8 research outputs found

    Caracterização da plataforma continental interna, adjacente ao litoral norte, da ilha de Santa Catarina, por meio de processamento de dados de sonografia e de batimetria de varredura.

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas. OceanografiaO presente trabalho apresenta o processamento de dados de batimetria de varredura e de sonografia efetuados na plataforma continental interna da Ilha de Santa Catarina, entre as praias dos Ingleses e da Lagoinha, com o objetivo de identificar e caracterizar o leito marinho. A aquisição dos dados foi feita com um interferômetro Edgetech 4600, com frequência de 540 KHz. Foram processados 332,8 Km de linhas de levantamento nas regiões dos Ingleses, Brava, Lagoinha, Ponta do Rapa e Ponta das Feiticeiras. Os dados de sonar de varredura lateral foram processados no software SonarWiz®, executados a extração da coluna d’água, aplicação de ganhos e identificação de feições. A batimetria de varredura foi processada no HYPACK® 2013, efetuados correção de maré, correção do perfil da velocidade do som e a retirada de possíveis dados espúrios. Como resultado identificou-se profundidades na área entre 3 e 18 metros. Os promontórios mostraram-se os locais de maior declividade, com uma média variando em 4,6° na Ponta das Feiticeiras e 3,1° na Ponta do Rapa, enquanto nas enseadas foi de 1,3° nos Ingleses, 1,5° Brava e 1,3° na Lagoinha. O padrão sonográfico revelou um fundo homogêneo de reflexão, com uma modificação neste padrão que se estende entre a Ponta do Rapa até a Lagoinha, com características de um padrão de reflexão de areia grossa. Na Brava e Ponta das Feiticeiras identificou-se sequências de formas de leito sinuosas e lunares relacionadas diretamente com o movimento orbital da onda e a diminuição da profundidade. Nos Ingleses foram identificadas megaondulações do tipo catenária junto a Ponta dos Ingleses, além da identificação de um naufrágio.This work presents the swath bathymetry and sonography data processing of inner continental shelf of the Island of Santa Catarina, between Ingleses Beach and Lagoinha, with the objective of identifying and characterizing the seabed. The data acquisition was done with an Edgetech 4600 interferometer, with frequency of 540 Khz. Were processed 332.8 km of survey lines in the regions of Ingleses, Brava, Lagoinha, Ponta do Rapa and Ponta das Feiticeiras.The Side scan sonar data was processed in the SonarWiz® software, performed the extraction of the water column, application gains and identifying features. The bathymetry was processed in HYPACK® 2013 made correction tide, the sound velocity profile correction and removal of possible spurious data. As a result, depths between 3 and 18 meters were identified in the area bathymetry. The headlands showed the highest slopes, with a mean varying in 4,6 ° in Ponta das Feiticeiras and 3,1 ° in Ponta do Rapa, while 1,3° at Ingleses, 1,5 ° at Brava and 1,3 ° at Lagoinha. The sonographic reflection pattern revealed a homogeneous bottom, with a modification in this pattern which extends between Ponta do Rapa and Lagoinha, character of a coarse sand reflection pattern. Sequences of bedforms were identified at Brava and Ponta das Feiticeiras, like sinuous and lunar bedforms directly related to the orbital motion of the wave and the decrease of depth. In the Ingleses were identified catenary megaripple type along the Ponta dos Ingleses, besides the identification of a shipwreck


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    O presente documento traz um diagnóstico da ocupação por obras civis das Áreas de Preservação Permanente - APP do Campus Trindade da UFSC, observando as características dessas ocupações e particularidades do caso em tela, tendo como objetivo subsidiar a fase sequente do projeto de recuperação, onde que serão elaboradas propostas para recuperação ou compensação das APP que eventualmente estejam degradadas, constituindo o Projeto de Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas da UFSC - PRAD em si, que deverá ser submetido à aprovação do órgão ambiental competente. Ressalta-se que este relatório considera apenas o meio antrópico relacionado às APP do Campus Trindade. Os aspectos naturais, como hidrografia, fauna, flora e solo, serão objeto de outro diagnóstico

    Shallow gas seismic structures: forms and distribution on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil

