837 research outputs found

    Biomechanics of the Lower Back During Repetitive Deadlifts, with and without Body Armor

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    Background: Low back pain is a significant problem and one of the primary musculoskeletal-related conditions affecting active-duty service members [1]. Since more than two-thirds of U.S. soldier occupational tasks involve lifting from floor level to waist height [2], increasing individual lifting capacity is strongly correlated with performance with these tasks [3]. Training for the first Army Combat Fitness Test event (3RM deadlift) to improve lifting capacity directly relates to performing carrying/lifting military tasks. One training modality that can be used in training programs to improve lifting capacity is repetitions-to-failure (RTF) or repetitive lifting to volitional failure [4-8]. RTF is widely used in resistance training to improve muscle strength and endurance; hence, performing RTF deadlift improves deadlift 3RM [9]. Although RTF deadlift are readily utilized in fitness training to increase lifting capacity, little is still known about the effects of such fatiguing repetitive deadlifting on the biomechanics of the lumbar spine. Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate how implementation of RTF training for the new ACFT deadlift event will alter lumbar spine biomechanics in a healthy population with and without body armor. Aim 1) Compare lumbo-pelvic coordination and variability while performing RTF deadlift, with and without body armor. Aim 2) Investigate changes in lumbar loads while performing RTF deadlifts, with and without body armor. Aim 3) Identify strength and core muscle endurance tests that are best associated with changes in lumbar loads during RTF deadlifts. Method: Kinematics of the trunk and pelvis were measured using a 3D motion capture system, a 68 kg low-handle hexagonal bar deadlift, and a 22.68 kg weighted vest (to simulate a tactical vest weight). Aim 1) Coordination was defined by using a vector coding method to identify the coordination patterns and circular statistics were used to quantify the coupling angle variability between the initial 10% to the final 10% of repetitions performed. Aim 2) A kinematics-drive finite element model was utilized to quantify lumbar spine compression and shear forces, at the L5/S1 level, during deadlift RTF. The initial and final 10% of repetitions were compared with and without the weighted vest. Aim 3) The relationships between the change in spinal loads with strength and core muscle endurance were further explored to identify which tests best predicts changes in lumbar loads without the weighted vest. Results: Aim 1) Repetitive deadlifting to failure resulted in the re-organization of spatial orientation between the pelvis and trunk where the initial and final thirds of the lift were most affected. The initial third of the lift followed an increased in-phase pattern of coordination with increased coupling angle variability. Aim 2) Peak compression force at the L5/S1 level increased from 14 kN to 15 kN without vest and 15 kN to 17 kN with vest, while shear forces decreased from 3.8 kN to 3.4 kN without the vest and 4.2 kN to 3.8 kN with the vest, when deadlifting is performed to failure. Aim 3) Grip strength and total number of repetitions were positively correlated with changes in lumbar compression force, while the side plank test was negatively correlated with changes in shear forces. Conclusion: High load RTF deadlifts, with and without body armor, places significant mechanical stress on the lumbar spine, specifically at L5/S1. Compression and shear forces surpass injury threshold guidelines for civilian occupational work force, however these injury thresholds are not identified for the military population (or tactical athlete such as firefighters and police officers). Training for the ACFT will not only require soldier to increase their 3RM deadlifting through varying training modalities (such as RTF), but they will also need to spend time increasing total strength and core muscle strength. Having a better understanding of which exercises affect spinal loads can aid clinicians and strength and conditioning specialist to be specific in their intended outcomes and injury prevention strategies

    Using structural equation modeling to predict orofacial pain-related outcomes

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    Objectives: To test if the structure of a proposed theoretical model comprised of specific observed variables clustered to measure three latent variables of anxiety, depression, and fatigue exhibited good global fit with the observed data and had adequate reliability using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). A secondary objective was to use structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the direct effect of the latent variables of depression, anxiety, and fatigue on orofacial pain outcomes. Methods: Subjects were evaluated and treated at an orofacial pain clinic between 2009 and 2014. Those who completed a battery of psychosocial and pain-related questionnaires were invited to participate in an online survey assessing pain outcomes 3-8 years later. Results: Of 1499 eligible participants that were invited to complete the online survey, 280 provided complete data. Of those, 27% were no longer having an orofacial pain complaint. The initially proposed model structure was modified due to misspecifications. The modified model exhibited adequate global fit indexes (χ2= 111.54 (47), .001, RMSEA = .07 (.053, .087), CFI =.971, SRMR=.495) and acceptable measures of reliability. None of the proposed predictors of the modified model had a direct effect on pain outcomes (p \u3e .05) in the SEM analysis. Discussion: The findings suggest that neither fatigue nor psychological factors were significant predictors of orofacial pain outcomes. Approximately 75% of the participants continued to have an orofacial pain complaint. Future research should explore if these associations are sample-, diagnosis-, or gender-specific

