60 research outputs found

    Invader presence disrupts the stabilizing effect of species richness in plant community recovery after drought

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    Higher biodiversity can stabilize the productivity and functioning of grassland communities when subjected to extreme climatic events. The positive biodiversity‐stability relationship emerges via increased resistance and/or recovery to these events. However, invader presence might disrupt this diversity‐stability relationship by altering biotic interactions. Investigating such disruptions is important given that invasion by non‐native species and extreme climatic events are expected to increase in the future due to anthropogenic pressure. Here, we present one of the first multisite invader x biodiversity x drought manipulation experiment to examine combined effects of biodiversity and invasion on drought resistance and recovery at three semi‐natural grassland sites across Europe. The stability of biomass production to an extreme drought manipulation (100% rainfall reduction; BE: 88 days, BG: 85 days, DE: 76 days) was quantified in field mesocosms with a richness gradient of 1, 3, and 6 species and three invasion treatments (no invader, Lupinus polyphyllus, Senecio inaequidens). Our results suggest that biodiversity stabilized community productivity by increasing the ability of native species to recover from extreme drought events. However, invader presence turned the positive and stabilizing effects of diversity on native species recovery into a neutral relationship. This effect was independent of the two invader's own capacity to recover from an extreme drought event. In summary, we found that invader presence may disrupt how native community interactions lead to stability of ecosystems in response to extreme climatic events. Consequently, the interaction of three global change drivers, climate extremes, diversity decline, and invasive species, may exacerbate their effects on ecosystem functioning

    Invasion of a Legume Ecosystem Engineer in a Cold Biome Alters Plant Biodiversity

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    Plant ecosystem engineers are widely used to combat land degradation. However, the ability of those plants to modulate limiting abiotic and biotic resources of other species can cause damage to ecosystems in which they become invasive. Here, we use Lupinus nootkatensis as example to estimate and project the hazardous potential of nitrogen fixing herbaceous plants in a sub-polar oceanic climate. L. nootkatensis was introduced to Iceland in the 1940s to address erosion problems and foster reforestation, but subsequently became a high-latitude invader. In a local field survey, we quantified the impact of L. nootkatensis invasion at three different cover levels (0, 10–50, and 51–100%) upon native plant diversity, richness, and community composition of heath-, wood-, and grasslands using a pairwise comparison design and comparisons of means. Afterward, we scaled impacts up to the ecosystem and landscape level by relating occurrences of L. nootkatensis to environmental and human-mediated variables across Iceland using a species distribution model. Plant diversity was significantly deteriorated under high lupine cover levels of the heath- and woodland, but not in the grassland. Plant species richness of the most diverse habitat, the heathland, linearly decreased with lupine cover level. The abundance of small rosettes, cushion plants, orchids, and small woody long-lived plants of the heath declined with invader presence, while the abundance of late successional species and widespread nitrophilous ruderals in wood- and grasslands increased. Distribution modeling revealed 13.3% of Iceland’s land surface area to be suitable lupine habitat. Until 2061–2080, this area will more than double and expand significantly into the Central Highlands due to human mediation and increasingly favorable climatic conditions. Species-rich habitats showed a loss of plant species diversity and richness as well as a change in community composition even in low lupine cover classes. The future increase of suitable lupine habitat might lead to the displacement of cold-adapted native plant species and will certainly challenge conservation as well as restoration of ecosystems in the cold climate of Iceland, but also elsewhere. Lupine invasion speeds up succession, which may be additive with climate change effects, and accelerates ecological change in cold biomes

    Impact of language proficiency on mental health service use, treatment and outcomes: "Lost in Translation"

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    Background Mastery of a language is bound to place of origin; low language proficiency is thus related to migration and cultural differences, all of which influence access to mental health care, treatment and outcomes. Switzerland, being multilingual, allows the disentangling of language proficiency from migration and, to some extent, culture. This study uses propensity score matching to explore how language proficiency relates to help-seeking behaviour, service use, treatment and outcomes in patients with mental health disorders. Methods We used the first admission of patients admitted to and discharged from an academic psychiatric hospital in Switzerland between January 1st, 2013 and December 31st, 2019, with an observation period of one-year post-discharge (until December 31st, 2020). We paired 2101 patients with low language proficiency to 2101 language proficient patients, balancing baseline sociodemographic and clinical characteristics using propensity score matching. Results Patients with low language proficiency had a higher probability of compulsory admission (OR: 1.79, 99%CI: 1.60–2.02); which remained after adjustment for confounders (OR: 1.51; 99%CI: 1.21–1.89). Whilst in treatment, they had higher rates of compulsory medication (OR: 1.73, 99%CI: 1.16–2.59) and seclusion/restraint (OR: 1.87, 99%CI: 1.25–2.79). Furthermore, patients initially admitted voluntarily had a higher probability of being compulsorily retained (OR: 1.74, 99%CI: 1.24–2.46). Both groups showed similar clinical improvement rates and service use parameters. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that low language proficiency constitutes a risk factor for coercive measures throughout hospitalisation. The results demonstrate the need for an increase in language sensitivity in psychiatric care

