358 research outputs found

    Women's woes in Manimekalai

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    Manimekalai is identified as a renaissance epic and an epic that gives rise to women. Even though it is an epic that promotes women, it can be seen from the literary scenes that many tragedies have taken place in the lives of the women of that time. 'A woman is the enemy of a woman', says the feminist proverb. Many of the women's miseries in the twenty-first century are also present in the epic women's lives of the day. It is the need of the hour to make it come out. Inability of women to think for themselves, indecisiveness, inability to move about in public despite being brave, exclusion of women from home due to immorality, exclusion of women from society due to immorality, lack of respect in society for a child born to an illegitimate woman, lack of respect in the society for a child born to an illegitimate woman, man wanting to be ignorant of it even if he is a married woman (desiring his neighbor), drunken criminal punishment given to women, punishments given to women in the constitution, etc. This article with the help of Manimekalai


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      Betaine is distributed widely in animals, plants, and microorganisms and rich dietary sources include seafood, especially marine invertebrates. Betaine is N-trimethylated amino acid called as glycine betaine. It is a by-product. Betaine aldehyde is produced when choline dehydrogenase acts on choline, then betaine aldehyde is oxidized to form betaine by aldehyde dehydrogenase. Metabolic derived betaines possess various functions in our body in which they act as methyl donor which helps in liver function, detoxication, and cellular functions. It plays an important role in fat metabolism. Recent research found that betaine can convert homocysteine to cysteine thus they prevent heart disease. Choline is oxidized to betaine in liver and kidney. Intracellular betaine serves as an osmolyte that regulates cell volume and tissue integrity. Betaine not only plays as an osmolyte but also play a major role in the protection of the liver and other tissues. Consequently, it has been proposed that betaine has significant nutrient for prevention of chronic disease. Betaine has been shown to protect internal organs, improve vascular risk factors, and enhance performance. Databases of betaine content in food are being developed for correlation with population health studies. This review focuses on the aspects of wide research field with emphasis on a recent data relevant to various human diseases

    Thilakavathy's Unakagava Naan Novel

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    The author of the novel Unkakagava Naan deals with the problems faced by women in the society and it also brings out how those women overcomes many obstacles and succeeds in life. This article highlights the sufferings of the woman named Pragathi in this novel. This article tells us that no matter how educated a woman is, she is always known for her beauty. And the author narrates her hardships from her father to the teacher who comes to teach her. It also highlights her migration from Tamil Nadu to Kolkata, marriage interrupted several times and waiting as an old woman. It captures her perspective on men. Later she married a boy named Tarun and expressed her love to him. Marrying someone who is less educated thanher and promoting him in life is a very great thing and she raised him to big level. The purpose of this article is to raise the status of the woman through her knowledge to fight the hardships

    A study of efficacy of intramuscular injection tramadol as labour analgesic and labour accelerator in 400 primigravida patients in latent phase of first stage of labour

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    Background: Labour pain is among the most severe pain experienced by women. Most women like to experience labour birth with active involvement and as naturally as possible. Hence, the need for analgesia to overcome labour pains is highly requested by women today. In developing nations where availability of facilities is the main limiting factor, intra muscular opioids can be used. The aim was to know the effect of Tramadol in labour analgesia and reduction in the duration of labour and to know the maternal and neonatal outcome after administration of TramadolMethods: This study was conducted in tertiary teaching care hospital in 400 low risk primigravidae who fulfilled selection criteria with full-term pregnancy with vertex presentation in late latent phase of labour were selected and given 100 mg tramadol hydrochloride intramuscularly.Results: The degree of pain relief in 1 st and 2 nd stage of labour, duration of labour, Apgar score of neonates and side effect of drugs were studied. In this study 23.5% of patients had grade II pain, 38.5% of patients had grade III pain and 38% of patients had no pain relief after Tramadol administration. Before drug, the mean pain score is 3.86 in stage I. After drug administration the mean pain score is 3.14 in stage I and 3.81 in stage II. The duration of first and second stage of labour also shortened.Conclusions: In low risk Primigravidae, IM Tramadol hydrochloride appears to be effective without side effects. Hence, in developing nations, where availability of facilities is the main limiting factor, IM opioids can be considered as suitable alternatives


