4 research outputs found
Satory, 4/2/25, concours d'endurance de véhicules pour l'armée, chenille Citroën 10 HP : [photographie de presse] / [Agence Rol]
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 98415Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : Pho20RolImage de press
Additional file 1: Table S1. of The genetic structure of the Belgian population
SNP variant allele frequencies of the Belgian population, BelPHG-21 study, Belgium 2016. Variant allele frequencies (VAF) for all SNPs were calculated with reference to the human genome build hg19 on all samples or after exclusion of samples with a foreign origin (indicated by tab names). Columns indicate SNP ids, chromosome, position, reference allele, variant allele, VAF, and frequencies of homozygous reference (AA), heterozygous (AB), and homozygous variant (BB) alleles respectively. (XLSX 28534Ă‚Â kb
Additional file 6: Figure S4. of The genetic structure of the Belgian population
Variant allele frequency correlations between Belgian and other populations. Variant allele frequencies (VAF) for all SNPs were calculated with reference to the human genome build hg19. Plots show the VAF of Belgian versus other continental (a) and European (b) populations. Pearson correlation coefficients are shown on top of each plot. For visualization purposes, only 1000 random points are shown. (PDF 5259 kb
Additional file 2: Table S2. of The genetic structure of the Belgian population
Population details of the samples analyzed in the BelPHG-21 study, Belgium 2016. Indication of the number of samples taken from NHIS-2013 participants in each region and province, total number of inhabitants in 2013, number of samples taken per million inhabitants, number of invited participants, and sampling percentages. (XLSX 10Ă‚Â kb