    The Effect of Concussion History on Lower Extremity Injury Risk in High School and Collegiate Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Sport-related concussions are a prevalent injury that result in sensorimotor dysfunction and altered neuromuscular control. Individuals recovering from a concussion display decreased postural sway during balance assessment and may possess prolonged balance deficits after return-to-play (RTP). Athletes who are experiencing impairments following RTP after a concussion may be at increased risk of lower extremity (LE) injury. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies examining risk of LE musculoskeletal injury following a concussion in high school and collegiate athletes. An electronic database search of PubMed, CINAHL, MEDLINE, and SPORTDiscus was conducted on November 19, 2019 using the following terms: (“lower extremity” AND “injury” AND “concussion”). Articles were included if they were published between January 2000 and November 2019 and examined high school or collegiate athletes’ risk of sustaining a LE musculoskeletal injury following a concussion. Methodological quality of included studies was performed with the modified Downs and Black Checklist. Random effects meta-analysis modeling calculated summative relative risk (RR) for studies that reported sufficient data. Sixtyfive studies were initially retrieved. Following removal of duplicates and abstract assessment, nine studies were included in the systematic review. Eight of the studies were of good or excellent quality. Five of the nine studies were included in the meta-analysis. High school and college athletes who suffered a concussion possessed a 49% greater risk of sustaining a LE musculoskeletal injury than those without a history of a concussion (RR = 1.49[1.04, 2.14]). Therefore, LE injury risk is potentially increased in high school and college athletes following a concussion compared to those without recent history of concussion. Further research is needed to investigate the mechanism behind this increased risk. Clinical assessments throughout the concussion RTP protocol may need to be improved in order to detect lingering impairments caused by concussions.https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/gradposters2021_healthsciences/1008/thumbnail.jp

    The Effect of Concussion History on Lower Extremity Injury Risk in College Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Collegiate athletes who suffer a concussion may possess prolonged impairments even after clearance for return-to-participation, which may place them at an increased risk of lower extremity injury. OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies examining risk of lower extremity musculoskeletal injury following a concussion in collegiate athletes. METHODS: A literature search was performed using the following databases: PubMed, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus. The following search terms were used to identify relevant articles, [ concussion OR brain injury OR mild traumatic brain injury OR mTBI ] AND [ lower extremity injury OR musculoskeletal injury ]. Articles were included if they were published between January 2000 and July 2021 and examined collegiate athletes\u27 risk of sustaining a lower extremity musculoskeletal injury following a concussion. Methodological quality of included studies was performed with a modified Downs and Black Checklist. The primary outcome of interest was the risk of sustaining a lower extremity musculoskeletal injury following a concussion. A random effects meta-analysis was conducted in which a summative relative risk (RR) for sustaining a lower extremity injury in athletes with and without a history of concussion was calculated. RESULTS: Seven studies met the eligibility criteria to be included in the systematic review. There were 348 athletes in the concussion group and 482 control athletes in the included studies. Most of the studies were of good or excellent quality. Five of the seven studies were able to be included in the meta-analysis. College athletes who suffered a concussion possessed a 58% greater risk of sustaining a lower extremity musculoskeletal injury than those who did not have a history of a concussion (RR = 1.58[1.30, 1.93]). CONCLUSIONS: Lower extremity injury risk is potentially increased in college athletes following a concussion compared to those without a history of a concussion. Further research is needed to investigate the mechanism behind this increased risk. Clinical assessments throughout the concussion return-to-play protocol may need to be improved in order to detect lingering impairments caused by concussions. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 1

    Análisis de la planificación didáctica para el desarrollo de la educación física de los niños y las niñas de III nivel de preescolar de la Escuela Bautista Nueva Jerusalén, del Municipio de San Rafael del Sur, en el departamento de Managua, II Semestre 2016