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    Abstract This paper presents the spatial distribution of shallow gas structures and classifies them on the basis of two different data sets of CHIRP seismic records, one from the Conceição Lagoon (CL) and the other from North Bay (NB), both on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil. Side scan sonar data from the CL were used to facilitate the understanding. The sub bottom (SB) seismic data were processed and interpreted by means of the SeisPrho software, the side scan sonar (SSS) data by SonarWiz5 software and the spatial extension being measured with the help of GIS. The shallow gas structures were defined in accordance with their shapes in the seismic recordings (echo-character). At the CL, shallow gas accumulations were found in the form of seepages and features presenting shallow gas structures between the surface and 8.20 ms (around 12.3 m). Accumulations of gas were found in the form of Acoustic Blanking with Acoustic Plume, and also Black Shadows. Pockmarks were found on the lagoon floor and associated with gas seepages (average size diameter 0.97 ± 0.19 m and density from 54 to 242 units per 50 m2). In the NB three types of shallow gas features were found in the seismic profile, namely Acoustic Blanking, Turbidity Pinnacles and Intra-sedimentary plumes. The depth varied from the surface to 12.10 ms (around 18.15 m). In both environments, the gas is escaping from the sediment into the water column. The Pockmarks in the CL and the Acoustic Plume features and sediment rich in total sulfur in the NB validate these findings

    Prevalence of obesity among stroke patients in five Brazilian cities: a cross-sectional study

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    ABSTRACT Objective There is gap in knowledge about obesity prevalence in stroke patients from low- and middle-income countries. Therefore, we aimed to measure the prevalence of overweight and obesity status among patients with incident stroke in Brazil. Methods In a cross-sectional study, we measured the body mass index (BMI) of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients. The sample was extracted in 2016, from the cities of Sobral (CE), Sertãozinho (SP), Campo Grande (MS), Joinville (SC) and Canoas (RS). Results In 1,255 patients with first-ever strokes, 64% (95% CI, 62–67) were overweight and 26% (95%CI, 24–29) were obese. The obesity prevalence ranged from 15% (95%CI, 9–23) in Sobral to 31% (95%CI, 18–45) in Sertãozinho. Physical inactivity ranged from 53% (95%CI, 43-63) in Sobral to 80% (95%CI, 73–85) in Canoas. Conclusions The number of overweight patients with incident stroke is higher than the number of patients with stroke and normal BMI. Although similar to other findings in high-income countries, we urgently need better policies for obesity prevention

    Shallow gas seismic structures: forms and distribution on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil

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    Este artigo apresenta a distribuição espacial das estruturas de gás raso e as classifica com base em dois conjuntos de dados de registros sísmicos diferentes com o CHIRP, um na Lagoa da Conceição (CL) e o outro na Baía Norte (NB), ambos na Ilha de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil. Os dados de sonar de varredura lateral da CL foram usados para facilitar a interpretação. Os dados sísmicos de subsuperfície (SB) foram processados e interpretados por meio do software SeisPrho e os dados obtidos com o sonar de varredura lateral (SSS), pelo software SonarWiz5. A medida espacial foi realizada por intermédio de GIS. As estruturas de gás raso foram definidas de acordo com as formas apresentadas nos registros sísmicos (eco-caráter). Na CL, as acumulações rasas de gás foram encontradas sob a forma de escapes nas exsudações e feições apresentando estruturas de gás superficial, entre a superfície e 8,20 ms (cerca de 12,3 m). Estas acumulações de gás foram encontradas na forma de Cobertura Acústica com Plumas Acústicas associadas, além de Sombra Negra. As pockmarks foram observadas no fundo da lagoa, ligadas aos escapes de gás (diâmetro médio de 0,97 ± 0,19 m e densidade de 54 a 242 unidades por 50 m2). Na NB observou-se três tipos de estruturas de gás raso no perfil sísmico, ou seja, de Cobertura Acústica, Pináculos de Turbidez e Plumas Intrssedimentares. A profundidade variou da superfície até 12,10 ms (cerca de 18,15 m). Em ambos os ambientes, o gás é expelido a partir do sedimento para a coluna de água. As pockmarks na CL e na NB, as feições de pluma acústica e os sedimentos ricos em enxofre total validam essa evidência.This paper presents the spatial distribution of shallow gas structures and classifies them on the basis of two different data sets of CHIRP seismic records, one from the Conceição Lagoon (CL) and the other from North Bay (NB), both on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil. Side scan sonar data from the CL were used to facilitate the understanding. The sub bottom (SB) seismic data were processed and interpreted by means of the SeisPrho software, the side scan sonar (SSS) data by SonarWiz5 software and the spatial extension being measured with the help of GIS. The shallow gas structures were defined in accordance with their shapes in the seismic recordings (echo-character). At the CL, shallow gas accumulations were found in the form of seepages and features presenting shallow gas structures between the surface and 8.20 ms (around 12.3 m). Accumulations of gas were found in the form of Acoustic Blanking with Acoustic Plume, and also Black Shadows. Pockmarks were found on the lagoon floor and associated with gas seepages (average size diameter 0.97 ± 0.19 m and density from 54 to 242 units per 50 m2). In the NB three types of shallow gas features were found in the seismic profile, namely Acoustic Blanking, Turbidity Pinnacles and Intra-sedimentary plumes. The depth varied from the surface to 12.10 ms (around 18.15 m). In both environments, the gas is escaping from the sediment into the water column. The Pockmarks in the CL and the Acoustic Plume features and sediment rich in total sulfur in the NB validate these findings