    Relationship Between Time of Admission, Help-Seeking Behavior, and Psychiatric Outcomes: “From Dusk Till Dawn”

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    Introduction: Day and time of admission influence treatment outcomes and prognosis in several medical specialties; this seems related to resources' ability. It is largely unknown whether this also applies to mental health services. We investigate the relationship between time of admission, patients' demographic and clinical profile, and treatment outcomes. Methods: Demographic and clinical profiles of admitted and discharged patients to a general psychiatric ward between January 1st, 2013 and December 31st, 2020, were analyzed. In addition, we used the last year (i.e., 2020) to monitor rehospitalization. Time of admission was defined as weekdays (working day, weekend) and dayshifts (daytime, dusk, and dawn). Results: During the study period, 12,449 patient admissions occurred. The mean age of the sample was 48.05 ± 20.90 years, with 49.32% (n = 6,140) females. Most admissions (n = 10,542, 84%) occurred on working days. Two-fifths of admissions (39.7%, n = 4,950) were compulsory, with a higher rate outside daytime hours. Patients had slight differences in the clinical profile, resulting from evaluating the different items of the Health of Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS). Patients admitted on night shifts, weekends, and holidays showed a shorter length of stay; patients compulsorily admitted during daytime (disregarding the day of the week) had a longer length of stay. All patient groups achieved a robust clinical improvement (i.e., an HoNOS score reduction of around 50%), with similar readmission rates. Discussion: The main finding of our study is the relationship between "daytime hours" and fewer compulsory admissions, a result of the interplay between demographics, clinical characteristics, and out-of-clinic service availability (such as ambulatory psychiatric- psychological praxis; day-clinic; home-treatment). The differing clinical profile, in turn, determines differences in treatment selection, with patients admitted after office hours experiencing a higher rate of coercive measures. The shorter length of stay for out-of-office admissions might result from the hospitalization as an intervention. These results should encourage the implementation of outpatient crisis-intervention services, available from dusk till dawn. Keywords: coercive measures; day and time of admission; help-seeking behavior; psychiatric outcomes; service use

    Utility and validity of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) as a transdiagnostic scale

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    The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) was originally conceived to assess psychopathology in several psychiatric disorders, making it an appropriate candidate to be used as a transdiagnostic instrument. We analyzed the utility and validity of the BPRS in a diagnostically heterogeneous sample of 600 psychiatric inpatients. As a comparator, we chose the mini-ICF-APP, a scale used to measure functioning and impairment across the diagnostic spectrum. Both scales had good internal consistency. The BPRS and the mini-ICF-APP showed a moderate correlation, with good levels of agreement. We were able to identify general symptoms present across the diagnostic spectrum, influencing severity and a cluster of symptoms specific for each diagnosis. Our results show the utility and validity of the BPRS as a transdiagnostic assessment tool that could easily be introduced in routine clinical work

    Basisinformationen fĂŒr eine nachhaltige Nutzung landwirtschaftlicher Reststoffe zur Bioenergiebereitstellung

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    Der Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien ist ein wesentlicher Baustein auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen und sicheren Energieversorgung und zur Minderung von Treibhausgasemissionen. Auf europĂ€ischer und nationaler Ebene hat sich die Bundesregierung zur Umsetzung einer Reihe von energie- und klimapolitischen Zielen verpflichtet. Der Anteil von erneuerbaren Energien soll bis zum Jahr 2020 auf mindestens 18 Prozent und im Verkehrssektor auf mindestens 10 Prozent des Endenergieverbrauchs steigen. Bioenergie und Biokraftstoffe spielen hier eine wichtige Rolle. Um die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz fĂŒr den Ausbau von Bioenergie sicherzustellen, muss die Nutzung von Biomasse nachhaltig erfolgen. Im Bereich Bioenergie sind die europaweite zĂŒgige Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen fĂŒr Biokraftstoffe und flĂŒssige Biobrennstoffe sowie deren kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung im Lichte neuer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse wichtig. Die Nutzung von – bislang ungenutzten – Rest- und Abfallstoffen im Bereich Biokraftstoffe bietet Vorteile: eine gĂŒnstigere Klimabilanz sowie die Vermeidung von Nutzungskonkurrenzen und indirekten LandnutzungsĂ€nderungen. Stroh gehört zu den Reststoffen mit dem grĂ¶ĂŸten bislang ungenutzten Potenzial: In Deutschland fallen im langjĂ€hrigen Durchschnitt insgesamt rund 30 Millionen Tonnen Getreidestroh pro Jahr an, wenngleich die VerfĂŒgbarkeit sich in den Regionen unterscheidet und vereinzelt regionale Knappheiten auftreten können. Ein Großteil des Getreidestrohs ist noch ungenutzt und bietet eine große Chance fĂŒr die energetische Nutzung. Aus diesem Grund wird die Mobilisierung dieser Ressourcen von der Bundesregierung unterstĂŒtzt, unter anderem durch die doppelte Gewichtung von Biokraftstoffen, die aus Reststoffen wie Stroh produziert werden. Die nachfolgenden BeitrĂ€ge sollen weitergehende Informationen ĂŒber landwirtschaftliche Reststoffe (Potenzial nachhaltig verfĂŒgbarer Reststoffe, Strohnutzungskonzepte, ökonomische Aspekte) vermitteln