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    Objectives: Bioactive components determined by plants are known to have a broad application in the medical field. The focus of this study is to recognize the phytochemicals in the ethanol extract of Brassica oleracea by gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC–MS). Methods: B. oleracea was collected, dried, and powdered well. The extraction was done with the solvent ethanol. The extract was exposed to column of GC-MS-QP 2010 (SHIMADZU) column Db 30.0 (0.25 μm in diameter, 0.25 μm thick). Results: GC–MS result provides the chromatogram with different peaks obtained at a different retention time shows the presence of various biocompounds. Some of the identified bioactive compounds are n-hexadecanoic acid (12.99%), phytol (2.40%), Vitamin E (3.38%), tetratetracontane (2.15%), stigmasterol (2.03%), and isophytol. Conclusion: The GC–MS study of the ethanol extract of B. oleracea reveals the existence of many potential compounds that can be utilized in the pharmaceutical industry, including the use of anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, anticoronary, and antidiabetic agents

    Comparison between intramuscular oxytocin versus oxytocin with sublingual misoprostol in blood loss reduction among risk of postpartum hemorrhage vaginal deliveries

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    Background: This study compares the efficacy of intramuscular oxytocin and oxytocin with sublingual misoprostol administration among the primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) mothers of vaginal deliveries. The aim is to compare the effectiveness of intramuscular oxytocin versus oxytocin with sublingual misoprostol in blood loss reduction among women at risk of PPH undergoing vaginal deliveries.Methods: Each group, 50 mothers were selected from the risk of PPH vaginal mothers in the labour ward of the study area.Results: The two groups’ mothers were not statistically significantly differed (P>0.05) in respect of their demographic and clinical variables such as age, gravida, risk factors, the onset of labour and type of delivery. The mean blood loss of group I was 315.4±111.4 ml and group II mean blood loss was 241.4±191.2 ml. The difference between the two groups’ blood losses was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusions: Oxytocin with sublingual misoprostol significantly reduced the blood loss during 3rd stage labour than only oxytocin administration


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    An earthworm is a soil living organism and seems in soil. It helps to make the soil more nutritious and used as an organic fertilizer. So earthworms are called as best partner for the soil and the farmer. This research is concentrated on earthworm analysis. The records are collected from web of science database for the period of 2007 - 2016. Total number of publications collected for this study was 3939. Composting with worms is called as vermicomposting. It is a good way to dispose all organic wastes, such as vegetable and fruit peelings. By the vermicomposting, the wastes are converted into nutritious by earthworm. In every home, wastes are converted into this vermicomposting the home and the city are clean. And it maintains the country very clean and protects the surrounding clean. And it may use for the terrace garden and home garden plants. This compost is a green way for organic vegetables, fruits, flowers and soil. Most of the agricultural universities, give the awareness and training program of vermicomposting to the farmers. And now- a-days the farming based on vermicomposting has been developing

    Comparative study of Efficacy of Intravenous Methyl Ergometrine with Rectal Misoprostol in the Prevention of PPH in at Risk PPH Mothers

