 57, regular n = 46) as well as daily diet: little or no hay and commercial rabbit food = 1 dl (n = 35). The range of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration was from 4.5 to 67.5 ng/ml with a mean of 26.1 ng/ml. Statistical general linear model adjusted for weight, age and season indicated that diet was associated with vitamin D concentrations (p = 0.001), but outdoor access during summer was not (p = 0.41). Mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration was significantly higher in the rabbits receiving a lot of hay and commercial food >= 1 dl (33.9 +/- 13.2 ng/ml) than in rabbits in other diet groups (24.0 +/- 8.5 ng/ml, 21.7 +/- 8.1 ng/ml, and 22.2 +/- 18.0 ng/ml, respectively). This investigation showed wide variation in 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations among Finnish pet rabbits. Diet remains a main source since outdoor access seems to be too limited to provide adequate vitamin D synthesis for most of them, and the use of vitamin D supplements is rare.Peer reviewe

    Tie, totuus vai elämä? : John Shelby Spongin käsitys kristinuskon keskeisistä opinkohdista

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    John Shelby Spong (1935– ) on yhdysvaltalainen teologi ja episkopaalisen kirkon emerituspiispa. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan hänen käsityksiään kristinuskon keskeisistä opinkappaleista ja niiden merkityksestä kolmannella vuosituhannella eläville ihmisille. Spong tunnetaan ennen muuta kriittisestä suhtautumisestaan traditionaaliseen kristinuskoon, jonka oppilauselmista lähes kaikki ovat hänen mukaansa menettämässä merkityksensä. Spongin ajatuksilla on kannattajansa, mutta hän on kohdannut myös kiihkeää vastustusta kirjallisen uransa alkuvaiheilta asti. Yhdysvaltain kristillisen viitekehyksen värikkyys on taannut kärkkäiden äänenpainojen ilmaantumisen Spongn julkaistessa uutta materiaalia tai ajaessa esimerkiksi seksuaalivähemmistöjen oikeuksia kirkoissa. Spongilta on julkaistu huomattava määrä kirjoja, joiden tarkoituksena on ollut poikkeuksetta kuvailla traditionaalisen uskon sudenkuoppia ja määritellä sitä kautta uusia lähtökohtia kristinuskolle. Julkaisujen näkökulmat vaihtelevat yksittäisten Uuden testamentin evankeliumien käsittelystä kristinuskoa kokonaisuutena tarkasteleviin esityksiin. Spongin oma tausta on ennen kaikkea raamatuntutkimuksen kentällä, ja useimmat teoksista keskittyvätkin juuri tähän aihepiiriin. Kirjojen sisältö on monilta osin päällekkäistä, minkä vuoksi tutkielmassa on katsottu parhaaksi keskittyä ennen kaikkea Spongin tuoreempaan materiaaliin uusimpien näkökulmien esiin tuomiseksi. Spongin uudistuspyrkimysten lähtökohtana on vakaumus siitä, että traditionaalinen kristinusko on erityisesti uudella ajalla koittaneiden tieteellisten vallankumousten seurauksena ajautunut tiensä päähän, eikä sillä enää ole uskottavuutta rationaalisesti ajattelevien ihmisten mielissä. Niinpä tutkielman ensimmäisessä pääluvussa tarkastellaan juuri näitä Spongin esiinnostamia kehityskulkuja. Hän esittää myös näkemyksensä historiassa vääjäämättömästi kehkeytyneestä kirkkojen ja luonnontieteiden välisestä konfliktista, minkä vuoksi myös tähän liittyviä väitteitä pyritään tarkastelemaan. Spongin teologinen tausta nousee liberaaliprotestantismista sekä Paul Tillichin ja John A. T. Robinsonin ajatteluista. Heidän ajattelunsa pääpiirteet esitellään niin ikään taustaluvussa. Tutkielman toinen pääluku keskittyy siihen kritiikkiin, jonka Spong kohdistaa kristinuskon jumalakäsitykseen ja keskeisiin oppeihin. Raamatun auktoritatiivisen asema ja teistisen Jumalan olemassaolon kyseenalaistamisesta Spong siirtyy Jeesuksen persoonaan ja merkitykseen, joiden hän katsoo vähitellen vääristyneen kristillisen tradition kehittymisen myötä. Jeesuksen jumaluus, sovitusoppi sekä ylösnousemus sellaisina kuin ne tyypillisesti on ymmärretty, on kaikki arvioitava uudelleen teismistä luopumisen valossa. Spongin jatkuvana pyrkimyksenä on löytää väärin tulkittujen raamatuntekstien takaa autenttinen Jeesus- ja jumalakokemus, jolla voisi olla merkitystä myös tänä päivänä. Viimeisessä pääluvussa esitellään Spongin käsitys Jumalan, Jeesuksen ja uskonnollisuuden mahdollisuuksista kolmannella vuosituhannella. Spongin osoittautuu korostuneen tämänpuoleiseksi, ja puhe Jumalasta on ennen kaikkea puhetta elämän mahdollisuuksista ja syvyysulottuvuuksista. Hän tunnustautuu yhä Jeesuksen seuraajaksi, mutta uskonnossa Spongille ei ole kyse matkasta kohti taivasta, vaan kohti laajenevaa elämää ja kasvavaa tietoisuutta

    The relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and parathyroid hormone concentration in assessing vitamin D deficiency in pet rabbits

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    Background Vitamin D deficiency and related metabolic bone diseases in pet rabbits have been intermittently debated. In human research, the parathyroid hormone concentration in relation to the 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration is used to determine vitamin D deficiency. Thus, this study aimed to identify the breakpoint in the 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration indicating a significant change in the parathyroid hormone concentration in 139 pet rabbits. An enzyme immunoassay kit was used for 25-hydroxyvitamin D analysis and the intact parathyroid hormone (PTH 1-84) immunoradiometric assay kit for parathyroid hormone analysis. The mid-tibial cortical bone density was measured using peripheral quantitative computed tomography. A segmented linear regression analysis was performed, with the 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration as the independent variable, and parathyroid hormone, ionised calcium, total calcium, inorganic phosphorus concentrations and the mid-tibial cortical density as the dependent variables. Results The breakpoint for the parathyroid hormone concentration occurred at a 25(OH)D concentration of 17 ng/mL, whereas the cortical bone density breakpoint occurred at a 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration of 19 ng/mL. No breakpoints were found for ionised calcium, total calcium or phosphorus. Conclusions These results suggest that a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration of 17 ng/mL serves as the threshold for vitamin D deficiency in rabbits. Nearly one-third of the rabbits had a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration below this threshold. Concerns persist regarding the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pet rabbits and the possible health consequences caused by a chronic vitamin D deficiency, including the risk for metabolic bone diseases.Peer reviewe

    Supramolecular hierarchy among halogen and hydrogen bond donors in light-induced surface patterning

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    Halogen bonding, a noncovalent interaction possessing several unique features compared to the more familiar hydrogen bonding, is emerging as a powerful tool in functional materials design. Herein, we unambiguously show that one of these characteristic features, namely high directionality, renders halogen bonding the interaction of choice when developing azobenzene-containing supramolecular polymers for light-induced surface patterning. The study is conducted by using an extensive library of azobenzene molecules that differ only in terms of the bond-donor unit. We introduce a new tetrafluorophenol-containing azobenzene photoswitch capable of forming strong hydrogen bonds, and show that an iodoethynyl-containing azobenzene comes out on top of the supramolecular hierarchy to provide unprecedented photoinduced surface patterning efficiency. Specifically, the iodoethynyl motif seems highly promising in future development of polymeric optical and photoactive materials driven by halogen bonding