    Shallow gas seismic structures: forms and distribution on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil

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    Abstract This paper presents the spatial distribution of shallow gas structures and classifies them on the basis of two different data sets of CHIRP seismic records, one from the Conceição Lagoon (CL) and the other from North Bay (NB), both on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil. Side scan sonar data from the CL were used to facilitate the understanding. The sub bottom (SB) seismic data were processed and interpreted by means of the SeisPrho software, the side scan sonar (SSS) data by SonarWiz5 software and the spatial extension being measured with the help of GIS. The shallow gas structures were defined in accordance with their shapes in the seismic recordings (echo-character). At the CL, shallow gas accumulations were found in the form of seepages and features presenting shallow gas structures between the surface and 8.20 ms (around 12.3 m). Accumulations of gas were found in the form of Acoustic Blanking with Acoustic Plume, and also Black Shadows. Pockmarks were found on the lagoon floor and associated with gas seepages (average size diameter 0.97 ± 0.19 m and density from 54 to 242 units per 50 m2). In the NB three types of shallow gas features were found in the seismic profile, namely Acoustic Blanking, Turbidity Pinnacles and Intra-sedimentary plumes. The depth varied from the surface to 12.10 ms (around 18.15 m). In both environments, the gas is escaping from the sediment into the water column. The Pockmarks in the CL and the Acoustic Plume features and sediment rich in total sulfur in the NB validate these findings

    Shallow gas seismic structures: forms and distribution on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil

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    Abstract This paper presents the spatial distribution of shallow gas structures and classifies them on the basis of two different data sets of CHIRP seismic records, one from the Conceição Lagoon (CL) and the other from North Bay (NB), both on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil. Side scan sonar data from the CL were used to facilitate the understanding. The sub bottom (SB) seismic data were processed and interpreted by means of the SeisPrho software, the side scan sonar (SSS) data by SonarWiz5 software and the spatial extension being measured with the help of GIS. The shallow gas structures were defined in accordance with their shapes in the seismic recordings (echo-character). At the CL, shallow gas accumulations were found in the form of seepages and features presenting shallow gas structures between the surface and 8.20 ms (around 12.3 m). Accumulations of gas were found in the form of Acoustic Blanking with Acoustic Plume, and also Black Shadows. Pockmarks were found on the lagoon floor and associated with gas seepages (average size diameter 0.97 ± 0.19 m and density from 54 to 242 units per 50 m2). In the NB three types of shallow gas features were found in the seismic profile, namely Acoustic Blanking, Turbidity Pinnacles and Intra-sedimentary plumes. The depth varied from the surface to 12.10 ms (around 18.15 m). In both environments, the gas is escaping from the sediment into the water column. The Pockmarks in the CL and the Acoustic Plume features and sediment rich in total sulfur in the NB validate these findings