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    This present prospective study “Comparative study of efficacy of rectal misoprostol versus intravenous methylergometrine in the prevention of PPH in at risk PPH mothers” was carried out at Govt. Kasturba Gandhi Hospital Madras Medical College, Chennai during the period October 2004 – August 2005. Total of hundred cases who had any of the risk factors for PPH were included in the study. Group I - Included fifty patients in whom intravenous methyl ergometrine was administered following delivery of anterior shoulder. Group II - Included fifty patients in whom, 800 mcg of misoprostol was kept rectally following delivery of the anterior shoulders. The efficacy of prophylactic intravenous methyl ergometrine, and rectal misroprostal in reducing the postpartum blood loss were compared in terms of duration of third stage, amount of blood loss, need for additional oxytocic therapy and change in prenatal and postnatal hemoglobin level in gm % and the results were statistically analyzed. Observations of this study includes, • Most of the patients were in the age group of 20-30 years. • 99% of cases were booked and most of the patients were belonged to class V socio-economic status. • 42% of cases were second gravida 33% of cases were primigravida and 3 case were grand multipara. • 54% of cases had overdistended uterus and 37% of cases had prolonged labor as the risk factor for PPH. • 70% of cases had spontaneous onset of labor and in remaining 30% of cases labor was induced with either ARM & oxytocin, PGE2 gel alone or PGE2 with oxytocin. • 47% of patients were delivered by labor natural with episiotomy or perineal laceration of IIo. 11% of cases had operative vaginal delivery either vacuum extraction or forceps delivery in whom traumatic PPH had been ruled out. • The duration of third stage in 90% of cases in control group was less than 4minutes , and only in 50% of cases in study group it was less than 4 minutes . • The difference in the mean duration of third stage of labor between the two group was 1.25 minutes . • 56% of cases in control group had blood loss of lessthan 200ml. Only 12% of cases in study group had blood loss of lessthan200ml. 70% of cases in study group had blood loss of 200 - 400ml. • Prolonged labor is associated with significantly increased blood loss, when compared to other risk factors. • The difference in mean blood loss between the two groups was 74ml. Comparing the absolute blood loss, parenteral methyl ergometrine appears to be more effective than rectal misoprostol in reducing postpartum blood loss. • Incidence of PPH was 8% in study group as compared to only 4% in control group. • 12% cases in study and 4% cases in control group required additional parenteral oxytocic drugs. • The major side effects noted in study group were pyrexia (14%) and shivering (20%) • Common side effect noted in control group was increase in blood pressure. (16%) • Hemoglobin difference of less than 1gm% was noted in 92% of cases in control group and 84% of cases in study group. • Mean hemoglobin difference between control and study group was 0.31gm%, which has no statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Active management of third stage of labor should be the routine management of choice for women expecting to deliver a baby by vaginal route in a maternity hospital. • Rectal misoprostol is less effective than intravenous methyl ergometrine as part of the active management of third stage of labor for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage . • Misoprostol need not replace oxytocin or ergometrine for prophylaxis in hospitals where these drugs could be properly stored. • Misoprostol is a very valuable drug in the armamentarium of doctors in rural setting and especially midwives, who work in the periphery in developing countries, where these parenteral drugs could not be stored at the desired temperature and where parenteral drugs are impractical to administer or simply not available. • In above situations, misoprostol which is inexpensive, thermo stable with good safety profile will have clear advantages over other conventional injectable oxytocics like methyl ergometrine . • This drug can be safely administered even by paramedical personnel while referring a mother with PPH to higher institutions. • So, misoprostol deserves a special place in every pharmacy, health post and midwifery list and has considerable potential to reduce the maternal mortality from postpartum hemorrhage in developing countries. So, in countries with high maternal mortality and limited resources, introducing low cost, evidence based practices that prevent PPH is an important way to improve women’s health


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    Objective: Nephrotoxicity is encountered worldwide, irrespective of several factors, but drug induced nephrotoxicity is a complication that is attributed to the high dose and even low dose of drugs. Cisplatin, a platinum complex used in the chemotherapy of several solid tumors was found to have a chief dose limiting side effect namely nephrotoxicity, which occurred due to lipid peroxidation and formation of reactive oxygen species. Ebselen, a eleno organo compound, a glutathione peroxidase mimic with anti-oxidant activity was used in our study to evaluate its nephro protective potential. Methods: Male wistar rats, 6-8 wks old, weighing 180-200 grams were used for the study, which was carried out for a period of 7 wks. Animals were divided into five groups; each group consisting of 6 animals. Group I served as control. Group IV & V received the test drug Ebselen in doses of 10 mg/kg & 20 mg/kg respectively. Group III received Amifostine at 50 mg/kg. The drugs were administered once a week intraperitoneally for 5 wks. Nephrotoxicity was induced at a dose of 5 mg/kg single dose for groups II to V in the 6th wk and the drugs in group III, IV & V continued for 5 days post induction. In the 7th wk blood samples were collected for biochemical analysis and kidney tissues for histopathological study. Results: The serum urea, creatinine levels were significantly increased in Cisplatin group compared to other groups. The estimation of antioxidant levels (catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidise) was significantly decreased in cisplatin group and increased in other groups. The estimation of Malondialdehyde an indicator of lipid peroxidation was significantly increased in group II and decreased in drug treated group. Histopathology results of animals treated with Cisplatin showed inflammatory changes such as tubular degeneration, edema, and necrosis, infiltration of cells in tubular interstitum, mild intertubular hemorrhage and atrophy of glomeruli which was severe in group II. Some changes were also observed in Group III, IV and V animals but with less severity. Conclusion: The result of our study effectively proves the antioxidant potential of Ebselen in ameliorating Cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity

    Rhodium Doped Manganites : Ferromagnetism and Metallicity

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    The possibility to induce ferromagnetism and insulator to metal transitions in small A site cation manganites Ln_{1-x}Ca_xMnO_3 by rhodium doping is shown for the first time. Colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) properties are evidenced for a large compositional range (0.35 \leq x < 0.60). The ability of rhodium to induce such properties is compared to the results obtained by chromium and ruthenium doping. Models are proposed to explain this behavior.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
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