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    La educación física es la disciplina pedagógica que pretende todo, el aspecto corporal del ser humano, así como el desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de sus cualidades naturales, influyendo con ello de forma activa en el medio ambiente teniendo como resultado el desarrollo integral, así como su formación general como individuo. Las actividades físicas ayudan a la eficiencia del movimiento desde las habilidades motrices más simples hasta las más complejas, con la finalidad de propiciar y conservar el equilibrio de la capacidad funcional del niño o la niña. La presente investigación se realizó con la finalidad de analizar la planificación didáctica para el desarrollo de la educación física de los niños y niñas de III nivel de preescolar de la Escuela Bautista Nueva Jerusalén, del Municipio de San Rafael del Sur en el departamento de Managua, II Semestre 2016. Es una investigación cualitativa, cuyas características permiten acercarnos al campo de estudio, a través de las técnicas e instrumentos que utilizamos para recoger y seleccionar la información como lo fueron las observaciones que se llevaron a cabo en el III nivel de preescolar de la Escuela Bautista Nueva Jerusalén en el Municipio de San Rafael del sur, Departamento de Managua. La aplicación de los instrumentos y el análisis documental le dio a nuestra investigación un carácter científico. Uno de los principales hallazgos es que los niños del III nivel en esta escuela no realizan Educación Física, pues la docente se enfoca en realizar un breve periodo de gimnasia matutina que son ejercicio repetitivo o entona un canto que implica movimiento del cuerpo como lo es (cabeza, mano, rodilla y pie). Aunque ella conoce la importancia de la Educación Física no la realiza por qué no se lo exige la programación, ni la escuela y tampoco existe un programa de Educación Física para Educación Inicial. Al finalizar, esta investigación nos dimos cuenta de la necesidad de contar con un programa de Educación Física para Educación Inicial que nos ayude a nuestro actuar como docentes, dándole así la importancia a esta clase como tal, para el desarrollo integral del niño en crecimient

    Adaptación de la escala de interacción trabajo-familia en docentes de educación básica regular de Lima Metropolitana, 2021

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    La presente investigación, planteó como objetivo general determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de interacción trabajo-familia en docentes de Educación Básica Regular de Lima Metropolitana, 2021. Fue de tipo aplicada, con un diseño no experimental y nivel instrumental, con una muestra conformada por 700 docentes y el tipo de muestreo fue no probabilístico – por conveniencia. En cuanto a los resultados, se determinó una adecuada validez de contenido a partir del coeficiente V de Aiken mediante el juicio de expertos, al modificar los ítems 4, 6, 8, 17 y 19. Con respecto a la validez de constructo, se realizó el análisis factorial confirmatorio de la estructura planteada por el autor, donde se evidenciaron adecuados índices de ajuste RMSEA=0,06, SRMR=0,05, CFI= 0,93 y TLI=0,92, señalando que el modelo es aceptable. Finalmente, la confiabilidad fue hallada a través de los coeficientes Alfa de Cronbach y Omega de McDonald, donde obtuvo valores entre 0,81 y 0,90, alcanzando valores óptimos. Por último, se realizaron los percentiles y baremos de la presente escala. En conclusión, se evidencia que la escala cuenta con óptimas propiedades psicométricas

    La implementación de la auditoria operacional en la gestión del almacén de la empresa Importadora Valeria S.A., Cercado de lima, 2019