    Invader presence disrupts the stabilizing effect of species richness in plant community recovery after drought

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    Abstract Higher biodiversity can stabilize the productivity and functioning of grassland communities when subjected to extreme climatic events. The positive biodiversity–stability relationship emerges via increased resistance and/or recovery to these events. However, invader presence might disrupt this diversity–stability relationship by altering biotic interactions. Investigating such disruptions is important given that invasion by non‐native species and extreme climatic events are expected to increase in the future due to anthropogenic pressure. Here we present one of the first multisite invader × biodiversity × drought manipulation experiment to examine combined effects of biodiversity and invasion on drought resistance and recovery at three semi‐natural grassland sites across Europe. The stability of biomass production to an extreme drought manipulation (100% rainfall reduction; BE: 88 days, BG: 85 days, DE: 76 days) was quantified in field mesocosms with a richness gradient of 1, 3, and 6 species and three invasion treatments (no invader, Lupinus polyphyllus, Senecio inaequidens). Our results suggest that biodiversity stabilized community productivity by increasing the ability of native species to recover from extreme drought events. However, invader presence turned the positive and stabilizing effects of diversity on native species recovery into a neutral relationship. This effect was independent of the two invader's own capacity to recover from an extreme drought event. In summary, we found that invader presence may disrupt how native community interactions lead to stability of ecosystems in response to extreme climatic events. Consequently, the interaction of three global change drivers, climate extremes, diversity decline, and invasive species, may exacerbate their effects on ecosystem functioning

    Describing complex interactions of social-ecological systems for tipping point assessments: an analytical framework

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    Humans play an interconnecting role in social-ecological systems (SES), they are part of these systems and act as agents of their destruction and regulation. This study aims to provide an analytical framework, which combines the concept of SES with the concept of tipping dynamics. As a result, we propose an analytical framework describing relevant dynamics and feedbacks within SES based on two matrixes: the “tipping matrix” and the “cross-impact matrix.” We take the Southwestern Amazon as an example for tropical regions at large and apply the proposed analytical framework to identify key underlying sub-systems within the study region: the soil ecosystem, the household livelihood system, the regional social system, and the regional climate system, which are interconnected through a network of feedbacks. We consider these sub-systems as tipping elements (TE), which when put under stress, can cross a tipping point (TP), resulting in a qualitative and potentially irreversible change of the respective TE. By systematically assessing linkages and feedbacks within and between TEs, our proposed analytical framework can provide an entry point for empirically assessing tipping point dynamics such as “tipping cascades,” which means that the crossing of a TP in one TE may force the tipping of another TE. Policy implications: The proposed joint description of the structure and dynamics within and across SES in respect to characteristics of tipping point dynamics promotes a better understanding of human-nature interactions and critical linkages within regional SES that may be used for effectively informing and directing empirical tipping point assessments, monitoring or intervention purposes. Thereby, the framework can inform policy-making for enhancing the resilience of regional SES

    Describing complex interactions of social-ecological systems for tipping point assessments: an analytical framework

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    Humans play an interconnecting role in social-ecological systems (SES), they are part of these systems and act as agents of their destruction and regulation. This study aims to provide an analytical framework, which combines the concept of SES with the concept of tipping dynamics. As a result, we propose an analytical framework describing relevant dynamics and feedbacks within SES based on two matrixes: the “tipping matrix” and the “cross-impact matrix.” We take the Southwestern Amazon as an example for tropical regions at large and apply the proposed analytical framework to identify key underlying sub-systems within the study region: the soil ecosystem, the household livelihood system, the regional social system, and the regional climate system, which are interconnected through a network of feedbacks. We consider these sub-systems as tipping elements (TE), which when put under stress, can cross a tipping point (TP), resulting in a qualitative and potentially irreversible change of the respective TE. By systematically assessing linkages and feedbacks within and between TEs, our proposed analytical framework can provide an entry point for empirically assessing tipping point dynamics such as “tipping cascades,” which means that the crossing of a TP in one TE may force the tipping of another TE. Policy implications: The proposed joint description of the structure and dynamics within and across SES in respect to characteristics of tipping point dynamics promotes a better understanding of human-nature interactions and critical linkages within regional SES that may be used for effectively informing and directing empirical tipping point assessments, monitoring or intervention purposes. Thereby, the framework can inform policy-making for enhancing the resilience of regional SES