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    El trabajo de investigación desarrollado nos da a conocer cuales con los efectos que puede tener la implementación de la auditoria operacional en el rubro de gestión de almacén, con el fin de evitar riesgos y obtener resultados favorables en la gestión de la empresa importadora Valeria S.A. La empresa importadora Valeria S.A su giro es importación de bienes de china para posterior a ello vender en el mercado peruano, su giro principal es la venta de artículos de cocina al por mayor y menor. La cual fue objeto de cuestionamiento sobre el manejo de su gestión, es por ello que considero que es importante revisar, analizar, controlar y supervisar el área de almacén, que permiten aclarecer las dudas de él y el inconveniente que la empresa está atravesando así poder mejor los resultados de gestión. El trabajo de investigación tuvo como principal objeto: la implementación de la auditoria operacional en la gestión que maneja el área de almacén, el tipo de investigación fue aplicada – explicativa y su nivel fue descriptiva, la cual se analizó la información teórica. La auditoría operacional es una herramienta fundamental, nos ayuda a detectar riesgos que pueda atravesar la empresa de manera oportuna, eficiente y eficaz y que este contribuye a la gestión de la empresa importadora Valeria S.A., Asimismo nos ayuda a mejorar la gestión y tomar buenas decisiones empresariales y así lograr los objetivos previstos por la empresa ya sea corto o largo plazo. Es por ello que se concluye que la auditoria operacional tiene influencia significativa en el proceso de gestión de almacén de la empresa importadora Valeria S.A. a ello se suma su importancia y el impacto que este da en la empresa ya que detecta a tiempo de manera oportuna las inconsistencia y la mala gestión de la empresa de manera eficiente y eficaz.The research work carried out informs us of the effects that the implementation of the operational audit may have in the area of warehouse management, in order to avoid risks and obtain favorable results in the management of the importing company Valeria S.A. The importing company Valeria S.A its business is importing goods from China to later sell in the Peruvian market, its main business is the sale of kitchen items wholesale and retail. Which was the object of questioning about the management of its management, that is why I consider it important to review, analyze, control and supervise the warehouse area, which allows to clarify the doubts of it and the inconvenience that the company is going through thus being able better management results. The main objective of the research work was: the implementation of the operational audit in the management that manages the warehouse area, the type of investigation was applied - explanatory and its level was descriptive, which was analyzed the theoretical information. The operational audit is a fundamental tool, it helps us detect risks that the company may go through in a timely, efficient and effective way and that this contributes to the management of the importing company Valeria SA, It also helps us to improve management and make good decisions business and thus achieve the objectives set by the company either short or long term. That is why it is concluded that the operational audit has a significant influence on the warehouse management process of the importing company Valeria S.A. To this is added its importance and the impact that it gives on the company since it detects inconsistencies and mismanagement of the company in a timely manner in an efficient and effective manner

    Evaluación del efecto tributario en los registros contables según sección 29 impuestos a las gananciasde la NIIF para las Pymes en la agencia de viaje Wayman Tours CIA LTDA para el periodo 2017-2018

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    El presente trabajo investigativo trata sobre la evaluación del efecto tributario en los registros contables, según sección 29 - impuestos a las ganancias de la NIIF para las PYMES en la agencia de viaje Wayman Tours Vacations Cia Ltda. La empresa Waymantours se ha enfrentado al desafío de operar sin una directriz eficaz, debido a que existe mucho desconocimiento en cuanto al correcto registro de las operaciones en las agencias de viaje. Es importante para las tours operadoras en Nicaragua conocer la forma correcta de sus operaciones administrativas, financieras y contables por lo que se considera contabilidades especiales. El método utilizado para llevar a cabo la investigación es de tipo descriptivo con un enfoque mixto, por la parte cuantitativa se pretende la recolección de los datos que se fundamentan en la medición se miden las variables o conceptos contenidos en las preguntas directrices se presentan mediante análisis de números que son los efectos tributarios los cuales afecta a la agencia Wayman Tours. Por la parte cualitativa se han desarrollado preguntas que darán respuestas al problema, examinando los hechos actuales que presenta la agencia, las encuestas serán realizadas al gerente general y contador de la entidad. Sus métodos y técnicas de recolección de datos fueron la entrevista y el análisis documental por medio de la observación, el cual permitirá observar atentamente el fenómeno, de la situación actual de la agencia tour operadora, tomar la información y registrarla para su posterior análisis. La investigación comprende el estudio y análisis del marco legal y Normativo, herramientas fiscales, aplicación de la sección 29 de las NIIF para las Pymes y Diseño de una propuesta de un sistema contable para el correcto registro de las operaciones. Dentro de las principales conclusiones de la investigación se presentarán las correctas políticas contables y fiscales eficaces, que le permitan a la tour operadora Wayman Tours operar correctamente, al finalizar cada periodo fiscal se realizará la conciliación fiscal debido a que la agencia aplica las NIIF para las PYMES y que al momento de la presentación de los estados financieros estén razonablemente, sin sesgo y libre de errores, así como encontrar alternativas posibles para una correcta estructura en el proceso contable y aplicar leyes tributarias que le permitan a la agencia hacer uso de los diferentes incentivos fiscales conforme lo establece la ley general del turismo en Nicaragua número 495 y ante las instituciones reguladoras como el INTUR, DGI, Alcaldía